Pretend Princess (Cordillera Royals Book 1)

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Pretend Princess (Cordillera Royals Book 1) Page 13

by Carolyn Rae

  He looked down his nose at her. “Surely, you are not going to meet Mr. Templeton out there?”

  “I don’t intend to steal either of Allysa’s suitors, although I think they have already lost.”

  “I will be delighted to escort you outside. It is almost dark, and you shouldn’t be alone.”

  He led her out to a rose garden ringed with a low hedge of rosemary. Its pungent fragrance battled for dominance with the sweet perfume of roses. A stone bench sat beneath a lamp.

  She sat on the bench. “Oh, it’s cold.”

  Lawrence settled beside her, so close she could feel the heat of his body. Then his arm went around her waist. “As long as we are not being observed, I can keep you warm.”

  She met his gaze, and knew from his grin exactly what he had in mind. “You must remember I am for all intents and purposes your cousin and forbidden. You have to treat me that way. Others might be watching. Butterflies fluttered inside. She wanted his kiss, but it would be disastrous if anyone discovered them—or worse yet, if they realized she wasn’t the princess.”

  “No one is near now.” He put one hand on her shoulder. His face came closer. He was going to kiss her. She waited, her heart beating faster in anticipation.

  His eyes fastened on her face, shining like those of a lover who hadn’t seen her in a month. Lawrence’s last kiss had made her toes curl and her insides flutter. She let the pages from Richard drift to the bench. His warm hand caressed her arm, warming her from head to toe. Suffused by a twinge of jealousy for whomever he chose to wed, she reminded herself she was Cinderella only until Allysa returned. She hoped her Cinderella midnight was a long time in coming.

  Then, after a quick brush of her hair from her forehead, he backed away. Bemused, she wondered why until she heard the heavy footsteps approaching. Squinting in the dim light along the flagstone path, she finally made out the stocky form of the butler.

  “Your Highnesses, the queen wondered where you two had gone. Shall I report that I have found you safe and sound in the rose garden?”

  “You can inform her majesty that you have found us. Nothing more,” the prince said.

  “Yes, Your Highness.” He headed back the way he had come.

  Lawrence took her hand. She found herself trembling. She had to stop that. She looked into his deep brown eyes. The intensity she saw jolted her. Did he flirt with all women this way? Was he following in his uncle’s footsteps?

  She swallowed. She was here to help the royal family, and hopefully to persuade the king to stop the archaic treatment of women. She had to watch out for her sisters until her parents returned. Also, she had to work on her dissertation. Most important, none of her goals were compatible with falling for the prince, no matter how charming he was.

  He must be acting, just as she was. Except she wasn’t doing a very good job. She’d ducked out on her supposed guest and let her suitor leave. Remembering the pages she was supposed to read, she picked them up.

  Lawrence pried them from her hands. “You can read those later in your room. I wish I could kiss you, but we’d better not while we’re here in plain view.”

  She gasped. “Surely, I won’t be expected to kiss…or make love with Richard or Edward?”

  “I doubt my capricious cousin has made love with either of them. However, I cannot be sure about the professor.”

  She could say something to see if he really were interested in her as a woman. “Since Allysa doesn’t seem to care much for either of them, would it be fair game for me to make a play for one or both?”

  Seeing his frown, she laughed. “I guess that could cause problems for her later.”

  “Unless she’s obviously pregnant. Then neither will want anything to do with her. Each will think the other responsible.” He grinned. “How ironic.”

  Of course, Tricia wouldn’t really encourage either, but if she appeared to do so, how would Lawrence act? “I think I’ll take Richard’s poems or love letters up to my rooms. I’m not going to demean his efforts by sharing them with anyone but Allysa.”

  Lawrence reached for the booklet. Tricia held it away from him. “Please walk with me back to the palace.” She stood, but he just sat there and patted the seat beside him, inviting her to sit.

  Why did his kisses stir her so? Heaven only knew how many women he’d kissed or would kiss in the future. In fact, even now he might be seeing some village beauties on the sly—like his uncle. She could imagine him continuing after she left. She grabbed his hand. “Come on.”

