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My Kinda Song

Page 12

by Lacey Black

  I don’t say another word–shit, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I keep rubbing one foot and then the other, massaging it and working my way up her calf. There’s a thrill racing through my body just at touching her. Could you imagine what it would be like to finally get her naked in my arms? Yeah, I almost come in my pants.

  “And I didn’t even ask to suck on them,” I tease before swiping my finger over the arch of her foot, causing her to kick out. My girl is ticklish, this I know all too well. I’ve enjoyed tickling her on many occasions over the years.

  Unfortunately this time, when she kicks, she kicks downward. Straight into my balls. Balls that were already swollen and blue are now…well, more swollen and bluer. I groan out a huff of air, bending down and all but cradling my throbbing balls in my hand.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she exclaims, jumping up and sitting right next to me. “What can I do?” she asks, completely serious and full of worry.

  “Angel, as much as I wouldn’t mind you touching my balls, now’s not a good time. I’m on the verge of throwing up and they’re suddenly not in the playing mood.”

  Another blush sweeps up her neck and lands on both cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

  “I forgive you. Just give me a moment to collect my thoughts.”

  “Do you want something? Frozen peas? Tylenol?”

  Laughing through the pain, I risk a glance at my best friend. “I’m alright, but I think you should turn and lean your head on me. Put those feet down on the other end,” I say, grabbing a pillow to set on my lap. Mostly so I can protect my balls, but also so she can’t feel the raging hard-on I still have, even after the shot to my twins.

  “Are you sure you want me near you?” she teases, turning and getting ready to rest her head on my lap.

  “I’m sure. But see if I ever offer to suck your toes for you again,” I say before laughter spills from my chest. She takes a swing at my chest, but misses, hitting the pillow that’s thankfully covering my junk.

  “Oh my God, I almost did it again,” she says, horrified.

  “Come ‘ere, slugger. Lie down before you make it so I can’t have kids one day.”

  And just like that, she’s lying on my lap, putting pressure on my throbbing nuts just beneath the pillow. I ignore it, however, and just relish in the feel of her against me.

  We watch most of the movie before she starts to doze off. It’s the perfect opportunity to drink her in, memorizing every curve, arch, and plane of her body. My hand has been rubbing her arm lightly since before she fell asleep, but I can’t seem to make myself stop. Nor can I stop looking at her sleeping form against the brown pillow on my lap. She’s angelic, breathtaking.

  And I want her to be mine.

  It’s getting late and as much as I’d love to just curl up on the couch again and fall asleep with her against me, I know it’s not the right thing to do. So I gently say her name and move that soft hair from her cheek to behind her ear. Her skin is soft, oh so very soft and I let my finger trail down her neck one time. Following the collar of her shirt, my finger traces her shoulder and around to her upper back.

  She shivers against me and I know she’s awake. Yet she doesn’t say anything or move.

  So I continue to touch her exposed skin with the side of my finger, down the hollow of her throat and into the top of her chest. I stop before I get anywhere close to her tits, even though I wouldn’t mind copping a feel. But it won’t be like this. When I cop a feel, she’ll be fully awake and begging for it.

  “Angel, wake up. It’s already after one.”

  “It is?” she asks through a yawn.

  “Yeah, you should head home and crash. You have AJ’s birthday celebration tomorrow.”

  “I wish you were going,” she whispers, still not opening her eyes.

  “Me too.” And that’s the truth.

  Slowly, she starts to sit up, moving those sleepy green eyes my way. I stand up first, reaching down and helping her off the couch. She stands directly in front of me, our bodies close enough to touch. She looks tired, yet so alive at the same time. I’ll be honest, I’m digging that look on her face right now. It’s raw and hungry.

  Together, we walk towards the door. I wait until she grabs her keys and phone, her hand automatically retrieving the key to open her door.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she whispers.

  “You’re welcome, angel. Sleep tight,” I say, reaching up and grabbing that dark brown strand of hair that always falls in her face. Gently, I move it behind her ear, trailing the tip of my finger against her cheek as I go. I fucking love touching her. I can’t get enough.

