Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male Page 4

by S. K. Lessly

  I managed to escape undetected, and I walked quickly to his hotel. South Beach streets were still bustling at three in the morning, so I didn’t seem or feel out of place being out so late at night. The clubs were still going strong, and people were still hanging on the streets.

  Once I entered the hotel, Gavin was staying in, I went straight to the floor he was on. The hallway was deserted and quiet; so quiet you could hear a pin drop and someone getting their freak on as clear and loud as if you were right in the room with them. I smiled and shook my head. But my smile soon faded when I got closer and closer to Gavin’s room. The sounds I was hearing drifting in the hallway seemed to get louder as I approached his door.

  No, this can’t be possible. I know he isn’t having sex with someone else. This has to be a mistake. I quickly took out my phone and called downstairs to the office. It was possible he switched rooms. I got the front desk clerk and asked for Gavin’s room. A few minutes later, I heard the phone ringing in the room where the sex noises were coming from, but no one picked up. Still I didn’t believe it. Maybe one of his groomsmen switched with him or something. Yes, that has to be it. There’s no way he would…

  “Yes, Gavin! God, yessss!”

  The blood from my face drained, and bile started consuming from my throat. First things first, that was Gavin in there screwing someone else; I’m one hundred percent sure of that, and secondly… He was screwing my best friend…. That was her voice I had just heard giving God and Gavin the glory.

  Can I ask have you ever had your life flash before your eyes? Something that you never thought would ever happen to you does and you have no idea how to handle it? Yeah, that would be me right at that very moment.

  I couldn’t move or breathe. I stood there placing both hands on the door, hoping that what I was hearing was my imagination; that I was still in my bed stuck in a horrible nightmare. But as the moments passed by, and the moaning and slapping of skin on skin contact continued, I knew I was in hell.

  My best friend and my fiancé were fucking each other’s brains out, and all my brain was capable of doing was listening.

  God so many things went through my head at that moment. Should I bang on the door and confront them? How long had this been going on? Would I get off with temporary insanity if I killed them both?

  Rage and hurt consumed me, and I collapsed on the floor in front of the door. I couldn’t believe the man that I was going to spend the rest of my life with, the man I loved with all my heart, was fucking my best friend. And I couldn’t believe the woman that I thought was my sister, my best friend, who had been there for me through so much, and I her, would do this to me.

  I’m such an idiot.

  I felt broken, destroyed and completely alone. I had no family I could turn to. Maya was the only person I had, and then came Gavin. Now the only two people I ever loved betrayed me. I didn’t have the strength to walk away, nor did I have the strength to bang on that door and fight. So I just sat there and listened to them call each other’s name in thrills of passion and lust.

  I went through all types of stages while I sat there like a coward. I started off feeling sick to my stomach to bewilderment thinking, Wow, he’s never lasted that long with me,” then to anger thinking, I’m going to cut them both.

  But as you can imagine, I didn’t cut anyone. I waited while they satisfied each other. I waited as they probably cuddled and kissed. I waited until 6 a.m. when I finally heard movement toward the door. I stood shakily and waited patiently for the door to open. I heard the click of the lock, and I got ready. The door started to move, and I balled up my fists...

  “Please tell me you’re not waiting for your boyfriend or husband?” The accented English voice that caressed my ears brought me out of my nightmare and back to the bar in Cabo. I turned my head to find a very attractive Latin man smiling at me.

  I was stunned into silence for one. And for two, I was mesmerized by his looks. I mean, holy hell this guy was hot, pretty boy hot at that. He definitely was the kind of guy that should be looking at the twenty-somethings and not at me.

  I was hesitant at first, but I answered, “No I’m not, but I’m waiting for a friend.”

  “…Ah, a girlfriend perhaps? Is she as beautiful as you?”

  Now I know this is a line he’s pulling. Again, I think he’s too hot for me, but I want to believe badly that he's somewhat sincere. Besides, maybe this is the one for me tonight for meaningless and mindless sex. I looked at him up and down, and I was impressed. He seemed to be lean, but muscled with a great head of black hair and dark brown eyes. His complexion was flawless and amazing, to say the least. And he reminded me of my ex.

  “My name is Julio.” He offered me his hand.

  I smiled and accepted, “Hello, I’m Maya.” Not sure why I did that, but I just didn’t want to give him my real name…

  Julio lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. He gave me some intense eyes and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Maya.”

  Julio and I ended up talking for a long time. We talked about each other’s lives, me not telling anything truthful and him, probably doing the same. One thing I will say, it helped me forget about the cigar-smoking son of a bitch.

  I was having a good time though and Julio was a lot of fun to talk to. What I didn’t feel was safe asking him to come with me to my hotel room. God, I know how that sounds. I shouldn’t be doing this in the first place and talking to this guy I realized I was making a huge mistake being there. I didn’t belong.

  So now I just had to let Julio down easy and make my exit. Julio had at least four drinks as he sat with me. I was on my third, but they were light. The bartender wasn’t heavy on the alcohol all night, so I should’ve been good to go when I said my goodbye.

