Home > Other > KILLER GAMERS > Page 4

by D Gemcats Purcell

  “Charlie, we are on the same page. I believe that Five is on its way to a distant city called Bainbridge to speak with one suspect who seems to have connections with that VidDarknet thing and he was caught red handed trying to kill someone. Do you remember that hot looking kid our age group, who attended Moog’s party and she is the daughter of The Captain of that new super fast spaceplane? ” Charlie whistled, then said, “Now Jonah, unless I’m growing prematurely senile, there’s no way I would forget that lovely young lady.”

  Jonah said, “It’s about her brother who is a salesman for games and who caused a lot of concern for his father with his mood swings and a few things he said. We hope he would allow us to probe the games that causes him concern. His father is worried that he might be losing it. He himself shared that concern with his father. His father just like us, has put two and two together and wondered if there is some manner of brainwashing going on through those games somehow and whether that may be causing some of those gamers to go bonkers. That’s why I called.”

  Charlie paused, “Now I think I’m following you. None of us would want to be subjected to imbibing that shit into our heads God forbid, but if we can get Fetch to fast track through those games somehow and he certainly is capable, while picking up on the relevant visual and or auditory clues that could build the required synaptic web in the brain, that would be a start. That would mean that someone is doing something illegal and possibly nefarious. Aren’t those killed mostly important functionaries in government ?”

  Jonah said, “You are brilliant my man, brilliant. We may end up being wrong, but that’s very much what Jessi and I minutes ago got to thinking. So do you think you can start with some program enhancements for Fetch and maybe we can have you come along with us to Captain Ronald’s home in the morning and bring some extra computing power too, as an aid to Fetch.” Charlie said, “I had some chores lined up for tomorrow but this is more important by far. What time do we leave?” Jonah replied, “Would it be ok to pick you up by 0800am? The Captain seemed very concerned and I’d like to get on the stick right away.” Charlie said, “I’ll see you then yes. I’m going to get cracking right now.”

  Jonah’s last chore was to send out a mental hello to the rest of Six about the situation and plans for tomorrow with Charlie and Fetch. He hoped that they could all make it to help the Captain even on such short notice.

  Jonah got up from the couch in the bedroom and walked the few steps to the bed where Jessi was sitting. They both were a bit tense over the situation obviously. She has listened to most of his conversation with Charlie, since she had ended her call with her parents quite a while back. They sat in silence for a while, then Jonah ordered up some music via his vidcom and the surround speakers in the room obliged. They lay back on the bed then scooted up to place their heads on the pillows, engrossed in their thoughts for a while. After a few minutes and their minds calmed, they ended up cuddling, letting the slight tiredness ooze out of their muscles. Her relatively short hair fell over his naked chest and the scent of her hair, and her body suddenly seemed to grab him and he hugged her tighter. There was a shift in their awareness of each other and he was sampling her lips. Her eyes tilted up to him and with her pupils large and dark, lips slightly parted he did not stand a chance. His voice caught in his throat and he said, “Darling Jessi, I am so glad we have each other my baby.” There was so much emotion in that simple little statement. Staring into his eyes intently she said, “That makes two of us sweetheart. I don’t know how I could ever have been complete without you.”

  She rubbed her hands over his chest and buried her face in the hollow of his neck right by his Adam’s apple and gently slowly kissed him there just sucking up his scent and his warmth. He reached his arm around her, caressing her neck, shoulders and down her back. She shivered, ”Ooo that is incredible Jonah, I love it when you caress me all over like that. It is so comforting and also erotic at the same time. I can’t seem to ever have enough of your touch you know.” He grunted, “Just the way you lay on me, look at me, breathe on me, drives me crazy. Talk about erotic, you know how to make me hot for you baby.”