  She doesn’t say a word, just stares up at me with those big green eyes that make my heart feel like it’s salsa dancing in my chest. Before I even realize I’m on the move, I’ve got her pinned between my body and the door. Abby inhales sharply, but not in a way that conveys fear or worry. No, this is in shock, yes, but also in desire. Raw need and lust flush my entire body rapidly, the same look that’s reflecting in her eyes.

  Pressing her into the wooden door, I lean ever so slightly into her body. “Go out with me.”

  Her breath hitches against my lips. “We go out all the time.”

  Shaking my head, I let my hand slide from her jaw into her hair. “Not as friends. Go out with me.”

  “Out with you out with you? Like a date?” Her words hitch at the same time her body arches against me.

  “Yeah, like a date.”

  Her hypnotic green eyes search mine. I hope she sees my resolve, my loyalty, and my passion for her in the depths of my hazel ones.

  “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” she whispers hesitantly.

  “I think it’s the best idea I’ve ever had. I think we should go out, as a couple and not just friends. I think we owe it to ourselves to see what’s been happening between us lately. I know you feel it. It’s written in your eyes, angel. Go out with me.”

  She searches my face more, her mind clearly weighing the pros and cons. I’m just about to give her more to add to the pro list, when she surprises both of us. “Okay.” Her mouth falls open and her eyes widen after she says it.

  “No taking that back,” I quip, moving my hand from the hair behind her ear down her neck. “Next Saturday night. I’ll be off and can take you on the date you deserve.”

  She closes her eyes and leans her head slightly into my hand. When she opens them again, she asks, “Are you sure?”

  “Never been more sure of anything in my life,” I tell her honestly.

  “Then I’ll see you Saturday night.”

  “Oh, you’ll see me before Saturday, sweetheart. I’m still your best friend, Abs. You’ll still be inundated with my stupid texts and horrible jokes. I still expect you to watch car restoration shows and The Brady Bunch with me. Just because I’m taking you out next weekend doesn’t mean our friendship ends. We’re just enhancing it,” I tell her with a smile, to which she comes back with her own.

  “Enhancing it. I like that.”

  “And I like that you said yes.” Forcing myself to take a step back, I let go of the hold I have on her, breaking the connection. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


  “‘Night, Abby.”

  “‘Night, Levi.”

  Smiling, I watch as she steps out of my apartment and crosses the hall to her own. She slides her key into the keyhole and takes a step inside, but doesn’t completely close the door. Instead, she glances back my way, a small smile playing on the corner of her lips.

  Fuck, I can’t wait for next Saturday.

  The day I finally make my girl mine.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Me: Code Blue!

  Lexi: WTH does that mean? Are you dead?

  Me: No, but I need you.

  Lexi: On my way.

  That message was sent not quite ten minutes ago, and she’s here. My twin doesn’t waste time knocking, but I never expected h
er to. Instead, she barges through my front door and races towards where I’m standing in the bathroom, wearing only the new bra and panty set that I purchased last Friday with AJ.

  “Are you oh-” she stops dead in her tracks in my doorway. “Wow, look at you. What’s going on?”

  “I have a date,” I whisper, saying the words aloud for the first time since Levi asked me just over a week ago. Well, it may be the first time I said them out loud, but it’s not the first time I told someone.

  “A date? I thought you were bleeding to death or had fallen and couldn’t get up!” she exclaims.

  I knew I should have told her that it wasn’t a life or death emergency, but as I stood in front of my mirror, wearing sexy lingerie for a date that I’m having with my best friend, well, I just kinda panicked.

  “I’m sorry, but I just freaked out a little.” My eyes cast downward, sheepishly, and I’m not sure if it’s embarrassment from getting her all worked up or from the fact that I’m still standing in my undergarments, preparing for my first date in a really long time.

  “Okay, so a date. Is it one of the Internet guys? You said last week there was one you were talking to and really hitting it off with.” God, I’m so confused. I really like SimpleMan, and the thought of going on a date tonight makes me feel like some sort of cheating floozy.

