Argus: Accepting the Challenge

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Argus: Accepting the Challenge Page 5

by Jana Leigh; Kerri Good

  She looked between the two men. Why were they talking in plural? Two men and her. What the hell? It was like the books she had been reading. Last week when she stopped at this dive of a gas station, she looked for something to read while she slept in her car. Unfortunately, all they had was men’s nudey mags and ménage books. She had taken a couple of books and quickly became engrossed in the stories. Since she didn’t want to waste her money, she read them over and over.

  Skye had begun to fantasize about having two men like in the books. They seemed so loving and caring, devoting themselves to one woman to share and protect. All the heroes pampered and focused on their women. It was the type of relationship you could only dream of. And she had. The last few nights it had been what woke her in the middle of the night. The thought that they were both interested in her made her feel a little overwhelmed. They could not be talking about having a ménage with her. That only happened in books she thought, and looked around wildly.

  “Oh, yeah, well I gotta go.” She said, turned, and ran for her room. Once she got inside, she slammed the door and locked it. Only when she was sure that she was alone did she let out the breath that she had been holding. She went to the window and peaked out of the curtains that looked on the courtyard. The two men were standing there staring at the room she occupied.

  Skye shivered and pulled away from the wall. What was she going to do? Her car was not going to be done for a few hours, and she barely had enough money to pay the mechanic. If she did not go to work, she would never get out of here. How could she though? Strange men breaking into her room and two men who were obviously wanting to use her as a pathetic plaything.

  She sighed and went into the bathroom. At least she had the night to get herself together and relax, she would have a plan by morning, she thought. Feeling gross and slimy, she peeled off her uniform and turned on the shower. The day had been shitty and she needed to chill out.

  Her thoughts drifted to the men that were standing outside. She ran her hands over her round curves and dreamed that it was their hands on her. She cupped her large breasts and moaned when she ran her thumbs over her nipples. They had been hard and straining since she had first seen Jacob. He was sex on a stick. She continued to play with her breast as she thought of them joining her in the shower. First Jacob and then Argus. She knew that Argus would be the one in charge, like in those books.

  One of the men was always more dominant, and Argus screamed leader. She could almost hear him ordering Jacob to suck her nipples until she cried out. Skye felt the wetness coming from her pussy and groaned again. Keeping one hand on her breast, she ran the other down to her mound.

  The entire time she thought of the large rough hands moving over her body, learning each curve, and telling her, they loved her. It would be nice to actually hear that from a real person, other than just in her mind. Jacob would kiss her and stand in the front playing with her breasts making sure that they were peaked. He would suck them into his mouth and bite down gently, applying enough pressure to the nipple to send a zing to her pussy. The thoughts made her feel her arousal begin to trickle down her thighs.

  Argus would stand behind her. His large cock pushing against her backside. She would be bold, reach behind her, and grasp the thick shaft. From the look of his pants earlier, she would not be able to wrap her small hand around the whole thing. The thought made her shiver in the hot shower. Argus would kiss her neck and run his hands down her back, cupping her bottom and then run a finger down her back crack, until he reached her forbidden opening. She had read about how men like to take women together. She had never had anal sex before and never wanted to, but the thought of Argus and Jacob together taking her, filling her up, was too much for her to stand. They would be gentle and prepare her like the men in the books. But when they joined, it would be amazing. She could feel the orgasm building already with just her thoughts.

  Skye had discovered the asshole she had been with had no clue how to bring her to orgasm. She had been forced to learn how to please herself, so she knew exactly where to touch herself when she wanted to come fast. Skye rubbed her finger over the already engorged nub between her legs. She did not waste any time making herself come, pressing her fingers into her pussy, and pumping in and out while she kept pressure on her clit. She was so close. Skye moved her hands faster to give her the orgasm her body craved. She thought about Argus behind her and Jacob in front of her, both of them worshipping her plump body like she was a goddess. Yes it was a fantasy, but one that actually helped her to come. Stars exploded behind her closed eyes and she slumped against the wall of the small shower.

  She felt much better, she thought and finished washing herself slowly, and savoring in the lazy and sluggish feeling her limbs had. She got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around herself, and sighed when she looked in the mirror.

  “Great, like you actually have a chance.” She muttered to her reflection in the mirror. Her short dumpy body peaked out at her and she turned her back to the reflection. Damnit, she had to stop thinking like an insecure bitch. She was better than that, well probably not enough to get the hot guys, but she hoped a respectable one.

  She sighed again and then pulled on her sweats and went to the other room. She jumped on the bed, pulled the bags of food toward her, and flicked on the television. It was her favorite night on the boob tube. Gibbs and Stabler, too hot for words.


  “Uh, what the fuck just happened?” Jacob said and stared at the door their mate disappeared behind.

  “I have no clue. I think we need to find out about our little mate.” Argus said quietly and stared with his friend at the door.