  They lay there for goodness knows how long, enveloped in each other’s tenderness and then she rolled fully on top of him while simultaneously scooting out of her pants then skivvies and he felt her slightly prickly mound bumping onto his already hardened member. She reached her hands down the right side of his shorts which got pulled to his knees and then the left side went down. He reached down to help and with a little effort, it was discarded off the edge of the bed. She now had him where she wanted him with one quick tug. His member was right in the focus of her groove and its tip was sensing a bit of moisture. She moved her hips up and down slowly, with the raspiness of her pubic hair on his shaft and a little slight moistness and stickiness at the tip, making him go slightly crazy. He wanted to arch up into her but it was too early. So he forcefully breathed out and though of what they did together on Moog’s farm. That quieted the fires for a short moment, but since she started to put her hot lips on his nipples, he felt another surge of raging desire. Then to make matters worse, she started to moan as she more urgently gyrated her hips all the while moving them up and down. She had reached down and pulled him into her while keeping her hips elevated so that only his tip was entering her warm moist hootch. ‘Oh lord Meneer, this is torture, but I must stay the course for my honey so she could enter her promised land!’ He thought fervently.

  It didn’t take long, she suddenly slammed down onto him, squeezed her thighs together and squealed like a sex craved piglet would, if it could. Her rhythmic contractions went on, paused and came on again and on the second round, she moved up and down on him slightly and he exploded. He realized that he was digging his fingers and maybe nails into her back, so he quickly released the pressure and just luxuriated in the release. She looked up, “Sorry I was hogging that one. Didn’t realize how much I just needed you tonight love. I’m glad you got some release too. God we are wet. We are totally wet.” She reached over his head to grab a box of absorbent tissues and handed some to him and daubed herself, before the sheets would tell a big story. Moving her hips off him, she pulled a light sheet over both of them and after a few minutes, started to snore. He let her nap with her head still contentedly resting on his breast shoulder hollow and his arm now over her tummy trying not to move. He must have dosed off too, because when he next looked up it was ten o’clock, more than two hours later. He roused her gently as his shoulder was stiffened and she looked at him still half asleep moaning, “ Whaat” she said, “you, we need to go to the bathroom, we don’t want you to get a UTI, do we.” It took an act of will, but after a few slow minutes, she got up with him helping her to her feet, since she truly didn’t seem awake yet and they got her seated on the loo. The gush that came forth was proof that it was a much needed visit and after she wiped, he helped her back to bed and tucked her in. Then he got to go himself and drank a half glass of water and grabbing his shorts back on, he joined her in bed. She had somehow managed to pull her pants back on too. She really was working quite hard at not getting her sleep state to fully go away. She reached over and put her leg across his thighs and promptly fell back to sleep. She wanted to make sure that her man did not run away it seemed. The next thing he knew his eyes were open and looking over at the clock, it said 0500am and sleep beyond that was not happening. It was time to conquer the day; farm boys all over needed to get up. She must have sensed his awakening and she reached over and wormed the top part of herself back over him, again with her head buried in his chest. ‘Oh dear’ he thought as he felt a warmth course through his body. His member was definitely not tired and though sore from the vigorous contact with her pubic hair a few hours ago, it was ready again.

  He touched her on her tummy and as his hand moved to the edge of her hairline over her public area, she moaned and arched her hips. He reached down and gently brushed his lips against hers and she opened her eyes and reached over to pull hi
s hips closer to hers and started to tug on his shorts with an annoyed look as to say, ‘why is that still on’. He smoothly obliged and then slid off her pants and pulling the sheet over them both for warmth, he mounted her and they were like animals! No question that they were both wide awake and communicating with abandon. They climaxed together and were hugging in pleasure while being a bit sore. She ran to the bathroom and showered while he watched her toned body rippling under the cascading water as she twisted this way and that. When she turned her derrière in his direction while bent over and he saw her black hair with the delicate pink peeping out, he got hard again, so hard that he was wincing from the soreness. He actually reached down and inspected it to make sure it wasn’t cracked and bleeding. It wasn’t and when he looked up she was turned facing him with those gorgeous pert breasts just inviting him again. ‘Lord Meneer, why does doth tempt me so’ he mentally asked with a small grin breaking out on his face. She had came out of the shower stall and was looking at him with a questioning look. He said, “Jessi, you were making me lose it here watching your beautiful body, bending this way and that, you know.” She said, “It’s my job to make sure you don’t gaze at anybody or fantasize over anybody else. It makes a girl feel good to hear that Darling, so say it frequently ok. I am a bit sore though, my randy man Jonah, but I loved it all though.”

