Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1)

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Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1) Page 6

by Heather MacKinnon

  He let out a loud, mocking sigh. “Always arguing.”

  “You’ve been getting your way far too much recently. I can’t have that.”

  He let out a deep-belly laugh that I felt all the way to my bones. I searched for the indignation I should have been feeling with him laughing at me, but it was nowhere to be found. Instead, I ducked my head to hide a smile.

  The ATV roared to life.

  “Better hold on,” Abraham called over the engine.

  I wrapped my arms around him, keeping my hands fisted so they wouldn’t be tempted to search out each individual muscle on his toned stomach. My leg throbbed slightly with the vibrations, but I ignored it.

  He started out slow as he drove down his long, steep gravel driveway. It twisted and turned through the trees until the massive lodge disappeared from view.

  “Hey, how do you know where you’re going?”

  “There’s only one rental cabin within hiking range of where I found you,” he explained loudly.

  “You must know this area well.”

  “I’ve lived here for over fifteen years. I know these woods, and those mountains,” he nodded his head toward where I knew the Blue Ridge Mountains stood, “Like the back of my hand.”

  I digested that information while Abraham turned off his driveway, and onto a smaller path that led through the forest. We relaxed into a comfortable silence as he expertly navigated the woods for the next few minutes.

  When he slowed to a stop in the middle of what looked like nowhere, and turned to face me, he instantly had my attention.

  “I need you to do something for me,” he said seriously.

  This was the first opportunity I’d had to return the innumerable favors I owed him.

  “Of course.”

  He searched my face. “I want to take you back to where we found you. I was hoping you could walk me through your attack. Anything you remember could help us find out who this guy is.”

  My stomach dropped as the sunlit trees faded, and in its place, only a dark and sinister forest remained. I shook my head to rid myself of the false image. If I was going to help, I’d need to toughen up.

  I straightened my spine. “Sure. Do you know where it happened? Because I don’t think I could find it again on my own.”

  He nodded. “I had some of my men scout the area.” His denim eyes searched my face for another moment before he turned back around.

  Thin pine trees flew past in a blur as we made good time on the 4-wheeler. Before long, Abraham stopped the vehicle again, and helped me off. As soon as my feet were on the ground, I took a quick step away from him. The ride here had been torture. My body felt like it was boiling from the heat that spread from every place it touched his. I desperately needed some space from this man.

  I took a look around, hoping to see something I recognized.

  “This is the first place we picked up his trail intersecting with yours. Before now, he’d kept his distance from you.” His voice was hard as steel.

  “He was stalking me.” My voice didn’t sound like my own. Instead it was a pale, lifeless monotone I didn’t recognize.

  I walked around the space, trying to get my bearings. A few feet away I spotted a patch of the leafy carpet that had been disturbed.

  “This is right where they meet,” he breathed from close behind.

  Focusing on the displaced leaves, I tried to remember the order of events from the night before.

  “I found a small meadow near here. I think that’s when he started following me.” The story played out before my eyes like a movie. “That’s the first time I heard anything unusual. It was quiet for about ten minutes before I heard something else in the woods. I started running down the trail when I heard a growl.”

  The sounds from that night played over and over in my head, drowning me in the fear I’d felt. My chest was hollow. Like all the blood in my body had finally abandoned my poor heart, leaving that organ empty of any kind of hope.

  The sudden warmth of two hands wrapping around my upper arms broke through the fear those memories had elicited.

  “Hey. Stay with me. You’re safe now. Nothing’s ever going to happen to you with me around. Got it?”

  Against my wishes, my traitorous body relaxed, leaning into Abraham’s chest. I could feel his heart beating against my back, and I concentrated on the steady rhythm until mine matched it.

  His hands rubbed my arms from bicep to elbow, the sensation soothing me even further.

  “You’re okay now.” That sentence wasn't a question coming from Abraham, it was a statement. He knew the moment I’d calmed down. I’d been able to feel him relax with me.

