Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)

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Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2) Page 6

by Tricia Andersen

  Rico crossed his arms over his chest. “What is it, Mark?”

  “Nothing. It’s just not every day you see the great Rico Choate fall in love.”

  Rico shot a cold glare at Mark. “Again, thank you for taking care of her.” He stormed around the Jeep and jumped in, leaving Mark laughing on the curb. He breathed a sigh of relief as they sped down the highway. Avery was none the wiser about his mixed martial arts career. His secret was still safe.

  Rico stopped in front of her house. As he opened her door to help her out, he met her smile with one of his own. Your friends are really nice.

  They are like brothers to me. Sometimes, they can be a little obnoxious.

  It is all right. I like them. And despite their teasing, they seem to really care about you. I can see why you think of them as brothers.

  Rico smiled at her words then gently helped her from the Jeep. He wrapped a protective arm around her waist to support her as she hobbled to the porch. He startled when the front door slammed open. Lindsay was standing on the top step, his gaze locked to the bandage on Avery’s ankle. Instinct took over. Rico stopped dead in his tracks.

  Avery looked at him. What is it?

  “Maybe I should say goodbye here. I don’t want to upset your brother.”

  She glanced from him to Lindsay’s murderous glare. Her face twisted in a scowl. She slipped her hand across the stubble on Rico’s chin and turned his face to her. His heart raced as Avery pressed her lips against his, parting them as they kissed. He didn’t think. He pulled her closer to deepen it. If she were my little sister, I would kill me too. Yep. I’m a dead man.

  As they parted, she signed. Goodbye, Rico.

  “Not yet. I will see you safely to your door.”

  He supported her in his arms as they slowly ascended the porch stairs.


  Rico strolled into Hard Drive, whistling the song he had just heard on the radio with each step he took. He couldn’t remember the last time he had whistled like this. But then, he couldn’t remember the last time he had been this truly happy.

  He stopped dead in his tracks as a sobering thought crossed his mind. He did remember the last time he had been this content.

  He was ten. His mother had just tucked him into bed after reading a story to him. It had been a Hardy Boys mystery. She kissed him on the forehead and wished him good night. He could hear his father giving instructions to the sitter. They were only going for drinks with friends from work. They wouldn’t be long. Rico snuggled into his pillow and drifted to sleep with a smile on his young lips.

  He shuddered as he forced the memory to stop there. Clenching his eyes closed, he forced his breath in and out quickly to calm himself. Hard Drive was the perfect place to be. Right now, he needed to hit something repeatedly. He glanced down at his scarred knuckles. Maybe until they started to bleed. Whatever it took to purge those recollections from his mind.

  Rico was startled by the soft song that played from his pocket. He plunged his hand in to find his phone. After rummaging in the fabric for a moment, he pulled it free and glanced at the screen.

  Potato salad or fruit?

  His face broke out in a warm smile. The ghosts of his past disappeared as he typed the response.

  Avery, sweetheart. You’re going to too much trouble.

  A new bubble popped up under what he had just sent.

  That’s not an answer, Rico. Potato salad or fruit?

  He laughed as his thumbs flew across the screen.

  Fruit would be great. I’m heading in to workout now.

  He waited instead of walking into the building. He wasn’t disappointed.

  Can’t wait to see you!

  Rico slipped the cell back into his pocket as the tune returned to his lips. Glancing at his knuckles, his grin grew wider. For the first time ever, other than the abuse they would suffer in practice, his fingers were safe. Avery was truly amazing. He opened the door and walked inside. Setting his bag on the bench, he kicked his shoes off and nudged them against the wall with his toe.

  “How’s Avery?”

  Rico spun around to find both Mark and Dan in front of the mirrors. Dan was still shadow boxing. Mark stood with his hands on his hips, beads of sweat dotting his forehead as he waited for an answer.

  “She’s good,” Rico replied as he dug out his gloves. “She texted this morning to tell me there wasn’t much pain left.”

