Tempting the Bears

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Tempting the Bears Page 11

by Tianna Xander

  Back on the blanket, his body shimmered and he shifted back into the bear and was asleep before he took another breath.

  “Poor Aiden.” She turned to Calum. “When will they stop drugging him?”

  “Alec will most likely continue to do so until he’s well enough to consummate your relationship. I have no doubt nothing would have stopped him from doing so today if he had not felt the effect of the drugs in his system.”

  “How long do you think that will be?” Not only did she ask because she wanted Aiden to be completely healed, she asked so that she would know when she could finally show him how much she loved him and wanted to share her life with both of the men. She couldn’t do that as long as they were drugging the poor man.

  “Probably another two or three days, at least.” He wrapped his arm around her and they climbed the stairs together. “Until then, we have all of this time to ourselves. The others have decided to go into town. I think they said something about refilling your freezer.”

  “They should. They’re the ones who emptied it.” She grinned as he led her up the second flight of stairs and they headed for her bedroom. “Just what exactly did you have in mind?”

  So, what do you think you’ll do first?” Roxie set a cup of tea on the table in front of Marlene before sitting across from her, with her own cup of hot tea. The older couple had accepted her invitation to come to dinner and the men were outside haggling over the price of the vehicles.

  “I don’t know.” The older woman practically glowed with happiness at the prospect of having enough money to visit her grandchildren in Florida. “Harvey says he refused to take what your boys offered for the car. He didn’t feel right taking that much money for it when we wouldn’t have known what any of them were worth if it wasn’t for them.”

  “But it’s what they do.” Roxie took a sip, then set her cup down. “That’s a part of the way they make their living.”

  “It still wouldn’t be right. Harvey knows why they went to our house to begin with.” Marlene let out a soft sigh. “They offered him too much money for his fishing shack. Do they expect him to believe that car is worth three and a half million dollars?”

  “It must be. I don’t think they have enough money to just give away millions of dollars. Several hundred, maybe, but not that much.”

  “I don’t know...” Marlene stared into her cup. “Maybe you’re right, but I don’t know if I can convince Harvey of that.” She twisted her fingers together. “He’s not going to want to take that much money until they can show him we’re not taking advantage. He’s...” She met her gaze. “He’s a proud man and he won’t take more than what we’re due.”

  “Well, the men hired an appraiser. They have his reports and intended to show them to Mr. Carter. Maybe they did. It looks like they might have come to some sort of agreement.” Roxie glanced out the window and watched the three men. They were laughing together. “They just shook hands. Maybe they finally struck a deal.”

  “Really?” Marlene turned to glance out the window.

  “Really.” Roxie grinned. “Maybe you should go start packing that suitcase for your trip to Florida.”

  “What suitcase?” Marlene snickered. “We haven’t gone anywhere in so long, I think the mice in the barn chewed holes in it. We’ll need to go to town and get a new one.”

  “Maybe you should get some new clothes while you’re there, too. Something appropriate for the Florida heat.” Roxie covered the older woman’s hand with hers. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I’m happy for you, too.” Marlene leaned close and lowered her voice. “So, tell me, are you sleeping with the two men?”

  “No. And that’s the truth.” Roxie’s face burned as she met the older woman’s gaze. It wasn’t because she didn’t have the intention. “I couldn’t, even if I wanted to.” Good grief, she didn’t believe she was even talking about it to a woman her grandmother’s age.

  “And why’s that?” Marlene leaned forward, obviously wanting the juicy details. “Don’t try to tell me they aren’t interested. Anyone with eyes can see the two men want you.”

  “Aiden hurt himself in an accident and he spent the last three weeks in bed, healing.” She glanced out at the men who still stood together, talking. “In fact, today is his first day out of bed.” She didn’t tell Marlene he’d spent the last three weeks in the basement. Looking out the window, she gave him a worried glance. Was he getting tired? Should he come back inside so he could rest?

  The three men headed for the back porch and stomped their feet up the stairs and across the wood to the doorway. The late season snow still clung to their feet as they entered the kitchen.

  “We’ve finally managed to strike a deal.” Calum made his way to the coffee pot and poured three cups of the steaming brew before carrying them to the table. He met Marlene’s curious gaze and smiled. “We give ye and your husband three and a half million dollars and ye two give us the Duesenberg and the Cord. You two keep the Auburn until ye decide to sell it, and he agrees we’ll have the first option to buy it.”

  “Three million dollars?” The color drained from the older woman’s face. “You mean we’re going to be rich? Truly?” She glanced at her husband who nodded, his face creased with worry.

  “Are you alright, dear?” He took her hands in his. “You look like you might faint.”

  “I just might.” Tears filled her eyes as she met her husband’s gaze. “We can fix the house. We can go see William and the children.” She pulled a hand free and wiped the tears from her eyes. Turning to Calum and Aiden she smiled. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “You just did, ma’am.” Aiden patted her shoulder. “We’re glad tae see you happy.” He glanced at Harvey. “We have some friends that would gladly drive you to town. They’ve been chomping at the bit to get into a city for a few days now. If you’d like, they can take you into the city where you can arrange your flights and maybe get a contractor up here to work on your house while you’re gone.”