  How was he so in tune with my body already? He didn’t even know my last name, but knew exactly how to calm my fears and comfort me. I couldn’t tell if I was terrified or thrilled by that. Those emotions felt so similar.

  “Yes. Thank you,” I said, and stepped away. As appealing as Abraham’s arms were, I still wasn’t comfortable with affection like that.

  “Okay, so, he growled at me a few times, and I ran again. A few minutes later, I tripped and fell, smashing my head on a rock or something. That’s how I got this,” I pointed to my forehead. “The wolf caught up to me. I tried to scare it off, but obviously that didn’t work.”

  “How did you try to scare him?”

  My chin tipped up. “I waved my arms and yelled.” He didn’t look convinced. “I’ve read if you appear bigger than the animal, it’ll get scared and run off. If he’d been a real wolf, it would have worked,” I informed him defiantly.

  “I’m sure it would have,” he placated. “What was it you did?”

  I hesitated, not sure if he was mocking me or not.

  His eyes were wide, and earnest when he asked, “Can you show me? This might be important.”

  I stared at him incredulously. He really needed a reenactment?

  “Please,” he added. “Anything could be useful.”

  I huffed out a breath. Well, if it might help, I guess it couldn’t hurt.

  “Okay, so I stood on my tip toes, flapped my arms in the air like this,” I waved them like I was making a snow angel. “And I yelled something like: HEY WOLF! GET LOST!”

  Abraham nodded solemnly, his head down. “Was that exactly what you yelled?”

  I thought back. “I’m not sure. It could have been more like: HEY YOU,” I waved my arms again for effect. “GET OUT OF HERE!”

  “Mmm hmm. Okay, I think I’m getting it. Could you show me that one more time?”

  When I didn’t answer right away, he finally slipped up, and met my eyes.

  “Damn you, Abraham McCoy!” I stomped my good foot while he howled with laughter.

  “Oh my god, that was too funny,” he panted out between chuckles.

  “This is serious!”

  Ugh! This man was going to drive me to drink! I stomped off toward the ATV.

  “Hey! Where you going?” He jogged after me.

  “I’m trying to go look for clues. Where are you going?” I snarked.

  He flashed an irresistible grin. “Anywhere you go, babe.” With a wink, he settled me back on the seat before we took off again.

  “I’m not your ‘babe’,” I muttered behind him. His shoulders shook with silent laughter.

  What had gotten into him?

  This sudden playfulness was making my insides churn. Trying to categorize that emotion was absolutely not an option. We only needed to spend the weekend together while I healed. After Monday, I wouldn't have to see him again for another four weeks. Surely I’d be able to get myself under control, and my priorities back in order by then.

  Abraham slowed the vehicle again. “This is where you fell,” he said roughly.

  “And also where I tried to scare the wolf,” I reminded him, sacrificing my dignity to lighten the mood. I was rewarded with a low chuckle.

  “How did you get away from him here?”

  I furrowed my brow as I traced through the events. �
�Oh yeah! I used the flash on my camera to stun him and then took off running. I wonder if I got a picture...”

  He turned around, his big blue eyes incredulous. “That’s really smart.” He sounded impressed, and oddly, proud as well.

  “Yeah well. Some of my ideas are good ones,” I groused.

  “I was just messin’ with you. That actually might have worked if it’d been a real wolf. But do me a favor? In these woods, always assume it’s a werewolf. At least until you’re able to tell the difference.”

  “How can I tell the difference?”

  “Werewolves are bigger than regular wolves, and when your heightened senses manifest, you’ll be able to smell the difference between the two.”

  This news stunned me. What other changes did I have to look forward to? Before I could voice my questions, Abraham spoke again. “By the way, we found your camera and phone out here. I have them in my office. They’re both in pretty bad shape, but maybe there’s something on the camera’s memory card.”

  When we stopped a third time, Abraham helped me off the quad. Right away I found the dark spot where I’d lain, thinking I was going to die. A shiver ran through me, and I wrapped my arms around my torso. Predictably, Abraham’s solid arm enveloped my shoulders, infusing me with his strength when my own felt depleted.

