My Kinda Song

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My Kinda Song Page 15

by Lacey Black

  “Seriously, I can’t believe you two haven’t hooked up before now,” AJ says, stepping up beside me.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You two have been doing the sexual tension tango around each other for years.” Leaning forward so that no one can hear, she asks, “How was the date?”

  “How did you-” I start, but know it’s fruitless.

  “How do you think? Lexi told Grandma who took out a message in the church bulletin this morning.”

  Gasping, my eyes fly towards my sister’s green ones. “What?!”

  “Kidding. Jeez, calm down. She did text us last night and told us all that you two finally got your shit together.”

  “And that’s big news?” I ask, hating that my siblings were all communicating about me, but knowing that it was inevitable.

  “Of course it is, silly. We’ve all seen it forever now; we’ve just been waiting on you two to catch up,” she says before grabbing one of the lamps sitting on the floor and heading back out the front.

  Levi and Dean load the table into the trailer that’ll go to my dad’s place, while Ryan meets them around the back with two of the chairs.

  “Well, how was the sex?” Lexi whispers excitedly behind me.

  “For the love of God, we didn’t have sex,” I tell her, spinning around to find her, Jaime, and Payton both there with smiles.

  “Whatever,” Payton grumbles, sarcastically, as she grabs one of the last few boxes in the living room.

  “It’s okay if you didn’t, Abs. I didn’t sleep with Ryan on our first date,” Jaime says, picking up another box.

  “Yes you did, hussy! You spent the night with him,” Lexi chimes in.

  “That was the second date,” Jaime defends before walking towards the door. “Our first date was just a kiss. The most perfect kiss ever.”

  My face blushes as memories of last night’s kiss parade through my mind. That kiss was single-handedly the best kiss of my entire life. It was the Super Bowl and World Series all rolled into one. No other first kiss could ever possibly measure up, which just sucks because every time I kiss someone for the first time, I’ll think of Levi and how wonderful his kisses were.

  But what if there never was another first kiss?

  Call it wishful thinking, but even I’m not naïve enough to know that’s probably not true. Nothing ever happens like in the love stories I read day in and day out. Levi and I are friends, sure, but not destined to be together or anything. Even though he makes me feel alive and invincible, even just from a single night of kisses, doesn’t mean he’s the one I’m destined to spend the rest of my life with.

  But, boy, wouldn’t that be amazing?

  Blushing again, I turn back and face my sisters. They’re all wearing matching grins. “What?”

  “Tell us,” Payton encourages, stepping forward and eliminating the gap.

  Three sets of eager eyes stare back at me. “It was…amazing.”

  “Like your body was going to burst into flames?” Payton asks.

  “Mmhmmmm,” I hum with a coy smile.

  “If by the way you’re blushing is any indication, I’d say it was better than amazing,” Jaime says.

  “And you didn’t have sex with him? Have I not taught you anything?” Lexi grins over the box in her arms and heads out the door.

  “Ignore her, Abs. You go at your own pace. Only you and Levi will know it’s right, if it’s right.” Payton clearly slipped into the big sister role effortlessly.

  “Thank you, Pay,” I say before she can slip out the door.

  “But my vote is for marathon sex. I bet that man could go all night long,” she hollers over her shoulder before slipping outside herself.

  “My only advice is that whenever it happens, make sure you’re not in public. Indecent exposure won’t look good on you, Abs,” Jaime contributes before following the others outside.

  I’m left alone in the living room with only a couple of packed boxes and my thoughts. Yeah, of course, I’ve imagined what it would be like to sleep with Levi. Recently, it seems to be all I can think about late at night when I’m lying in bed alone. But something tells me the things I’ve pictured won’t do the real Levi Morgan’s sexual magnetism, justice.

  Man, is it hot in here?

  Before I can head out the door with my own box, strong arms wrap around my waist and stop my progress. His lips are warm and soft as he places a tender kiss on the back of my neck. Shivers slide down my spine and strike at my extremities. My breathing is shallow and my body is swaying back in his direction.

