For some time he sat on, listening to the still soft downpour on the fading leaves. ‘they don’t come to me,” he said softly again; with a tiny smile on his old face. “It’s that old medieval Craik: with a face like a last year’s rookery!” And again he sat, with head a little sidelong, listening now to the infinitesimal sounds of life without, now to the thoughts within, and ever and again he gazed steadfastly on Lawford.
At last it seemed in the haunted quietness other thoughts came to him. A cloud, as it were of youth, drew over the wrinkled skin, composed the birdlike keenness; his head nodded. Once, like Lawford in the darkness at Widderstone, he glanced up sharply across the lamplight at his phantasmagorical shadowy companion, heard the steady surge of multitudinous raindrops, like the roar of Time’s winged chariot hurrying near; then he too, with spectacles awry, bobbed on in his chair, a weary old sentinel on the outskirts of his friend’s denuded battlefield.
“Wake Not the Dead” by Osie Turner (2014)
Other Titles Available from The Forlorn Press
Osie Turner is a writer, blogger, and photographer. A collector of antique books, he founded The Forlorn Press to revive forgotten classics and make them available to the modern reader.
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Alma Newton: The Romantic Mystic - This collection contains the bulk of Alma Newton’s work, as well as the only biography available for the obscure author. Newton wrote mystic fiction, with a touch of romanticism. Her style is particularly unique; all of her strange stories have dream-like quality that treads the borderlands between reality and the ethereal. The collection concludes with the only biography ever written about the life of Alma Newton; the biography includes rare photographs.
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Naughty Victoriana: An Anthology of Victorian Erotica - When one thinks of the late 19th century, images of prim and proper women and stiff-upper-lipped gentlemen strolling down the street cane in hand comes to mind. What one does not realize is that while things may have been so in public, in private it was another story. The Victorians produced tons of erotic, or just plain pornographic, literature—much of which would shock even today’s audience. Spanking and incest were their favorite subjects, but anything was fair game. Ten of the best and rarest of these novels are contained in this volume. In addition to that, there is one appendix, “A brief History of Priapus.”
Strange Tales of the High Seas - Included in this volume are the most bizarre nautical tales. Includes The Wreck of the Titan, a short story by Morgan Robertson about a ship with the exact specifications as the Titanic that sinks in the Atlantic after striking an iceberg. It was written fourteen years before the Titanic sank. Also included is the complete novel The Ghost Pirates by William Hope Hodgson.
The Tomb and Other Macabre Tales of Guy de Maupassant - Maupassant was one of France's most prolific writers, and is especially known for his short stories. This anthology contains his eight most bizarre stories. Invisible demons, insanity, necrophilic lovers, and furniture with a mind of its own rounds out this collection. Also included as an appendix is my essay "The Demise of Maupassant," which focuses on the events leading up to Maupassant's internment in an asylum and eventual death.
The Devil in Manuscript And Other Tales of Forbidden Books - “The Green Book,” a small, unassuming diary of a young girl; an unheard of book of the Talmud known as the “Tractate Middoth”; “The King in Yellow,” a play that drives people to insanity; two mysterious grey stone plaques from the sands of Chaldea known as the “Tablets of The Gods”; “The Confessions of Constantine,” which drives its readers into a homicidal rage—these accursed books are the subject of this collection of olden tales.
The Altar of the Dead And Other Morbid Tales Page 39