Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2)

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Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2) Page 11

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  Perspiration broke out on his back and chest. He should’ve kept his mouth shut, but dammit, he wanted an answer. “Look. You keep avoiding my question. A simple one-word answer where you lived is all you have to give, but it’s obvious you won’t.”

  “Then why do you keep asking?”

  Zach slammed his heel against the floor. “Because you look familiar, and I can’t place where I’ve seen you before.” Her face paled and the look in her eyes went blank. Whatever it was, he’d hit a nerve. The server appeared with water. He ordered a soda and Kimber ordered iced tea. The server left and they browsed the menu, both quiet until the server returned. She ordered a cold turkey sandwich, a side salad, and chips on the side instead of fries. He ordered a hot roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and green beans.

  “Yeah, my brother is serious,” he blurted out. “My dad finally admitted to taking my mom to Florida after retiring. I don’t know why it’s such a problem for him to talk to us.” Zach leaned back again and his gaze followed a black truck driving by, which looked like Tristan Carlson’s.

  “Listen, Zach. If you continue working with me, please understand there are things I can’t, or won’t answer. It’s simple. I’m starting my life over, and I’d prefer not to remember the bad parts.”

  There it was. “Are you in some kind of danger?”

  “I hope not.” She picked up her glass and took a sip, lowered it a bit, and raised her blinking eyes over the glass. “I mean, no.”

  “If it has anything to do with boarding the plane in Boise, you do realize if you become part owner of the ranch, we’ll make frequent trips back there?”

  “Boise has nothing to do with anything other than that’s where I boarded the plane.”

  “Good.” He’d settle with her explanation for now. “But no, I wasn’t able to get the info about you raising cattle here.”

  “All right. No rush.”

  The server brought their lunch, and he sat back and took in and then released a breath. Being around this woman raised his stress level. A glance across the table at her, and viewing her subtle smile, made his heart thump faster. Upon closer inspection, his eyes lowered to her lips. Right above, a faint white line appeared like a scar had healed. Blinking away, he picked up his fork. She picked up her sandwich, and their gazes lingered on each other’s. Moments like this made him think things he shouldn’t, and caused certain body parts to respond to the look in her eyes.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Wade Emory appeared at their table.

  Zach jerked his eyes away from Kimber, the reason he hadn’t seen him come up. He’d been vexed by her steadfast gaze. “Duh. Lunch. What’cha doing here, Wade?”

  “Duh, lunch,” he responded with a glance to Kimber.

  She interrupted, “You can join us, Wade. Look, we’ve barely touched our food.”

  Zach stood and pointed to the chair beside him. “Sure, yeah, have a seat…here or there.” He pointed to the other side of the table.

  “Nah, I’m picking up a carryout for Jake and the guys. Jake had a big delivery come in today.” Wade gave his attention to Kimber. “If you plan on coming by today, make it after lunch. I’ll have time to set up your account then.”

  “Thank you, Wade. I had planned on coming by sometime today.”

  “All right. See you later then.” He gave a nod to Zach.

  Kimber sipped some of her drink then her gaze went to Wade. “I never expected to see him here.”

  “You can run into almost anyone in here any time of the day.”

  Kimber glanced out the window. “I like what I’ve seen of the town, which is hardly anything. This little restaurant is cozy.”

  “The town grows on you. I’m used to small town living, so it’s not a big deal to me.” He waited until the server refilled Kimber’s iced tea, then he took another bite of his lunch, which had cooled too much for his liking. He nodded yes to a refill of his soda.

  When alone again, he asked, “How’d your job interview go?” He observed her cutting up a large hunk of lettuce then tomato in her salad. She cut her half of sandwich in half, and daintily picked up the quarter. Whatever it was that made his heart swell, had to do with the confident and feminine way she went about doing things. A whole other person lingered behind her wall.

  A loud burst of laughter broke out at the counter and Zach looked over to see Wade and another guy looking toward their table. Zach didn’t much like the idea of them laughing at him being here with his boss, or whatever else they laughed about concerning them.