  All of this from the slightest touch of his lips.

  “Were you talking about me?”

  “Maybe,” I whisper. My eyes flutter closed as his lips linger at the base of my neck.

  “What were you talking about?”

  “Nothing much.”

  “It must have been something for Lexi to walk out and tell me she was disappointed in me.” His hands don’t move, his lips don’t move. I don’t move. I close my eyes and feel.

  “She’s just being Lexi,” I murmur, my breathing labored, all of a sudden.

  “So it was about sex?”

  Laughing, I glance over my shoulder and meet his twinkling hazel eyes. “You know her well.”

  He snorts and I feel his hands flex on my lower stomach. “I do, but I know you better.” His eyes flare with fire that resembles the same heat he had last night right before he kissed me. “I know you are excited, yet nervous to have me this close to you. I feel it, see it, know it because I know you. You want to see what else is there between us, but you’re still scared.

  “Me too, angel. I’m terrified I’m going to fuck up the best friendship I’ve ever had, or will have. But do you know what?” he asks, his eyes unwavering. Unable to respond, I shake my head. “My need to find out what has developed between us is greater. It’s like a craving I can’t quench. You’re my craving.”

  “As long as you keep kissing me like that, I don’t think you can screw anything up.” And that’s the honest to God truth. The man kisses like I’m the very air he breathes.

  “That I can do,” he says just before spinning me around and placing his lips on my own. It’s a tender kiss, but still contains the euphoric spark I’ve come to associate with him.

  His lips move gently against mine, slow and seductive. The tip of his tongue slides gingerly along the seam of my lips, coaxing my mouth open. His breath mingles with my own, minty and hot. He smells and tastes just as he did last night, only now with a hint of sweat. Honestly, the slightest whiff of him turns me into a puddle of hormonal mush, all wanton-like and ready to strip off my clothes.

  Levi pulls me against his chest, his hard muscles flexing beneath my fingertips. And lest I forget to mention that his chest isn’t the only hard thing pressed against me at the moment. Good God, this man is pure sin.

  “There’s still a bed in Payter’s room if you two need a few minutes!” The statement is practically shouted, echoing through the near-empty house. Levi and I jump apart, my left foot catching on one of the remaining boxes in the living room.

  “Grandma!” I exclaim, my balance shifting and twisting my body. Before I go down, his arms are wrapped around me, pulling me back against his body.

  “Oh, don’t Grandma me, young lady. I saw that tonsil hockey you were engaging in with that young man. In fact, I saw quite a bit of it. He has good moves,” she says with a wink and a sweet smile. My face, on the other hand, burns with mortification.

  “You are so embarrassing,” I whimper, burying my face in his bare shoulder. My entire being is flooded with his scent once more, and it ignites my blood. I’d wiggle in nice and close if it weren’t for the elderly lady five feet away, probably videotaping.

  “Maybe so, but I’m not the one swapping spit in your sister’s house with your entire family milling around. You should be thankful it was me who found you and not your grandpa. He’s looking for any excuse he can get to find out Levi’s intentions.

  “His intentions?” I ask at the same time Levi says, “My intentions?”

  “Sure, sure, intentions. You should have heard him when he cornered Dean one afternoon at Brian’s. The poor man was red for two hours.”

  “My intentions are pure,” Levi says, tightening his hand around my waist. “Well, mostly,” he adds. I glance up just in time to see his wink at the little ol’ lady behind me.

  “I knew I liked you for a reason,” Grandma coos behind me, adding to the humiliation. “Well, that, and that ass you could bounce quarters off of.”

  Before I can even formulate a reply, she’s gone, leaving us alone.

  “Come on, Levi. We’ve got bedroom furniture to move,” Ryan says as he walks in the front door and gives me a smile. I haven’t missed the fact that strong arms are still wrapped around my body.