  “God, this is such a mess,” I tell my twin, dropping down on my bed and covering my face.

  “Start at the beginning. Don’t leave anything out,” she directs, coming over to sit beside me.

  Exhaling, I begin. “Okay, so this may not come as much of a shock to you, but I kinda sorta have a teeny, tiny crush on Levi.”

  “No shit,” she huffs with a laugh.

  “Anyway,” I say, drawing out the word. “Well, the whole reason I decided to do the online dating thing was because I saw another woman leaving his place the morning after our Frisbee golf night. I guess you could say it made me sad, so I decided to try to date a bit more.”

  “More? As if you were doing that before?”

  “Do you want to hear this or not?” I quip, giving her a stern look. She gestures with her hand for me to proceed.

  “I’ve spoken with a couple of guys there, but nowhere near the dozens you told Levi that day at Jaime’s. Really, it boils down to one particular guy that I’ve been communicating with a lot. Almost daily.”

  “Okay,” she hedges, looking confused.

  “Well, lately, things have gotten a little…intense with Levi. He’s been touching me a lot more, in a total non-creepy way, mind you, but I don’t know, his fingers would linger on my arm or he’d touch my hair more. And there was this look in his eyes that made me think that maybe the crush wasn’t so one-sided.”


  Giving her a look, I continue. “So, last Friday night, he, well, he asked me out. On a date. Like as more than friends.”


  “But what if we’re only hurting our friendship? What about SimpleMan? I’ve been talking to him a lot and then Levi asks me out and I say yes. What does that make me?”

  “A desirable woman, Abs. You’re not committed to either one, right?” Shaking my head, she goes on. “Then until that happens, there’s nothing for you to worry about. You can talk to them both and maybe casually date them. Just be upfront about it. Let them both know what your ultimate goal is, which is to find the person you’re supposed to spend forever with, right? Well, just mention that as long as it’s casual, you’ll be seeing other people. It’s not hard.”

  “It’s not?”

  “Of course not, silly. And this SimpleMan met you through a dating site. He’s probably doing the same thing.”

  “He is?” I ask, never really thinking about it from the other side.


  Before I can think much more about it–or put on clothes–I hop off my bed and run into my office. My computer is still booted up from checking email, so I quickly open the app and bring up my last conversation with SimpleMan from this morning. Positioning my hands over the keyboard, I start to type.

  AngelEyes: I just wanted to let you know that I have a date tonight. I’m super nervous. I know we just met, but I felt like I needed to tell you. I’m having a great time chatting with you and getting to know you, and even though nothing has gone further than that, I still thought I should at least tell you.

  Send. Nerves flow through my body as I wait a few moments to see if he replies. If not, I’ll just check back after I get home tonight. Home from my date. My date with Levi.

  Suddenly, bubbles.

  SimpleMan: First off, you have nothing to be nervous about. I’m sure whoever is lucky enough to score a date with you knows how fortunate he is that you turned your angel eyes his way. *winky face* And besides, I have a confession too. I also have a date tonight. I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t nervous.

  AngelEyes: See!? Even you’re nervous and you just told me not to be!

  SimpleMan: Yes, but I’m a man and men are notoriously stupid. Fingers crossed I don’t do anything dumb or obnoxious tonight.

  AngelEyes: I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re always very nice and respectable with me.

  SimpleMan: Not a bad thing, but not always what a guy is going for, angel.

  AngelEyes: *laughs* Anyway, good luck tonight. I hope you enjoy your date.

  SimpleMan: You too, Angel. I’m sure he knows already how lucky of a bastard he really is. Check back later for date updates?

  AngelEyes: Sure *smiley*

  “Well, isn’t that just the nicest. I bet he’s great in bed,” Lexi says dreamily behind me, obviously reading over my shoulder and having no issues with it.

  “I haven’t even thought about it,” I snap, shutting down my computer.

  “Levi’s gonna be here in like thirty minutes.”

