Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)

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Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2) Page 10

by Tricia Andersen

  Except for two things—he wasn’t, and he was holding the woman Rico loved. By the look on Avery’s face, she certainly wasn’t a willing party of this. Rico had dealt with hundreds of guys like this all his life. This one wasn’t any different.

  The thug shoved Avery at Rico for a distraction. He caught her and gently set her on the empty stool near him in one fluid motion. The brief sensation of her in his hands sent jolts of pure energy through his blood. Dang, he was deep in love with her. He was more than ready to be her hero.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Rico caught the fist coming at him and ducked out of the way. He countered with a cross as a wicked smile painted his lips. He was known around the world as a phenomenal grappler. No one wanted to roll on the mat with him. However, he had another weapon that was just as deadly as his rolling skills, and he was going to use it on this bastard hurting his love.

  He took a step as the guy charged him. Then, his leg swung high. His kick was as fast as lightning, connecting with the man’s temple. The thug’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he crumpled to the ground.

  Rico turned to meet Avery’s awestruck blue eyes. Then, he caught sight of the two bouncers who had witnessed the entire melee and were heading in their direction.

  He took her hand and navigated them through the bar to the door. He didn’t miss the dumbfounded look on Avery’s face. In a few punches and one huge kick, he had taken down the guys assaulting her. She stopped in her tracks, forcing him to halt also. She pulled her hand free and signed. Where did you learn that?

  He shrugged. His mind scrambled for an answer. At least he could try to keep his secret. “Class. Hard Drive. See what I learn when I pay attention?” He nodded behind her. They both turned to see the bouncers blazing a trail through the mob toward them. She clung to him as they stepped out onto the sidewalk and hurried to the Jeep. Instead of helping her in, he pulled her close. “I am sorry for ending the night like that,” he apologized.

  For saving me? She countered. No one has ever done that for me.

  “I don’t understand why. You are beautiful and precious. You should be defended.”

  He grinned as she let go a lovesick sigh. Most likely because I am a Marine. It is in my nature to defend, not be defended.

  His smile faded as his face hardened. How could no one want to protect her? She was the most incredible woman he had ever met. “With me around, that will change. I will never let anyone hurt you. They’ll go through me first.”

  Another sigh escaped her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him to her for a kiss. She nuzzled his nose with hers. I’m not ready to call it a night.

  “Me neither. What do you want to do?”

  I don’t know.

  Rico stared at her for several long moments then looked up to his vehicle. He grinned. “I do. We need to get in.”

  He helped her in then jumped into the driver’s seat. His heart raced as she watched him drive. He listened to her laugh as she realized his plan. They were headed to the lake. As they pulled to a stop at the stoplight, she handed her phone to him.

  In the middle of the night? What can we see?

  He winked as the light turned green. He pulled into the park. Once he parked the car, he answered her question by pointing up. “The stars. I took the top off my Jeep. It is a warm, clear night. Even with the city lights, we should still see something.”

  Avery leaned over the console to lay her head on Rico’s shoulder. He held her tight as they stared into the sky. Nothing was more perfect than this moment in her arms. As a bright light flashed overhead, he made a wish that the night would never end.

  He noticed her motion to it. Shooting star.

  “I saw it,” he answered. “I already made a wish.”

  Rico gently touched her face, turning her attention to him. His lips parted hers, his kiss demanding her surrender. He felt her melt against him as she buried her fingers in his hair.

  He glanced at the clock embedded in the dashboard. It glowed twelve o’clock. He frowned, confused. They had arrived at the lake a little after ten. They sure hadn’t looked at the stars for very long. Had they been kissing for over an hour? He glanced at Avery. By the warm, dreamy look on her face, he knew the answer. Yes, they had.

  “Ready to go home?”

  He watched her as a sly smile spread across his lips. Well, no. I would be happy to keep kissing you. But Lindsay might send the cops after us.

  Rico’s smile faded. “He doesn’t like me, does he?”