  “Gotta get back to work,” he whispers against my ear before sliding his hand up my arm and to my cheek. In a move I’ve come to expect, he gently slides a strand of hair behind my ear. His lips peck my lips, soft and sweetly.

  “Awwww.” Turning slowly, I find four of my sisters standing in the doorway, big cheesy grins on their faces.

  “Let’s get to work,” I mumble as I pull myself away from Levi’s warmth. I blush horribly while he throws me another wink and turns to follow Ryan down the hallway to my sister’s bedroom.

  “Come on,” I tell the girls. “Let’s get back to work.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m sweaty and hot and could definitely use a cold shower, but that still doesn’t stop me from reaching over for Abby’s hand as we head home from Dean and Payton’s place. She gives me one of those shy grins that I’ve come to love the shit out of. Just one glance at it makes my heart start beating crazy-fast in my chest.

  It’s a scary feeling, but I don’t let myself freak out over it. Not now. Not when sitting beside her, with her hand in my own, feels so fucking right.

  And I ran from this? Hell yes, I did. This feelings shit is big-time scary, but I’m not going to let it pull me down. There’s no room for doubts anymore. It’s like standing on the diving board. I’ve already committed to the jump, so there’s only one thing left to do: jump. And that’s what this is. A big leap of faith and trust, but if I’m going to step out of my comfort zone and into the relationship zone, then I’d only want to find Abby on the other side.

  She’s my calm. My solace.

  It’s a short drive to our building, so before too long, I’m pulling into the parking lot. She waits until I can come around and help her down from the passenger seat, something that I’ve come to love in light of recent events. Her body molds to mine as I help her, the scent of vanilla and a bit of sweat hitting my senses like a freight train.

  Abby gives me another grin, her green eyes shining as the day turns to night. Taking her hand again, we head towards the front door of our building. Another couple from our floor is coming out, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, we’re heading towards the stairwell.

  She has her key out before we hit the landing for the third floor. I follow at a very close distance, craving that nearness. When the door is open, she turns, those emeralds sparkling up at me like diamonds caught in the sun.

  “I have to work next weekend, but we have a gig at The Beaver Friday night. Go?” I ask, stepping forward and running my hands up her bare arms. I’m rewarded with a shiver.

  “Oh, um…” she hem and haws around, the wheels in her gorgeous head spinning faster than a hamster wheel. “I don’t know.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she insists quickly. Too quickly.

  “Why don’t you want to go?”

  She looks to be sputtering to find the right words, and eventually just stops trying. Abby stares at me, wordlessly.

  “Confession time.” I know she’d never lie to me during a confession. It’s part of the pact.

  She closes her eyes for a moment, and I start to wonder if she’s going to speak. It only takes a few seconds before her eyes open and she’s staring straight at me. “Okay, so you know I’ve kinda had a crush on you for longer than a few weeks, and well, it was too hard watching you go home with other girls after your shows. That’s why I haven’t gone much lately.” Her eyes divert from my face, but there’s no way to miss the look of hurt etched in those eyes.

  “I haven’t done that in a year,” I tell her honestly.

  Irritated. Oh, my little firecracker is definitely looking at me like she wants to bite. And yeah, I might like it, but I don’t want her to do it because she’s pissed at me. “You’re not supposed to lie during a confession. It’s against the rules,” she reminds me.

  “I would never lie to you. I haven’t.”

  “I saw that girl slipping out of your apartment a few weeks ago, Levi.”

  Think, Levi, fucking think!

  Then it hits me.


  “Oh, no! That was Dexter’s sister. He ended up hooking up with Crystal when I wouldn’t so I gave her my spare bed for the night so she wasn’t scarred for the rest of her life, listening to her brother have sex.”

  Relief seems to transform her face as she relaxes a bit. “Oh.”

  Stepping forward, I rest one hand on her shoulder and use the other to stroke her cheek. “Confession time,” I say. “I haven’t been with a woman in about a year because I’ve been hung up on my best friend.”

