Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series)

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Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series) Page 5

by Lisa N. Paul

  Janie slowly opened her eyes as the realization of his presence set in. She couldn’t contain the smile that spread across her lips. She was lying on her side, and Max’s hand lazily rubbed up her hip and sunk into the valley of her slim waist and back to her hip again. Spooning behind her, his hardened length was nestled between the soft globes of her ass as he continued to stroke her torso. His hand inched closer to her core as his lips grazed her shoulder.

  “You’re so beautiful, Janie,” he murmured. “I’ve been waiting for so long…”

  Her body fluttered, and her pulse skipped. “Max, you make me feel…” She didn’t know how to finish the sentence, though, because the sentence was already complete. He made her feel…period. She had never felt anything like it before. He had awoken her from a state of complete numbness she hadn’t realized she’d been stuck in, and now, every nerve was exposed, every emotion raw. And while she knew she should probably feel scared, she just felt alive.

  “Janie,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I want you.”

  She looked over her shoulder as the mattress shifted with his movement, and she watched as he grabbed his discarded jeans from the floor and pulled out a condom. He tore open the wrapper with his teeth and slid the latex over his hard shaft. Lust consumed her body like wildfire as she turned onto her back and watched Max’s face mirror her desire.

  “Open for me, Janie.” His words were laced with desperation while he moved between her legs. Janie nodded and wrapped her legs around Max’s muscular torso, urging him on as he placed his cock at her soft, warm entrance. He took a deep breath and thrust into her, fast and hard, like her need. They moaned in unison as he gave her a quick second to get used to having him inside her. “Oh, fuck, feel…ah...” Max tried to keep himself still for her sake.

  But Janie reached up with both hands and grabbed Max’s hair, yanking his face to be eye-level with hers. “Do you need an invitation? Fuck me, Max, please!”

  With all of his good intentions out the window, Max took control of Janie’s body the way he had been dreaming of for months. He sank his cock balls-deep into her pussy, and she panted and writhed. Her nails dug half moons into his back as she met him thrust for thrust. He pulsed in and out of her, raining kisses on her neck, her breasts, and her lips. He had never tasted a sweeter woman. And he loved the sounds she made every time he pushed deep into her body and each time he touched her clit.

  Janie held on, her legs wrapped tight around his waist. She trailed her lips along his shoulders and kissed him hard on the mouth. She may have even bitten him, but she wasn’t sure. She couldn’t think straight. Every time he stroked her clit all she wanted to do was purr like a cat. Her body tightened on the brink of another climax, and she shattered like glass when he pinched her clit and then pushed in deeper.

  Max continued to drive into her, as her body tightened around his cock. He had found a spot between her neck and her shoulder that made her shudder, and he began to nibble and kiss her there.

  “Max, I don’t know if I can come again…that was huge,” Janie whispered using the little energy she had left.

  “Babe, you have no idea what I can make your body do,” Max said with a mischievous smile. Just hold on.” He gently pulled his cock from her still-pulsating sex and slowly lowered his body down her bed, kissing her flesh inch by inch until his face was once again at her entrance. She gasped as she felt the Beast lap over her sensitive clit and plunge deep inside her.

  “Oh my God!” Janie whimpered in pleasure. “Ahh…that feels so….ahh!” Max ate at her and licked and sucked, and once again, her body started to clench and shake. “Holy shit, Max, I’m gonna…Max…I’m...”

  Max moaned his approval as he continued to suck at her hot, drenched cunt. “Give it to me, Janie. I want it.” He hissed as she lifted her hips and came apart in his mouth.

  Before her body could come down from its happy place, though, his erection was firmly plunged back inside her. He whispered sexy promises in her ear while she moaned and undulated against him. Max groaned at the warm acceptance of Janie’s body. Their mating was primal, ravenous, and needy. He was ready to explode.

  “Oh, Max,” Janie pleaded. “I’m gonna come again…please come with me!”

