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Mal Page 9

by Catherine Lievens

  The bat struggled to get out of the towel and Will helped it, pulling on the fabric until the bat’s wings were out. Will thought it would try to fly away for a moment, but instead it shook out its wings then folded them on its back.

  The bat shifted, and Will made sure to have the towel ready to hide the guy’s groin when he was done.

  He had long brown hair and a hint of stubble. Will noticed tattoos on the man’s left arm when he reached out to give him the towel, and the man smiled gratefully at him. Simon was already out of the room, hopefully to find some clothes for the poor naked guy.

  Mal blinked at the guy, then looked at the bowl on the coffee table. “Right. I think I’m going to go get you a glass of water instead of a bowl. Do you need anything else? Something to eat, maybe?”

  The guy shook his head. “No, thank you.” His voice was hoarse, as if he’d screamed until he’d lost it and was still recuperating.

  Mal left, leaving Will alone with the bat shifter. He felt uncomfortable—he wasn’t good at making friends and small talk. He still offered the guy his hand. “I’m Will.”

  The guy nodded. “Iggy.”

  “Iggy?” Mal asked as he walked back into the living room. “Weird name.”

  Iggy laughed. “Better than my given name.”

  Mal handed Iggy the glass he was holding and sat on Will’s lap. Will blushed, but Mal just patted the top of his head, as if he were a dog. Will rolled his eyes, but he didn’t protest.

  “What’s your full name, then?” Mal asked.


  “Oh. I see. Yeah, I like Iggy better. I’m Mal, short for Malcolm.”

  Someone knocked on the front door and Will heard Simon bounce down the stairs. He appeared at the living room door soon after, clothes in his arms and Kameron and Jago following him. “See? Told you he was fine,” he told Jago as he handed the clothes to Iggy.

  “Well, I’m the nurse, so I’ll be the judge of that,” Jago answered.

  Iggy put the clothes down in his lap and raised his hands. “I’m fine. I don’t need a nurse.”

  “You sure? They told me you took a pretty hard hit.”

  “I’m fine. I’ve had worse, believe me.”

  “How did you manage to hit the window anyway? You thought it was open?”

  “That, and I was in a hurry. I hadn’t realized I already was in the Gillham Pack territory.”

  Kameron cleared his throat. “I’m the Gillham alpha.”

  “I’m Iggy.”

  “And what are you doing here, Iggy?”

  “I came to warn you. Tom is organizing another attack on the pack, and this time he’s bringing the big guns.”

  * * * *

  Everyone in the room was silent for a few seconds. Simon was the one to break it. “Attack?” he asked in a trembling voice.

  Iggy nodded. “Yes.”

  Kameron stepped forward, and he looked so intimidating that Mal knew he’d have been scared if he hadn’t know him. “How do you know?”

  Iggy swallowed so heavily that even Mal heard the clicking of his throat. “My colony is part of Tom’s council.”

  Kameron’s shoulders slumped and he sat in the armchair on the right of the couch Iggy, Will, and Mal were on. “Since you’re here I take it that you’re not okay with what’s happening?”

  Iggy shook his head. “No. I’m, well, I’m gay.” He looked around like he expected someone to say something, and when no one did, he chuckled breathlessly. “Right. Sorry. It’s the first time I said that aloud, and well, my colony isn’t the most accepting group of people.”

  “I think we got that from the fact that they’re helping Tom,” Kameron answered, but he was smiling.

  Iggy nodded. “Right. Sorry.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Anyway, it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I don’t think what they’re doing is right. I didn’t have a say in my colony’s decision to enter Tom’s council, but I didn’t want to leave home.”

  “Why did you?”

  Iggy sighed. “Because the leader of the colony started to recruit us. He explained we’d fight in the upcoming battle, and he was so fucking proud of it, it made me feel sick. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to kill people who just want to be left alone to live their lives.”

  “Do you know anything more about the attack?”

  “It’s for December. Just before Christmas.”

  Kameron raked a hand in his hair. “Fuck.”

