Pleasure Extraordinaire 2 (PURSUIT)

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Pleasure Extraordinaire 2 (PURSUIT) Page 4

by Pleasure Extraordinaire 2 [MF] (epub)

  “I know what you’re thinking.” Zane’s date finally opens her mouth to speak, and she has actually a nice, sexy voice. “I’m wasting him.”

  I shrug. Sometimes it’s better not to talk. Especially when conveying hurtful thoughts.

  “I wish I could convince my heart to stop beating for him. Every time I take the plunge and decide to move on, he shows up with the most exquisite gift, telling me I’m the woman he wants for the rest of his life and then just like that he wins me back again.”

  So she’s aware she’s being manipulated, yet can’t put an end to it. “I’ll share a secret with you, and hopefully you’ll keep it between us.”

  She nods eagerly, perhaps expecting me to reveal the key to Zane’s heart or something as valuable to gain his love. But that’s not going to happen. “You’re not the only woman he’s using. He has two assistants whose only job is to deal with the women in his life. It’s not only three or five women I’m talking about. He has hundreds of women whom he’s keeping on the side. If I were you, I’d run from him. He’ll come after you, but not because he loves you or cares about you, but because he doesn’t want to lose his toy. I’m sorry to be so blatant, but I believe you deserve the truth.”

  Her gaze drops down to the champagne glass in her hand, and I see a drop of tear rolling down on the side of her nose. “Thank you for your honesty,” she says, pulling the sapphire ring from her middle finger, and placing it on the table before vanishing into the crowd of people.

  Zane will be pissed off when he realizes he’s lost one of his admirers, and I’d pay money to see his face then. I risk a glance toward Lindsay’s table and see her in a deep conversation with Zane. Why doesn’t she tell him to fuck off? Does she care about him? Zane is one step ahead because of his impatience and disobedience. As his brother, Lindsay won’t give me a second chance. That’s far from a fair game.

  Chloe and Dylan return to the table and Michael joins us while the deserts are served. He talks shamelessly and loudly about married life and secrets behind a happy marriage, as if he hadn’t pushed my mother to kill herself.

  Soon our table is surrounded by people who want a glimpse into Michael’s world as a husband. Despite the heavy knot in my stomach, I stay and listen to his bullshit. Mom received nothing but suffering for loving the wrong man, and Michael’s late-bloomed homosexuality was only a part of her lifelong depression and grief. He wouldn’t let her go even though he took a male lover. She lived a torturous life filled with physical and emotional abuse. Only we, her children, knew death gave her the freedom and peace she could never have with Michael.

  Even so, I can’t control my egoist side and wish she was alive, supporting us through the hardness of life that came with being Michael’s children. Michael should have been the one to die in place of Mom. This engagement party would be so much different with her.

  I keep up my fake interest, while Michael’s preaching takes a new turn toward business and politics and steal glimpses, every now and then, at Lindsay. Zane has occupied her time for longer than normal, and I wonder why Michael doesn’t intervene. When I see Lindsay laughing at something Zane says, I can’t hold it together. I apologize politely, and after Michael’s brief nod as his permission for me to leave, I head to the restroom.

  I shouldn’t care so much about a woman, much less someone under Michael’s contract, but I do, and so help me if I let her go without a fight. I keep myself busy checking my emails on my phone while waiting at the end of the hall where the restrooms are located. Lindsay hasn’t used the restrooms yet. Which means she’ll have to come here soon.

  After half an hour of losing time with reading unnecessary emails, I smile at the correctness of my prediction and nod at Lindsay as she enters the restroom. I’m glad Zane doesn’t accompany her. He has never been a gentleman.

  When she leaves the restroom, I gesture to her with my chin toward an empty room across from the restrooms, and grin when I realize she’s put on makeup. Her lips are a glowing crimson, her cheeks a tantalizing hue of pink. Her hair is brushed into thicker volume, wilder waves. And all I can think about is smearing that lipstick around her lips with a hard kiss, deepening the pink of her cheeks, messing up her hair as I take her ruthlessly over the sofa before the windows.

