The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past Page 12

by Daniel OConnell

  Gabe witnessing the sight says, “Holy cow! That’s a lot of crystals.”

  White turns to Caleb, asking, “Can you or Paladin talk with them?”

  Caleb leers briefly, as he focuses on the largest crystal near him. He cautiously places his hand on the crystal, and suddenly his mind is flooded with hundreds of images. The contact is brief, but the information transferred is without limit. Caleb, feeling slightly overwhelmed, turns to his crew, saying, “There is a device about four clicks south of here. Rooke, I want you and a small detail to go to the device. I want it prepped for phase shifting as quickly as you can, and I want it on Paladin the moment I tell you.”

  White confused, asks, “Won’t that expose these crystals to everyone in the quadrant?”

  Caleb closes his eyes. He lowers his head as he tries to contain his grief. He turns to Cooley, “Your vision is going to come true Rachel. What I have to do here is beyond belief, but the alternatives are far worse.”

  White curious at Caleb’s statement asks, “What do you mean by ‘have to do’ Cale?”

  Caleb, somber tone is evident, with his next statement, “These poor harmless creatures are called Phace’mal. They have been slowly dissected, and used to power Noskcaj’s war machine over the past two thousand years. He has killed more than a million of these creatures, over the past two thousand years. Each one of the Phace’mal is connected to the other, and yet, each is an individual. Unfortunately, they all share in each other’s life and every time he uses one of these creatures, it slowly takes away its life force, and each one shares in the others pain, as it slowly dies.”

  Onatof now becomes curious and asks, “Cale, just how much energy do these creatures possess?”

  Caleb enraged at the suffering caused to these creatures responds, “Just one of these crystals could energize Paladin at full power for a year. Noskcaj, with his twisted and warped mind has found a way to increase their power drain. Those satellites he has above us in orbit, they have just enough power to sustain an effective defense for just a few assaults before they are completely drained. However, Noskcaj has several other crystals inside each satellite. When one crystal is drained of its energy, it is quickly replaced with another.

  On his superstation Skull, he uses hundreds of them to power that massive maelstrom we passed through. They also power all his weapons, his phase shift drive and every other system.”

  Caleb becomes more enraged as he grinds his teeth, saying, “Even after he has drained them of their life force, he discovered another use for them, even in death, these helpless creatures are still used. He converts their lifeless shell into the source for the psionic shields and the psionic recorders. The very device I need to capture the Meli with.”

  Caleb pauses, as he lowers his head in shame. He continues, “These creatures now possess all that I know. They are aware of our plan and they have asked only one thing of me. That when we return to our time that we protect them from ever being discovered. This is a promise I have sworn to keep.”

  White, curious of what Caleb’s plan reluctantly asks, “Cale, I know I’m really going to regret this, but what are you planning.”

  We are going to blow this planet to kingdom come, and hopefully take out as many of the Meli’s forces as we can.”

  Cooley is stunned by what she has just heard. In total disbelief, she states, “Cale, you’re talking about killing an entire species. Hell, you’re talking about destroying an entire planet.”

  Onatof, whose mind is able to realize equations and probabilities with so much ease states, “More like the entire solar system, the power these Phace’mal may have is enough power to vaporize everything within a few light years of this planet.”

  Caleb looks directly at Cooley. His facial expression easily shows the pain of what he has to do. He responds, “I know Rachel, I know.”

  Caleb, feeling an untold weight placed upon him, turns and walks away, back to Paladin. The rest of crew stare at each other in total disbelief.

  Benton looks at the crystals, shaking his head. Feeling uncomfortable with what he is thinking. Nonetheless, he asks, “Doc, I hear Caleb’s been feeding your mind with all his X’ena knowledge. Do you think you can hook up one of these crystals to Celesta? May be I can keep up with Paladin?”

  Onatof also looks out over the crystals answering, “I was thinking that same thing. However, one unfortunate side effects of Caleb’s downloads, is that I get a piece of his personality with it. I know what he is thinking, and I would tend to agree with him. Yes, Mister Benton, I could do what you ask, but that would make us no better than the people that would use these poor creatures for themselves. I believe Caleb would rather let them die with dignity, then to allow even one to be used by us.”