  “Glad to hear it. She needs to keep wrapping it and putting ice on it so she doesn’t reinjure it.”

  “I’ll make sure she does.” Rico joined his friends, tossing his gloves on the floor. Sitting on the mat, he extended his leg out in front of him, grasped his foot, and then leaned into the stretch.

  Mark cocked a grin at Rico. Rico frowned at him. “What?” he demanded.

  “Still can’t believe you’re in love,” Mark replied.

  Rico paused a moment. The words played in his mind. Could he say them? “So what if I’m in love? What’s the big deal?”

  “It isn’t. I’m happy for you. When are you going to tell her you’re a mixed martial artist?”

  “I will. Just not right now. I’m going to ease her into it.”

  “So, you’re going to lie to her.”

  “I’m not lying to her. I just haven’t shared that part of my life yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not ready to do it. I will though. Soon.”

  “She seems like a pretty smart girl to me. Maybe you should give her a chance.” Mark turned back to the mirror and joined Dan in shadow boxing.

  Rico snarled at him. Mark had no idea what was at stake. Did he want to tell Avery that he fought? Of course he did. Maybe he would someday soon. And maybe she would react like she did at the restaurant. When he got to know her better and knew she would be all right with what he did, he would tell her.

  The rest of the morning was spent doing tabatas, sparring, and rolling. At noon, Rico peeled off his gloves and tossed them into his bag. He didn’t even put on his shoes. Instead, he grabbed them and his bag before racing home to shower and change.

  His heart thundered in his chest as he pulled up to Avery’s house. She stood on the porch in a pale blue sundress and white, strappy sandals. The elastic wrap around her injured ankle even blended into her outfit. In her hands, she held the handles of a large picnic basket.

  She skipped the best she could down the steps to the Jeep. Rico hopped out to set the basket in the back seat then help her into the passenger side. His gaze wandered over her as he jumped back into the vehicle. “You are beautiful,” he said.

  She blushed a rosy pink as she texted. I don’t normally wear dresses. The weather is so warm and well…

  Rico glanced over to find her fingers folded in her lap as her face grew redder. He kissed her cheek. “I’m so glad you did. So, where would you like to go?”

  There’s a lake near my college. It’s beautiful. Can we go there?

  “Absolutely. Just show me where.”

  Avery gave him the directions, updating them as they reached each stop light. Rico parked in the nearly full parking lot. Before Avery could unbuckle her seat belt, he had the picnic basket and a blanket in his grasp and was offering her a hand to help her out. She reached for the basket. With a suave smile, he held it out of her reach.

  Give it to me, she commanded.

  Rico set the basket on the ground behind him then draped the blanket over it so he could sign. How about you take my hand so I won’t get lost?

  Avery huffed. You are impossible.

  “But you love me for it.”

  Avery’s eyes went wide as she bit her lower lip.

  Rico’s heart thundered as he panicked. “I was kidding. I didn’t mean to imply that you love me.”

  He watched her cheeks flush again. She signed to him. But I do. I do love you. I wasn’t sure…

  Rico cupped her face in his hands and parted her lips in a deep, warm kiss. She had just told him that she
loved him. It was all he wanted. Whatever she was saying was lost as her hands caressed his arms and her mouth melted against his.

  As they broke apart, Rico let his hands slip from her face. “I love you, Avery.”

  He pulled her close for another kiss. Holding her, kissing her, was the only thing he ever wanted to do. Feeling her surrender, knowing she loved him too, was the most incredible feeling he’d ever experienced. He didn’t know how long they embraced. He didn’t care.

  Suddenly, she pulled away. The fried chicken is getting cold.

  “I really don’t care.”

  Neither do I. But we might when we finally get around to eating it.

  Rico laughed. “That’s true.” He let her go then took her hand to help her from the vehicle. Her fingers laced with his as he picked up the blanket and basket with his free hand. Together, they wandered alongside the lake until they found a lush, green spot beneath a large tree.