  Suddenly, the reality of the situation slams me upside the head. Fine, that was my sister. “Ouch!”

  “Are you gonna wear that out tonight? I mean, you look smokin’ hot, but I never pictured you for the lingerie peep on the first date, Abs.”

  “Of course I’m not wearing this,” I exclaim as I turn and run into my bedroom. Grabbing the new tank top and skirt I bought last Friday with AJ, I start to dress.

  “That’s new?”

  “Yeah, AJ talked me into it that day we went for lunch and to the mall.”

  “She has excellent taste. I might have to borrow it.”

  “For what?” I ask over my shoulder while heading in the bathroom to start my makeup. “It’s not like you’re the one dating.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, I see her shrug.

  Uh oh.

  “What?” I ask, turning my attention to her, waiting her out.

  “Things are just…not good.”

  “With Chris?”

  Tears appear in her eyes. I know how much Lexi has invested into her marriage, but something has definitely been off lately. The others have noticed it too. It’s not like we talk about her behind her back, but we’ve all been very concerned lately. She wants a baby, Chris seems unwilling to get checked so that can happen and focused solely on building his investment business.

  “Yeah.” Her voice is hushed and hoarse.

  “Are you…thinking of leaving him?” I ask her, my own tears threatening to fall.

  “Yeah,” she whispers again.

  Without saying a word, I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. Between everything with Meghan over the last several months and now this with Lexi, I’ve seen more sadness amongst my sisters than I ever want to see. Well, except for when our mom died.

  We hold each other until the tears subside and we’re both left sniffling. “I can’t believe I just did that to you,” she says, wiping her eyes and her nose on a Kleenex.


  “Dumped that on you. Here you are all excited about your night with Levi, and I bring all of my heavy baggage over to weigh you down.”

  “In case you forgot, I wasn’t e
xactly in fine form when you arrived. I was freaking out. What about you? Are you gonna be okay? I can cancel with Levi and hang out with you.” And I would. I’d give it all up tonight to be there for her if she wanted.

  “Oh hell no! You’ve been waiting for months for this moment. Hell, years,” she says. “I haven’t made any definite decisions, okay? Promise me you’ll go enjoy your evening and won’t give me a single thought.”

  She looks at me with a look that lets me know she won’t buy my adamant denial that I’m about to give her, but of course, I say it anyway. “Fine. I won’t think about you at all.”

  We stare at each other for several seconds before we both burst out laughing.

  “You are going to knock him dead tonight, you know that, right?”

  “I’m not so sure about that. I’m terrified I won’t be able to get past the fact that he’s my friend.”

  “I bet you’ll be thinking about him naked by the time the appetizer is ordered,” she quips with a smile. My cheeks feel warm suddenly, and I try to hide my face. “Oh my God, you’ve already thought about him naked!”

  “Of course I haven’t.”

  “You are the worst liar ever. Ever, Abs. I bet he’s packing some serious heat, if you know what I mean,” she whispers conspiratorially and gives me a wink.

  “You’re awful and sound just like Grandma.”

  Lexi laughs and says, “No, if I were Grandma, I’d have big handfuls of his ass before the door closed.”

  “True,” I say with a laugh as a knock echoes through my apartment.

  “Oh my God, he’s here!” I exclaim, taking in my makeup-less face and my clothes-less body.

  “Go get ready,” she says, pushing me into the bathroom. “I’ll keep him company until you’re ready.”

  Before she can walk away, I pull my twin into my arms and squeeze her tight. “I love you, Lex,” I whisper against her face.

  “I love you, Abs.”

  And then she turns and heads towards my door, and I slip into my bathroom to finish getting ready.

  For my date.

  With Levi.

  * * *

  Listening to the hum of Levi and Lexi talking from the other room has done nothing for my nerves. In fact, you could say it has done nothing but elevate them a zillion notches. My hand practically shook while I put on my makeup, and I had to apply deodorant three times. You know, just in case. Slipping on the light purple tank top and slimming skirt, that I actually bought thinking I would never wear, suddenly makes the entire situation so real.


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