Ambassador tya-4

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Ambassador tya-4 Page 19

by P. S. Power

  “Not that I approved of her little group of friends, but It seems that the ring leader, Lillith Degray I think her name is? Murdered another of their group. A young lady named Yardley Principle. The Degray girl is in custody, Kolb's people got to her within moments having been patrolling the area, unfortunately a cutter had been used, a weapons grade one. Nothing could be done to save the poor thing.”

  “Yardley? I… We only met once I think. She used a healing device to get rid of her acne and the scars from it. She was so happy… Why? Does anyone know?”

  The King shook his head.

  “No, but we mean to. It's nothing to worry you now, but Karina may need you and her other friends to lean on. This kind of thing is hard on youngsters. Hard on anyone, no matter how old, but after a time you begin to grow a little callused from the beatings of the world. I… it would be cowardly for us to have you tell her, could you send her home immediately? Please, don't give specifics, just tell her it's urgent. She'll respond to that.”

  Tor stood suddenly, bowed without comment and grabbed Sara's hand as they left the room.

  Fuck. Just fuck.

  And not the good kind.

  Chapter seven

  It would take far too long for him to use the magic carriage in the crowded streets, and no matter how fast they went, Yardley wouldn't be coming back, so they used Not-flyers, his box following them still. Damn, he'd meant to give Heather and everyone some gifts. Equalizers and cooling plates just for their house. He pointed back distractedly and told Sara that was what was in the case. She nodded but didn't speak.

  Right. Poor Yardley. Who were her people? Would anyone mourn her? He felt a knot in his stomach and kind of feared that he’d be doing that himself, even if they'd only seen each other once. What would Karina do? She'd been so down lately already…

  “Right. Sara, Karina isn't to be alone now. Not even to go to the restroom. I don't care what we have to do, or if we have to face down Rich and Connie to do it. From now on we stay with her. I know I don't have any right to order anyone to do anything, but it feels right… I,” can't use magic to fix it.

  No device would. Dead was dead. Even if he could bring people back he wouldn't. How could you decide who was worthy or not? The world would end up with people elbow to elbow and frankly, as unlikely as the idea sounded, it sent a chill down his spine to think of it. Not just a creepy feeling, but real fear, like he was about to be killed.

  Just from an absurd thought? He wouldn't be doing that though, even if he figured it out. That, he knew, was probably going to hurt later. Didn't he want his friends with him forever? He did, but it wasn't natural. He wasn't natural, but that wasn't the issue at the moment, now it was Karina.

  Sara nodded to him, her short blond hair not moving much, while his long black locks waved in the wind annoying the heck out of him. He should have tied it up again. It looked ridiculous. Everything about him probably did. Not-flyers looked stupid. Who flew four inches above the ground instead of using their legs? Just him.

  Well, and a few thousand other people now, but it looked odd.

  When they got to the south gate they just turned off the Not-flyers and flew over the crowed, avoiding the sparkling jumpers, their patriotic streamers beneath them as they danced in the air. It was prettier now that the sky had slightly darkened, but there was no time for it. Sara goggled a bit at the spectacles and events near his house, but he just flew, fast and hard.

  It took a minute to negotiate the door and the people in the foyer, mingling and waiting for dinner.

  There in the midst of the crowd, looking lost and more than a little terrified, stood Lyn, her little light field in her right hand, cord wrapped so it wouldn't fall. Crud, he didn't have time for her now, but didn't want to lose her either. It was important that she get her chance. Important to him, and the kingdom too, most likely. He couldn't let this hurt that.

  Spotting Collette he waved and got her to come over, walking quickly, seeing his obvious intensity. At the same time he drew Sara over to Lyn, taking a moment to make sure things happened correctly. Even if it was heavy handed.

  “Collette! This is Lyn, she's a builder, but needs to go to school, can you get that worked out? Lairdgren. I'm paying for it, we won't bother with a scholarship… I'm sponsoring her directly. Get with the Count and her parents please? There's an emergency or I'd do it myself. Lyn? This is Collette. She's your… best friend, for the night at least. Sorry to be all rushed like this, Where's Karina?”

