Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2)

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Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2) Page 22

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “Can’t help it, I guess. The sun shines almost every day, except for when the monsoons come. My goodness, it’s so hot here. It’s far different from what I left behind in Oregon. I knew I’d long for home when I left.” Kimber led the way to the kitchen and indicated Melinda sit at the dining room table. She carried their plates in on a tray and set a pitcher of tea on the table, then brought in glasses with ice cubes.

  They made club sandwiches with crisp bacon, ham, turkey, Swiss and provolone cheese, lettuce, black olives, and light mayo. She served a tossed salad with raspberry dressing on the side.

  “Mmm, looks good.”

  Kimber couldn’t shake the down feeling that came in with Melinda. “It’s nothing.”

  Melinda built her sandwich. “How did your shopping trip go? Got any regular mayo?”

  “Um, no, only this one. The trip was no different than any other shopping trip, except for my style change. The town vet, Jewel, threw a barbeque recently. Knowing I’m new in town she thought I needed to get acquainted, so she invited me. We’ve become friends.”

  “Uh huh. What did you wear?”

  “What? The usual. Kimber’s new casual style.” She took a bite of her sandwich then sat it on her plate. “I have a new life. One I didn’t ask for.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Kimber frowned. Jerry had suggested it. “There wasn’t a real choice if I wanted all of us to live.”

  “This Jewel woman. Do you like her?”

  “Sure, I like what I know. We all need to know a vet around here.” Kimber wanted this beating around the bush thing to be over.

  “Good. No young men floating around? I mean, have you had a chance to meet any nice, single men?”

  “Stop. You know I’m not looking for a man, single, nice, or whatever.” Melinda did not need to know about Zach. She removed the plates when they finished and brought in a dessert of fresh fruit with yogurt dressing. “Of course, there are handsome cowboys everywhere in this area.”

  “What about your ranch helper?”

  “He’s my ranch foreman.” Kimber detested the inquisitive look on Melinda’s face. For all Melinda knew, her foreman could’ve been her dad’s age ready to retire. “Don’t let your thoughts wander. Why’d you come?”

  “To have cameras installed to keep you safe.”

  It was obvious that was all she had to say. The rest of the time went on with more of a subdued tone. Kimber stood to clear the table when they finished dessert.

  Melinda joined her at the sink. “Show me the barn. I’d love to see your horses.”

  “They’re out right now, but I’ll bring them in.” Kimber dried her hands and held open the back door. “We’ll sit out back when the sun goes down.”


  Later, and after a light dinner, they moved out to the patio when the sun lowered. “Pull up a seat. Let the view steal you away.”

  For a few minutes, they were both quiet. Kimber was more like mesmerized at the dazzling sunset tonight until Melinda broke the silence. “Listen hon, I have to ask you a question. Hope you don’t mind.”

  Kimber didn’t reply right away, certain she’d mind. Here comes the reason for the visit. “What is it?”

  “Um, did you always have this fear of being alone?”

  As Zach would say, “For Crissakes!” She frowned and fingered the necklace. Oh, no. Not the necklace again. She rushed out of there. “I’ll be right back.” In her room, she tucked it away in a sock then returned to pick up where she’d left off. “I haven’t always had this fear. I’m not some cowardly little kitten.”

  “Bitchy, eh? Don’t get defensive, it’s only a question.” Melinda’s eyes darkened.

  “Only a question? I’m not afraid of being alone. In fact, I’ve lived by myself since college. Tressa wasn’t scared. You guys made Kimber this way. I’m being followed on the highway. People are parked in cars outside my house. There are men who want to see me dead, and I can’t ask for help here.” Kimber rolled her eyes.

  “What you do is call the sheriff if you need help, like every other citizen in this county. I mean it, Kimber, Call the sheriff if you need him.”

  “I’m not crazy, Melinda. What do you expect?” Had Melinda hoped she’d crack?

  “We want you to live a normal life and not in fear.”

  We? We, sickened her where Melinda was concerned.

