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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

Page 17

by S. K. Lessly

  When I woke that morning, my body was tense and sore. I felt sick to my stomach, hoping I wouldn’t get attacked with morning sickness again. I thought I might have been over that by now. I moved down the stairs slowly and quietly, as to not disturb Drake, but found out he wasn’t even there. He left me a note saying he would be back.

  My stomach started to growl, so I headed over to the kitchen to see what I could cook. Did I mention that I can’t cook to save my life? Yeah, all I can do is make an egg sandwich, so that’s what I did. I drank a glass of milk then decided to take a bath to soothe my muscles.

  I tossed the large t-shirt of Drake’s that I was wearing on the floor of the bedroom and padded my way to the bathroom. I decided to take a shower first to wash up. I wanted to soak and soothe my body using the jets of the tub. My shower was quick, but my bath I intended to stay in until I was all wrinkled up.

  I don’t know how long I was in there because I dozed off until I heard the door slam downstairs. I jumped up, afraid half out of my mind until I heard Drake yell my name. I slowly got out of the bathtub, feeling dizzy and trying not to fall again, and grabbed the towel from the rack. I wrapped it around me and walked out of the bathroom. I was met with a look that I had never seen before, and it scared the shit out of me.

  I mean, I’d seen Drake mad, but the way he was foaming at the mouth had me petrified.

  I stood there on shaky knees, waiting for him to kill me or something. His fists were balled up tight, his jaw was flexing, and his eyes were shooting daggers straight at me. “What’s wrong?” I managed to get past the knot caught in my throat.

  “Are you pregnant?”


  I didn’t reply. I couldn’t move, nor could I speak. The knot in my throat finally took over. I started to shake, and it wasn’t from me being wet.

  “I asked you a fucking question! Are you pregnant?!” he yelled in this voice that, oh God, screamed through my body. He’d never used that tone with me. As a matter of fact, I’d never heard that tone from him.


  He yelled my name with so much intensity that I jumped clear out of my skin and croaked out a quiet, shaky, “Yes.”

  “What did you say?”

  I nodded my head vehemently but I whispered my answer. “Yes.”

  He moved closer to me, and I distinctively backed up until I crashed into a wall behind me. He didn’t falter his steps. He kept coming, eyes ripping through me. “You mean to tell me all this time we’ve spent together, you didn’t tell me you were pregnant?”

  “I tried,” I managed to say but regretted the words instantly.

  “You tried?! Are you kidding me?! You tried?! How did you try? When? Was it during the whole time you rode with me here after you found me in the club? Was it during the time we went shopping for hours and then sat down and ate together? Or were you going to tell me when I brought you around my family? When Georgia?! When were you going to tell me? Or were you going to tell me at all? Were you planning on getting me to help you, and then later you were going to leave without telling me you were pregnant? Was that the plan?”

  I shook my head. “No, Drake! I was going to tell you, okay? I tried to tell you the other night, but you pulled out a gun, and you were talking to him and I just…”

  “That’s bullshit, Georgia. You had ample enough time to tell me.” He backed away from me. The anger in his eyes was replaced with a look I had seen from him before… hurt.

  “I can’t believe you would do this to me.”

  “I’m sorry, Drake, okay? I didn’t know what else to do. I was trying to figure out a way to tell you, but I was afraid, okay? I was afraid of what you may think of me. I had unprotected sex with you, and it wasn’t intentional, I promise. I didn’t do this to trap you or get you to be with me. I didn’t mean for this to happen. It’s hard for me to get pregnant; very hard… almost impossible, so I didn’t think you would get me pregnant. But when I did, I didn’t want you to feel I trapped you. God, and you helping me… I just… I didn’t know how to say it… But I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to let this much time go by. Please…”

  He just stared at me, his chest heaving up and down. Nose still flaring, fists still balled. God, I didn’t know if he believed me or blamed me, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I fell back against the wall and let the tears that were starting to collect in my eyes fall.