  White looks to Rooke and says, “Go find that device Michael.”

  The crew all return to Paladin, as they see Caleb speaking to Uari. Uari quickly salutes Caleb and phase shifts away. White and the rest of the command crew follow Caleb to his ready room.

  After a few minutes Caleb says, “Have both crews resupply the ship's stores with as much food and water as they can. Rachel, I want you to open a com directly to Noskcaj. I’m sure he already knows we’re here anyways, and I doubt he likes it, but we need those recording devices.”

  White looks over to Benton, asking, “Cale, where did you send Uari?”

  Caleb lowers his head answering, “He’s taking one of our torpedoes and placing it in the heart of the crystals. I’m setting it on a proximity alert to self-detonate should it detect an approaching vessel in orbit, which includes those defense satellites.”

  Onatof, aware of the potential damage of such an action points out, “Caleb, these creatures would cause such an explosion that it would wipe out everything within a few light years from here. Cale, it may have enough energy to create a black hole.”

  Caleb feeling the full weight of his decision snaps, “I know Doc! Alright, I know.”

  White lowers his head, as he can’t even begin to understand what Caleb is feeling, but knows that they need to move ahead. He says, “Ok, everyone to stations now. Let’s get resupplied, and get ready for the next phase of the plan.”

  Caleb turns away, as his emotions begin to weigh heavy on him. He looks out of the observation port in total disgust at himself.

  Cooley gets up, and places her hand on Caleb’s back trying to console him, as she says, “Cale, if we make it back to our own time this will never come to pass.”

  Caleb, somberly answers, “Unfortunately, Rachel, the memory of what I must do will never change, in order to save our people, and our timeline I must become the villain.

  Several hours pass, as both ships continue to restock. Caleb wrought with guilt spends as much time as he can with the Phace’mal, remaining in prolonged contact with them. They speak for what would be in human terms would be considered years, but through the psychic connection Caleb uses, all the information is shared in mere seconds. The crystals beings understand, and feel Caleb’s pain. They try to comfort him, as they recognize and accept that he must destroy them, in order to save them in his own time. This however, does very little to lessen the guilt Caleb is feeling.

  White searching for Caleb finds him sitting amongst the crystals entities. Curious about Caleb’s plan, he approaches him cautiously, asking, “Cale, I’m sorry to disturb you, but just a thought here. How do you plan on getting these psionic recording devices from Noskcaj?”

  Caleb opens his eyes, which radiate the blue energy Caleb often displays when he is using his powers. He is still fixated on the crystals, but nonchalantly responds, “Noskcaj has to have a gateway around here. It is the only way he would be able to resupply his station with these crystals on demand.”

  White slightly alarmed asks, “Cale, I’m no big fan of these gateways. Hell Cale, every time we deal with one it usually goes boom in a big ass way, point in case, us being here at this time.” White realizes something, asking, “Cale, if we have a gateway around her
e why don’t we just use it to access that T-Challa gateway stuck near the black hole? Won’t that work?”

  Caleb sighs, as he answers, “Gateways have to be networked together. T-Challa gateways are designed only to work with each other. You can’t just build a gateway and tap into another’s network. You have to build it from the start to work with all the other gateways in your network. Noskcaj gateways only work with his network, as do T-Challa with there’s.

  White, looks around the massive valley of crystals, asks, “So, where do you think his gateway is?”

  Caleb still staying focused on the crystals points upward, saying, “In orbit.”

  White now very alarmed asks, “Cale, buddy old pal, Uhmm just how are we going to get those psionic recorders with those killer satellites up there?”

  Caleb unconcerned responds, “We’ll have to send someone in a space suit and a phase shifter to get them.”

  White laughs, saying, “Ok, right, I’ll go ask Rooke. I still don’t trust the others too much, except maybe for Uari, but you have him off doing whatever.”