  “Jerry contacted Greg Stone, and he’ll be doing his own investigations into his people. We suspect a leak on his team.”

  Kimber popped out of her chair, walking back and forth now. “Great. And I have to wait for someone to put a bullet in my head? What about my family? I could’ve stayed with them and had the same thing happen. Are they safe?”

  Melinda twisted sideways in her chair. “They’re totally safe. Mind if someone camps out here with you for a short time until we can figure this out?”

  “We? What is this we thing. You aren’t with Jerry. Why are you here? I prefer you don’t spend the night.” Kimber never intended to insult her like this. “I’m not giving up some of my house, my privacy when I’m trying to have a normal life. Absolutely not.”

  “It will be me.”

  “You? No. No one. I can’t do this. All I want to do is live my life now.”

  “Then stop calling Jerry when you need help.”

  She was taken aback. “Sure.” Kimber added more creamer to her coffee, splashing some over the side while stirring. None of this made sense. “But first, I need to call Jerry about this before someone else shows up at my door with a suitcase.”

  Melinda set her cup down and got up. “You can’t call Jerry about this right now.”

  Kimber scanned the area in three directions before asking, “Why? Is something wrong?”

  Melinda whipped around and faced Kimber. “Jerry’s going out of the country. He didn’t tell you?”

  “No.” Melinda knew but she didn’t? She’d play dumb on this. Maybe she’d update her on what went on between her and Jerry.

  “Be patient and give him a chance. He’d planned on calling you before leaving.”

  Kimber let out a nervous breath to find calm. She’d become worse than bitchy herself. “I heard you and Jerry talking the night he left the house to check on the guy in the restaurant. Come to find out, the stranger is my ranch foreman.”

  “Your ranch foreman?”

  “Yeah, it was all a coincidence. You act like you don’t know.”

  “I didn’t. Jerry doesn’t tell me everything.” Kimber believed her.

  “I’ll have to go back tomorrow for more clothes and get a few things in order.” Melinda sat and sipped her coffee as if she were an invited guest.

  Could the woman not hear? “No, Melinda. I don’t need you to stay here.”

  Melinda glanced over her shoulder to take in the landscape again. “It sure is a breathtaking view. Did you want to come back home with me?” She twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Then we can travel here the next day.”

  “Coming from Scottsdale isn’t exactly traveling. Oh, maybe you don’t live there?”

  Melinda cast her eyes downward. “That’s where my business is located. I don’t live in Scottsdale.”

  Kimber knew her business had taken a slow dive to hell. “I have animals to care for here. You’re not listening to me.” In order to figure out the truth, she’d have to play the game. “See that little fur ball over there? I can’t leave her anywhere when she’s been neglected where she used to live.” Stormy raised her head.

  “You’re right. Forget I asked. I’m not a fan of dogs.”

  “Well, I love her.” Kimber put the top on the sugar bowl. She certainly wouldn’t mention the partnership with the Bryson ranch, either. The less she knew, the better.

  Melinda put her hand on top of Kimber’s. “I understand, but if you’re not wanting to be alone, the only choice is to come back with me.”

  “With security cameras, I’ll be aware of anyone coming around. Jerry gave me th
is life, and I’ll live it the best I can, but you’re right. I shouldn’t have called him last night.”

  They gathered the tray and went inside. Kimber put the dishes in the dishwasher, and Melinda wiped off the counter. “If you’re staying, I’ll go ready your bed and put out towels for later.” She went to the linen closet and removed a set of sheets, inhaling the spring-like fragrance of fabric softener, then chose the grouping of towels, feeling out of control the whole time.

  “Anything I can do?” Melinda leaned against the doorjamb startling her.

  “Uh uh. Thanks, but I have everything under control.” If only.

  “I’ll go get my suitcase from the car.”

  Kimber rushed to the window to see if she was up to something else. Melinda took her phone from her pocket and lifted it to her ear. Who had she called that she needed to be alone to talk? Maybe she called Jerry to give him an update on her sanity.


  That evening, they’d gone to town and stopped at the local Ice Cream Shop for a cone. At home, they settled in front of the TV with movies in hand. Kimber fiddled with the necklace she’d replaced.