  He doesn’t know you. And he is protective of me.

  “So, yes, he doesn’t like me.”

  I’m sure you are the same with your sister.

  Rico glanced away for a few moments as he pinched his eyes closed. His heart twisted as he thought of his parents. He turned and saw the look of concern on her face. He forced a smile on his face. “No sister. No brother. Only child.”

  Oh. I’m sorry.

  “No worries. I have them now with Max, Mark, Dan, and Chloe. But we shouldn’t worry yours.” He turned the Jeep on and backed out of their parking spot.

  Avery held tight to his hand as he walked her to the door. Once there, she slipped her fingers from his. Will I see you tomorrow?

  “Of course, baby. I’ll be done at the gym at three.”

  Great. I love you.

  “I love you too.”

  Rico cupped her face and kissed her softly. He felt a surge of electricity course through his veins at the soft caress. He spent half the night kissing this woman, and he still wanted more.

  He waved one last time before he strode back down the sidewalk. As he climbed in behind the wheel, he found her still standing on the porch waiting for him to leave. He really needed to share his secret because he could never let her go.

  He blew her a kiss before driving away.

  Chapter Seven

  Fight week finally arrived, and Rico had never felt better. His combos were smooth. His rolling was excellent. Max was ready too. It was great to see all the hard work they had put in come to completion. He couldn’t wait to step into the cage and go to war.

  He cringed to himself. The only thing he dreaded was facing Avery. He spent every moment he could with her, and he loved it. However, by noon on Thursday, he would be completely devoted to his fight. He wanted her there with him so bad that it hurt. But he wasn’t going to risk losing her. Someday, he would tell her about MMA and Hard Drive. Just not now.

  He took her to dinner every night. On Wednesday, as they talked while waiting for their meal to arrive, Rico mustered the courage to tell her about the weekend. It had taken two days to put together a good story to cover him.

  Avery winked at him from across the booth. You are sweet to take me to dinner all week.

  “I love spending time with you. But I do have to talk to you.”

  All right.

  “I have a work meeting in the next couple of days. It starts tomorrow night and goes all day Friday. I am sorry.”

  She stared at him for a while. Did she believe him, or did she suspect something? Slowly, she smiled again. That is all right. It’s nothing you can control.

  “No. I’m still sorry. I wish I could be with you instead.”

  We can spend all day Saturday together. And maybe a couple hours before your meeting?

  “Absolutely. That sounds amazing.”

  Avery giggled as she wrapped her tiny hands around his. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her. It would be hard to let her go tonight.

  The next morning, he raced to her house to take her to school. He needed to see her once more before he headed to the gym. As he pulled up to the curb in front of her classroom, he stepped out with her. He wrapped her in his arms and held her tight. Feeling her soft frame against him gave him the strength he needed to be without her. He kissed her one last time then reluctantly let her go. He didn’t move from where he stood until she had disappeared inside the building. Then, he climbed back into his Jeep and
headed for Hard Drive.

  It was the day of weigh in. Rico grabbed the package that sat beside him on the seat of the truck then picked up his bag. He would spend one last day in hard training with the guys then take a couple hours to spend with Avery.

  His heart clenched in his chest as he thought of her. He couldn’t believe he had lied to her. Telling her he had a work meeting the next day had turned his stomach. He loved Avery and never wanted to be dishonest with her. But she would end them if she really knew what he was doing Friday night.

  Rico smiled as he strode through the door of the gym. At least he could spend Saturday with her. Spoiling her all day would be the only thing on his agenda.

  Max, Mark, and Dan were already on the mats stretching. By the open door upstairs, Rico could tell Chloe was hard at work.

  “What’s in the package, Rico?” Mark questioned.

  Rico lifted the manila padded envelope so that all three men could see it. “My new shorts.”

  “What was wrong with the old ones?” Max laughed.

  “A tear. I could have it sewn up, but I saw these and got them instead.” Before they could say anything else, Rico dashed into the locker room.