  Max stilled for a split second. Did she read his mind? The thought was so brief and her body felt so good. She felt like a vice as she milked an intense orgasm that started in the base of his spine and ruptured out of his body. Everything he ever knew about sex and women had just been blown to pieces by the petite beauty panting in the bed next to him. I want more, he thought to himself when he went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I need more. He climbed back into her bed, spooning her. I’m so screwed, his exhausted mind screamed. But he pulled her lush, relaxed body close to his chest anyway, and breathed in the sweet smell of her hair, kissed her shoulder, and welcomed sleep.

  When the morning came, there was none of the awkwardness that Janie had feared. They awoke together and stretched. With her head on his chest, she let her fingers walk the hard plane of Max’s body. Thoughts of the previous night sent heat through her core. As horny as touching him was making her, Janie made herself pull away and got out of bed.

  Max rubbed his large hands over his day’s worth of stubble and then spoke in a no-nonsense tone. “Janie, get your sweet ass over here. I want your mouth.” Turned on beyond belief, Janie continued to back away, but this time she was laughing.

  “What the hell is so funny?” he asked without a hint of anger in his voice. He tried to reach for her, but again she snuck away.

  She refused to let him kiss her before she brushed her teeth. “No way, Max. I don’t care what they do in the movies and romance novels. I don’t want anyone’s tongue in my mouth before I’ve brushed my teeth.”

  An unfamiliar, light feeling settled in his chest. “Whatever you want, babe.” He got out of her bed and slipped on his well-worn jeans as Janie escaped to the bathroom to brush her teeth and throw on a tank top and shorts.

  When she opened the bathroom door, though, he was no longer in the bedroom. She heard him in the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets. Curious, she headed in his direction. At that moment, her cell phone buzzed, indicating a text. It was from Lyla.

  Hey J – how was ur nite? Want the deets…chat soon. At the gym. XO, L

  Janie smiled. Lyla was her rock, her constant. How often do people find their lifelong best friend in their freshman-year college roommate? Janie sent back a quick text.

  Nite is still going...and it is gr8! Call when ur done 4 deets. XO, J

  Janie didn’t make it into the kitchen yet, when the phone started ringing. “So predictable,” she said out loud.

  Max asked her where she kept her coffee before he noticed the phone to her ear.

  “Hey, Ly, hold on a sec.” She looked at him incredulously. “Are you kidding? Why would I have coffee here?”

  Max looked at her like she had sprung another head. “Umm, because you love coffee and can’t function without it? You drink at least two cups during Sunday dinner, and that’s just one meal. Every time you come to Danny’s for reasons other than to drink alcohol you drink coffee, too…so, Ms. Silver, I will ask again: where is your coffee?”

  Janie looked at the sexy man leaning casually against the counter in her kitchen and felt her heart skip a beat. Would it be pathetic to fall in love with Max DeLucca after that little monologue? She let out a wistful sigh and came back to the here and now when she heard Lyla giggle into the phone. Shit, she’d forgotten Lyla was on the line. “Um, okay, Mr. DeLucca,” she said trying to stabilize her shaky voice. “I don’t keep coffee here because no one makes better coffee than Starbucks, which just so happens to be right next door—which is one of the main reasons I rented this apartment, I’ll have you know.”

  Max leaned over and kissed the top of her head, inhaling in the sweet scent of her hair. “I’ll go and get you a Grande. Lots of cream and two sweeteners, right?”

p; How the hell does he know that? She thought to herself, drawing up a curious brow.

  “I pay attention, Janie. I’ll take my time so you and Lyla can chat. Be back soon.” Then, in a louder voice, he called into the phone, “Mornin’, Ly,” and walked out the door.

  “Holy shit, Janie!” Lyla was screeching, now huffing and puffing into the phone.

  “Ly, turn off the treadmill before you fall on your head.” Janie heard the machine power down. She looked at the counter where Max had left his cell phone and car keys. A tingle spread through her body, his things in her place felt….nice.

  She heard her friend take a gulp of water and then the motor that was Lyla’s mouth kicked into high gear. “I want to know every single detail, do you hear me? What happened? How did it start? Was he good? No, fuck that…was he great? What happens now? Jesus, Janie, can you please say something?”