  Melinda held up the movie. “I like a good romantic comedy.”

  That surprised her for some reason. “What will you do tomorrow while I run to a doctor’s appointment? Then I have to stop by the vets to pick up some minerals for the horses.” Kimber waited for previews to play through on the movie Moonstruck. She wasn’t comfortable with leaving Melinda in her house, yet, she needed to keep the appointment.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll take a ride on one of your horses—”

  That surprised her even more. “Do you ride often?”

  Melinda shrugged, leaving Kimber to wonder if she’d ever been on a horse. “Maybe your ranch foreman can saddle up a horse for me and go along. I’ll find out if he has a wife.”

  “No, please don’t. There isn’t a wife. Leave him alone.” Now Kimber had to tell him not to come to work tomorrow.

  Before the movie concluded she couldn’t sit there any longer. Now, she felt trapped in her own home, but she’d allowed it to hopefully find the truth. She should’ve learned a lesson by doing the same thing to get more dirt on Sam. That hadn’t turned out well. “I’m going to bed.” As soon as her head hit the pillow every single thing in her life would come to mind, dancing in and out of her brain until dawn.

  “I’ll finish this then go to bed myself. See you tomorrow.”

  In bed and ready to settle in, Kimber sent a text to Zach:

  The guest is staying over tonight. There is no need for you to come to work tomorrow. I’ll take care of the horses in the morning. I miss you.

  He replied immediately: Let me know if anything changes. How are you?

  Aww, his sweetness came back out. She texted: Getting by, but I’ll be glad when she leaves.

  Zach called and she answered quickly then lowered the volume on the ringer. “Hi, handsome. You didn’t have to call.” She spoke in a near whisper, finishing her statement with, “But I’m glad you did.”

  “I can barely hear you.”

  She glanced at the door. “On purpose. I don’t trust this lady. I have to leave her alone tomorrow while I go to the doctor’s then to Jewel and Bill’s.”

  “You sick?”

  “No, it’s routine.”

  He paused before saying, “Kick her ass out. You all seemed friendly on the plane.”

  He was right. “We were friendly then. I’m curious as to what she’s up to, so I didn’t insist. Did I wake you with the text?”

  “Uh uh. I don’t sleep much, sweetheart.”

  She had the urge to spill her guts to him. “When I came home last night, a car waited out front, so I kept going. It wasn’t the same car that followed me before. It was gone when I came back.”

  “We were talking before you got home.”

  “It was after you hung up.”

  The line went quiet and she checked her signal, but he spoke, “Next time I’ll stay on the phone until you get in. You should’ve called me.”

  “I almost did, but I…I didn’t know if I should. I’m not sure where we’re at, Zach.”

  “In the future, you should. Didn’t you hear anything I said today?”

  “I heard everything. You need some time.” Kimber kicked off the sheet and stretched her legs. She listened for movement in the house. All she heard was Stormy breathing at her bedside.

  “I have a feeling you heard what you wanted.”

  She waited to let that sink in. He was probably right. “I’m confused about you.”

  There was another pause on his end. “I’ve heard that before.”

  “And therein lies the problem?”

  “Maybe. I like talking to you in the dark.”

  “I wish you were here.” She snuggled into the pillow.

  “Do you want me to come over at any time tomorrow? From what you’re telling me, I’m kind of…well, to be truthful, I’m worried for you.”

  “She’s leaving tomorrow and is planning on coming back, but this time I’ll insist she doesn’t. I hear Melinda moving around now, and I think she stopped outside my door.” Stormy lifted her head to confirm it.

  He sighed against the phone. “Do you have a lock on your bedroom door?”

  In fact, yeah, but did she have to be concerned about Melinda harming her? Melinda had shown a change in personality, but she didn’t want to think the worst, yet. However, she got out of bed and tiptoed to turn the lock. “There. I locked it.”

  “Text me in the morning when you get up. I mean it. I want to know you’re okay.”