  He ripped open the package and pulled the shorts free. They were perfect. Granted, they were a little unusual. But he wasn’t the typical fighter. He stripped off his jeans and T-shirt then slipped the trunks on. Then, he stood at the mouth of the hallway and posed for his friends’ reactions. He frowned as they all started laughing.

  “Are you serious?” Max coughed out.

  “What’s wrong with them?” Rico demanded.

  “The electric blue is all right. But the orange flames?”

  “I like the flames.”

  “Of course, you would,” Mark chuckled.

  “Come on, guys,” Dan defended. “I think Rico should keep them.”

  “Thank you, Dan,” Rico chimed in.

  “They’re loud and obnoxious. Kind of like him.”

  Rico snarled as he stormed back to the locker room to change into his shorts and T-shirt. He could still hear them laughing. It didn’t matter. He’d wear them into the octagon and get his win. The win was all that mattered.

  The day passed quickly. There were several bouts of brutal sparring. Rico and Max took one final turn at the scale to ensure had they made their weight class. Rico changed back to his clean T-shirt and jeans with a smile. It was time to see Avery.

  He made it to her college just as her class let out. Her bright smile when she saw him nearly choked out the guilt he was feeling. Close, but not quite. She hopped in the Jeep and kissed him.

  “I only have a couple hours. I’m meeting up with the guys,” he told her.

  All right. It’s a beautiful day. Want to go sit by the lake?


  He drove in silence. The water was dotted with the colorful sails of sailboats. Bicyclists and people walking occupied the sidewalks that wove around the water. Children laughed and played. Rico helped Avery from the Jeep, grabbed a blanket from the backseat, and took her hand in his.

  They wandered around the water’s edge until they found a quiet place to sit. Rico laid the blanket on the soft grass then stretched out on it. Before he realized it, Avery was curled against him, her arms wrapped tightly around him.

  They watched the sailboats as they held each other close. Rico closed his eyes as he took the moment in. Forget the win. Life can’t be more perfect than this, he thought. Could he take the chance and tell Avery the truth? What if she demanded he quit MMA? He didn’t know a life when he wasn’t fighting.

  He felt Avery’s arms slowly let him go. She sat up and looked down at him. I will miss you tomorrow.

  “I will miss you too.”

  I hate the thought of not seeing you.

  “Same here.”

  I love you, Rico.

  “I love you too.”

  She snuggled against him again, using the curve of his shoulder as her pillow. He wrapped his arm around her protectively. As the lake grew more crowded with those that had just left work, Rico and Avery trudged back to the Jeep. He was tempted to take every side street he knew to her house just to milk out more time with her.

  The vibration in his jeans pocket knocked him off guard. He slipped the phone out and glanced at it. Max. It was time to get back to Hard Drive.

  Avery slipped her fingers between his as they walked hand in hand to the front porch. Rico could see Lindsay watching them from the window. The former Army Ranger still didn’t like him. But he at least let Rico get Avery to the front door now. Avery must have had a few long, hard talks with her older brother.

  Rico pulled her close then rested his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes, soaking in the moment. It would have to get him by for a full day. It would have to get him through battle in the octagon.

  He felt her hands pull free. Text me? She pleaded.

  “Absolutely. All day.”

  All right.

  Another vibration of his phone demanded he wrap things up. He softly kissed her, feeling her lips open to deepen it. As they broke apart, he signed. Bye. I love you.

  I love you too. Bye.

  He waited for her to slip into the house, offering her one last, gentle smile before she shut the door. Then, he spun on his toe and headed for his vehicle. His steps were full of conviction and determination. It was time to go to war.


  Avery slowly descended the stairs as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. It was officially the longest day of her life. Every second she was without Rico seemed like an hour. She had been restless through her early morning class. She hadn’t been any better during her shift at the coffee shop.