  I couldn’t see him anymore, but I felt him move closer to me. “Shit, Georgia…”

  “I’m sorry, Drake,” I mumbled before I started to cry.

  “Don’t,” I heard him say before I felt both his hands go to the sides of my face, and his lips touch mine.

  He kept wetting my lips with his. “Stop, Georgia.”

  Yeah, that made me cry even more, and I started to fall to the floor. “I’m sorry, Drake. I’m…”

  I felt him pick me up and crash his lips to mine. My legs went around his waist, and he carried me until I felt the bed to my back. Drake didn’t stop kissing me as he settled between my legs. My whimpers turned into a soft moan as confusion and fear still filled me. But Drake’s kiss wasn’t what I was used to from him. It was soft and tender, and full of emotion I had never felt from him.

  “Please stop crying, baby,” he said softly to me, and then rolled himself over to where I was laying on top of him. He held me close to him, rubbing my back, kissing my forehead and the top of my head.

  He moved beneath me to get me to look at him. When I turned my face to do just that, he touched the sides of my face gently and caressed me. He said to me, “I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me anything. Nothing you could say to me will ever make me think less of you. I don’t blame you, baby. I had a feeling I could get you pregnant. I didn’t care and maybe I should have, considering what kind of life I live, but I didn’t.” He looked deeply into my eyes and then to my lips. He then said to me, voice deep and dripping with something else entirely, “You belong to me now… you’re mine.”

  “Drake,” I replied and started to squirm from his grip. He flipped over again pinning me against the bed. His leg pushed my legs open, and he settled between me again. This time though, his hips started to move slowly.

  “You’re mine now, Georgia… You and our baby.” He lifted slightly to remove the towel from its folded position, and opened it to reveal me.

  I shouldn’t say this, and damn it I shouldn’t feel this either, but thank God he’s finally touching me. Finally, my body was getting what it’d been wanting ever since I saw him at the club, ever since he left me in Cabo.

  I closed my eyes and arched my back the moment his fingers touched my skin. I felt every touch, every caress all through me. It looked like this pregnancy had heightened all of my senses. I felt every nerve ending in my body come alive, sending signals to my brain that was overloading me.

  “I’ve missed you so much, baby,” his voice husky and deep. I knew I was wet the moment he touched me, but his voice always brought more out of me. He gently massaged my breasts and looked at me, “Do they hurt?” he asked me.

  I opened my eyes. “A little.”

  “Can I kiss them?” he asked me, and I smiled and nodded.

  “Please.” I brought my hand up and placed it behind his head as he moved down to my breast and my nipple. His kisses were soft. His tongue even softer, but when he brought my nipple into his mouth and sucked, I pushed into him moaning loudly.

  Shit that felt amazing!

  He stopped and looked at me concerned. I shook my head. “No, please, don’t stop. God, don’t stop.”

  He suddenly smiled that smile of his that lights his entire face. “That’s my girl.”

  I can’t begin to explain to you what’s happening to me. My body’s reaction to him had been enhanced. My nipples were craving him to touch them, to kiss and suck on them. One seems to tingle with anticipation when he’s playing with the other. Please don’t mistake me, oh they hurt like hell, but, I don’t know, the pain was reaching right in
between my legs and giving me this sensation that didn’t want him to stop.

  But he moved down from them and kissed down my belly. I opened my legs wider to him and arched into him, giving him better access to me. When he finally touched me with his tongue, I think I came… God, I know I did. The feeling came over me instantly. I grabbed the blanket under me and growled out the ecstasy flowing through me.

  “Shit, I love hearing you come. You drive me crazy, baby, with the sounds you make… Come again for me, baby. Please let me hear you… Tell me how good I make you feel… Tell me you’re mine.”

  “Drake, I can’t... I… Oh yes! Please right there… Right there!” He lapped his tongue over and over around my clit. Then he took it in his mouth and sucked. It was taking me there quickly. I couldn’t control it.