  “Tom is trying to get most of the shifters groups that rallied under him to participate.”

  “Right. Do you think you can help us plan?”

  Iggy was pale, but he nodded. “I think so. I can’t give you a lot of info, though, because I wasn’t told much.”

  “Anything will be useful.”

  “I’ll do what I can.” Iggy looked down at himself and blushed. “I should go dress.”

  Mal jumped up from Will’s lap. “I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

  Iggy nodded and Mal led the way out of the living room. He felt a bit out of place there, the only human among all the shifters. He knew Kameron considered him a pack member, as did Mal’s friends, but most of the other members viewed him as an outsider. They probably thought of Will as a better member because he was a shifter, and there was nothing Mal could do for that. Well, he and Will could mate, but even though they’d talked about marriage and everything, their mating was still hovering over them. Mal didn’t understand why Will seemed so unwilling to bring it up.

  He stopped in front of the downstairs bathroom. “This is it, unless you want to shower.”

  Iggy shook his head. “I’m fine.”

  He passed by Mal and closed the door. Mal leaned against the wall. “I’ll wait for you here!” he yelled. He didn’t really have to wait for Iggy. He might not know the man, but he didn’t think Iggy would run away or start snooping.

  No, Mal stayed to give himself a few moments to think about Will and their mating. Will wasn’t bringing it up, so maybe Mal ought to do it. He wasn’t a shifter, but when he’d found out about Will, he’d gone to talk with Xavier, one of the only humans in the pack. Xavier had been understanding and had shared his experience with Mal, but it wasn’t the same.

  Xavier had a family, not only his mate. He and Andy had a son, and from what Xavier had said, Nathan had helped. Xavier had known a lot of pack members through him, and while they hadn’t accepted him with open arms, they had accepted him anyway.

  Mal was more of an outsider. It didn’t help that he didn’t like talking with people he didn’t know. That was his fault, but who would want to talk to someone who’d made it clear they thought he didn’t belong? Maybe it would change if he mated with Will.

  The bathroom door opened and Iggy stepped out, wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt Mal recognized as belonging to Mihaja. “Everything okay?” he asked, because Iggy still looked pale and a bit bewildered.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Ready to go back to the living room?”

  “Not really, but I don’t have a choice.”

  Mal frowned. “Yes you do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Would you rather go sleep? Are you tired, or hungry? Kam will wait until you’re comfortable to talk to you.”

  Iggy looked nonplussed, but he shook his head. “I’m fine. I’d rather get everything out so I can go on with my life.” He sighed. “Not that I still have one. I have to start from the beginning. I didn’t even bring a change of clothes with me.”

  “I’m sure you can stay here if you want to.”

  “And your alpha would accept an enemy in his pack?”

  “You’re not an enemy. You flew here from God knows where to tell us about the attack. You didn’t have to. Like you said, you lost your entire life by doing it.”

  Iggy didn’t look convinced, so when Mal entered the living room again, he went straight to Kame
ron. “Iggy can stay here, right?”

  Kameron arched a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “He left his entire life behind to tell us about the attack, and he thinks you’re going to kick him out as soon as you’re done asking questions.” That wasn’t exactly what Iggy had said, but Mal wasn’t stupid. He knew it was what Iggy thought.

  Kameron looked at Iggy, who was blushing again. “I won’t kick you out. We’ll help you get to your feet again, and you can chose if you want to stay here and become a pack member or if you’d rather leave, maybe to join another colony.”

  “So it’s true?” Iggy asked, looking from Kameron to Will, then to Simon and Mal, and to Jago, who was sitting on the couch typing on his phone. “One doesn’t have to be a wolf to be part of your pack?”

  Mal snorted. “Some people might not be happy about it, but no. I’m human, and my mate, Will, is a bear. Jago here’s an elephant shrew, and we also have demons, half-shifters, two wendigoes, a fossa, what else? What’s Reed again?”

  Kameron cleared his throat. “A pangolin. And who’s not happy about you being here?”

  “Uh, no one.”


  Mal sighed. “I don’t want to come out like a whiny baby. I’m fine. I have my friends and they’re enough. Really.”