  Caleb smirks, as he turns his attention away from the crystals and back to the survivors resupplying the ships. Paladin privately asks Caleb, “Cale, as always, I am aware of your thoughts, and I must wonder why you are so concerned with putting White in command of the Celesta, and bringing Gabe here for the mission to T-Challa home world?”

  Caleb sighs, as he answers, “Pal, I have so many doubts and concerns. I have been playing a thousand different scenarios in my mind of what could or could not happen.”

  Paladin states, “Your thinking is on a tactical level, and is sound Cale. Reggie is a good Captain, and although Celesta was designed to interact best with Gabe, the A.I. program will work with Captain White, and as for our mission, our best chance to succeed is with Gabe on the T-Challa home world as you or Gabe would say we need boots on the ground.”

  Caleb smiles, a brief grin, and once again feels the weight of what he must do. He once more looks over the miles and miles of crystal entities before him.

  Finally, Caleb returns to Paladin. He makes his way to the bridge, as they are ready to make contact with Noskcaj.

  Caleb sits, focused in the command chair. The holocom opens and an image of Noskcaj stands before them. Noskcaj speaks with all due contempt, “You dare too much Caleb.”

  Caleb, no longer feeling the guilt of what transpired with Abraham says, “Noskcaj, I know you have a gateway hidden in this planet's orbit. I want ten of those psionic recording devices sent to me at once. If you attempt to booby trap them or send a bomb, let it be known that we have planted our own bomb in the heart of the crystals. If I don’t retransmit the deactivation code every ten minutes this planet goes boom.”

  Noskcaj visibly distressed yells, “You would kill an entire species!”

  Caleb even more enraged as he realizes that Noskcaj knew the crystals were sentient screams, “You vile creature! You knew they were alive, yet you killed them, and you have been killing them for thousands of years! I pitied you at first Abraham, but no longer! You have five minutes to send me those recorders now.” Caleb gives the signal to end the transmission

  White knowing Caleb is enraged calmly says to him, “Cale, buddy, I know this is weighing real heavy on you, but don’t let the rage overtake you. That’s your thing, this is what you do to others, and it weakens your opponent’s judgment. Don’t let the rage weaken you.”

  Caleb closes his eyes as he tries to contain his rage. Paladin telepathically says, “Cale, Reggie is right, I know what you are feeling. I am part of you, and this pains me the same way it pains you. These crystal beings know and believe in you. They believe you can make it back to our time and prevent this slow death.”

  Caleb sets his head back of the command chair, as he responds to Paladin in kind, “I know old friend, I know, but it doesn’t make my decision any easier.”

  Paladin announces, “I’ve detected the cloaked gateway, it is activating.” A brief moment passes as Paladin announces, “I’m detecting several devices, which are currently free floating in orbit around it.”

  White concerned asks, “Can you determine if they are the psionic recording devices?”

  Paladin responds, “Affirmative Captain, as per Caleb’s request, I’m detecting ten units.”

  The person in charge of communications, announces, “We have an incoming transmission from Noskcaj.”

  White looks over to Caleb, who shakes his head. White says, “Put it through.”

  Noskcaj appears, saying, “I have given you want, just as you requested. Now leave that planet.”

  Caleb nods his head towards White, who contacts Rooke on the Celesta. He says only one word, “Go!”

  Caleb turns back his attention to Noskcaj, saying, “You were once human, a boy for whom I must claim responsibility. The knowledge I gave you was supposed to be a gift, and you twisted it to be as vile as the Meli.”

  Noskcaj smiles and responds, “So you have figured out what has happened to your daughter.”

  Caleb is shocked at Noskcaj awareness, and asks, “You knew that the Meli took over Carla and her powers?”

  Noskcaj responds, “I have had over three thousand years to analyze everything Caleb, but it makes no difference. She will die, just as you will die.”

  Benton reports on a private com, “Rooke and two other men shifted in space suits and grabbed the devices, and so far Celesta says they’re clean.”

  Caleb says to Noskcaj, “We will leave this planet, but I will not allow you to use these creatures again.”

  White activates a third com, saying, “Uari shift that device into the hangar bay now.”

