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Royal Arousal

Page 4

by Lana Love

  Gabriel stifles a yawn and I resist the urge to push back a lock of his hair that is falling from his normally perfectly coiffed hair.

  “No, that’s fine.”

  Honestly, it does seem weird that he’s going to take a nap, but I don’t mind. This whole thing between us is starting to overwhelm me, not least this impromptu trip to who knows where!

  Once he gets comfortable under a cashmere blanket, Gabriel zonks out almost instantly. I try reading magazines or watching one of the movies available, but I keep fidgeting. My eyes keep returning to Gabriel, watching him sleep.

  Gabriel’s full lips are parted and his breathing is regular. Asleep, he looks completely at peace and captivating. Finally, it dawns on me what I need to do. I need to draw.

  I retrieve an ink pen and the drawing pad I always have with me and set to work. I focus on his face and chest, working to capture the calm in his expression. When I start to draw the top of his chest, I can’t stop staring and my fingers itch to unbutton his shirt a little more and run my hands against his bare skin.

  Drawing quiets my nerves. My pen moves races across the pages of my notebook, as I make several quick sketches of him. I eventually settle on drawing a portrait of him, his face relaxed as he sleeps. A lock of his hair falls across his forehead and, after I include it in a drawing, I gently reach out and push it away from his face. I want to see all of him, all of this man who is so unexpectedly captivating me.

  I know I should take a nap, too, but I’m too keyed up. Everything is changing. Gabriel is so much more than the entitled rich guy I thought he was – kind, intelligent, generous, and so sexy. He’s unexpectedly tender and attentive with me, more than any other man I’ve ever met.

  This feels like a fairy tale, even though I know it’s too much to hope for that kind of thing for myself. I grab the cashmere blanket the attendant left for me and curl up and look out the window and watch the clouds beneath us.

  If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.

  Chapter 8


  This is exquisite!”

  Sophie is gushing over every painting in this place. I’m not a particular fan of landscape art, but Sophie is and the look of wonder in her eyes makes this trip entirely worth it.

  “Oh! And this is my absolute favorite painting!” She grabs my hand and squeezes it hard.

  “So you’re enjoying this visit?” I tease, pulling her into an embrace.

  “Absolutely! I’ve wanted to come here for ages, but I haven’t been able to afford the trip. This is such a dream come true!”

  Sophie bounces from foot to foot, her energy unbridled as she goes into detail about why this painting is important to her and how it is significant in the art world. This is all not new to me, as learning about fine and historical art is something that was an early part of my education, but I don’t tell her this. Instead, I let her bounce around and listen to her passion and love of art.

  Her enthusiasm is catching. I shake my head to remove the images of her bouncing above me, what her full breasts would look like over my face, what the expression on her face would be as she rides my massive cock.

  The curator leaves us to walk through the museum on our own, a privilege granted by the twenty-five-thousand-dollar donation I provided the museum earlier today. Money and a royal title does have its privileges.

  “I’ve always dreamed of owning a Baure.” Sophie sighs and it makes my heart clench. I want to provide for her, give her everything she’s ever wanted, and give her things she hasn’t even imagined. I want to light up her life.

  “Well, I can’t promise a Baure, but how would you like to have some dinner? There is a good French restaurant not too far from here. We can linger here a little, if you like.”

  “I’d like that,” she says, her voice a little softer. Sometimes it seems like she’s confused about whether she likes me or hates me.

  Outside the museum, I instruct the driver that we are walking to the restaurant and that I will call when we’re finished. Watching the car speed away makes me happy. It’s Sophie and me now, together and with all the time in the world before us. Sophie is beaming and vibrant after the museum visit. I love her passion about what she’s studying and that she’s interested in something outside of herself.

  “The air sure feels funny,” Sophie says after we’ve walked a few blocks, shivering even though it’s warm out. “Oh, maybe sending the car away wasn’t such a great idea…”

  Sophie’s red hair cascades down her back as she looks up to the sky. I follow her eyes, and then pause. Dark, heavy clouds scud quickly across the sky.