  And she had forgotten just how much she hated riding the bus. After sitting next to the most incredible man in the world while nestled against plush leather seats, riding alone on the hard plastic bus seat was pure hell.

  Once she got home, she took a nap. If she was asleep, she wouldn’t think of Rico, right? Wrong. He made a guest appearance in her dreams.

  Rico texted as promised. His words were so sweet that she read them over and over. Just as she had been crawling into her sheets for her nap, he’d messaged one last time to tell her he couldn’t talk for the rest of the day. He had promised to try to chat with her before bed. He must have been heading into a meeting.

  A construction meeting on a Friday made sense, but on a Friday night, especially in the evening? It seemed odd. Not that Avery had any reason to doubt Rico. It still seemed odd, odd enough that it had dominated her thoughts and kept her from drifting off to sleep for a long time.

  Avery couldn’t wait for the day to be over.

  Lindsay was camped out on the couch, a bowl of popcorn on his lap and his eyes glued to the television. Avery glanced at the screen, finding two shorts-clad men grappling inside an octagon. She let go an aggravated huff as she signed. MMA? There is nothing else on?

  He frowned at her. I have been waiting for these fights all week. They are going on downtown. A bunch of local talent. The cable company is streaming it live.

  Avery plopped onto the sofa next to her brother then took a handful of popcorn from his bowl. She tossed the kernels in her mouth then signed. If you are going to force me to watch this crap then you have to share your popcorn.


  She picked up her book and began to read. She had no desire to watch two men try to beat each other senseless. Maybe reading would get her mind off missing Rico. But she doubted it.

  Time ticked by slowly. Avery felt the couch shift quite a bit. She couldn’t hear him, but was certain Lindsay was yelling at the screen. After quite a bit of jostling, she glared at him. He grinned at her excitedly. This next guy is incredible. You have to watch.

  Avery sighed heavily then she set her book down. If watching a fight made him happy, so be it.

  A hulking monster with a crew cut sauntered out into the octagon. She pointed to the television. That guy?

sp; No. The next one.

  Avery scowled at him as she turned back to see the hulk have one last word with his coach then be checked out by the officials. As he stepped into the octagon, the camera switched back to the tunnel. Avery gasped in shock.

  It was Max Thomas. He stormed to the cage hand in hand with Chloe. Behind him were Rico’s friends, Mark and Dan. Max softly kissed Chloe then proceeded through the same drill with the officials as his opponent. Did Rico know his best friend did this sort of thing? Of course, he had to. All those magazines at his apartment now made sense. How could he possibly condone this?

  She turned as Lindsay nudged her. What is the matter?

  It took her a moment to respond. She was still in disbelief. Chloe was her friend… That is Max Thomas. He’s Rico’s best friend. I knew he owned Hard Drive, but I didn’t know he fought. Is this his first fight?

  Definitely not his first fight. He is one of the best mixed martial artists in Minneapolis. One of the fighters in the next match is from Hard Drive also. He is supposed to be as good, if not better than, Max.

  Why didn’t Rico tell me?

  I don’t know. Maybe Rico knows your thing about celebrities, and he wanted you to like his friend.

  Her brow wrinkled in a scowl. Max is so nice. Why would he do something like this?


  She turned her head away from him. She wasn’t about to listen to another one of Lindsay’s rants about her issue. He hadn’t been there in the hospital with her when that basketball player had tormented her. Maybe if he had been, he would understand.

  Max’s fight was quick, ending with a knockout in the first round when he delivered a head kick to his opponent. Chloe met him with a huge hug and kiss. Chloe had kept this little secret from her as well. Why hadn’t Chloe confided in her? I would have understood. Maybe. Avery thought.

  The octagon was emptied in anticipation of the next fight. Avery couldn’t pull herself away from the screen. She felt betrayed by Max and Chloe. And she had to admit that she was a little upset with Rico for keeping this from her. She’d have to talk to him tomorrow. They were probably going to have their first argument. It sort of broke her heart.


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