  He shook out the blanket then laid it on the grass. Avery settled on it as Rico placed the basket in the middle. Before he could sit down, she already had the flap open and was pulling out container after container of delicious food.

  His stomach growled at the sight of the homemade chocolate cake. It was definitely not on his training diet. But how was he going to tell her he couldn’t have any? She had obviously baked it herself just for him. He cocked a sly grin. It would be rude not to eat a piece. A big piece, he thought.

  Avery handed him a plate and a plastic fork, spoon, and knife. Dig in.

  They each started peeling the tops off the containers and scooping the food onto their plates. Rico tore off a piece of chicken and popped it into his mouth. He groaned because it was that good. He set his plate down to sign. The chicken is amazing.

  Avery did the same to respond. Thank you.

  “Where did you learn to make it?”

  Avery reached for her phone. Rico chuckled as she typed. Once his phone vibrated he looked down. I got the recipe from a librarian at the public library. She helps me do the research for my papers. I told her I was making you a picnic lunch, and she gave her recipe to me. Her husband and son-in-law love it, which she said amazes her. They are both from somewhere in Ireland, and she is pretty sure they didn’t have fried chicken there. They go crazy for it.

  Rico winked at her. “Not the information you’d expect to get at the library.”

  Avery giggled. I guess not.

  They continued to eat as they watched the sailboats slip across the water. Rico couldn’t believe how delicious everything was. He didn’t have room for the huge piece of cake that Avery served him, but he wasn’t about to turn it away. He was going to have to take a nap later.

  Rico helped her reseal the containers and tuck them back into the basket. Moving the basket to the grass, he pulled Avery into his arms and held her tight. She wrapped hers around his waist and laid her head on his broad chest.

  Silently, they watched the boats, the people walking on the path nearby, the children playing at the water’s edge, and the birds flying overhead. Every once in a while, Avery would look up at him, her blue eyes sparkling. He stole a kiss each and every time she did.

  Rico sighed. He had never felt peace like this. All the chaos in his life, the fights, the publicity, the fame…suddenly didn’t seem so important. Avery was all that mattered. Keeping her safe, knowing she was happy, was all he wanted. He had never been in love like this. What he had felt for Phoebe, his psychotic ex-girlfriend, hadn’t even come close. He never wanted to let Avery go. Ever.

  The sun was low on the horizon when they finally stood to leave. Avery beat him to the blanket, folding it neatly and tucking it in her arm before Rico could get a hand on it. He picked up the basket then hand in hand they walked back to the Jeep.

  They sat outside Avery’s house for several moments before Rico walked her to the door. You’ll pick me up in the morning? She asked.

  “Of course, I will. I’ll do anything to spend time with you.”

  She blushed.

  Rico grinned. He’d also do just about anything to tinge her cheeks pink like that. “What are you doing this week?” he continued.

  Studying. I have some big tests coming up. What about you?

  “Working then the gym. Like normal. Max has some crazy workout planned. Want me to help you study?”

  She laughed. You know as well as I do, Rico, if you try to help, we won’t be studying.

  He chuckled with her. “True. But I’ll be on my best behavior. Just as long as you’re on yours.”

  Avery gasped indignantly as she slapped him on the arm. I am always on my best behavior.

  “Really? So you are saying I’m the bad influence?”

  Yes. I am.

  “It is good to know we are on the same page.”

  Avery laughed again. The sound was weak but it was definitely there. Rico studied her face. Lord, she’s beautiful. Her features were normally so cool and collected. She was a Marine. Obviously, not much fazed her. It was one of the things he loved about her.

  But right now, her eyes held a wicked glimmer. She slowly reached across his seat. Her fingers weaved themselves in his hair. That sensation alone sent his heart racing. She pulled him to her and parted his lips with hers. It didn’t take long before her tongue tangled with his. Instinctively, he drew her tight against him.

  Feeling her curves mold against his body, the taste of her on his lips, set him on fire. The old Rico, the one who couldn’t remember the names of half the women he slept with, started to creep to the surface. He could take her back to his place. One night with her would be incredible.

