Protecting Her Heart

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Protecting Her Heart Page 5

by Carter, Chance

  Leni stood back up and they watched her walk over to a rather large, attractive man in tight leather pants, a black t-shirt and a white fedora. He looked over at Emma and smirked, throwing her a quick wave. Emma smiled weakly and quickly turned her head.

  “Tell me why you want me to do this, Luke?” Emma pleaded, “I’m a 31-year-old woman. I can’t compete with these young girls! I’ll be booed off the stage.”

  Luke looked at her confidently, gently shaking his head.

  “Mimi, you’re right, there is no competition. You are, head and shoulders, sexier than most of the girls here tonight, trust me,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulder. “Tonight is not about them, or the crowd, or even’s about you.” Emma looked at him quizzically, wondering what he was going on about.

  “This is your chance to break out of that cocoon Andy had you so tightly wrapped up in. That fucker convinced you that you weren’t desirable, made you bury your sexuality, sit every fucking song out. Well, tonight you get to dance the way you did in class, when you felt like a strong, commanding, sexy woman. Think of this as your opening night where you get to debut the real you. Then you’ll see for yourself how desirable you are,” he encouraged, so convincingly that Emma almost felt her nerves disappear, almost.

  “I can’t take off all my clothes in front of a room full of strangers...” she sputtered, looking nervously around the room.

  Luke shook his head, “You don’t have to. Just get out there and groove, and go as far as you feel comfortable. It’s amateur night, anything goes. Do you remember your routines from class?”

  She nodded awkwardly, considering his question. She had danced those routines at least a hundred times. It had been easy in a room full of friendly, stay at home moms and bored housewives, like herself. They laughed at themselves and encouraged one another for months, and it all felt so playful and innocent.

  This was something completely different.

  “Mimi, you can do this. I’m going to be right here, watching out for you. Just get out there and dance, kid,” he said, gently, “you got this.”

  The MC approached the table just as Luke finished hugging her.

  “Hi, I’m Jason, I hear you want to dance tonight. Good for you!” he said, directing his words to Emma.

  She smiled at him noncommittally just as Leni returned with their drinks. She took the gin and tonic right from Leni’s hand and swallowed it down, not stopping until she hit the ice. Luke laughed, paying for their drinks.

  “I must be crazy,” she grinned, looking wearily at handsome Jason.

  “Honey, if you have a little rhythm and a lot of moxie, you’re going to slay it. With that red hair and those curves, come on now!” he growled, his flattery setting Emma more at ease.

  “Oh, she can dance,” Luke chimed in, tossing Emma a wink. “Bring her another drink, would you Leni?” The server nodded at him. Emma’s eyes followed her to the bar.

  A second look around the room convinced Emma that it might be ok. It was mostly a twenty and thirty-something crowd, and it was all in good fun. She understood Luke’s reasoning for bringing her. He had nailed the truth, all of it, and he wanted to help her undo all of Andrew’s conditioning. She had been one of his possessions for so long, trained to believe she couldn’t trust her own instincts and desires, using Emma’s insecurity as shackles, knowing they would hold her back.

  This crazy, impulsive night was her moment and she could either crash through that glass box Andrew had imprisoned her in or she could continue to wither away, gasping for oxygen, shrinking under the ongoing effects of Andrew’s narcissistic control.

  “Ok, I’ll do it,” Emma crowed, suddenly feeling determined. “Can I borrow your hat?”

  Jason took his hat off and handed it to her with a sexy grin, “You sure can, Darlin’. What song do you want the DJ to play for your set?”

  “Joe Cocker, “Leave Your Hat On,” Emma smiled bravely, placing the fedora on her head.

  “Good choice,” Jason said, pressing his pen against his clipboard. “What’s your name, Sweetheart?”