  It’s crazy how being shafted by one guy didn’t deter me from this plight of self-destruction, but talking to a seemingly willing participant did.

  I had noticed there is something off with Julio though, and I couldn’t really put my finger on it. Again he seemed very nice, easy to talk to and very pleasant on the eyes. It’s just that when he smiled at me, it never reached his eyes. When “the son of a bitch” smiled at me the other night, it seemed genuine, which is why I’m pissed at him for walking by me like he did.

  When “the son of a bitch” touched me, it ignited my entire body, but when Julio touched my arm a minute ago while talking to me, I felt unnerved for some reason. He seemed so honest and truthful though, which is really confusing me. Or maybe it’s my gut telling me that he’s definitely not good for me.

  I grunted. Where was my gut the other night?

  “Do you want to dance?” Julio asked me.

  Well, hell, why not? I figure maybe if I said yes that would be my hint at calling it a night and leaving by myself. So I took the rest of the drink I had and stood. The instant I did, I felt dizzy and uneasy. The room was spinning out of control. I felt weak and disoriented. I grabbed the chair in front of me and tried to get myself together. I felt Julio wrap his arm around me and say something to me, but I swear it sounded like he was miles away.

  “I need to get out of here,” I heard myself say, but I sounded like my voice was not my own, and it was so far away. I looked in Julio’s eyes and knew instantly I was up shit’s creek.

  Chapter 5


  I’ve never in my life wanted to end someone as bad as I wanted to this very moment. Watching her laugh and be touched by this fucking dick was making me insane.

  I know I did this to myself, but that doesn’t make the feeling of killing someone go away.

  I shouldn’t have walked right past her without speaking. I’ve been thinking about her ever since I left her room. The moment I laid eyes on her, I started feeling myself. No, I’m just going to keep this real and say what really happened. I fucking froze. I wasn’t sure how she would respond to me, and I didn’t want the feeling of rejection from her. So instead of having balls, I bitched out, and now I’m paying for it.

  I thought the moment the bartender gave her the drink that I bought her, she would come over and talk to me. Instead, she gave me the finger and ignored me the entire night. I’m in fucking hell, and it’s my own damn fault.

  I tried to concentrate on the other women in the club and not watch her and the gel-haired fucker. You would think it would be easy for me to do. There were some gorgeous women there, half dressed and probably willing and able to walk in the men’s room for a quick blowjob. But if I was going to be honest with myself, the only mouth I wanted on my dick was Georgia’s. And from the stunt I pulled earlier, I doubted she would be willing to let me get near her, much less taste her again.

  So I just sat at the table alone, letting my anger build until I was about to explode. The look in my eyes and the fury rolling off me was becoming hard to control. A few women made attempts to come to my table, but I knew the look I was sporting on my face made them pause and reconsider, which again is my own damn fault.

  I ended up spending an obscene amount of money on drinks, chasing a buzz that never came and almost finishing my cigar when I decided to call it a night.

  Maybe tomorrow would be better, and I can get the scent of Georgia off my mind.

  I stood and dropped money on the table. Just as I looked up, I saw Georgia stumble and grab hold of her chair.

  What the fuck?

  I was watching her all night, and I knew she didn’t have enough to drink that would get her fucked up. The bartender was making some weak ass drinks, which is why I was still fucking sober.

  I watched closely as she attempted to shrug the guy’s arm off her shoulders and trying to move around him, but he wasn’t letting her go.

  Decision time came for me quick, and I thought about the ramifications if I intervened. This could end badly for me in more ways than one. Georgia could go off on me and leave with this guy, making me feel like an idiot, or this guy could make a scene, which I would have to show my true colors and beat the shit out of him, and she leaves with him anyway disgusted with my behavior.

  Or this could be exactly what I think it is, and I would have to save her from God only knows what.

  Seeing him drag her, and then practically carry her to the door made the decision for me a no-brainer, and I started moving quickly to the exit and to Georgia. I knew it was important that I caught her at the door where there were plenty of bystanders. If he makes it to a car, shit is going to get ugly real quick because I knew a guy like that wouldn’t be traveling alone.

  I made it outside the club in seconds and just in time before they were out of my reach. Georgia was still being held or practically dragged as she tried to fight but didn’t have the strength to. I immediately gripped her other arm and yanked hard, releasing her from his grip while saying loudly, “Georgia, baby, you can’t be that pissed I made you wait for me.”

  I was hoping she wouldn’t fight me, and she didn’t. In fact, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gripped her fingers tight together.

  Feeling her being pulled away from him, the guy swiveled and charged up to me. Now normally I don’t let anyone come this close to me, but I had to be smart and play this right. Clearly it seems I wasn’t the only one playing it smart. Instead of invading my personal space, he looked around at the people walking around and trying to enter the club, and then smiled at me.

  “Uh, I think you have the wrong person. Her name is Maya, and she’s clearly with me.”