  “I hope they aren’t laughing at us. I shot Wade down last night, and now I’m here with you. Is he the type to take it personal?”

  Zach lowered his hand to the table. “Again, you’ll have to ask him.” She crinkled up her nose at him. Dammit. “No, Wade isn’t that guy.”

  “But you don’t know him well, if I remember correctly.”

  “Right. I’m assuming from what I do know of him. We’ve been out to the bar a few times. I never saw him act like an asshole…in public.” Why had he defended Wade? Because he, himself, wasn’t that kind of guy. She seemed appeased with his answer.

  “About the job thing.” She splayed her hand over the front of her chest, her index finger touching her necklace. “I changed my mind about a job for the moment. If a deal happens any time soon, say with your Idaho property, I’d be happy to stay on the Adobe Sunset Ranch tending horses and making something of the ranch, instead of getting another job.” She stuck a couple chips into her mouth, chewed them, then licked her lips. “Seriously, Zach, I want to consider boarding a few horses.”

  His gaze dropped to her mouth and the salty lips he’d like to taste. He licked his own. “It’s your choice, Kimber. I’ll let you know when I know about Idaho. How about dessert?”

  “No thank you, but get something for yourself. I’ll order coffee if you want dessert.”

  “Yeah.” Zach motioned the server over. “We have cow horses on my ranch at home as well as family horses. I’ll negotiate them into the deal with Dad. It’d be hard to part with our horses, and one old mule.”

  The server smiled at Kimber then Zach when she came over. “Dessert, sir?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have a slice of apple pie and coffee for the lady.”

  “Coming right up.” Zach watched her walk away.

  A woman stopped to talk to Wade and the other guy. Kimber caught him staring. Zach laid his hand over her forearm, explaining, “The woman over there is the vet. I’ve seen her at Jake’s before. That’s her husband with Wade.”

  “Oh, I’ll need to meet her. She’s friendly with Wade.”

  Zach frowned. “All the women are friendly with him. A single guy in a town with more women than men, he’s bound to be sought after.”

  “I could say the same for you.” Kimber gave an out-of-the-blue smile.

  Yeah, she could smile all right, but she was right. She didn’t have to know who he’d dated here in the past, or didn’t. “Thanks for the compliment, ma’am, but don’t categorize me. I’m not…” Zach paused. “Well, thanks.” He meant to say he wasn’t looking, but maybe now he was. Zach gazed at the vet again. Before leaving with a carryout, she peered at their table and headed over.

  Kimber noticed and sat straighter. “She’s coming to our table.”

  “It’s a good time to meet her.” Zach removed his hand from Kimber’s arm, nodding when she arrived.

  She smiled at Kimber. “You’re new here. Are you the one who bought the Brooks ranch?”

  “Yeah, I live there but haven’t bought it yet.” She stuck out her hand to introduce herself. “Kimber Sinclair. Nice to meet you. I’m sure I’ll be needing you one of these days.”

  She clasped Kimber’s hand. “Jewel. Well, both my husband, Bill, and I are fairly new vets here. I used to ride out at your ranch when I was a kid before Frank owned it. I was rather upset when he got rid of most of his horses.” Jewel glanced at Zach. “I believe I’ve seen you around Jake Lawton’s ranch?�

  Zach stuck his hand out. “Zach Bryson. I work at Kimber’s for now, but I live over there at Jake’s.”

  Her attention went to Kimber again. “Is it true that Frank kept Honeycrisp and Major?”

  Kimber pointed to the empty chair. “Would you like to sit?”

  “No time now, Bill’s waiting. Thanks.”

  Kimber’s face brightened. “Yeah, I now have both of them. I’m still getting used to Major, but Zach has him figured out.” She shocked him when she smiled across the table.

  “Be careful of Major. When you think he trusts you, he’ll bite—kinda like a man.” Jewel laughed.

  Zach almost choked. He didn’t think it was funny.

  “Thank you for telling me about Major.” Kimber lifted her glass for a sip from the straw.

  Jewel smiled at Zach again, but spoke to Kimber. “Come by anytime. We best get home while the carryout is still hot. I’m sure your horses are going to need a farrier before long.”