  Emma waited on the stage, her back to the crowd while Jason introduced her, her heart beating in her chest like a drum. She tried to tune out everything and everyone, instead focusing on her memories. She was in class with the mirrors, the music, the lights, and all the carefully placed poles and chairs, waiting for her instructor to lead a room full of giggling housewives through some sensual choreography. She had taken to the class like a fish to water, adoring the way it made her feel, moving her body to the music, elegantly and acrobatically swinging around the pole. While she was there, she felt free to express herself in a way she never felt at home.

  “Put your hands together for Mimi...” Jason purred, his deep, radio voice rattling through the room.

  It was as though everything disappeared when the song started, those familiar horns and piano chords that felt as familiar to her as breathing...and Joe’s sexy, sandpaper crooning, coaxing her to groove.


  Baby take off your coat

  Real slow

  And take off your shoes

  I’ll take off your shoes

  Baby take off your dress

  Yes yes yes

  You can leave your hat on

  You can leave your hat on

  You can leave your hat on... ♫

  Emma moved her body like not a soul was watching, feeling the creamy seduction of the song, her hand holding the fedora on her head, swinging her hips to the sexy rhythms. Although she appreciated the cheers and whistles, she tuned it out as much as possible, focusing instead on the music and her own body, grateful that at least the crowd wasn’t booing.

  Encouraged, she slowly undid the buttons on her blouse, unveiling her flesh at just the right moment, in perfect timing with the blasting trombone. She exposed her lacy black bra to the hoots and hollers of the appreciative audience, while men in the front row pounded their palms on the stage. For the first time in her life, she felt sexy, free, and completely in charge of her own body. She shimmied awkwardly out of her skirt, displaying the hot, pink panties Luke had gifted her earlier that day. Her ensemble was no more revealing than a bikini, and the fact that women wore much less on the beach than she modestly displayed on that stage reduced her anxiety significantly.

  She floated around the pole, using her strong arms and legs to perform the acrobatic climbs, locks, transitions and inverts she learned in class, all in time to the sultry melody. She messed up once or twice, but no one seemed to care.

  Most of the crowd seemed to appreciate her efforts. All but one. A boorish man sitting at the very end of perverts’ row. His voice seemed to carry over the music as he hollered suggestive and lewd obscenities at her, trying to lure her toward him with a hundred dollar bill. She ignored him the best she could, trying not to let it taint the experience for her, but his behavior and tone reminded her so much of Andrew shaming and degrading her. She could feel her confidence slipping and did her best to maintain the smile on her face, in spite of her shaken nerves.

  “Come on baby, take the money for dance lessons...” the drunk man drawled, annoyed that she wasn’t responding to his bait. A few people reacted with disapproving stares and comments but he wasn’t deterred.

  “Bring that pretty ass over here, you can sit on my face!” he snorted, his wide eyes leering at her. Emma tried to focus on the friendly faces around her instead, drawing strength from a few ladies lingering near the stage who were likely there to support their own friends or maybe even perform later themselves. For Emma, their nodding approvals and thumbs up gestures were very much appreciated, their kindness encouraging her to continue.

  “Take it off, soccer mom, this ain’t no bake sale...” he slurred loudly, drawing Emma’s attention once more. She nervously looked his way and noticed Luke suddenly standing beside him, his hand placed firmly on the man’s shoulder, whispering something in his ear. The drunk’s smile slowly disappeared as he shifted
himself off the bar stool, no doubt with the assistance of Luke’s strong grip on his shirt. The crowd around him cheered their approval as the drunk man staggered away and Luke took his place at the end of the runway.

  Emma sashayed over to where he was sitting and held her hand out to him, inviting him on stage. At first, he balked at her gesture, waving her off, but the crowd wouldn’t let him off the hook. They cheered loudly, encouraging him to man up and join her. She pulled a chair forward and invited him to sit down, right in the middle of the stage.

  “What the hell, Mimi, I’m not supposed to be part of the act,” Luke chuckled through tight lips and a cocky smile, but she knew he was enjoying the attention.

  “You are now,” she giggled, dancing provocatively around him. She bent her body over in front of his chair, exposing her backside and long legs to him, cheekily looking over her shoulder at him. He shook his head, but couldn’t shake his smile.