  I sat up and gripped his head. “Yesssss!… Oh!…. Please have me!…. I’m yours! Please just…”

  I grappled at his shirt, trying to pull it up and off him. He moved from between my legs as I pulled off his shirt and fell back to the bed. I watched as he removed his t-shirt and started with his pants. I heard the clunk of his boots, and then his pants dropped. I started licking my lips with anticipation.

  Drake smirked at me. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, and I knew he loved it.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked me as he crawled up my body.

  “No,” I replied and he chuckled.

  It wasn’t meant to be funny. Hell, I was serious.

  But I wanted him, that I was sure of. I wanted him in more ways than I was willing to admit to him.

  He started kissing me as I brought my legs up to give myself to him. He said inches from me, “Put me inside you.”

  Huh? My pleasure.

  I gripped him tight, and he moaned slightly as I stroked him with my hand slowly before I guided him to my center. His head moved to my opening and as he moved in and out of me, slowly invading me, I couldn’t help but move back. It had been a while since I had him and, shit, it hurt.

  “I’ll go slow, baby, but I can’t promise you it will be for long. I’ve been waiting for this pussy since I left Cabo… I need this baby… I need you… I… oh fuck yes… shit you feel amazing… hmmm.” He buried his head in my neck as he created a slow and steady pace, rounding his hips as he moved in and out of me, gathering my juices, soothing me.

  He stopped moving suddenly and said to me. “I’m not hurting the baby, am I?”

  I shook my head, “Um no… I don’t think it can feel you.”

  “What? We’ll see about that.”

  I laughed at first but then stopped… The way he was going at me was not a laughing matter.

  He gripped my ass as he went harder and faster, then crashed into me, and we both came like a freight train. He cried out, and I screamed in his neck.

  “Did I tell you how much I missed you?” he asked me before he flipped us again and put me on top.

  I looked in his sated eyes and smiled. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Yeah? Show me.” He pushed me up and started moving my hips.

  He can’t be hard again already, I thought to myself but I felt him grow inside me.

  Damn… Yes, oh how I missed him.


  After our hearts had settled down, Drake asked me, “Do you know when you’re due?” I was laying my head on his chest with my arm around him.

  “The doctor gave me a tentative date around the middle of March. She couldn’t make it definitive until I have an ultrasound.”

  He grew quiet, and then said, “So you’re about what four months?”

  I nodded. “Yes, about that.”

  He rolled over on his side and faced me. I moved on my back, and he started caressing my belly, then he bent down and kissed it.

  He looked in my eyes. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  I shook my head.

  “How are you feeling? Are you feeling sick?”

  I shook my head again and said, “I’m feeling okay right now. I haven’t been sick in a few days, but I never know until I get up. Which I need to do now or I’m going to explode.”

  He kissed me on my lips and moved from me so I could get up.

  “First thing tomorrow we need to make you a doctor’s appointment. They can do the ultrasound or whatever they need to do so we can have an official date. How are you working?”

  “I’m teaching an online class. Which reminds me, I need to get to that and grade papers. I’m falling behind.”

  My bladder was about to explode so I slowly got up and I heard him gasp. I looked back at him. “What?”

  “Shit, you have a bruise on your hip. I didn’t think I gripped you that tight.”

  I shook my head. “Oh no, that’s not from you. I fell a few times getting up too fast. I get dizzy spells sometimes.”

  “What?!” he exclaimed and I quickly moved into the bathroom seeing he was about to explode. “Georgia?!” he called after me.

  “Sorry, Drake. I have to pee.”

  “Fuck!” I heard him exclaim just as I closed the door.

  I did what I needed to and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then decided, just to keep him waiting, to take a shower. What I forgot to do is lock the door. Anyways, a few seconds under the stream and I heard him come inside. He walked into the shower with this pissed off look on his face.

  “If you weren’t pregnant, so help me, I would bend you over my knee and spank your ass!” he told me.

  Um… what was that?