  “I’m sure we’ll be—”

  My words are cut off as the sky opens and dumps torrential rain down on us. Sophie squeaks and we both start running, trying to find shelter. We make it to a tree and both start laughing, especially since this massive tree isn’t providing much protection.

  “Come pick us up immediately. You have my coordinates.” I turn back to Sophie, then grab her and hold her close and try to warm her shivering body. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll b-b-be fine.”

  The only thing I want to do right now is to protect Sophie and shield her from this storm. I hold her tighter, trying to comfort her.

  When the driver pulls up to the curb, we race to the car.

  “Oh my God!” Sophie says, laughing now that we’ve made it back to the jet.

  I laugh with her, because the sudden rainstorm was funny in its way.

  “We should get out of these clothes and dry off.”

  “Oh, really now?” Sophie’s lips quirk into a smile.

  I look at her again and my cock responds before my mind does. Somehow, I’m just now noticing that beneath her wet hair, her clothes are wet and plastered against her lush body. Every curve is deliciously outlined, and her blouse is clinging to her breasts, then tapering to her waist, and then following the curve of her hips. Fuck, her breasts are amazing.

  I cough and look away, because I know she’s caught me ogling. Again.

  “I meant,” I cough, trying to resume my composure, “that there is a shower in the master bathroom, and there are pajamas we can change into. It’ll be much more comfortable. There is no way on earth that I would let you even consider wearing wet clothes for our flight back to Seattle. Now, you go and shower, and I’ll have the attendant leave pajamas out for you.”

  A range of emotions glide across Sophie’s face.

  “Thank you.”

  “One moment, please.”

  She turns and I cross the space between us and gently wrap my arms around her. I kiss Sophie, her soft lips yielding beneath mine. She pulls me closer to her, plunging her tongue into my mouth and teasing me. I want her so much it hurts. It takes more strength than I knew I had to push her away so she can warm up and put on dry clothes. When I hear the gurgle of the shower, the thought of her naked in the next room is an exquisite torture.

  Once we’re both showered and changed, the air between us is easier and more relaxed. Sophie’s cheeks are bright with color. She’s opted to just wear a pajama top and a pair of pajama shorts, the latter of which I didn’t even know were stocked on this jet. Her skin is flushed and creamy, and she looks stunning.

  “Oh! That’s strong!” Sophie’s nose wrinkles as she sips the Frapin Cognac I’ve poured her. “It does taste nice though. Nice, but strong.”

  “Come here,” I say, extending my hand to her. She smiles at me, then comes and curls up next to me on the couch. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her close. She fits perfectly into me and it makes me feel content, like this is how life should be.

  Sophie’s body leans into mine and my heart races. I want to tell the pilot to keep flying into the sunset, so this moment can last forever.

  “I’m not uncomfortable, am I?” Sophie pulls away for a moment, her eyes wide in alarm.

  “Absolutely not!” I pull her back closer to me, enjoying the feel of her in my arms. Her full body press
es into mine and I like the presence of her.

  “Are you–”

  I silence her question by leaning over and kissing her neck, letting my lips linger on her warm, soft skin. Her wet hair tickles at my face, clinging to me the way I hope Sophie and I cling together forever. Her silky skin is warm as I slide my hand down her chest and under her pajama top.

  Sophie’s breath hitches and she arches into my hand, clearly offering herself up to me. I groan when I discover how hard her nipples are, before squeezing them and relishing the way Sophie’s eyes close and she moans under my touch.

  “Oh, that feels so good!” Sophie shifts her body and unbuttons her pajamas. A growl rises up in me as I see her breasts fully for the first time. They’re soft and large, and sexier than anything I’ve ever seen. These are breasts I can get lost in for a very long time.

  “Sit up.” I push Sophie so she’s sitting, then I get up and kneel in front of her. I run my hands through her wavy red hair, pulling her head closer to mine.

  Kissing Sophie is like drinking a fine nectar. I lick her lips and then suck at her tongue, tasting the cognac she drank. I need to taste more of her.