  Finally, he rose and smiled. “That dress,” he said like an amen finishing a prayer.

  “What about it?”

  Again, he put his hands on her shoulders. “It is really tempting.”

  Thrilled by his touch, she reluctantly pulled away. It was time to stop encouraging him. Way past time, but she’d been enjoying his attentions too much to think clearly. She pushed his hands away.

  At first, he didn’t move.

  “Please, that’s enough.”

  His lazy grin said he wasn’t taking her seriously.

  “I mean it. You’ve got to stop. Somebody might see us.”

  “Just one kiss?”

  His lips looked so inviting. Now his warm hands were caressing hers. And his eyes hinted he found her irresistible. She almost gave in. This was too dangerous. Reluctant, she shook her head.

  But when he drew her a little closer, she didn’t pull away. Shivers shuddered through her body with each subtle touch. Too close for cousins, not close enough for lovers.

  She relished every sensation, until Lady Constantine’s voice rippled through the night. “Oh, there you are.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “There you are. I thought . . . I was . . . wondering . . . where you two had wandered off to and . . . and . . .” Lady Constantine said. “What the bloody hell . . . are you two doing out here . . . alone, looking like lovers instead of cousins?”

  Lawrence and Tricia sprang apart. Tricia, convinced the woman had seen them almost kissing, felt her face grow hot. It would be bad enough to be caught kissing. Everyone would think them guilty of incest.

  Lawrence grasped Tricia’s shoulder, then her arm. She struggled against superior strength.


  “Shhh,” he said, and she clamped her lips together.

  Lawrence raised her hand and pointed. “See. There’s the north star and the big dipper. They aren’t hard to find on a clear night.” He turned to face Lady Constantine. “I was just showing my cousin where the constellations are. Let me show you.” He stepped over next to her, took her hand and led her to stand next to Tricia. “You look fetching in the moonlight, Lady Constantine.”

  Lady Constantine beamed. “Thank you. I’d really appreciate it if you showed me about the stars. I’ve always been fascinated by them. It’s wonderful to find someone so knowledgeable.” Her voice dripped with honeyed sweetness. Tricia hoped he wasn’t fooled by such obvious flattery.

  Lawrence took Lady Constantine’s arm and pointed, like he’d done with Tricia. He smiled at the lady, but at least he didn’t put his face next to hers. He pointed to another constellation. “That one is Booties. It looks like a kite.” Lady Constantine sidled even closer and somehow managed to put her forehead next to his cheek.

  A hot feeling spread throughout Tricia. Then common sense prevailed. If he believed lady Constantine were genuinely interested in astronomy, he deserved her.

  But wouldn’t his cousin watch out for title-hunting females? She grasped his free hand in what she hoped was natural for a cousin, suppressing an urge to drag him away from her. “Come on, Lawrence, it’s time we went inside. The king and queen may be wondering where you are.” She tugged at his hand. He tried to shake loose.

  He shot her an annoyed glare. “Don’t rush me, Allysa. Do you not want me to be hospitable to your friend? She’s our guest.”

  Tricia dropped his hand. “But the queen may wonder what—”

  “Pleasing my aunt i
n everything is an impossible task. I gave that up years ago.”

  Tricia gritted her teeth. He was hopeless. She’d leave him alone and let him stew afterwards. How could he kiss her with such feeling in the forest and then fall all over Lady Constantine like this? Was he really into Lady Constantine, and had he been play-acting with Tricia all this time? She hadn’t been pretending when she responded so enthusiastically to his kiss. Somehow, she had hoped he meant it, and that he liked her at least a little.

  Well, she wasn’t going to stay out here and watch him with that woman. Tricia headed toward the palace, then turned. “Enjoy the view. It’s chilly out here. I’m going inside to read Richard Templeton’s letter.”

  Lady Constantine tucked her hand inside the crook of Lawrence’s arm and smiled up at him. “But I’m not cold. It’s rather invigorating out here, don’t you think?”