  Uari and three others shift the masking device directly into Paladins hangar bay. This immediately shuts down the masking field, exposing the entire planet to long-range scanners.”

  Noskcaj aware of what has just happened screams, “You’re a fool! I gave you what you wanted.”

  Caleb coldly looks at the holoimage of Noskcaj, saying, “I don’t know what happened to you Abraham, but I will do what I have to, to prevent this future from ever happening. Just so you are aware, the Meli is heading this way with close to half her fleet. Once she gets here, what do you think she will do with all this power?”

  An enraged Noskcaj screams, “I will kill you Caleb! You pass judgment on me, yet you have given the Meli and her forces this kind of power! They will be unstoppable. The crystal beings will perish.

  Caleb grins, saying, “Then come and defend them, if you care so much.”

  Caleb signals to cut the com line. He says to his crew, “Ok, let’s get out of here. Reggie, get Gabe back on the com now.”

  White concerned asks, “Cale, if Noskcaj shows up in orbit this could be very dangerous?”

  Caleb unconcerned responds, “The torpedoes scanners will activate the moment we leave Reggie, and if Noskcaj shows up after we leave.” Caleb smiles, as he finishes his statement, “That’s fine too. Either way we win. Whichever I kill, be it the Meli or Noskcaj, we all win. Hopefully I can get lucky, and take em both out.”

  White curious asks, “Where are we heading Cale?”

  Paladin answers, “I have entered the coordinates into both the Celesta and our own helm. The course selected for Celesta is one that should avoid any confrontation, but it is a long one. I had to navigate around Dorsa controlled space.”

  Uari reappears on the bridge, as Caleb says, “Reggie you will take command of the Celesta. You will go directly to the last T-Challa gateway with Rachel and Michael Rooke. Gabe will come over here, and assist me, as I will take Paladin to the T-Challa home world.”

  White surprised, asks, “Any particular reason for this Cale?”

  Caleb exhausted and troubled says, “The Celesta is slowing me down Reggie. If you head it directly to the gateway I should be able to catch up to you just as you arrive.”

  White asks again a little clearer, “Cale, that’s not what I meant. Why are you switching commands? I
thought the Celesta was better suited to work with Gabe?”

  Caleb sighs, saying, “Reggie, you’re a pilot not a foot soldier. We’re probably going to land on the T-Challa home world, and I’ll need Gabe there. I need you to get the Celesta to the gateway quickly.”

  White annoyed shakes his head, saying, “Ok Cale, but I doubt Gabe will like it any more than me.”

  Caleb, unconcerned, looks to White, saying, “Reggie, I trust you will get them there safely. Now get your personal gear and get to the Celesta. We’re shifting off this planet as soon as you get on the Celesta.”

  Benton appears on the holocom, asking, “Cale you need to talk to me.”

  Caleb says, “Gabe, I need you over here on Paladin. Bring all your gear, and get here now.”

  After several minutes, Benton arrives on Paladin much to his disapproval. He shows up on the bridge complaining, “Cale, what gives? Why did you take Celesta away from me?”

  Caleb looks at Benton answering, “It’s not personnel, or a performance issue Gabe. I may need boots on the ground once we get to the T-Challa home world that’s your strength, not Reg. He’s a flight leader, not a foot soldier. I need him to take Celesta directly to the gateway, while we go to the T-Challa home world.”

  Gabe smirks, saying, “About time I get to do what I do best.”

  White appears on the com, saying, “Ok Cale, we’re set here, waiting on you.”

  Benton interrupts, saying, “You better treat my Celesta with kid gloves flyboy, or so help me.”

  White laughs, saying, “Celesta is in good hands Gabe.”

  Celesta chimes in, “I think he’s a cutie Gabe. Now stop crowding my game.”

  Caleb smiles briefly at their conversation. He quickly closes his eyes, and is once more confronted with the strain of what he is about to do, as it weighs on him heavily. Caleb opens his eyes, stands, yelling, “Shift!”

  Cooley looks at the open com sees the very image she had seen in her earlier vision. The image of Caleb’s troubled face, as the com closes.


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