  I pull back and openly stare at her luscious breasts. Her cheeks flush and I stop her when she reaches to cover her gorgeous body up.

  “No, let me look.”

  “But… I’m not…” Sophie’s face falls slightly as she looks away from me.

  “You’re not what?” I’m confused.

  Sophie’s voice is small when she speaks again. “I’m not…you know, thin. My body isn’t great.”

  Sophie thinks she’s lacking? That’s nonsense!

  “What? You’re fucking gorgeous. Don’t you know that? Don’t ever think you need to hide your body from me.”

  “Really?” Sophie meets my eyes again, though the way her body is still tensed tells me she doesn’t quite believe me.

  “Really. Let me show you how beautiful you are.”

  I lean into her and kiss her again, my hands roaming over her hot skin. She kisses me back, her hands tugging at the buttons of my pajamas.

  Gently, I push her back into the leather couch. “Relax, Sophie. This isn’t a game I’m playing. I want you, exactly as you are.”

  I slide her pajama shorts off and gaze in wonder at Sophie in her full nakedness. Her curves are magnificent. She looks the way a woman should look – lush and healthy.

  I lick and kiss my way from her breasts, down across her stomach, and right down to her ginger pussy. Sophie giggles delightedly when I kiss the inside of her thighs, and this pleases me immensely.

  The scent of her arousal makes my cock even harder. My body is screaming to plunge deep into her, claim her for my own, watching her ride me and watching how she looks when she’s coming on my cock.

  But that can wait. This, right now, it’s all about Sophie.

  I slide my fingers through Sophie’s wetness and she moans when I kiss her, licking and sucking at her. Sophie tastes so good, like the most delectable dessert imaginable. Her glorious pussy clenches against my fingers when I slide them into her.

  Sophie’s breathing is a jagged rasp as she rides my tongue and fingers.

  “You like this?” I ask quickly, looking up at her. Her face is wild and beautiful, her red hair fanning out around her.

  “Oh, yes. Yes!”

  I lick her sweet slickness even more, losing myself between her legs. Eating Sophie out is something I’ve been fantasizing about since we danced together that first time. Now that she’s opened up a little, it’s highly erotic as I watch her give herself over to pleasure. There’s nothing sexier than a woman who enjoys sex and isn’t ashamed about it.

  Sophie’s body shudders and bucks against my mouth as she comes. I caress her body as her breathing returns to normal, moving up to the couch so that I can hold her. The look of satisfaction in her green eyes makes my heart soar.

  I want to make her this happy forever.

  Chapter 9


  Have you been sick?” Maggie asks, shoving a bunch of mugs into the dishwasher behind the counter. “It’s not like you to miss work.”

  Lovesick, more like.

  “Um,” I stall, wishing I had a table I needed to check up on. “Not really…”

  This gets Maggie’s attention faster than setting the café on fire.

  “Okay, spill.”

  “Well…it’s Gabriel. I, well, I’m falling for him. Hard.” I glance away from her, already knowing what her reaction is going to be.

  Her eyes go wide and she goes silent.

  “Girl, are you fucking a motherfucking prince? Oh, Sophie, please tell me you are. Please. And please say you’ll let me be your bridesmaid! Bridesmaids always get lucky, and maybe we could be royal step-sisters!”

  I nearly fall over with laughter. It’s just like Maggie to fixate on finding a new sexy man to play with.

  “Actually, no,” I confess, feeling a blush burn my cheeks. “But we’ve…well, we’ve messed around a little, I guess. It’s nice.”

  “Nice? Sophie. Are you kidding me? You have a prince chasing you and lavishing attention on you…and it’s nice?”

  “Well, you know,” I stall, grabbing a rag and wiping a counter I cleaned five minutes ago.

  “No, actually, I don’t know.” Maggie’s voice is brittle behind me. I turn and see her staring at me, her arms crossed against her chest. “I thought you were keeping him at a distance and playing along so you could get a bomb of a payday.”

  Glancing to make sure no one else is in listening distance, I drop the rag and face Maggie.