  It was my turn and she looked at me and every one of my twists and turns. “What ‘gluteus’ you have and that rod of correction looks so very hard, aren’t you sore too?”He shook his head affirmatively, “Very”. She said, ”I’ll be worried about it bouncing around in your pants all day now.” And he said, “Don’t worry your little head, in a few hours it will feel completely normal, with just a feeling of being well worked though, I assure you. I already can hardly wait to come home to you this evening.”

  She grimaced, got up from the bed where she had settled herself and pulled up her new clean underwear protectively as if to say ’Oh no! Let me protect my puss you hear.’ After dressing fully, they sat on the couch in their bedroom with her legs over his thighs quietly holding hands and just enjoying each other for a full twenty minutes. It was 0605 when they went downstairs and they proceeded to make breakfast for his Dad and Mom too. It was a privilege to get to do that since Mom invariably got up early to do that for everyone. Just at the end of them doing it, she walked in with her nightgown still on to behold the spread before her. She gasped, “Oh my gosh, you all didn’t have to do that. You beat me to it. Thank you, thank you.”

  They took her by the arm and ushered her to a chair parked at the little eat in table next to the kitchen and sat her down, placed her portion just the way she liked it in front of her, then they all sat down after Jonah Sr made it down a very few minutes later. Jonah gave the brief word of thanks to Lord Meneer as was their custom. There wasn’t much talking and Jonah and Jessi cleaned up after, with Dad and Mom retiring to their room to put on his work clothes for early chores and Mom going to remove some clothing that she had forgotten in the dryer overnight. They heard her restarting the dryer to try to get the wrinkles out of that load.

  Next chore was to pack the van and send out a reminder text to the rest of Six with Captain Ronald s address so that whoever wanted to make it could. They all lived literally minutes away from his house in the suburbs of Pommerose. At 0720am they waved to Mom Elma and took off to Charlie’s house which was really only two miles away. There was going to be a lot of delicate computing equipment to move and they had placed lot of padding in the back cargo area as well as on the seats. They would be placing Fetch in the cargo area and with the removal of the third row of seats, the smallest of Charlie’s mini super computers and the only one semi portable was going to be packed in there too. It was slightly foggy with thicker white bands over the creek as they drove by. The cattle were already tramping toward their grassy feeding grounds with steam coming out their nostrils in delicate puffs, as they drove along. They found Charlie up and ready even though they were ahead of the agreed upon time. It was nice and dry outside, despite the fog, so there was no need to back the van up into one of his covered garages as had been discussed. The transfer went well and Fetch had a few choice comments about being asked to climb into the cargo area. “What people, are the seats too good for me?” He asked with his programmed old world French style accent. One couldn’t say that he did not have a great sense of humor programmed. Of course, being heavily infused with AI, he was far more than the sum of his actual initial programming. He was actually the two legged version of himself today with retractable wheels in his boots. For going out on the farm, he sits atop a four wheeler base and is thus able to zip about that way and even do some helpful chores about the farm. This last four wheeler base was developed just months ago by Charlie with just a little involvement by Jonah.

  So now with Fetch strapped in and a series of five cabinets full of computer hard drives and trays also secured mostly on the seats, Charlie sat just behind Jessi who was driving and Jonah in the front passenger seat. They were off to the home of Captain Ronald. One and a quarter hour later they pulled in to his driveway and they were relieved to see the son himself outside directing them to an open garage. Jessi dutifully backed up into the somewhat dimly lit space and put on the parking brake. The son Josh overall looked good, maybe with a bit of dark circling around his eyes from sleep deficit, Jonah thought and Jessi and the team agreed as they mind talked with each other. However they had only met him and his slightly younger sister that one time at Moog’s party thrown to celebrate Six’s return and their success from their last mission. Funny how the Team just automatically and effortlessly slipped into that team communication mode when the task at hand demanded it. Josh the Captain’s son, was at he door to the van easing it open and welcoming Jessi first with a quick hug, then handshakes to Jonah and an effusive ‘thank you’ to Charlie. He was obviously super interested in the robot and its capabilities. The other members of Six who were already there seemingly in two different autos, also crowded around to say hello verbally. They had already been talking to each other in their heads and expressed their relief at seeing Josh still all in one piece. A beam of light appeared in the garage as an inner door opened and suddenly a switch was flicked and the whole garage lit up brightly. Rona came out, followed by the Captain himself. The Captain looked worse than his son though. We had spent enough time around him to appreciate how he coped under stress. He usually did splendidly, but it was easy to tell that he hadn’t slept much with those bags under his eyes.