  I smiled back moving Georgia behind me so I could defend us if I needed to. Georgia kept her arm around my chest and rested her head on my back. I backed up slightly, putting the wall behind us instead of the door to the club, and said to my opponent, “No, actually I think you’re the one that has the wrong person in more ways than one.” I then squeezed her arm and pulled to get her attention. I asked, “What’s your name, baby?”

  “I hate when you call me baby,” she slurred.

  I chuckled and said my tone a little softer. “My mistake. Tell me again what it is.”

  “It’s Georgia… Are you going to take me back to my hotel?” she asked.

  I didn’t reply; I just looked over at him and waited for his next move.

  He didn’t disappoint. He moved closer to me and said, “It would be in your best interest to butt out of my affairs.”

  The man was two inches shorter than me and had a leaner body mass than I did, so his intimidating stare did nothing to me. I don’t get intimidated, and I have a pretty mean stare myself.

  I looked at him up and down before saying, “She happens to be my affair. As a matter of fact, she happens to be mine…”

  “No, I’m not!” she piped up. “And what’s that poking me?”

  Without missing a beat, I added, hoping no one else heard that last part, “And since she belongs to me, I suggest you move on.”

  “You wouldn’t even say hello to me…” she mumbled.

  The man in front of me was joined by two others that happened to be bigger than me in body mass and height. Since his backup arrived, he figured he’d grow a set and said to me, “You clearly don’t know who you’re fucking with.”

  “Oh no, I know exactly who I’m fucking with; unfortunately I don’t really give a shit. You aren’t taking her anywhere. As a matter of fact, you will stay away from her from now on.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  I started to smile as I saw true anger possess his eyes. He was losing his patience with me and my boldness. He puffed out his chest, and I really thought he was about to swing on me. The two next to him seemed to be ready for just that, which amused me even more. I guess this fucker was hot shit on this island.

  I shook my head. “I’m not threatening you at all, at least not yet. No, this is just a friendly warning…”

  “Oh, a friendly warning…”

  I nodded. “Yes, a friendly warning. Georgia is mine and is not to be touched. She’s marked. So, out of courtesy, I’m asking that you leave her be. There are plenty of clueless girls on this island that you can take, but she isn’t one of them.”

  He smirked at me and looked at the two at either side of him. “Oh, well, since this is a friendly warning, okay… Go fuck yourself! You think you can boss me around, talk to me any kind of fucking way… I don’t know who the fuck you think you are…”

  I moved closer to him seething, “Yeah, you’re right, you don’t know who the fuck I am. What you need to know is she’s the property of the Leonetti family, and she’s protected. That means if you fucking touch a hair on her head, I will fucking destroy you and anyone else that gets in my way. I will erase your piece of dog shit ass off the face of this fucking planet without a trace left for your family to fucking mourn. If you so much as think you’re going to come at me, please understand who the fuck you’re dealing with. The name’s Drake, now get the hell out of my face and go learn who the fuck I am before I have to teach you.”

  We stared at each other for a long moment, both giving off some serious heat. I knew how this was going to end the moment one of them made a move. I sized up all three knowing that the one on my left I would have to deal with first. He seemed itching to start some shit. The other two wouldn’t be a problem. I just needed to keep them in front of me. I can’t let them near Georgia.

  I noticed lights flashing off to my right coming to a stop right on the side of us. The tourist business is big in this country, so any of the locals that start trouble with the tourists the police crack down hard.

  Suddenly, my adversary’s demeanor changed again as he backed up from me. “Until we meet again then. And best believe you, and I will meet again.”

  I nodded my head slowly. “I fucking hope so!”

  I watched them get into a Cadillac Escalade and drive away. Once they were out of sight, I changed my attention from the fleeting SUV to the woman behind me.

  “Is everything alright?” one of the officers finally made their way to us.

  “Yes, sir. Everything’s fine. I’m just taking my girlf
riend back to the hotel.” I put my arm around her waist and kept her close to me, keeping my eyes out just in case the Cadillac circled back on us. The heat underneath my shirt was easy to get to, but I didn’t want to be caught actually using it. That could really put me in more shit than I wanted to be in. But if they did come back or I felt threatened, no way would I hesitate to pull it and fucking use it.

  The officer was satisfied with my response and walked away.

  The walk back to the hotel was painfully long since I kept stopping and checking my surroundings. I didn’t want to get caught unprepared just in case he came back around to finish what he started. Georgia and I made it to our destination in one piece and entered on the beach side of the hotel. The moment we entered her room, she started stripping without any assistance from me. I watched amused as she crawled into the bed naked and threw the covers over her head. I removed my jacket, shirt and pants and crawled in next to her, putting my gun underneath my pillow. She then turned and moved to rest her head on my chest.

  It was at that moment, the moment when I wrapped my arms around her that it sunk in what I’d just prevented. For sure if she was placed in that car before I got to her, she would be gone right now. I kissed her forehead and nestled her closer, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  I first felt the light of day fall on my face. I turned my body, not wanting to wake up when I felt something else fall on me. I opened my eyes to find a beautiful set of brown ones looking back at me with questions, puzzlement, and anger.

  I moved back from her gaze, yawned and stretched. “Um… Good morning, baby.”


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