  He looked into her eyes as the kiss broke. She was perfect. He couldn’t ruin what they had. He didn’t want her for one night. He wanted her for forever. He wanted to promise eternity to her. He wanted to raise a family with her. He couldn’t risk everything on one night.

  He nuzzled his nose against hers and brushed another kiss against her lips. He didn’t think before he spoke. The words just tumbled out. “I love you.”

  An amused smile graced her lips as she signed. I love you, too. I guess I better go in.

  “I guess so.”

  He grabbed the picnic basket out of the back seat. He wrapped his arm around her and tucked her close to him as he walked her to the house. He could see Lindsay glaring at him through the window. Rico didn’t care. As they reached the front door, he pulled Avery to him for one last, soft kiss. She sighed as she took the basket from him and looped her arm through the handles. See you in the morning?

  “Can’t wait.”

  Rico waved to Lindsay as he held the door open for Avery to pass through. A grin spread across his face as he jogged down the steps. The whistling started again.

  Chapter Five

  Rico spent every moment he could with Avery that week. Which meant he fielded a lot of phone calls from an irritated Max. Did he care if Max was angry that he kept skipping out at the end of practice instead of standing around and chatting about their upcoming fight? No. He knew the fight was important. But in his heart, Avery was far more so.

  He helped Avery study for her tests and papers every night after Hard Drive. Or at least he tried. Their study sessions always started out innocent enough—with Rico helping her do research or asking her questions. But then, there was a stolen kiss amongst the bookshelves. A soft caress at the table. The suggestion that they move to the wildly colored vinyl chairs to be more comfortable.

  Before they knew it, they were sitting in just one chair with Avery curled up on Rico’s lap as she read. She laid her head on his shoulder as she studied. He interrupted her with kisses on her cheek, chin, and lips. At first, she was exasperated that he stopped her reading, but it wasn’t long before the book was on the floor and she was returning every kiss he gave.

  He knew he would be fully to blame if she failed. Yet, how could he resist her for that long? Despite their less than academic activities in the library, Avery passed her first test with flying colors.
Their study sessions were still on.

  Everyone at the library knew Avery, and it was easy to tell they loved her as much as he did. She introduced Rico to Mary, the librarian who had given her the chicken recipe. The older woman bragged over Avery, telling him what a wonderful student and great help she was. After talking for nearly a half hour, he learned that Mary used to live in Mount Vernon, which wasn’t far from where Mark and Dan grew up. Maybe he needed to bring his friends in and introduce them so they could chat about things back home.

  Rico shuffled the deck of flash cards then set them on the table. It was Friday night. Any other Friday night, he’d be at the clubs looking for some woman to charm. Tonight, he was in the library helping Avery study for her last exam. He couldn’t possibly be happier.

  “What do you want to do this weekend?” he questioned.

  She sighed. He could see the weariness in her eyes. She pulled out her cell. Seconds later her text arrived. All these tests and papers have worn me out. I just want to relax. Of course, that is after the 5k I am helping with.

  Rico frowned. “A 5k?”

  She grinned. Yes, sweetheart. A 5k run and walk. It’s to raise money for Operation First Response. I’m organizing it along with the store owners that we picked up the donations from. Oh, and Chloe is helping me.

  “Chloe is helping? When did you talk to her?”

  She stops in the café. We’ve been talking since shortly after our double date at the Italian restaurant. It is all right if I make friends with your friends?

  “Of course it is.” Rico shook his head, baffled. So much for damage control. “When were you going to tell me about this?”

  I thought I had. I am sorry.

  He smiled because he was the last person who should be angry about holding things back. He was hiding a huge part of his life from her. “No worries. So, I’ll see you after the 5k?”

  Or… Avery crept her finger across the tabletop until they wrapped around his. She squeezed then let go to sign. You could come run. I’ll even waive the late fee because you are so hot.

  “You want me to run? Seriously?”

  You are so physically fit. I just figured you could run a little over three miles. Unless, of course, I am wrong.


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