  “Well shit, Warren is in jail and Ari is trying to get him out. And we are standing here with our peckers in our hands and no mate. What the hell?” Jacob grumbled and ran his hand on the back of his neck.

  “We’re attracting attention, so I think it is time we actually moved. They are gonna think we are stalkers.” Argus said.

  “Ha, like that’s the worst of our problems.” Jacob said and kicked a rock on the ground.

  Argus grunted and looked around and saw the people that were standing out in their doorways still. They were attracting attention. “Come on.” He said gruffly and walked back to where Ced was standing.

  “Okay, what the hell is going on?” Argus said to his Warrior.

  Ced laughed and looked down at his shoes. “Warren is out; he’s headed back to the compound. They told the cops that he was drunk and went into the wrong room. He is pissed that he got caught. And embarrassed your mate took him out with a couple of roles of quarters. Man she packs a punch. Ced has the background check done. He sent it to your phones. I rented the room next to hers for the rest of the week. We’ll be making headquarters there to keep an eye on her. Don’t worry, we’ll watch her.”

  Argus frowned at the thought of leaving their mate. He looked at Jacob and then smiled. “We’ll take the room. Go to the compound and grab a bag for us. Bring our computers and we will set up here. I am not leaving without my mate.”

  Jacob clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Now we’re talking.” He held out his hand for the key that Ced was holding. The Warrior laughed and said. “I’ll bring your truck over later.

  Argus nodded, turned, and walked purposely to the door next to their mate’s. They could feel the eyes of the people still standing out watching them suspiciously. They backed off a little when they saw Jacob use a key to get in the door. Argus laughed under his breath at the people. This was not the best neighborhood, but he would bet that this was the most excitement they’d seen in a long time.

  They looked at the room and grimaced. It was not what they were used to, but it was clean. The furniture was old and the fabric had faded with age. One large bed took up most of the room. The cover matching the fabric on the chairs. A small bathroom located in front of them and a small table with chairs to the right side of the bed. At the foot of the bed was a dresser with a small televi
sion on top. Jacob laughed and jumped on the bed.

  “Kinda feels like we are on a mission and hiding out, huh.” He said and bounced a few times on the bed before standing up and looking in the bathroom.

  Argus snorted and sat in one of the chairs at the table. “Jacob we need to talk.”

  Jacob poked his head back out of the small room and smiled and wagged his eyebrows. “Shower?”

  Argus rolled his eyes and looked at his mate. “Seriously, let’s look at this together.” He said and waved his phone.

  Jacob nodded and sat down. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the email that Ced sent them.

  Skye Thomas was 28 and single. She had shared a place with a man for a year before moving abruptly a few weeks ago. The man in question was Bob Strip; he had a long list of domestic violence charges and DWI’s. Nice guy. She had no family to speak of, her parents passed away years ago in a fire, and Skye was an only child. Job history contained mainly of waitressing jobs. She had no criminal history at all. Skye had a hard life up until now.

  Argus looked up at Jacob and said. “I’ve read enough. She has had to be on her own for so long. She needs to be taken care of, not have to worry about where her next meal is coming from.”

  Jacob growled and nodded. “We should go over there right now and bring her home. We can take care of her better there. The thought of her lying there all alone and confused is driving my lion crazy. He is clawing and biting to get out and get to his mate.”

  “Mine too. But we have to play this slowly. She’s human. Plus we have that other situation to think about. I have already called Ryan and told him to expect us at the end of the week. I am not sure she’s going to be willing to go with us that soon.” Argus said.

  “Damnit, finding your mate is supposed to be fun and exciting.” Jacob said and then stopped when he was near the bathroom door. “Oh shit.” He said and walked into the room.

  Argus frowned and then followed him, thinking there was a rodent in the bathroom or something but the scent hit him, and he almost fell to his knees. Cinnamon and honey, which is what it smelled like. And passion, the only kind of passion their mate could give.

  “She is touching herself.” Jacob said with a wondrous tone and looked to the vent on the side of the wall. It must be connected to her bathroom. They could hear the shower running and then a soft female moan.

  “Shit.” Argus said and shifted uncomfortably because his cock suddenly got hard as a rock. Their little mate was right next door and she was hot, wet, and ready for them. Jacob turned and looked at Argus and smiled. He walked slowly to his mate, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and pulled him in for a kiss.

  Argus met his mate’s mouth with a fierce determination. He needed to feel a connection with one of his mates. His lion was turning in circles on the inside, impatient to finally claim his mates. He did not know if he would be able to control him for long.

  Jacob pushed his tongue against his lips and he opened his mouth allowing his mate access. They ate at each other desperately as they smelled the arousal of their female mate.

  Argus took control of the kiss, thrust his tongue in his mate’s mouth, and savored his taste. Jacob stepped forward and ground his hard cock against Argus and he moaned. They had to stop; the bargain they made was to wait for their mate to claim each other. It was important to both of them, but at that moment, neither of them could think straight.