  “I don’t know.” She glanced at her husband. “We would never trust just anyone with a key to the house, but... we would trust you two to keep the contractors honest.”

  “We’d be honored.” Calum shook Harvey’s hand again as the old man stood. “Just let us know when ye plan to be gone and we’ll see to it that your home is well taken care of. Now, if you’re ready to have dinner, I’d appreciate ye telling our Roxie. I’m starved.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Aiden watched as Calum left with the older couple. He was taking them back to their home to give him some time alone with Roxie. He needed this time. He thought he might go mad with wanting her.

  His heart swelled every time he saw her. His balls ached every time he took in her sweet scent. He’d wanted her from the first time he’d laid eyes on her so many months ago.

  “How long do you think he’ll be?” Roxie moved up beside him, her fingers tangling with his. He knew why she asked. Her real question was, how much time did he think they had before Calum’s return.

  “At least an hour. Maybe two. He’d said something about stopping at the pub and having a drink before he headed back. He wants a shot of scotch.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks reddened as she looked up at him. “What are we going to do until he gets back?”

  The scent of her arousal was nearly enough to make him groan. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted a woman. It was fitting, right, that he should feel that way. She was the one woman that mother nature had designed as his mate.

  His stomach clenched at the thought of leading her to her room, undressing her slowly and making her his in the most gentle way he knew how.

  “I have an idea.”

  “So, do I, but first, I want to make sure you’re healed properly.”

  “I am.” He held his arms out, moving them this way and that. “I’m as good as new. Alec fixed me up so well, I don’t even have a scar.”

ly, now?” She smiled just before she launched herself into his arms. “Because I’ve been wanting to do this for the last few weeks.”

  Aiden gladly pulled her into his arms. He held her as she kissed him, her teeth pulling at his bottom lip. He opened his mouth, his tongue tangling with hers.

  There was nothing gentle about the way they came together. Bending, he scooped her up in his arms and, in a hurry to get her to her bed, took the stairs two at a time until he reached the second floor.

  Once there, he pressed her against the wall, his lips and hands skimming her body, drinking her in like a man dying of thirst.

  Her shirt hit the floor somewhere near the top of the steps, while his landed nearly atop it. Her bra went flying somewhere in the vicinity of the hall table, along with their shoes and pants.

  Wearing nothing but their underwear, they managed to make it into her bedroom, where they lost the last of their clothing somewhere near the door.

  They were so hungry for each other, they didn’t stop until they hit the bed. Only then did Aiden finally manage to gather some semblance of control.

  He raised up on his elbows and stared down into her beautiful violet eyes.

  “I love you.” He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, and she groaned. “I love you more than I ever thought possible. I’ve waited lifetimes for you. We both have. I just wanted you tae know that we’ll always do our best tae make you happy.”

  “I know that.” She pulled him down for another long kiss, moaning into his mouth when he covered one perfect breast with his hand. “I’ll do my best to make the two of you happy, too.” She reached between them to grasp his cock. “And I think it starts here.”

  Aiden’s hips jerked in response to her touch. He sucked in a deep breath as her hands slid up and down his hard shaft. Leaning down, he took one stiff pink peak into his mouth, sucking strongly as she arched against him.

  His fingers danced over her flesh, sliding down her sides, over her soft hips to the neatly trimmed thatch of hair covering her pubis. She spread her legs in silent invitation.

  Gently, he slid his hand between her legs, testing her readiness. She was wet and ready, but not ready enough. Pulling back, he sucked her breast strongly as he pulled away, her nipple slipping from his mouth with a loud pop. He moved to the other tip, his mouth closing over her nipple, his teeth nipping the sensitive bud lightly.

  She moaned, her fingers sifting through his hair, before gripping tightly and pulling him closer.

  His finger circled her clit, rubbing it lightly as he licked and sucked her perfect breasts. Lifting his head, he stared down at the hard pink nubs. The puckered pink tips reminded him of little berries in a dish of cream. Again, he took one into his mouth, loving the feel of her moaning and writhing beneath him as his fingers circled her hard and pulsing clit.

  “Aiden, please.” Her head thrashed on the comforter. Her hands fisted his hair. She moaned, her body tightening up like the bow of a stringed instrument. Like an instrument, his fingers strummed over her body, taking her higher and higher as he took her closer and closer to her climax.

  “Please what, love?” How he managed to get the words out, he might never know. His body, too, was wound tight. He needed release and her hand still gripped him, still stroking him closer and closer to his own release.

  “Make me...” She gasped as he took her pulsing clit between two fingers and stroked it, in essence jacking her off, just as surely as she did the same to him. “Oh, god, I’m going to... going to...” Her body stiffened and she arched off the bed with a scream.

  “Make you, what, love?” He chuckled. “Make you come?” He rolled off her and moved lower. “I think I just did that.”

  He moved between her legs, his shoulders spreading her thighs wide. “Though I’ll be happy tae do so again.” He kissed her behind the knee, his mouth worshipping her body. First the left knee, then the right. He licked his way up her legs, straight to her core, where he inhaled deeply and let out a low groan.