  Kameron looked like he and Mal would have a chat later on, and Mal wasn’t looking forward to it. He looked at Iggy instead, who looked surprised. “See? We have a lot of other shifters here. You’ll fit right in if you decide to stay.”

  “I don’t...”

  “You don’t have to decide right away, just know that you’re welcome in this house whenever you want to. We don’t exactly have a room for you, but the couch is cozy. Or at least that’s what Will says.”

  Iggy looked at Will. “You sleep on the couch?”

  Will blushed. “I used to, in the beginning. Now I share a room with Mal.”

  “You can share my room,” Simon purred. “I don’t bite unless you ask me to.”

  “Simon, down,” Mal said. Simon scowled at him. “Don’t scare the new guy. He’s not used to you yet.”

  “You’re one to talk.”

  “Hey, I’m normal.”

  “So am I!”

  Kameron sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. “So, Iggy, would you rather stay here or go back to the house with me and Jago? We have plenty of empty rooms.”

  Iggy looked like he didn’t know how to answer that question, and Mal couldn’t blame him. “Really, we’re nice. Simon isn’t bad, he’s just playing around. Right, Simon?” Mal gave Simon a pointed glance and Simon nodded.

  “I was joking. You can have the couch or share my room. I promise I won’t do anything inappropriate.”

  Iggy reluctantly nodded. “All right. I’ll stay here if it’s okay with everyone.”

  * * * *

  Will closed the door to his and Mal’s room and sighed. It was late, and he was tired. The thing with Iggy had taken a lot more time than he’d expected, what with dinner being thrown in, and it was almost one in the morning. At least Kameron had told him to go to work later the next day.

  Iggy was sharing Simon’s room for now, and Will was supposed to bring him along when he went to the alpha’s house the following day. Nick probably wanted to talk to him, and Kameron would have to gather his men and tell them what Iggy knew. Will was glad he couldn’t fight, because he really didn’t want to be in the middle of that situation.

  Mal came out of the bathroom, wearing his pajamas, and Will smiled at him. Mal had tried his best to make Iggy feel accepted and at home, and Will had been stunned. He’d known his mate was sweet and accepting, but tonight he’d had the proof of it, and it made him love Mal even more. It couldn’t be easy for him to be one of the few humans in the pack, yet he seemed to take it in stride.

  Will went to the bathroom. He showered, brushed his teeth, and put his pajamas on. Mal was already in bed, but he wasn’t sleeping. He was on his back, staring at the ceiling, and Will knew he wanted to ask something. He was getting better at reading Mal’s moods, and he loved it.

  He settled in bed next to Mal, and Mal turned on his side. “Why haven’t you asked me to mate with you?” he asked.

  Will was surprised by the question. “I don’t know. I thought you’d tell me if you wanted to do it.”

  “You’re the shifter. Shouldn’t you be the one to want it?”

  Will frowned and rolled on his side to face Mal. “I do want it.”

  “Doesn’t look like it.”

  “Mal, I thought you might need time to get used to it. I know marriage is expected to be forever, but we both know divorce exists. Mating doesn’t have a way out. Once we do it, it’ll really be for life, and I thought you might want some time to deal with the idea and get used to it. Honestly, I thought we’d end up mating on our wedding night.”

  Mal’s expression softened. “You’re a big romantic, huh?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. I’m just me.”

  “So you want to wait?”

  “No, I don’t. I’d bite you right now if you’d let me.”

  “Who said I’d try to stop you?”

  Will narrowed his eyes at Mal. “Are you being serious?”

  “Of course I am. I know this isn’t something that can be taken back, and I want you to bite me. I’m not too fond of the idea of drinking your blood, but it’ll be only the one time. I can do it.”

  “I know you can.”

  Will looked at Mal and tried to read him. Mal was an adult, and he’d lived with shifters for months. He’d had the opportunity to see couples mate, and he knew what it meant. Will didn’t want to make Mal feel like he didn’t trust him to make decisions in his life, and honestly, there was nothing he wanted more than mating with him. His bear had been pushing him to do just that for weeks, and Will wanted to give in.