  She seems completely fucking surprised by my confession, and we can’t have that now, can we? “You didn’t know? I’m sure I’ve done a shitty job hiding it.”

  “I didn’t know,” she confesses sweetly.

  “You don’t have to go Friday night. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but I need you to know that I’ll be going home solo. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  “You want me to go?” she asks.

  “Fuck yes,” I tell her. “I love it when you’re there, and besides last month, I haven’t seen you there in a while.”

  She nibbles down on that lush bottom lip, making me want to suck on it. And I will; I just need her answer first.

  “Okay, I’ll go,” she whispers, giving me a warm smile.

  “Will you go with me? It doesn’t take too long to set up and tear down. But I’ll understand if you don’t want to be there that long. It can be a long night,” I say, pulling her against my body and wrapping my arms around her waist.


  Hell yes. I’ve got big plans for my girl Friday night. Big plans that involve good music and hopefully very little clothes. I wouldn’t sleep with her last night because it was our first date, but all bets are off on Friday. If the offer is there, I’m taking it.

  And taking her.

  As I bid her good night, I can’t help but smile as images start to parade through my mind. One with her and me and nothing but the sheets. I wonder if I’m being too presumptuous with how I picture the night ending, but then I recall the fire in her eyes and the bite of her nails as she held me close, grinding that sweet body against mine. She wants me just as bad as I want her. I feel it.

  Oh, yes. It’s happening Friday night.

  * * *

  My computer lights up, the app taunting me with a new notification. I’ve been home only long enough to jump in the shower and rinse off before firing up the laptop and grabbing a beer. I shed the towel, not a stranger to walking around naked. I just learned the hard way to make sure the front door is locked when I do. Dexter and Andy walked in on me one night, and even though it didn’t bother me as much, they say that some things are better left unseen.

  Apparently, neither of them has ever seen a dick piercing.

  After the initial shock wore off, we played a riveting game of twenty questions, all focused on my cock. It was…educational. In fact, I’m pretty sure by the end of it Dexter was heading to get his done. No, I don’t know for sure since I don’t make a habit of questioning my friends about their genitals.
  Sitting down on the couch with my beer and laptop, I pull up the dating site. I decline all of the other messages and connection requests and click on the one message I’m expecting. We’ve talked a lot over the last couple of weeks via this stupid site. No, she still doesn’t know it’s me, but I promise to tell her soon.

  Bringing up the message, I instantly smile.

  AngelEyes: I think I have a second date lined up already.

  SimpleMan: Yeah? That’s great news. I think I’m in the same boat.

  The bubbles appear, so I sit back and wait for her reply. I can picture her now, in her office, sitting at her desk and nervously biting on that luscious lower lip of hers until it’s bright pink and plump. That’s the exact spot I want to suck into my mouth until she’s moaning my name.

  AngelEyes: Is it weird that we’re on a dating site and talking about dating other people?

  SimpleMan: No way. We’re both here because we want to find our someone, right? Well, part of that is meeting new friends and giving them encouragement.

  AngelEyes: I guess you’re right. Tell me about your date?

  Well, shit. It’s not like I can tell her where I went on my “date.” That’ll blow my cover, and quite possibly my friendship.

  SimpleMan: Dinner and then we hung out.

  True. Vague. That’ll work.

  AngelEyes: Nice.

  SimpleMan: What about yours?

  AngelEyes: Dinner and he took me to my favorite place in the whole world.

  SimpleMan: Paris?

  AngelEyes: No *smiley* He took me to the bookstore.

  SimpleMan: Wow, sounds like the guy really wanted to score points with ya! Did you get a goodnight kiss?

  AngelEyes: I don’t kiss and tell. *winky face*

  SimpleMan: Well, that pretty much tells me you did. If it weren’t for the beating around the bush, the smirky wink emoji would’ve given it away.

  AngelEyes: Not telling. What about you? Did you kiss her?

  SimpleMan: What, you don’t kiss and tell, but I have to?

  AngelEyes: You don’t have to. I was just curious.


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