  No one knew.

  Right. The place was huge and the girl had legs. Inconvenient of her really. Tor tried his room first, wondering if Ali might have come already and been taken there. It made sense, being that Karina was kind of staying with him, sharing his room, when she slept at his house. He was dragging Sara along for moral support, not sure if that support was for Karina or him.

  Screw it, Tor knew it was for him, which was low and made him feel weak. Still that was the truth, no denying it. If he could have avoided the whole thing he really might have. But he couldn't. His friend needed him.

  They broke in to his bedroom without knocking, to find a scene that, at first, Tor's mind refused to understand. He stared for a bit, trying to make sense of it all, but nothing came for a long time, about ten seconds. He just froze. Sara did too at least, so it wasn't just him being a freak.

  Trice was there, naked, and so was Ursala, which worked for him so far, though he hadn't seen Trice naked before. Rolph was having sex with someone on the bed, but the man was tied face down and grunting as if in pain. He had a gag in his mouth to keep things quiet. The girls stared at him first, wide eyed. Then Rolph turned and froze, still inside the man.

  On the bed, tied to restraints that had sprung from the headboard, was Ridley.

  Ah. Well.

  Tor shrugged.

  He didn't have time to play the hick right now. Rolph was screwing some guys behind? So be it. It wasn't his, and Ridley just looked curious now, not in distress, so tied up or not, he wasn't being forced. That was fine in their sick little world. So be it.

  “I need to find Karina. Anyone? It's… urgent. From the King’s lips.”

  It got everyone to stop what they were doing and put on clothes at least. Urgent seemed to mean something in their world. The Prince tried asking, but Tor didn't answer, just shaking his head no. If he told Rolph, and he really wanted too, then he might slip and tell his sister out of concern or sympathy.

  Godlings, this was all so screwed up.

  They finally found her in a room on the top floor, alone with Ali, the short busty girl that seemed a little dumb, but pleasant enough. Karina was holding her and telling her it would all be fine. When she looked up her eyes were concerned and a little moist but not unhappy.

  “Ali was afraid that Jerral was going to force her into being a prostitute. Lilli made her sign papers for it, so if I hadn't been actually buying her, or well Tor really, since he paid for everything, then that's probably what would have happened. Well, not with Jerral there, of course, but anyone else.” Karina looked at the girl with a bit of affection, kind of like how you look at a slightly slow child that's trying really hard.

  Ali sobbed a lot, her voice hiccupping out.

  “But… Lilli said that the men were going to… do things to me, and that I wanted it, so I had to do it now. I wrote my name, and now I have to…” She cried loudly.

  Crap. Alright, Tor decided, one thing at a time, they could all melt down later, right? He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, seeking control. It took more work than he’d have thought. A sudden rage burned at Lilli that Tor simply hadn’t counted on at all. Taking a few seconds he forced relaxation and then spoke, trying to sound confident, rather than like he wanted to kill someone.

  “Ali, Lilli was being bad, and did bad things, so some people that work for…” Tor almost said the King, which was true, or even Karina, also the case, but altered it. If the girl was going to flip out over all this, her old friend b
eing arrested, better she just hate him, right? They weren't close, and hating Tor would never lead to treasonous speech. It couldn't.

  “People that work for me, had to arrest her. She's in jail now. As to some contract, a forced signature isn't binding, not for anyone, ever. Meaning you don't have to do anything you don't want to. I won't let anyone make you.” His voice suddenly sounded fierce and tough, which had to look ridiculous coming from him, but no one even cracked a smile. The crying girl sniffled and looked at him with very blue, dewy eyes.

  “Really?” She said, her crying a little softer now. “I don't have to do things? If I don't want to? What if I want to?”

  It was an odd question. Tor shrugged.

  “That's all right then, as long as the other person,” he glanced at everyone else slightly, raising his shoulders at them. “Or people, want to do those things too. Then it's OK. But you don't have to. Not ever.”