  She finished off the song, gyrating playfully around him, egged on by a crowd eager to watch her tease and torture him. Having him on stage with her suddenly made it fun and he took it in stride, happy to play along while she finished her sexy routine. His responses were perfect, graciously pretending to enjoy her seduction. The song ended to thunderous applause, with Emma in his lap. She offered him a friendly kiss on the lips, mouthing ‘thank-you’ as she pulled away, her breath heavy from exertion. Emma took the gleam in his eyes as approval. They held their gaze for several seconds, caught up in a special, intimate moment, surveying one another curiously, Luke’s breathing just as labored as her own.

  “Thank you, Mimi!” Jason chirped into the mic, breaking their focus. He gathered her clothing as he made his way over to where she and Luke were sitting. He bent down and picked up the hat that had fallen off during her performance and placed it playfully back on Emma’s head.

  “Oh no, this is yours,” she giggled, handing it back over to him.

  “Keep it as a souvenir,” Jason insisted, talking away from the mic so the crowd wouldn’t overhear him, “you earned it, honey.”

  Emma stood up with Luke following suit, accepting her skirt and blouse from Jason. She modestly covered herself, smiling nervously at the crowd.

  “Take a bow, Mimi,” Jason encouraged, gesturing toward her. She offered a sloppy curtsy to the cheering crowd as Luke hurried her off the stage. He led her toward the ladies bathroom, her hand firmly in his. The rude drunk that heckled her was standing casually off to one side, nursing a fresh drink, but he turned his head as soon as they approached, afraid to meet Luke’s stare.

  “I’ll wait right here for you,” Luke assured, kissing the top of her head, “I promise.”

  After she returned, fully clothed, they watched few more performances but Emma didn’t want to wait around to hear if she had won the competition. It really didn’t matter to her. She already felt like she got what she needed from the experience. Part of that was the validation that she was still desirable, and Luke had been there for her the whole time. He totally had her back.

  Chapter 9

  Luke dropped off Emma in front of her building and watched as she practically floated to the door. He had to admit, watching her walk away was not altogether unpleasant. She turned and waved at him just before stepping inside, her smile assuring him that she was happy. He chuckled quietly to himself and waved back before slipping his car into drive and peeling out of her parking lot.

  She surprised him that night, she really did. He fully expected her to back down from the challenge but she worked that stage like a boss, and looked damn fine doing it too. She was sexy as hell up there and truthfully, he had a hard time keeping his eyes off her. He had to remind himself that it was Mimi on stage dancing and not just some woman he wanted to fuck. At least until that drunken bozo started harassing her, then his protective side kicked in. He could see that the son of a bitch was getting in her head. On top of that, he was just a fucking dick. As soon as Luke approached him the jerk backed down, obviously one of those little shitheads that got his jolly’s from belittling women. He didn’t have any intention of fighting him, but it was pretty obvious the guy was a whiney punk, all mouth and no balls. Luke whispered in his ear that he needed to go get himself a drink and stop being a douche-bag and that if he didn’t shut the fuck up, Luke was going to shove that hundred dollar bill right up his ass. In spite of the smile Luke had on his face, the little fucker knew he meant business.

  Fuck he had been ramped up. Mimi probably didn’t have a clue how horny he was otherwise she never would have invited him up to participate in her little striptease. At first, he found it mildly entertaining, enjoying her routine from such a great seat, and she really loosened up once he joined her on stage but it didn’t take long for his cock to stiffen and his imagination to run wild, friend or not.

  He had seen Mimi in a bikini many times, in the early days before asshat Andy, but seeing her stripped down to her bra and underwear, the unmistakeable shape of pretty pussy lips beneath the flimsy silk of her panties, tempted him more than he anticipated, beckoning him to touch. It just about drove him over the edge until she flashed him one of her signature Mimi smiles, her wide playful eyes saying ‘can you believe we’re doing this, pal’?