  “So?” Mal asked, arching a brow.

  “It’s forever. You’d probably be able to leave me since you’re human, but I’ll always be mated to you.” And it scared Will like fuck. After what had happened with Heath, he was terrified of losing Mal too. He knew Mal didn’t want to leave him—not right now anyway. But what would happen in ten years? In twenty?

  Mal cupped Will’s cheek and brushed his thumb on Will’s cheekbone. “I know you’re scared, but I’m not Heath. Even if I lose my memory, I won’t find another mate. You’re it for me. It’s different than what you had with Heath and you know it.”

  Will did know it, but it didn’t stop him from having doubts. It obviously showed on his face, because Mal sighed and let his hand fall between them. “I won’t force you to mate with me. I understand why you’re hesitating.”


  “No, I really do. I know you love me, even though you haven’t told me, and as much as I want to mate with you, to be your forever, I do get why you don’t want to.”

  Will kissed Mal. It had proved to be one of the most efficient ways to shut Mal up, and it worked this time too. Mal was tense, but Will continued kissing him and gently rubbed circles on Mal’s back until he felt him relax in his arms. By the time they stopped kissing, their bodies were plastered together, their legs were tangled, and they were both sporting wood.

  “Who said I didn’t want to mate with you?” Will asked breathlessly. “I just told you I wanted to.”

  Mal pressed his forehead against Will’s. “I know. I just... you’re not the only one with bad past relationships.”

  A thought hit Will, and he felt sick at the idea. “Do you think I could be like Paul? That I’ll start to hit you after we’re mated?”

  “No. I know you won’t. I know you’re different. It doesn’t stop me from being a tiny bit scared about it.”

  “What can I do to make that fear disappear?”

  Mal smiled and kissed Will. “Exactly what you’re doing.” He paused and looked at Will. “So...” He tilted his head to the side, lightly
enough that it could have been casual, but Will knew it wasn’t.

  He leaned forward and kissed the soft skin of Mal’s neck, and Mal shuddered against him. “So?”

  “Do you guys bite on the neck because it’s such a highly erotic place?” Mal asked.

  “No. Well, maybe, but only in part. The neck is a place where the bite is easily visible, yet also easily hidden if you need it to be.” He nipped on the skin he’d been kissing, smiling when Mal tried to move closer. “You really want to do this now?”

  “You want it, I want it. Why wait? Or do you want to wait until we get married?”

  “No. I know it’d be more romantic, but I like the idea of separating the human and shifter sides.”

  “That, and you can’t wait anymore.”

  Will chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “So do it.”

  Will pushed Mal on his back. He reached down, sliding his hands under Mal’s T-shirt, pushing it up and leaning down to suck at Mal’s nipple when the T-shirt was high enough. Mal groaned and wriggled until Will let him sit up to take his T-shirt off.

  They were quick to get naked, and Will pressed Mal into the mattress. This wasn’t the first time they had sex, but unlike the other times, it was heavy with anticipation. Will kissed down Mal’s chest after Mal handed him the lube. “Next time, I want you to fuck me,” he whispered against Mal’s bellybutton.


  “Yeah. I know you said you mostly bottom, but...”

  “I can do that.”

  “Great.” Will opened the lube and got enough of it on his fingers. He let the bottle fall somewhere on the bed and kissed back up Mal’s chest, stopping to tease his nipples as he started prepping him.

  Will kissed Mal’s lips, losing himself in it. It had never been this way with Heath, and Will saw the difference only now. He’d loved Heath, and he’d probably always love him, but it wasn’t the same feeling than the one he had for Mal. The love he felt for Mal was stronger, more grounding, yet full of a passion Will hadn’t believed he was capable of.

  He slid into Mal, and Mal locked his legs around Will’s waist, like always. This was a favorite position of theirs—it might not be adventurous, but Will didn’t want adventurous. He wanted love, softness, proximity, and it was what he had with Mal. Adventurous could come later.


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