  “Certainly. Nice to have met you, Jewel.”

  Jewel and Zach exchanged farewells, and she left out the back door with her husband.

  “She’s nice.”

  “It’s called friendly in these parts. You’re lucky these people are friendly to you being a stranger and all. Don’t expect everyone to be so congenial. I see you aren’t familiar with a small town.”

  “You’re right, and I know you overheard my conversation on the plane about living here. I’m from a medium-sized city to say the least, but everyone doesn’t know everyone else.”

  Zach hung his arm over the back of the chair. “Ah, you can give a straight answer.”

  “I suppose you’ve been told before you’re a smartass.”

  “Yeah, by you.” Zach grinned. The space between them didn’t seem so tense now. “By the way, in the work room behind the tack room, you can find the horse’s records in a file cabinet.” The server brought the heaping piece of warmed apple pie with a scoop of melting ice cream on top, and Kimber’s coffee. Kimber poured cream from a little tin pitcher, into her coffee. Zach picked up his fork. “Want a bite?”

  She had a pretty smile when she let what bothered her go. “I thought you’d never ask, but only one little bite.”

  He scooped up a forkful from the edge of the pie and dropped it onto her plate. “Should’ve wrangled a slice for yourself. Bet you’ll want it while sitting around tonight.”

  “You might be right, but this is plenty. Will you be going back to Jake’s later?” Kimber picked at the bite of apple pie and took off enough for one small taste, licked her lips, and raised her enchanting eyes to his.

  He sure as hell didn’t miss her tongue sliding over those full lips again as he pictured it sliding over—” He cleared his throat… “Not until I go home at the end of the day. Why?”

  “I might need some help starting out with Wade today.”

  “Wade don’t bite. I don’t think he does, anyway. He told you not to come over until after lunch.”

  Kimber laughed. “It’s nearly after lunch.”

  “His lunch.” Melted ice cream from a piece of hot pie landed on his bottom lip, and he caught it with his tongue. She watched the act of his tongue like he’d watched hers. “I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if Wade did bite.” She ate the last of the tiny bit on her plate, watching as he took another mouthful.

  Kimber snorted. “Well, tell Wade if he does bite, I might bite him back.”

  “Don’t worry. I already warned him about the possibility.” He did his best to hold a straight face, but he had to grin when she smiled. Zach slid his empty plate aside and donned his hat. “Better finish your coffee. I don’t want my boss getting mad if I take an extended lunch.”

  “She won’t. I promise.” Kimber shot a cocky grin across the table. She lowered her cup and peered into his eyes, giving him the kind of look he’d like to see more often. Of all things to pop into his head, the thought of kissing her stood in the forefront.

  He liked her. He liked her smile, and he wanted to get to know her better, without all the sarcasm going on between them. Would she be up for the challenge? He pulled his gaze away and pushed his chair back. They were already too close even with a table between them. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He wiped at it nonchalantly while sliding hair out of his face.

  She took money from her wallet, and he shook his head no. “I got this.”

  “Can I leave the tip?”

  “I got it, Kimber.” He removed money from his pocket and set it beside his plate.

  She stood and that was his cue. He pressed his hand against the small of her back when they headed toward the cash register between the front and back doors. Her body radiated heat—her blouse damp from sweat.

  Outside, he walked to the SUV with her. Their hands brushed against each other’s and without thinking he grasped it, then immediately released it when his senses pinged him in the head. At her vehicle, he waited until she got in, catching the door. “See you back at the ranch later.” He couldn’t breathe. Zach removed his hat. A warmth that wasn’t from the hot temperature washed over his body. “Thank you very much, ma’am, for having lunch with me.” And he meant every damn word.

  “It was my pleasure. See, we can get along. I’m excited to see my signpost. Thank you, Zach.” Kimber winked at him and pulled the door closed.

  He let out that held breath, watching after her vehicle a few moments holding his hat against his chest like a schoolboy. Whatever swam around in his stomach couldn’t be good where she was concerned, but dammit, he didn’t want it to fade away.