  She gave him nothing but friendship vibes throughout the whole daring dance, respecting the ‘zone’, but when she landed in his lap at the very end and he could feel the carnal heat of her peach penetrating straight through his jeans, his primal lust became almost unbearable.

  He was certain she had no clue and he dug as deep as he could to shake off his naughty need while she changed in the ladies room. It was just too weird thinking about her that way. They were buddies.

  Of course, she had asked him to come up for a drink when he dropped her off, which in his world is the typical code for sex, but of course from Mimi it just meant chilling on the sofa, watching some cheesy comedy on Netflix, or just goofing around. The problem was, he didn’t trust his mischievous cock to behave and he didn’t want things to get weird again.

  No, he thought, he just needed to go home, watch some porn, and jerk off. Then he would be able to think straight again.

  Chapter 10

  His phone rang around seven in the morning, just shy of his alarm going off. It was Mimi asking him what he did after he dropped her off, curious if he went out on the prowl. Of course he couldn’t tell her that he went straight home and spanked his monkey otherwise she’d get the wrong idea, especially given the fact that she had been squirming in his lap less than an hour prior.

  “I went out for a few drinks. Not much going on last night. I was home by midnight, tucked into bed,” Luke said, offering her a little white lie.

  “Not alone...” Emma teased, giggling quietly.

  “Yes, Mimi. It does happen sometimes,” Luke grinned. “So how are you feeling this morning?”

  “I still can’t believe I had the guts to go through with that. I’m still giddy!” Emma cooed, the pleasant lilt of her voice nurturing him awake.

  “You were awesome, girl. I’m proud of you,” Luke said yawning, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

  “It was so empowering, really. You were right,” she admitted cautiously, causing Luke to chuckle.

  “I usually am,” he teased, knowing she was probably rolling her eyes on the other side of the line.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re a frigging genius,” she quipped back, “what would I do without you?”

  “Lead a very boring existence? Spend too much money on therapy? Cry yourself to sleep every night?” Luke offered, sitting up and resting on the edge of his bed.

  “Your modesty knows no bounds, Luke.”

  “Speaking of bounds, I went shopping a few days ago and bought something for you. Don’t make plans for Saturday night,” he insisted, toying with a plastic bag on his bedside table. The contents were definitely going to test her grit and maybe offer her some sexy fun along the way. The truth was, he wasn’t sure how she would react to what he had in mind
for her next adventure but she asked him to show her his world, and on occasion, this was part of it.

  “What did you buy me?” Emma asked cautiously. He could imagine her pretty eyes expressing her nervous curiosity.

  “You’ll see soon enough. Are you working today?” he asked, deliberately changing the subject, knowing it would make her a little crazy.

  “Yes,” she replied, sighing deeply, “you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “Not a chance,” he laughed, “hang on, my alarm is going off.” He brought the phone down and quickly hit the snooze, then brought his cell back to his ear. Emma was chuckling quietly to herself.

  “What has you giggling like that?” Luke asked, a smile spreading across his own face. He loved hearing her laughter, especially because there were way too many years without it.

  “I was just thinking about the look on your face last night when I pulled you up on stage. You looked terrified!” she chuckled.

  “Oh, you enjoyed that, did you?”

  “A little bit...” she agreed playfully.

  “I wasn’t terrified...” he insisted, remembering how horny he had been.

  “Come on, maybe a little?” she prodded, “You seemed so fidgety.”

  Luke shook his head and chuckled. Fidgety was one way to describe it, but he certainly wasn’t going to tell her that. “Okay, maybe I was a tad nervous but don’t worry, I’ll get you back on Saturday. Now go get ready for work. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay,” she offered sweetly, “and Luke?”


  “Thanks again for last night. I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest, but I can’t remember the last time I felt so alive. I never thought I could do anything like that or that anyone would be turned on by me, let alone a room full of people. It was kind of validating, you know?” she explained, her voice laced with sincerity.

  “Don’t thank me, Mimi, I would do anything to make you happy,” Luke insisted, grateful that she was finally able to get the validation she needed.


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