  With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, and recounted the rest of the story. “I ran for as long as I could, but he still caught up. He attacked me from behind, tearing into the back of my leg.” The aforementioned limb seemed to flare with pain, like my body was reliving the memories with me.

  “I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. Nothing I did made any difference,” I sniffed. “Then suddenly, he stopped, and just walked away. I didn’t know why, but I took that opportunity to crawl forward on my stomach. My only thought was to get as much distance between us as possible. If I’d known he was coming back, I’d have stayed face up so I could have gotten a look at him. I’m a criminal lawyer, I know how important victim I.D.’s are. That was so dumb,” I chastised myself. My head was starting to ache.

  “You were being attacked,” he insisted. “You did what you could to survive. If you’d seen his face, maybe he would have snapped your neck instead of running off.” He paused for a moment, like he was collecting his thoughts. “‘What if’s are like cancer. They eat at you from the inside, turning everything good black with death. Take my word for it, let em’ go.”

  My eyes roved over his face, watching the story being told by his mouth also play out in his eyes. In that instant, I recognized something that echoed inside my own heart: regret. But, watching him, I knew one thing for certain. Abraham was much closer to acceptance, and forgiveness than I was.

  Chapter 8

  “So what happened after the wolf left?” Abraham prodded.

  My body tensed painfully at the memories. “I’d only crawled a few feet maybe, when he grabbed me by the hips, and pulled me backward. I screamed, and fought, but he was even stronger than the wolf…” My voice trailed off as the sound of my pounding heart filled my ears, and drowned out my words.

  A warm hand on my shoulder pushed through the noise. “What happened next?”

  I shook my head, and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths until my heart rate slowed. “He said something.” I bit my lip anxiously as I tried to recall his exact words.

  A violent shiver wracked my body as his cold voice played in my head. I wrapped my arms around myself again. “He said ‘there’s no use fighting, princess’,” I whispered.

  My eyes were still closed, but it felt like I could almost feel the anger radiating off Abraham, like a low-wave frequency. I opened my eyes to see his tense face staring over my shoulder, jaw clenched, and eyes dangerous.

  “We need to find this guy,” he growled.

  I shivered again at his tone. Although I wasn’t at all afraid of him, I was certainly happy I wasn’t on the other end of his rage.

  “Is there anything else you remember?” he asked, his tone only slightly softer. Like it went from diamond to granite.

  “I kept fighting, and yelling until he wrapped his arm around my neck,” I gulped harshly, the action hurting my still-raw throat. “Everything went black after that. The next thing I knew was a wolf–you, I guess–nudging me awake.” The idea that he was the second wolf in the forest was still so hard to grasp. When had I fallen down this rabbit hole, and how was I going to get myself out of it?

  You’re one of them now, Elizabeth. There’s no getting out.

  So much had happened in forty-eight hours, I was having trouble getting my head around it all. His warm arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me to his side. Abraham’s touch was becoming familiar, and that was a problem.

  “Come on, let’s go get your things, and get back to the lodge. You’re still healing, and could probably use more rest.”

  We got back on the ATV, and a few minutes later, pulled up to the cabin I’d rented. Abraham helped me up the walkway, and that’s when I remembered I’d left the back door unlocked when I went for my hike.

  What if my attacker was in there waiting for me?

  I dug deep for that steely resolve I’d relied on all my life, but found it riddled with holes, and warped from fear. Real, bone-deep fear. I’d never felt anything like it before in my life, and it left me feeling adrift.

  A quiet shuffling noise from behind had me jumping in alarm before I realized it was only Abraham. That’s when I remembered I wasn’t alone, and I didn’t have to do this on my own. I had backup. I had help.

  “Everything okay?” His voice was quiet and concerned. Whether it was over my skittishness, or because of how long I’d been standing here, looking at the door, I didn’t know.

  I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. This wasn’t easy for me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, my back still to him, “I’m just a little worried, because I left the door unlocked. Maybe you should go in first?”