  Tricia clamped her mouth shut to keep herself from making a smart remark, except she couldn’t think of one appropriate for a lady. She couldn’t ask, ‘Was that your mother I saw crawling out from under the porch?’ Imagining Lady Constantine’s reaction, Tricia clapped her hand over her mouth to hold in her amusement.

  * * *

  Lawrence gently disentangled the woman’s arm from his. “It’s getting dark. I think it is time we all went inside. My aunt means well, but by now she will be sure we have suffered some unfortunate accident.”

  Lady Constantine’s footsteps seemed to drag as they headed back to the castle. Prince Lawrence slowed his stride to match hers. She patted his arm. “You are so sweet to slow down for me. It’s just that I have had such a long journey to get here. The ferry ride across the channel was choppy. The boat kept swaying from side to side, and I could hardly walk. Next time I will ride the train through the Chunnel.”

  Prince Lawrence bent his head to speak with her. “My mother will be happy to have a servant show you to your room so you can rest.” He couldn’t wait to find Tricia again. He’d much rather be with her.

  “But I’d rather you do it,” Lady Constantine said.

  He definitely wanted to avoid that. “Someone may see us and begin rumors. I’m sure you don’t want that.”

  Lady Constantine looked crestfallen, but then her face brightened. “I’ve heard you are an excellent horseman. I am not too shabby in that department. We could go riding first thing in the morning and then come back for a late breakfast.”

  Lawrence shook his head. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. I have to assist the king to deal with citizen requests tomorrow. I won’t have time to go riding.” He paused at the door of the palace to allow a guard to open the door. “Perhaps I can join you and Allysa for tea in the morning.” He stood back to allow her to enter first.

  Standing inside the foyer, Tricia yawned, then quickly covered her mouth. “I’m going to my room. I will join you for tea on the terrace at ten in the morning.”

  Lawrence said good night to Tricia, and she strode down the hall. Was she thinking he actually enjoyed Lady Constantine’s company?

  The prince beckoned to a servant. “Would you show Lady Constantine to her quarters and ask a maid to assist her with a hot bath?”

  The servant nodded. “Would you please come this way, my lady?”

  Relieved to see her back, he headed for Tricia’s room. He hated how they’d left things. He needed to say goodnight and make sure everything was okay between them.

  * * *

  As Serena filled the tub, Tricia asked her what else she knew about Princess Allysa. Serena stood. “She did not have anything but coffee for breakfast for two weeks. The day a servant brought her a fresh cinnamon roll, Princess Allysa took two bites and hurried from the room. She was sick right after that.”

  Sure sounded like morning sickness, Tricia thought as she settled down into a hot bath full of rose colored bubbles. Afterwards, Serena rubbed some sweet-smelling lotion on her back, then left a robe on a stool before leaving the bathroom. Somewhat chilled when she stepped from the tub, Tricia dried herself, slipped on Allysa’s blue velvet robe lined with terry cloth, and walked into the bedroom. She was tying the sash when the prince pushed open the door from the sitting room.

  “What are you doing in here? I was getting ready for bed.”

  He smiled. “I came to say goodnight. I always come and give my cousin a hug when I’m home. We’re really close because we grew up together.” He smiled. “Now about a hug.”

  Tricia glanced around to see if anyone were about. “You’ll get your satin shirt all wet.”

  He shrugged. “That’s a small price for a hug from a lovely lady.,” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

  She didn’t care if she dampened his shirt. It felt so good to be in his arms, to have his warmth surround her. But had he been intrigued by Lady Constantine?

  Sliding his hands down her side, he brushed the edge of her breast. She pushed at his arm. “Don’t.”

  “Oh, sorry, that was an accident.” But she caught a glimmer of a smile.

  She didn’t know whether to believe he was telling the truth or not. His touch on her breast had sent tremors through her body. What would it be like to make love with him? She glanced at his face.

  He smiled at her. “Good night, Princess. Pleasant Dreams.”

  Oh, she’d have dreams all right. Dreams of his lips on hers. Dreams of him kissing her until he begged her to share his bed. She smiled. In a dream, she could do whatever she wanted to and not worry about the work she wasn’t doing on her dissertation.