  This was what he needed. This was what he’d dreamed of for the last three weeks. He’d dreamed of settling between her creamy thighs and marking her, making her his. He could only do that with his mouth, his tongue, his body, worshipping hers.

  Calum’s scent lingered on her. His would as well, as soon as he made her his. Once they made love, she would never get his scent off her completely. Any male shifter who approached her would scent her mates and know she was taken.

  One swipe of his tongue over her flesh made them both groan. He loved her taste, the way her flavor burst over his tongue like the finest honey.

  Another swipe had her head thrashing on the bed, her fingers tightening on the comforter before she released it and grasped his head.

  “You taste like sweet, sweet honey.” His voice sounded hoarse. “I hope you’re ready for a wild ride because I’m not sure how long it will take me to get enough of you. I’m not sure I ever will.”

  Lowering his head, Aiden thrust his tongue deep inside her before pulling her swollen clit between his lips. He sucked the hard nub as though his life depended on it. Thrusting two fingers inside her, he curled them up, stroking her G-spot, and she screamed his name.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Roxie screamed as he thrust his fingers in and out of her, constantly massaging her G-spot. Not once, before she’d met the two Scots, had anyone managed to find the elusive spot inside her.

  It wasn’t as though she’d had a hundred lovers, but she wasn’t a virgin, either. Still, of the three men she’d had sex with, not one had found it, if they even tried.

  One orgasm after another hit her hard. Each time she came, the climax was stronger than the last. Surely, she’d die of a heart attack if he kept making her come over and over.

  After what felt like hours, he raised his head and took one more slow swipe at her nether flesh with his tongue.

  “You taste better than anything I’ve ever had in my mouth before.” He licked his lips with a smile.

  His mouth was wet with her juices and he took his time removing every bit of the glistening cream from around his mouth before he crawled up her body. His chest loomed large over her, the ridges of his washboard stomach brushing against her softer, fleshier middle.

  Even after living with the two men for almost a month, she still couldn’t believe they were hers. She loved them, and they were perfect. Perfect for her, and perfect for each other. They didn’t seem to have an intimate relationship of their own, not that she would have minded if they did. Every bit of their sexual attention seemed focused completely on her and she wasn’t about to complain.

  Aiden kissed his way up her body, leaving a trail of gooseflesh in his wake. Her stomach clenched as he tongued her belly button, spending at least a minute worshipping her soft abdomen.

  When his hot mouth closed over her right nipple, she arched her back with a sharp gasp, burying her fingers in his silky hair. He nipped the sensitive bud, sending darts of sensual lightning straight to her heated sex.

  Cream leaked from her body, making her sex even wetter, slicker than it was before. He moved between her legs, his body pushing her thighs apart as he settled between them.

  The large head of his cock pressed against the opening of her vagina and she arched up, welcoming him, hoping to help him slide the thick length deep inside her. The blunt end pressed against her opening and he surged forward, burying himself deep in one long, hard thrust.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, lass.”

  Without hesitation, Roxie did as he asked. It immediately changed the angle of his penetration, allowing him to sink even deeper.

  Reaching down, he grasped her knee and brought her leg over his shoulders. First one, then the other, changing his angle yet again. He settled even deeper inside her, making his already large shaft seem even longer and thicker as he pressed hard against her cervix.

  “Ahh...” She cried out when he thrust deep and rotated h
is hips. “I don’t, I can’t...”

  “You can, love, and you will.” He pulled out, only to thrust deep yet again. It didn’t take long for him to work up a rhythm. Nor did it take long to squeeze yet another orgasm from deep within her.

  Roxie wasn’t sure, but she suspected the well of her climaxes ran deep and both Calum and Aiden knew exactly how to plumb them and bring them forth.

  Each deep stroke brought her closer and closer to another heart-stopping climax. Every time he rammed deep, she was certain he would be the death of her. If she didn’t die coming, surely she would die of exhaustion.

  Still he continued to thrust inside her, his thick cock dragging against her nerve endings and taking her over the edge of ecstasy again and again.

  After what seemed like forever, he finally stiffened above her with a low groan, his body jerking as he thrust against her erratically and she felt the warmth of his release deep inside her.

  Rolling onto his side, Aiden pulled her against him and kissed her forehead with a sigh.

  “If making love with ye is like that every time, I fear that you’ll be the death of me, lass.” He gave her a tired smile. “If so, I cannae think of a better way tae go.”

  Smiling, Roxie snuggled against him. She loved the way their accents grew thicker in the heat of passion. Hell, she just loved their accents—and them. Yup, she definitely loved them.


  Roxie’s eyes widened as she watched her two men carry a nearly lifeless body into her kitchen.

  “We found your cousin out in the woods with a head injury. It looks as though someone jumped him and then left him for dead.” Calum made his way across the room to the basement door. “We would have carried him in through the basement door, but the door’s locked.” He frowned. “And he’s a heavy bastard. Did ye know that? It’s almost as though...” He shook his head. “Never mind. We’ll carry him down to the basement where he can’t be too damned nosy. After what he said to ye the last time he was here, he doesn’t deserve better.”


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