  The words hadn’t finished leaving my lips before he sprang into action. He stepped in front of me, his body tight with tension, and knees bent as if waiting for an attack.

  “I’m glad you told me. Wait out here.”

  With that, he stalked over to the door, and yanked it open. Once inside, he stopped, and cocked his head to the side, like he was listening intently to something. He glanced between me, and the rest of the house before walking back over, and leading me inside.

  “I don’t want you out there by yourself. This immediate area is clear, so I want you to wait here for me, okay?” He positioned me inside next to the locked door and eyed me seriously.


  Abraham nodded once, and took off for the bathroom, the only walled-off room on the first floor. When satisfied, he took the stairs two at a time, and was in the loft in record time. Seconds later, he appeared over the half wall overlooking the downstairs.

  “Is this all you brought?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t even have a chance to unpack.”

  “Can I just bring it down to you?”

  I pressed my lips together. “I know you’re in a rush, but I really wanted to change into something a little more... modest. Do you mind if I do that real quick, and then we can get going?” He was the alpha, I’m sure he had better things to do than cart me around.

  He descended the stairs even faster than he’d ascended them and stopped a few feet away from me.

  “I wasn’t trying to rush you. There’s nothing more important to me right now than... this,” he finished awkwardly, and ran a hand through his dark hair. After a big sigh, a grin broke out across his perfect face. “I was just trying to help.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t need help, remember?” With a wary glance at the narrow stairs, I straightened up, and grit my teeth. This would suck.

  I had only taken one painful step, before I was lifted off the ground, and into his arms. My free hand slapped against my backside, stretching the short dress down as much as possible. I silen
tly thanked that angel, Evey, for the underwear again.

  “Abraham McCoy, put me down right this instant!”

  He only shook his head. “I’m a quick study, and what I’m learning about you, is to never ask if you need help, because you’re stubborn as hell, and would deny it to your last breath.” I huffed, and glared at the side of his face, noticing he needed a shave. “So, from now on, if I see you need my help, I’m going to give it to you.” He smiled down at me, and it took all my willpower to not return it. That smile of his would be my downfall, I just knew it.

  “Whatever,” I muttered mulishly. He carried me up the stairs as if I weighed next to nothing. Wasn’t even out of breath by the time we reached the loft.

  He placed me on the bed and backed up a few steps.

  “I’ll wait for you downstairs. Holler when you’re ready.” He said before making himself scarce.

  I glanced morosely around the beautiful rustic room. I’d been really looking forward to a quiet weekend in the mountains. How had things gone so far off course? If I’d never gone for that hike, I could have been reading peacefully on the front porch with a cup of coffee right this minute.

  But then I never would have met Abraham. I couldn’t decide if that was a good thing, or not. Or maybe, I just didn’t want to admit the answer.

  Struggling to my feet, I limped over to my bag, and rummaged around for something to wear. I pulled out a pair of khaki shorts, a white long sleeve t-shirt, and a fresh bra, and panties.

  When I bent to pull up the shorts, a wave of dizziness hit me at the same time the rough material scraped against the bite wounds. I dropped the bottoms, and straightened to alleviate the vertigo, but that made it worse. Stumbling backward, I caught myself on a nearby dresser, but not before one of the knobs dug painfully into my injured calf. I let out an involuntary yelp of pain, and staggered forward, my leg throbbing bursts of flames that took my breath away.

  “Elizabeth?” He sounded close, maybe at the bottom of the stairs.

  “I’m fine! Don’t come up!” I wheezed.

  Thankfully, he listened, and I waddle-limped over to sit on the bed with the shorts still around my ankles. Once seated, I bent to pull the bottoms up when another sharp wave of dizziness hit me, threatening to eject the contents of my stomach. I yanked the shorts over my hips and fastened them before flopping backward onto the bed. That sent a stabbing pain through my head, causing an instant headache. I squeezed my eyes closed and slowly counted to ten waiting for the worst of it to pass.


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