  This might be the only chance I get to convince her to give me a shot at pleasuring her, and I won’t screw it up by talking bad about Zane. “I have a secret to share with you.”

  She lifts her eyebrow with curiosity and takes a step toward me. An aura of lust fills the air as I recognize the craving of intimacy in her expression. I let my eyes sweep over her body, slowly and deliberately to give her a glimpse of the lustful thoughts running rampant in my mind. Her chest grows wide with a deep breath of air and she stops short in the middle of the room, leaving a safe distance between us. “It won’t be a secret if you share it.”

  Her words pull out an unexpected grin out of me. “You’re right, but I’ll do it anyway.”

  “Okay, I’m all ears.”

  And I’m all cock when I’m around you. “The reason you won’t consider me as a lover at PE is because I’m Zane’s brother and you had sex with him. Am I right?”

  She doesn’t blink an eye or move an inch when she says, “yes.”

  “What if I tell you Zane and I aren’t biological brothers? Would you reconsider your decision?”

  The frowning conquers her face again, this time deeper and harder. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’m adopted. My biological mother and father are different from Zane’s. I have no genetic connection to Zane. I’m no different than any other man to Zane in terms of heredity.”

  She takes a moment to analyze my confession. Perhaps she still won’t back down from her decision because Zane and I are raised as brothers, shared the same household, and grew up under the same rules. “Is that true?”

  “Absolutely. Around the time I was conceived, a journalist managed to find out the truth about Michael’s sexual tendencies. To prove him wrong and repair his public image, Michael decided to buy me from my birth mother and showed me as his and Mom’s third biological child. Mom played along, even had pictures taken of her fresh out of the hospital after her phony birth. Everybody believed the happy and loving family Michael had and still has, and the journalist who originally discovered the truth about my father’s homosexuality was arrested and put in jail for spreading false rumors about him.”

  “That’s… That’s…” She covers her mouth, looking disgusted as if she’ll puke. “That’s repugnant. So much dishonesty and fraud. Is there anyone who’s not involved in lies in your family?” She spins around on her heel and storms toward the door.

  I run to block her way before she can open the door. “I am. I don’t deceive people. I do only what I have to not to get on Michael’s wrong side, but that’s minimal.”

  She yanks my hand away with such force I tremble, and moves away toward the window, holding the place that I held on to her arm. “Why is everyone talking as if Michael is the devil on earth?”

  “I hope you won’t have to experience that side of him, but he’d beat the devil himself in evilness. But that’s not the point. The point is, you and I have an unfinished business, and there’s nothing immoral that stands in our way to complete what we’ve started.”

  “There’s nothing immoral for paying money to have sex?”

  “Not when the man is willing and would do it without getting paid. All my men are well off and would do it without money. Money is just icing on the cake, but the cake is the real incentive in my business, not the icing.”

  “The age-old discussion again. Okay, okay, I understand your perspective and well, you might be right. But, I’m not sure if I’ll choose you as the extra escort you offered me.” She stares down at her nails then looks up at me. Frown and worry lines cross her forehead. “Zane and you might not have a biological bond, but you’re still brothers in heart.”

  “Believe me, that can’t be far
ther from the truth. He and I despise each other like deadly enemies. Actually, I’m pretty sure he’s coming after you because he’s aware of my special interest in you.”

  Her features soften with an unexpected grin of her beautiful lips, and she averts her gaze in embarrassment.

  “What is it?” I ask, curious about what might change her angry attitude.

  “I didn’t know about your special interest in me.”

  Oh, that. “Even a blind person could see it, how can’t you?”

  “Is that why you chose yourself to apply the coconut oil to me?”

  “I’m only a man. I lose my limits when it comes to taking advantage of a situation to devour a sexy girl.”

  “You gave me four on the beauty scale, remember? Now you’re talking about my irresistible sexiness.”

  “Well, I admit I was a bit harsh in my judgment of your looks.”