  Janie snorted. “Lyla, if you would shut your trap for two seconds, I would be able to answer your questions.”

  Lyla apologized for her over-exuberance and told Janie to continue. Janie gave Lyla the condensed version of the story in order to squeeze in as much as possible before Max came back with the coffee. “I promise to give you the full down-and-dirty version later. I know you are a details kind of girl.” Janie giggled, and Lyla gave a full-out belly laugh.

  “So, what happens now?” Lyla asked.

  “I don’t know. I really like him, Ly. I know this is supposed to be...what did he call it? ‘Sex with friends,’ but he’s funny and sweet and amazing in bed and…Max. You know…he’s the kind of guy you fall for…”

  At that moment, Janie turned around to see Max standing there holding the coffee. There was a look in his eyes, something fleeting but haunted that she couldn’t put a name to. Janie cleared her throat. “Hey, Ly, Max is back with my caffeine fix. Call you later. Love you.”

  Tossing the phone on the counter, she took the coffee from Max, drank a fortifying sip, and set the cup on the counter. Stepping in close, she wrapped her arms around the man who had spent the last twelve hours showing her what making love could feel like when it was done right. She lifted herself up on her tippy toes, sliding her arms from his waist to his neck, and pulled him down for a kiss. Max accepted her kisses, but there was something off. He seemed to have cooled down considerably since leaving her to get the coffee. In fact, he looked ready to bolt.

  “Max, is everything okay?”

  He looked her in the eyes but even that was different somehow. “Yeah, babe,” he said. “I just have to get going. I’ll see you for Sunday night dinner.” Janie’s smile must have faltered because, with what looked like a forced smile, he stiffly added, “but I’ll talk to you before then, okay?”

  Max swiped his phone and keys off the counter and briskly left Janie’s place before she could even answer. Janie felt a chill spread through her veins, so cold even the hot coffee couldn’t warm her up.

  What the hell just happened?

  “Fuck,” Max shouted as he hit the gas on his most-prized possession, his Ferrari Spider. His baby still had that new-car smell, and every time he slid into the buttery leather seats he felt like he was a king perched on his throne. As long as he didn’t allow himself to dwell on how he got the money to pay for the exclusive, expensive-as-hell car he would enjoy every minute of every ride.

  Max drove on autopilot. His body was taking him to Winston’s Track, the one place where he would be able to process the crazy shit that went down in the last twelve hours—hell, in the last six months. “I feel the need for speed,” he said aloud, quoting his all time favorite movie, Top Gun.

  During the fifteen-minute drive to the track, he tried to squelch the loud droning in his mind. Concentrate on the road, DeLucca. Just until you get there. He was on the public roads and forced himself to focus—he wouldn’t be a hazard to anyone around him. When he finally pulled into Winston’s, he slid down the window and stared at the knowing face of one of his oldest friends.

  “Gage.” Max nodded his hello.

  “DeLucca.” Gage stared at Max and tilted his head. “Looks like you could use a few laps, my man.”

  Max shrugged. “You could say that.”

  “I just did.” Gage laughed, leaning his head into the driver’s side of the car. “And it’s your lucky day. All of the teams are done and packed up, and the recreation drivers aren’t due back for about two hours. Have at it, my friend.” Gage clapped Max on the shoulder and strode away.

  Max thought about the man for a moment. Sebastian Gage had been his best friend for over twenty years. If not for his support and sometimes fucked-up brutal honesty, Max probably would have drowned himself in sorrow and liquor more times then he cared to count. Yep, Gage was a great friend.

  As he drove through the gates and onto the quiet track, Max revved the engine. The Ferrari’s rumble was music to his ears, the vibration a lull to his tense body. He gunned it, letting the car lead him around the track. And as he drove, Max finally allowed himself to think about this morning, last night, Janie…and Chloe.

  Not again, he thought.

  Get Un-Angry

  “Everything makes more sense with Starbucks. Thanks for bringing it over, Ly.” Janie took a sip of the lifeline in a cup and continued to analyze Thursday night and Friday morning with her best friend. It’d been twenty-four hours since Max had left, and she hadn’t heard a peep from him.