  Chapter 9

  What the hell happened back there? Zach didn’t know what hit him when she smiled so sweetly. Instead of going back to the Adobe Sunset, he headed toward the JL Ranch to talk to Wade about an order, but damn if her car wasn’t parked there. But he told her he wouldn’t be here until tonight. He pulled up some ways back, got out, and took his time walking down to where he lived.

  Zach nodded to Beth who watered a few plants around the house. He walked past the near ransacked office section Wade worked out of, and there they sat. Wade looked uncomfortable when he glanced up from his rickety chair with the tip of a pen in his mouth. A pretty face must’ve made him nervous.

  Zach kept walking, but she called his name. Here it comes. He had to stop letting this woman get to him. “Yeah? I remembered something I needed in the loft, and to talk to Wade. Didn’t know you were coming right away.”

  “This is where you live?” She turned back for a moment. He couldn’t hear what she’d said to Wade, but Kimber came toward him when she finished. Those khaki pants looked as good from the front.

  He pointed to a door at the end of the barn. “There’s a stairway there. Wanna see it?” God, where did that come from? “I mean sometime. Not now, I don’t have time.” Wade came to the office doorway, leaning against it with his arms folded. Zach wanted to wipe the smug grin off his face.

  “I’d like to see it, Zach. Maybe after I set up my account?” She hitched her thumb back. Kimber backed toward the office.

  Zach longingly eyed her walk away. “I’ll be gone by time you finish.”

  “Hey, Zach, take the lady up there now. Unless…you know, you live like a bachelor. Go ahead.” He muttered something to Kimber Zach didn’t hear.

  Screw him. “Come on, I only have a minute.” He strode on ahead of Kimber to unlock the door, glancing over his shoulder to Wade who grinned with even more snark. Zach opened the door at the back of the barn and swept his hand forward. “I only have a minute.”

  “Wow, I never expected this.” She went up the lighted modern stairway with light painted walls ahead of him. “This is nice.”

  At the top, Zach said, “Go ahead and open it, and for your information, boss, I don’t live like a pig. I take care of what’s mine.”

  “My God. This is amazing. So modern.” She pointed. “Oh, I love the big window on the back. I want that in my house. Or better yet, in my barn like this.” S
he grabbed a hold of his arm. “Can you build something like this in my barn? I could rent it out like Jake does. That’d be a nice additional income.”

  “You know, you want to spend a lot of money you don’t have.” He glanced at the kitchen area of the loft where a few dishes sat in the sink.

  Kimber strutted to the bedroom area to look out the window, and she spun with narrowed eyes, a sign he was getting blamed for something. “For your information, you know nothing about how much money I have or don’t have in my savings.”

  Yep. “You want to buy a cattle ranch, horses, now build a loft? You’re the one who said you needed money coming in.”

  “Yeah, and who doesn’t want extra money?” She strolled over to the bathroom and peeked inside. “Mmm, it smells like cologne in there. Nice choice.”

  For crissakes. “Have you seen enough yet? I need to get back to your ranch to work on that air conditioning unit again. Good thing you have money. You need a new one.”

  She plopped her ass down on his made bed then fingered the books on his nightstand. “Can you explain to Wade what kind of unit I might need so we can order one to keep on hand?”

  I know what kind of unit you need, lady. “That isn’t the way it works, Kimber.” Zach bolted to the door before he pushed her infuriating yet fascinating body down on the bed. Good thing he was a gentleman most of the time. “Ready?”

  Surprisingly, she got right up. “Geez, listen to you. Don’t forget what you came for,” she hissed drolly. “I feel better now knowing you aren’t living in what I had envisioned.”

  “I’m not your…” came out matter-of-factly and was uncalled for.

  At the door, she looked at him with a glum expression on her face, and her mouth turned downward. They went down the steps. She went through the barn and into Wade’s office. Zach left through the back door to his truck. He turned around and sped out of there. Now, he’d have to smell her perfume when he went home tonight. His phone rang. “Yeah, boss?”


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