  She grazes her lower lip with her teeth and cocks her head to the side, her eyes traveling up and down my body. “So you’re saying you don’t think I’m a four?”

  I shake my head no.

  “Then which number would you give me?”

  “Numbers don’t matter in your case because there’s no number that can objectively rate my desire for you. The quickening of my blood every time you shoot me a seductive glance, when you bite your lips, run your fingers over your neck as if you want to be kissed there, and when you can’t even hide your own arousal. You’re sex on legs, Lindsay, but also a fool for not being aware of your effect on men. I had to give a four for your looks to prevent my men going vandal to get you.”

  “Now you’re exaggerating,” she says, but the full-tooth smile revitalizing her face tells a completely different story.

  I move closer to her and trail the tip of my index finger down her bare arm, feeling the goose bumps along the way, watching her lose control. “You can’t even imagine the things I want to do to you.”

  “Enough.” She breathes in and out through her mouth. Her body shivers visibly under my touch.

  “Enough or I won’t be able to control myself and let you take me here?”

  She gasps and then presses her lips tightly together, perhaps to stifle a moan. I wish she moaned and let her words of her lust for me come out of her mouth. But instead she says, “enough, or I will slap you to end this little seduction game of yours. You blame Zane for going after me as a reason to make you upset, but I think you’re guilty of the same crime. Would you still have cared about me if Zane hadn’t been in the picture? No, don’t answer that.” She lifts her hand and holds it before my face. “I know the answer. You pulled your coconut-oil trick on me, knowing it was Zane who was waiting for me, and now you have the nerve to blame Zane for your own mistake,” she says and paces out, banging the door closed behind her.

  I plop myself on the couch and gather my head between my hands, letting out an angry, exasperated breath. No matter what I confess or do, she won’t bend. She’s uncompromising, close-minded, and stubborn as a mule, and I wish more than anything to weaken her determination for my own indulgence.

  The Offer

  Hawkins men are something to marvel about, even Ace, who claims to not belong to the Hawkins family.

  They’re all experts in impressing everyone around them with their charisma and intelligence, and don’t forget their exquisite looks. They’re all driven in whatever area they choose to excel. One common area all three are good at is seducing women. Even Michael, though he has no interest in the female gender, will spare an extra enticing glance to cause us shaky legs. And, the last of all, they won’t give in until they get what they desire.

  Take Ace. He wants me, desires me to the level of sharing a nasty family secret with me so I allow him to be my second lover in a threesome. Unless I do a paternity test, I have no way to prove the truthfulness of his words, but the pale blondness of his hair as opposed to the darker tones of his siblings and father tells me he might not be lying.

  I don’t know what to think, let alone decide if I want him. Well, I actually know that I want him. With all my cells and fibers, with my dreams and realities. I yearn for him. I crave his touch. I melt for his kiss. As if those weren’t enough, I’m constantly thinking about him, so much so that if I give in to my needs for a second when I’m with him, I’ll find myself on my knees, begging for him to complete that unfinished business.

  I want to see him naked in front of me, both his body and soul. I want him exposed, without any barrier or hindrance to conceal his true self from me. I want to get to know his vulnerabilities and capabilities. I want to tire him with my demands and become exhausted with his in return. I want a fight with him, sweaty and painful, and then love him gently to smooth his pain. I want him to belong to me completely with everything he has, even if it’ll be for only a brief moment.

  Nothing or no one else should matter at that moment. Whatever it is that I’ll share with him; I want it to be irreplaceable, incomparable in his eyes. I want a large part of his memory dedicated to me long after I’m gone.

  That is, if I decide to have that moment with him.

  But if I go ahead and choose him as the complimentary lover, none of this will happen. We won’t be able to completely give ourselves to each other in the presence of another man. Perhaps it’s not a bad thing after all. If I get lucky and experience the moment of my dreams with Ace, most likely that’ll be the last day my heart will belong to me.