  He walked to Karina and gave her a hug and found Ali joining in, a bit awkwardly, but he moved to let her, her friend had been killed too and if Karina had to be watched, this girl would need it twice as much.

  “Karina, I hate to do this, but you're needed at the palace, your father asked me to tell you specifically that it's urgent. I've been forbidden to tell you why. Please don't ask. We need to move now. Um, Bring Ali and… everyone. Get Bonita too. Collette and Petra can stay here and run things for now, please? They know where the money is and all that. Let's go.”

  Ali couldn't fly, and neither, oddly enough, could Ridley. Or was it that odd really? When would he have learned? Tor had given him poison detectors for his family, but not flying rigs or shields. He should have given them shields at least. They'd been having a squabble with the Wards' and feared being poisoned, why, Tor didn't know, but it seemed to have been resolved, at least no one had stabbed anyone else at his house yet. Right, so shield for them as soon as possible, even though the danger had probably passed. He had on two and gave one to Ridley without explaining.

  The man looked at him, concerned, recognizing what it was.

  “Is there physical threat?” He spoke almost into Tor’s ear as they walked, almost casually, as if asking when dinner was or if there were plans for later.

  Tor shrugged and kept going.

  “No, not now I don’t think. Just get with me, or Trice, later and get shields and flying rigs for your family? Grab some weapons for you and you’re parents to.” Outfitting his little sister with a full compliment seemed a little bit much.

  Ridley didn’t say anything after that at all, just dropping to the back of the group.

  Tor pulled out the carriage amulet and marched to the front of the house, setting it up on the stage behind a rather good musical group that played string instruments, there were about ten of them. Not too bad, if he could judge things like that. He reformed the vehicle to make enough seats for everyone, and made it clear on top so that they could be seen.

  Then he focused, just a little, using his own pattern exactly like he wasn't supposed to, but keeping the damage down, being careful, making a glowing symbol appear under his left hand. It was pumpkin orange and a bit ugly, a stylized f, to indicate flying. Then he lifted off, going straight up to the cheers of the crowd. People treated it like it was a fire work, or another display.

  Fine. He wished them the enjoyment of it.

  Slipping the communications plate out of its little carry bag he passed it back to Rolph left handed, but he didn't know what it was at first, since all the other plates had been fixed in place. Ursala did the work for him, hitting the glowing palace sigil, the one that said “Capital” and making it turn blue. After that though, once Richard was talking, Rolph didn't hesitate.

  “Dad, we're all flying in a craft Tor made, Karina and her friend Ali are with us. Countess Thorgood, Trice, Ridley Dens, Sara, Tor and I. We're almost there, could you let them know we're coming? This vehicle doesn't look like a transport at all. We're over the palace now. Um, it’s purple.”

  Tor made the decent slow, and if it wasn't as smooth as some pilots, well, they generally weren't coming in on their first solo flight either, were they? Tor decided to keep that part to himself and strive for a smooth, slow action that looked professional. He got down into one of the bare patches the bigger normal palace transports had worn, just as Connie and Richard walked out quickly to meet them. They didn't keep everyone in the dark, simply explaining about Yardley Principle, and what they'd found out so far. Tor almost cried out for them to stop, knowing that Ali wouldn't be able to handle what they said very easily, but they didn't hesitate.

  Karina just nodded stiffly.

  “I… figured it must be something like that. She's been questioned? Lil… Lillith Degray?” The Princess stood straight and didn't look broken at all.

  It was worse than that by far. Tor knew that aspect of being personally, he'd lived it once.

  Karina was going to go find the one that caused her pain, and make her pay. Lethally.


  Well, he'd back her, if that's what she needed to do. Even if he had to kill Lilli himself. The idea made him shake a little, but that didn't matter. What mattered was being there for his friend. Tor walked over to her, but didn't touch her. If she wanted to be touched she'd reach out to him. Clinging to an undersized bakers son wouldn't look all that regal. She just stood straight, head high, and eyes on fire with rage.