  Josh looked a little shame faced as he said, “I’m sorry folks, I made you pull up in a dark garage. My brain doesn’t seem to be functioning right, truly. That’s not me. Anyway I feel better just knowing you’re here to try to help me. I feel as if I’m wading in water mentally, very very viscous water. It’s as if I caught a bug and my computer is processing very slowly. Anybody remember history of early man and DOS then WINDOWS, compared with what Quantum and the new quark stuff we use now. Well I am DOS!” Mader who was closest to him, and whose hand he just shook said to him, ”We are glad to be here Josh, no problem Buddy. We will help you as much as you will let us, including an electrical check on your brain too if that’s ok.” Mader reported that his brain pattern was repetitive and abnormal like what might be expected in an obsessive compulsive individual, but that it almost was like a coping mechanism by him against constantly intruding thoughts that were prodding him to do terrible things that were obviously wrong. He was a fighter, that Josh.

  Josh said promptly, “Whatever you guys think is necessary to deal with my situation, I’m fine with it.” Jonah noticed Captain Ronald smile in a relieved way. Obviously, he was glad to hear his son express his wishes openly. The Captain said, “Welcome Six, thanks for coming to visit, we all appreciate it.” Rona waved her hand in our general direction with a quick, “Hi everybody.” Jonah and Jessi noted that her eyes came to rest on Matt much longer than anyone else. Charlie’s head was inside the van looking over his equi
pment and didn’t catch that. Anyway Charlie was in his element now. He emerged saying, “Hello folks please meet Fetch, but he doesn’t like to shake hands since he thinks humans are way too fragile.”

  Now released from his bonds, Fetch in a crouched posture with barely audible motors working stepped out of the back of the van pulling himself to full height of 5ft 7inches waved his hand imperiously at the lowly humans and said, “It is good to visit with you folks. Captain Ronald I believe I heard, Josh, Rona and hi Mrs. Captain good day. Hi Cherese, Matt, Dillion and Mader.” The Captain introduced his wife as Esmeralda and it was obvious that she was a gorgeous lady explaining where Rona got her beauty genes from. She waved at us and said, “Welcome to you all.” Looking at Fetch directly she said, “What may I call you?” Fetch said, “My name is Fetch and it is nice to meet you Ma’am.” Captain motioned for us to follow him and as he turned around, Rona eased into the garage to join her brother Josh offering to help in any way she could. I stuck my head back into the van and unstrapped the computer equipment and started handing the cabinets to various members of Six starting with Jessi. They all knew the delicacy of those components and the need to be careful. Somehow Rona ended up right next to Matt and I handed her the smallest tray. Josh had led the group through the door to the large entertainment/ exercise room area which had obviously been cleared and all the electrical sockets vacated in preparation. The racks to hold the computer trays were first locked and screwed together with Captain Ronald and Josh helping. Then with Charlie overseeing the connections and placement, within an hour they had everything powered up and humming with cooling fans whirring. It was interesting to see the families reaction to Fetch, who had initially remained quietly standing in a corner as he marched forward and inspected the connections, then plug himself in for his self check. The computer terminal already set up in the room by Josh came to life and Josh, Charlie and the whole of Team Six sat on chairs to have a discussion about strategies. Josh would log in to VidDarknet and validate his membership while Fetch would also via headphone and visual feed be monitoring it all. Then once the video game actually started, Fetch would take over and play as if he was Josh. He had already had lots of experience doing just that while partnering with Charlie plus he had been given some enhancements last night to make him that much more effective. Fetch would do at least three games and would be using the other computer equipment to back up any data downloaded.


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