  I’m not ready to fall in love, much less with a Hawkins. Much less with someone who runs a brothel and has an easy access to hundreds of willing women who won’t shy away from shelling out thousands of dollars for his able hands. And definitely not with a man like Ace who doesn’t need a brothel to find women.

  He’s like a perfect poem, words rhyming seamlessly with each other, but their real beauty comes from the meaning that gives life to them. His eyes, the way he looks right through my core and the way his words reflect his own tortured soul are my undoing. It’s obvious… if I ever get a taste of his sexual side, I’ll never truly be able to let it go and be my normal self again.

  I will say no to his offer. I’ll pick JJ and another man who have no motives beyond satisfying me while getting their own gratification and that will be it. No hearts will be broken; no tears will be shed.

  After the party, Edric reminds me to save a date for another shopping spree with him to buy gowns for the upcoming events I’ll be attending as Michael’s date. He’ll be having an important guest from Russia in less than two weeks. I guess Chloe and I will be responsible for entertaining his wife during their three-day visit. Which means more shopping is in my near future.

  Before I leave, Michael thanks me for the perfect date—his words, not mine.

  I glance back at the crowd to locate Ace, but he’s nowhere to be seen. A part of me—okay a big part of me—hopes he won’t be deterred by my rebuff. I spot Zane and grin at his obvious ogling over me.

  Perhaps I should choose Zane and Ace to check out what they have to offer. The thought of them both naked fighting for my attention gives me shivers. Rather than giving me pleasure, though, they’ll most likely busy themselves with punches and kicks. From what Ace told me, they don’t seem to get along in their normal lives; a little competition in bed might turn their dislike into hatred in a matter of minutes. I’d rather continue having them only in my dreams to keep myself from an accidental punch in the face.

  I drive back home with Taylor and Adam. Taylor dozes off on Adam’s shoulder, and I stare out to the road, considering Ace’s offer. To say his offer inflamed wild lust in me is an understatement, really. If Taylor and Adam weren’t in the limousine with me, I’d finger myself to cool down the needy nerves inside me, most likely dreaming about how Ace’s finger shook them awake with a brief touch, and Zane’s abrupt visit to my apartment to fuck my brains out.

  The two men together would make a mind-blowing sexual experience. I could suck off Ace’s penis while Zane fucks me from behind. Both men losing t
hemselves while connected to me. The thought of it is so wild and arousing and so much better than any of my fantasies, I feel I’m ready to burn in the aftermath of it.

  Oh shit, it seems I don’t need to wait until after a threesome with them to burn, because my sex is hot like burning coals, clenching with urgency and spreading the heat throughout my body. I turn my face to the side to hide my blushing. I’ll have to use my biggest dildo to take edge off, while dreaming it’s one of the Hawkins brothers.

  The ride feels like hours instead of only forty minutes, and I climb the stairs in my apartment building two at a time to finally get inside my condo and attack my pleasure chest. Grabbing the eight-inch dildo, I smear a generous amount of lube around it and shove it inside me, still standing and fully clothed.

  I close my eyes, and immediately the naked images of Ace and Zane appear in front of my eyes, both of their cocks in their full sizes, pointing at me. Ace would approach me first, giving me a full-blown kiss, while his hands played with my vagina. Zane would spread his arms around me from behind, his cock pressed against my buttocks. I don’t know if it’d be possible to take them both inside my vagina, but in my fantasy it seems to be a reality. They’d throw me onto a bed and thrust their cocks inside me, stretching me like I’ve never been. I’d be surrounded by two beautiful bodies, filled to the brim by two fat cocks.

  Plunging the dildo with harder strokes, I fall face-first over the bed and cry out as the tension inside me reaches to its highest. Wild convulsions follow. I continue thrusting the dildo until the spasms die out and pull it out slowly. Its strong latex smell hits my nostrils and I wince. It’s nowhere near arousing like a real cock smeared in my juices. If it was Ace’s cock, or Zane’s, I’d lick it clean, something I’ve never done with my previous lovers. But, both Ace and Zane are so sexy, I’d demand to do it without them having to ask me for it.


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