  “What has she said?” The Princess barely moved, but the King laid it out clearly enough.

  It wasn't complex, amongst all her other crimes, a fairly extensive theft and underage prostitution ring that Karina hadn't known about at all, the girl, who was in her mid twenty's not the sixteen she'd told everyone, had been selling women for years. Normally as private sex slaves, under contract as whores. It was illegal in several ways, but the girls she preyed on were usually not all that bright. Tor winced when the man said it, but Ali nodded. She knew who, and what, she was.

  Probably meaning she was actually smarter than she thought.

  Yardley's “crime” had been trying to keep Ali from being sold. They'd argued and Lilli wouldn't put up with another “traitor”, what she called anyone who disagreed with her at all, so she killed her. The pieces at the end weren't big enough to save her. Kolb's people had tried, using one of Tor's healing amulets. Yardley was identifiable only because the head was left intact. Mainly. The girl’s parents were calling for blood.

  The King seemed of a mind to give it to them.

  So was everyone else.

  Tor kept his mouth shut. The idea made him shake with fear and rage and gave him a perverse desire to try and save the woman, but that wasn't sane and he knew it. The execution would have to wait for the trial, Karina murmured softly, her light freckles darker in the dim light of the courtyard for some reason. That or all the blood had rushed from her face.

  His shield kicked in as she started to lash out, first at Ali, who was closest to her and either too worn out, or too stunned to run away. Tor jumped between them, the Princesses shield suddenly pounding against his, over and over. The strength of the blows was great, a lot more than seemed reasonable, the ground under him making dull, echoing thuds when he was hit. Count Ward had punched harder, but not much, and the man was at least four times the thin princesses weight. Everyone else backed away, Rolph dashing in to grab Ali, and pull her out of the way, shielding her with his own body, thankfully.

  The attack went on longer than any Tor had seen or heard of, nearly a full hour of pummeling and blows raining down. She pulled weapons, but only a force lance and a cutter, so not too much else was effected. He was fine when they hit him, but if they hit the palace it would have done damage and the wall around the complex hadn't been rebuilt yet. So really, no hiding it, if it was done. He tried to keep her going after him with focus and precision. Tor could have taunted her into it, but he couldn't stomach that, not after her good friend died. Her girlfriend or lover. Kind of heroically even, trying to protect their other friend, wh
o clearly couldn't stand up for herself. Even if Yardley had been too late to stop anything, if the sale had really been happening.

  Finally she went still, unmoving, not even panting somehow. Her look told him how confused she must have been and how close to death she'd worked herself. Her brain would be fried for a while, and the next day would hit like she'd spent the whole night drinking instead of pounding him. She'd also be depressed and probably cranky in the morning.

  Got to love being a royal, Tor thought, wondering again what the benefits were exactly. Being rich? That was gold, not royalty. Being tall? OK, but was being able to reach the top shelf really worth it? For a split second Tor wondered what would happen if he took Karina and Nita away, say to the forest, and just left all this behind? They had another Princess after all, they didn't need this one. He couldn't protect her from life though, not and let her have one. No one could do that.

  The Princess stared at him, so clearly confused that Tor almost cried.

  “Tor… what, how…”

  “Combat rage.” The words came out easily and without rancor. No one really meant what they did in a combat rage. So far the only one that could really control it at all seemed to be him, for all the good that did. She looked down.

  “I see. Are you hurt, did I… anyone?”

  It was a noble effort on her part, after that long in, that deeply under, it was amazing she could remember to try and ask the right questions. Who was I fighting? Why? Did anyone get hurt? Do I need to apologize for my actions?

  It was clear that Connie wanted to run to her, but she waited. A royal had to act with decorum after something like this, even if it wasn't fair. She had to show she was in control. But it was enough. Tor dropped his shield and after a few, slow thinking seconds, she did the same, so they could touch. Other people moved in slowly each taking a turn holding her. Ali looked like she wanted to, but was baffled, not knowing her place it seemed, or why her friend had attacked like that. Tor waved her over and told her it was all right, hoping that it really was.


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