  “So did I.” I sigh, thinking back over the whirlwind of the past few weeks. “There’s something about him…”

  “You mean his money? Or his dick?”

  “No!” I say quickly. “It’s not like that. We haven’t had sex.” I cross my fingers behind my back, not wanting to go into the exact details of what we’ve done. The way he went down on me on the jet was spectacular. I’ve never come so hard in my life.

  “Huh.” Maggie’s eyes narrow and it’s obvious she’s skeptical. “So what is it, then?”

  “Really? It’s going to sound corny and cliché, but we click. He’s a nice guy. And before you say it or roll your eyes, I mean it. He treats me well.”

  “What does he get out of it?”

  Anger flares in me and I take a deep breath. No matter how much I try to control my voice, I know it comes out sharp and wounded. “Are you referring to this?” I look down at my body. “Are you saying I don’t look like girlfriend material for a prince?”

  “No, Sophie! No! That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Maggie’s face softens and I instantly regret having hurt her feelings. Sometimes the years of being called fatso are so ingrained that you assume even a good friend is saying something mean.

  “I’m sorry, Maggie. It’s just…I’ve told you about how I was teased in high school. It’s hard to forget.”

  “I know.” Maggie runs her hand along her arm, quickly glancing through the coffee shop and making sure no one needs help. “I mean, no offense, but princes don’t normally date starving artists. The way he was when he was here, he just seemed so classic ‘I always get what I want’ rich boy. Besides, I thought they all dated other royals or girls who don’t even know the word job, much less credit card debt or rent or student loan.”

  “I get it, I really do. It really doesn’t seem like he has an agenda. Sure, it started with him needing a date for this gala at the museum, to keep his father happy and to maintain a certain appearance, but it’s developing into something. I’m scared to think of just what, but it’s absolutely more than just some high-paying gig I lucked into.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Before I can answer, the sound of the coffee shop door opening makes us both turn.

  “He has got to be in the wrong place.” Maggie says, her eyes glued to the man walking in. He’s wearing a sharp black suit that costs more than what either o
f us earn in a month. Men in suits like that rarely come in here.

  It takes me a moment, but I recognize Gabriel’s driver before he’s two steps into the coffee shop. “That’s… I know who that is.”

  “What?” Maggie’s voice rises and she turns to stare at me.

  “Miss Benjamin, good afternoon.” Aston nods his head slightly as he approaches me.

  “Hello. Can I help you?”

  Aston discreetly coughs. “Actually, Miss Benjamin, I’m here to pick you up. Did Prince Gabriel not inform you?”

  “Ah, no,” I say, trying to politely extricate my arm from Maggie’s hand which is cutting off my circulation.

  “Oh, I do apologize. I’ve been instructed to take you to meet a private shopper, so you can be properly attired for the event.” Aston looks more embarrassed than I am, at having to tell me why he’s here.

  I glance around the coffee shop, thankful the owner isn’t in right now. “Maggie, can you cover for me? It’s pretty quiet…”

  Maggie grins at me and practically shoves me out the door. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Go choose a fancy dress. You certainly deserve it!”

  I glare at her, then give her a quick hug.

  “Make sure it’s godawful expensive!” Maggie whispers in my ear. I grin back at her and practically rip off my apron.

  “Thank you! I’ll make it up to you, promise.”

  Apparently, after looking down her nose at my figure and tut-tutting as she talked about taking my measurements to have the dress tailored for exactly my body, this personal shopper also feels I need new lingerie. ‘Oh, honey. You can’t wear…that…under a dress like this…’ is what she really said. Even though Gabriel instructed them to give me carte blanche, judging by the fact there aren’t any price tags on anything in Cou Cou, the most exclusive boutique in the city, the saleslady still thinks I’m less than worthy for their clothing.

  However, as snooty as she is, she’s right. After a slightly embarrassing interview which involved me being topless so she could fit me for a bra, I’m now wearing the most amazing and gorgeous bra of my life. My breasts are wonderfully framed by lace and the bra actually fits.


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