  Awww… “I will. If you can’t sleep, text me sometime. Chances are I’ll be awake.”

  “Sounds good. I want to see you tomorrow, Kimber.”

  “Give yourself the space you need. I have to get some sleep.”

  “I miss you. Of course, it’s my own fault.”

  She smiled. “It’s both our faults if we miss each other.”

  “Don’t forget to text me in the morning. If not, I’ll be there looking for you.”

  “You’re sweet. I’ll remember. Good night.” She hung up. His good night came out in a sexy tone. Kimber rolled to her side. Hearing his voice tonight brought a calmness over her. She’d like to be in his arms right now. At least he hadn’t sounded forlorn.

  Sometime in the night she woke to a voice. Shaking herself more awake to be sure it wasn’t a dream, she slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the doorway. Quietly, Kimber unlocked the door and stepped out of her room, straining to hear the near whispers. It wasn’t until Melinda raised her voice that Kimber got an idea of what she talked about.

  Chapter 17

  Melinda shook her head back and forth as if she didn’t agree with the voice on the other end. “No, they won’t be hooked up.” This time she nodded. “Yes. Will you stop worrying?”

  Then it went back to whispers. Kimber froze in her spot. What wouldn’t be hooked up? That only left one answer. Before Melinda hung up, Kimber tiptoed back to the bedroom. Uneasy, she walked corner to corner, but Melinda came down the hallway. Kimber turned the lock on her door, waiting a few more minutes before getting in bed. Sleep would definitely not come tonight. She sent a text to Zach: Good night again.

  He texted back five minutes later: Night, babe. How u doing?

  Why bother him with more suspicions about Melinda tonight? She’d tell him tomorrow. She texted: My company is leaving tomorrow, but I’m okay with her staying tonight.

  He replied: Are you?

  Kimber answered: Yeah. Curiosity.

  It took a second or two before his reply came in: I’ll see you tomorrow after she’s gone then. Sleep tight. Wanna text me a picture of what you’re wearing?

  She grinned, replying: Not tonight… One day.

  He replied with a smiley face. She loved a guy who used emojis. She lay back, sighing. What if she did send a picture? Kimber missed seeing Zach every day. She took a chance, texting: I miss you even
more than I did yesterday.

  He replied: Not for much longer. Tomorrow.

  Maybe tomorrow life would straighten out, and they could begin to build on their budding relationship. Kimber lifted her gown high on her thighs and took a picture of her legs and the yellow hem of the gown. She sent it, texting, “Here ya go, cowboy. Sweet dreams.” Another smiley face came back in return. Kimber stretched out with a smile on her face.


  The next morning, Kimber left Melinda after breakfast, telling her to keep Stormy inside while she was gone. If she didn’t get away from her, she’d say something she’d be sorry for. Her doctor appointment fell at the right time. The appointment had gone longer than she’d wanted. Kimber stayed at Jewel’s longer than necessary, too, then went to a bigger store out of town for groceries. Truthfully, she didn’t want to go back home, but she called Melinda on the way. She’d turned into a rude person over this, and she didn’t like that. “How’s it going?”

  “Oh, your darling foreman saddled the horses and he showed me all around. What a nice young man.”

  What? She’d told Zach not to come to work today. “When did he come over?”

  “I saw his number on the fridge, and I called him when he didn’t show up early. You can’t let these guys run the place, Kimber—”

  Leaving her alone had been a mistake. “You had no right. I told him I wouldn’t be needing him today. What did you want of him?”

  “To saddle up the horses, of course.”

  Kimber’s blood raged through her veins. This woman had become a stranger.

  “Why did you tell him not to come to work? Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”

  Kimber groaned, slamming her hand against the steering wheel. “No. Sometimes I take care of the horses in the morning. I only have two for heavens’ sake. Are the workers there?”

  “No, they completed the job rather quickly—”

  “Goodness. I’m on my way.” By the time she pulled in the driveway she wouldn’t be surprised if steam came from her ears. Who did Melinda think she was, anyway? Kimber dialed Zach before getting out of the car.


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