  Argus pulled back first and leaned his forehead against Jacobs. “We have to stop.”

  “I know, but her scent is driving me mad. With you in the same room and all of our scents combining, it is almost more than I can stand.” Jacob whispered.

  “Let’s plan a way to get our little mate to accept us.” Argus said and pulled back and stepped out of the small room. They needed to focus. Skye was not going to know what hit her come tomorrow.

  Chapter 4

  Skye rolled over and groaned. Crap, she had a food hangover. Last night all she could imagine was her and two men that conveniently looked like Jacob and Argus. Making love to them repeatedly until she was exhausted. Instead, she had eaten her way through a half gallon of Bunny Tracks, five candy bars, and a box of Fancy Cakes. Then after watching The Notebook, she ordered pizza at midnight when she could not sleep.

  Damnit, she could not stop thinking about them. What had they done to her? One second she had been happily escaping her ex and now she was drooling over two guys. It was crazy, she did not even know them, and yet she felt a pull toward them. If they had been in the same room as her last night, she would have fucked them instead of eating her way into a food coma.

  She pushed herself up on the bed and looked around. Wrappers were everywhere. Groaning again, she stood and began to clean up the evidence. Putting them in a small trash bag, she looked down at her clothes she had slept in last night. She had not bothered changing out of the sweatpants and t-shirt, she had put on after her shower last night. Skye shrugged her shoulders and thought she looked presentable enough to walk out to the dumpster. No one would be there anyway. It was light out. All the people that stayed in the motel would still be asleep or gone. Who cared what she looked like? When she came back, she would take a nice long shower, get cleaned up, and then make her plan.

  She decided last night; she needed to get out of here. She had enough, get the car, fill the tank, and hit the road. Maybe when she stopped the next time there would not be handsome strangers that kept her up at night.

  Skye pulled open the door and screamed when she realized someone stood in front of it. The strange man was facing the other way and he jumped and turned looking for the threat that he thought was there. A nervous laugh escaped her throat and he frowned while he looked at her.

  “Uh, can I help you?” She said slowly looking around to see if anyone was out and about.

  “No, but is there something I can do for you Queen.” The man said.

  “Sorry, my name is Skye. You must have me confused with someone else.” She said and was relieved the strange man had gotten the wrong room. He was handsome too, but she could not stop thinking about the two men. She did not need anyone else to dream about.

  The man laughed and he shook his head. “Sorry, my name is Ari. I believe you are Skye? Jacob and Argus assigned me to look after you. You know after the man broke into your place last night? They were worried about you.” The man said and she frowned.

  “What? Jacob and Argus? The men I met yesterday hired a body guard for a perfect stranger. Are they nuts? I don’t need a body guard thank you very much. As you can see, I’m fine and dandy. You can send a message to you employers. Thanks but no thanks.” She said and shouldered her way around the man and walked to the dumpster. She stopped and braced herself, before winding up and throwing the bag in the tall trash can. This is when she hated being so short. If she missed, the garbage would come back at her.

  She heard another laugh from behind her, so she straightened up, held her head high, and walked back to her room. “Rude.” She said and slammed the door.

  “Skye, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Ari called out. She could tell that he was worried about offending her and the good girl in her refused to let him feel bad.

  “Fine, just let your bosses know, I can take care of myself.” She called and walked to the bathroom where she froze when the voice called back.

  “You can do that yourself, they are right next door.” Ari called and she looked at the door and then the wall wildly. Here. They were still here? She ran to the door, yanked it open, and confronted the man.

  “What do you mean they are here? I thought they lived near here.” Skye shouted and looked around expecting the men to suddenly appear.

  “They do. They just didn’t want you to be alone. You know, with the break in and all.” Ari said smoothly.

  “Who are these guys?” She whispered and slammed the door and went to the bathroom quickly. She needed to get ready and leave as soon as possible. They were probably stalkers or seri
al killers. Who put a guard on a complete stranger? She thought and quickly brushed her teeth and then jumped in the shower.

  Unlike the shower she had the night before, she was fast. Washed all the important body parts and then hopped out. Skye brushed her hair and pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. Sitting next to the phone, she made the first call to get the hell out of town.

  Her car would be ready and waiting for her, as long as she had the money in the afternoon and as long as they hadn’t found out, she had basically stolen the car, she would be good. The mechanics did not look like the kind that would ask questions though, at least she hoped. Now the fun part. Skye dialed the restaurant, and was ready to tell Ronnie to stick it where the sun did not shine, when one of the other waitresses answered the phone.

  “Hey Skye, boy you are a popular person in here today. Ronnie is sittin’ with your boyfriend right now; they are laughing and joking like they were old friends. I think you’re going to get a raise.” The blonde said.


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