  “Turn around let me wash you.” I obeyed and all but passed out from how tender he was with me. This brut of a man had a sensitive side. Who knew? Probably no one alive.

  I started to chuckle.

  “What’s funny?” he asked me.

  “Nothing,” I said quickly.

  “Yeah right. Turn around,” he demanded, and, yup, I obeyed.

  Once we got out of the shower, he held my hand and guided me into the bedroom, put lotion on my body and helped me get dressed before he dressed himself. I did tell him I could get dressed myself, and he just grunted and ignored me.

  Drake made me breakfast, and as I ate, he was sitting next to me on his laptop. He then made a call and actually found me a doctor. I didn’t think he would get an appointment that day, but it seems I know nothing. He hung up telling me we had an appointment that afternoon.

  “Drake,” I called to him, got up and took his hand. I led him over to the couch and sat down. When he sat next to me, I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the baby. I was waiting for the right moment and quite honestly telling someone that you’re having his baby isn’t an easy thing. But I should have told you.”

  He just nodded but didn’t say anything. I took another deep breath and said, “The moment I found out, I panicked. I didn’t know what you would think of me, but I was more afraid of losing your trust in me. I didn’t want you to feel like I trapped you…” He started to protest my last sentence, but I stopped him. “Just hear me out… I felt like I let you down. I don’t know much about you, and you don’t know much about me. I didn’t want to stick you with this, with me. I wanted you to be free to live your life. That’s what I want to tell you. You don’t have to…” I stopped talking because put his fingers against my lips.

  His eyes narrowed. “Don’t you finish that thought. I’m getting more pissed with each second that’s going by. First, Georgia, yes, you don’t know everything about me, but I hope you know enough. I hope that you know I will not do anything I don’t want to. And I mean anything. I can’t get tricked because I don’t give a shit. I do what I want when I want. Secondly, I know more about you than you think. I understand you were afraid, but I don’t want you to be, not with me. I wouldn’t think negatively about you because I know you, I know your heart. I know what you’re capable of and what you’re not. I’m as much responsible for getting you pregnant, if not more, as you. But baby, I’m a grown ass man. I will take care of you and the baby. It’s not abo
ut obligation. I told you before I don’t do obligations. Whatever you need, you need to know that I have you.”

  I should be thrilled. I should be excited, but I’m not.

  Drake kissed my cheek and stood. “Come on. I have some errands to run before we get to the doctor.”

  A few days passed and Drake had kept his promise. We found out I was just sixteen weeks, but we didn’t want to know the sex of the baby. We got lots of pictures and heard the baby’s heartbeat. I thought Drake would be shocked at that sound of the baby’s heart beating but he wasn’t. He just told me he used to take his cousin to her appointments, so he’d heard Nya’s heartbeat before.

  Anyway, he’d been a saint to me. He catered to me, cooked me meals whenever I was hungry, and I have to say that’s a turn on in itself. This man can burn. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing; he’ll leave from wherever he is or stop what he’s doing, and cook for me, if time allows. I tell him he doesn’t have to do any of this but one day he saw me struggling with boiling eggs and he banned me from the stove. I can reheat in the microwave, but that’s it.

  He rubs my feet if they’re sore, he runs my bath water for me and the sex… Oh my God.

  We hang out all the time. Just talking about the baby and who he/she would look like. I mean things were great. But I had noticed something different with Drake that still had me on edge. So what’s changed you ask? It was in his eyes. It was the way he looked at me that had me paranoid. He continued to tell me that I was his, but I didn’t feel it. I felt like he was faking. I feel like I trapped him with something that he wasn’t prepared for.

  That smile that he used to always give me, I hadn’t seen in a few days. He’d been in and out of the condo doing what, I haven’t a clue. He worked at the club and came home smelling like smoke and alcohol and perfume. But I couldn’t say anything, right? I mean, he didn’t say that we were together, in a committed relationship. He just said I belonged to him. That’s it.


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