  After he left, she read the poems Richard Templeton had written. She was touched by the flowing language and his admiration for Allysa, but Tricia suspected it was all in vain.

  In the morning, Serena told her, “Your Highness, do not worry about clothes for you or your sisters while you are here. Princess Allysa has many clothes suitable for any occasion. For your convenience, Prince Lawrence has arranged for a local merchant to bring in clothes to choose from for your sisters. He will pay for them of course.”

  Later, Tricia saw her sisters’ excited smiles and watched them touch each item displayed. She had a hard time getting Rebecca and Cindy to limit their choices to three outfits and one pair of shoes each. Rebecca chose shocking pink sandals. Tricia knew she would paint her toenails to match. Cindy was content with red shoes.

  Then Tricia hurried to the library, where servants had set up a tea service, complete with Russian Tea Cakes, ball-shaped cookies rolled in nuts, and scones with jam and whipped cream. The servants had even set out slices of lemon and a tiny pitcher of cream.

  Lady Constantine droned on and on about the doings of the royals and nobility in London. Tricia had a hard time to keep from yawning. Saying she had to let Serena wash and arrange her hair, Tricia left her guest, thankful for a good reason to beg off. How in the world did Allysa stand the woman?

  Later, in her bedroom, dressed in a pink silk dress, Tricia was combing the tangles in her long auburn hair. Serena rushed into her room. “Mistress, there is a man waiting to see you.”

  Puzzled, Tricia racked her brain. Who would come here to visit her? It might be someone who visited her parents before they left for Africa, or maybe one of Allysa’s suitors. If so, could she fool him?

  She chose a russet-toned lipstick and a light floral scent from the myriad selections lining Allysa’s dressing table. Taking one last glance in the mirror, Tricia felt like pinching herself to be sure she really was living in a palace and being waited on hand and foot by a personal lady’s maid.

  “Serena, can you find out his name?”

  The little dark-haired maid nodded and scurried off. Minutes later she was back. “He says his name is Roberto Alvarez, and that he met you at a holiday dance at the palace.”

  Tricia smoothed down her silk skirt. At least it wasn’t one of Allysa’s suitors. He must be the stalker Prince Lawrence warned her about. “With a name like that, he could be from Spain.”

  “We get many immigrants from Spain whose ances
tors originally came from Morocco.”

  “What does he look like?”

  “His skin is the color of caramel candy, and his dark hair is curly.”

  “Is he good looking?”

  Serena thought a moment, then nodded. “He is pleasing to look upon.”

  “Have you seen him dancing with Princess Allysa?”

  She shook her head. “We are not allowed to watch the dances unless we are serving food.”

  “Do you think he’s telling the truth about dancing with her?”

  “I don’t know, but she has declined all his invitations. She said he wasn’t much of a conversationalist and was rather boring.”

  “I will meet with him.” She’d tell him she wasn’t interested and hope he believed she was Allysa.

  “He said he would await you in the garden. Shall I ask one of the guards to accompany you for protection?”

  “Stand at the doorway with a guard. I don’t expect any trouble, but please listen for a scream, just in case he misbehaves.”

  “I will.”

  Tricia started to hurry down the stairs and then remembered she was supposed to be royalty. Straightening her shoulders, she walked gracefully down to the great hall. At the door, she told the guards she was going out into the rose garden to speak with a man and to watch the man carefully. If she screamed, they could rescue her. One guard stepped outside and stood by the palace door. Serena whispered to him. They stayed back and watched.

  Feeling a bit safer now, she strolled to the rose garden.

  Next to a stone bench the man stood with his back to her. Tall and broad-shouldered, he looked out at the distant mountains. She stepped onto the flagstone walkway.

  He turned. “Ah, Princess Allysa. You look even lovelier than I remembered.” He bowed. “Your gown is very becoming. I never realized how green your eyes were.” He waved toward the stone bench. “Will you sit here with me?

  He didn’t seem all that dangerous, but she needed to discourage him. “You must forgive me, but I seem to have forgotten your name and where we met. I have been introduced to so many lately.” That should put him off. She met his admiring gaze, trying to read his intentions.


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