  “I just don’t know what to say, Janie. It doesn’t make sense.” Lyla was just as confused as Janie. She poured a sweetener in her Caramel Macchiato and sat on the carpet in the main room of Janie’s place. “It sounds like everything was perfect. He said all of the right things—and clearly did all of the right things. I mean, honestly, you haven’t stopped blushing since he left here yesterday!”

  After pouring copious amounts of cream in her coffee, Janie sat Indian-style on the sofa. They had their best “therapy sessions” over Starbucks.

  Janie blushed again, and Lyla laughed. “You don’t understand, though. It’s like a light went off. He went out for coffee as one man and came back as another. You don’t think—” Janie stopped speaking.

  “I don’t think what, Jane? What do you think happened?” Lyla wanted so badly for her friend to find happiness.

  Janie was more of a sister than a friend, and the girl deserved a good man. Janie’s love life had been a long running bad joke, and it needed to end. Lyla thought back to all the guys that Janie had dated over the years. There had been a lot of “boys,” some “guys,” but never once a real “man.” Lyla couldn’t think of one guy that Janie had dated that had been worthy of her.

  Especially the last prick, Richard, or as Lyla had taken to calling him, Dick. To say that Dick and Lyla had a love/hate relationship would have been too kind. Lyla hated Dick all of the time, but she put up with his bullshit to make Janie happy. In the end, the asshole had not only cheated on Janie but shattered what was left of her confidence. Lyla had gotten even, though, as she tended to do whenever people hurt Janie.

  “What are you grinning about? I’m in the middle of a situation here,” Janie said, pulling Lyla back into the here and now.

  “Sorry. I was just thinking about Dick. The person not the body part.” Both women laughed, even though Janie’s was weaker than usual. Laughter is what got them through life’s hard times—Lyla would take what she could get.

  “Why are you thinking about that asshole?” Janie asked.

  “I was thinking about the women I sent to his house the week after you caught him with Tracy…”

  Lyla had sent two “working women” to Dick’s house under the guise that a friend sent them over as an early birthday present. Since Dick’s ego was bigger than it should have been, he gladly let the women in without further questions. They had him naked, in compromising positions, and posing for pictures within minutes of their arrival. Seriously? Could Dick be more of an idiot? What he didn’t notice was while he was smirking and moaning, the “woman” who was giving h
im his blow job…was stroking her own penis. Dick had no idea until that “woman” ejaculated all over his stomach. The pictures were priceless. And Lyla made sure Dick knew exactly who was responsible when she signed her name at the bottom of the email—photos attached:

  Guess you’re not the only cock-sucking bastard in the room after all…xo, Lyla

  Lyla giggled again, remembering.

  “I heard Tracy dumped him about two weeks after I caught them together,” Janie said. “She finally got what she thought was mine.” Janie snorted. “All two minutes-worth of missionary, vanilla sex.”

  Lyla laughed and brought the conversation back to Max. “So, talk to me. What exactly happened?”

  “Well, Max walked in when I was gushing to you about his wonderfulness. It could have freaked him out, I guess. After all, we had kind of gone into the night calling it ‘sex with friends.’” Janie sighed. “I suck at this shit. You know casual sex and I have never seen eye to eye. Maybe I got wrapped up, and it just felt like more to me at the time. I thought it felt like it meant more to him. But it didn’t. I don’t know, Ly. I guess I’m just missing the bullshit detector.”

  Lyla took Janie’s hands and looked directly into her defeated eyes as she said exactly what she knew her friend needed to hear. “Listen up, Jane. You do have pretty shitty taste in men. Let’s face it—you suck at choosing because your parents sucked at parenting. But you have amazing taste in best friends.” Lyla beamed a self-satisfied grin and continued. “I, on the other hand, have an amazing bullshit detector. I can smell it coming and going, and I can tell you that Max DeLucca is a good man. There is something going on inside his head, yes. I can see it in his eyes. Something is damaged in there, but his heart is still beating.”


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