And So She Waited

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And So She Waited Page 9

by Shakuita Johnson

  It didn't take Remy much time to drive to the school and hit the pool. He did around 30 laps before he decided to call it a day, then changed clothes in the locker room and went back out to his car. After he drove back to his place and parked, he ran around the block a few times before deciding that he had punished his body enough. When he got back to his apartment the girls were still asleep. Fucking lazy bitches. He hoped they didn't think they were staying in his bed all day. He wanted to be alone. Remy hit the shower again and then woke his houseguests up.

  "Get up, it's after noon and y'all got to go. I have things to do today that don't involve either of you," Remy said.

  Stacey woke up with a cute pout, but that shit wasn't going to fly with him. Casey just snuggled herself deeper into the covers.

  "Why can't we just stay in bed all day?" Stacey asked.

  "Because I fucking said so. Now get up and get the hell out of here."

  Remy grabbed Casey's leg and dragged her out of the bed. She hit the floor with a loud thud and a yelp. Served her ass right. He'd told her to get up. He looked over at Stacey with a raised eyebrow. Was he going to have to drag her ass out, too? He saw her hold up both hands in surrender before she helped herself out of his bed.

  "You're such an ass, Remy," Casey snarled.

  "I tried to play nice but apparently you don't respond well. Now get up and get out."

  He watched as Casey stomped around looking for her clothes and pulled them on. She was the first out of the door and slammed it behind her. Stacey wasn't as emotional about her departure and exited with a little more grace. Good. They were gone and he could rest in peace. He went over to the door and locked it behind them before he got himself something to eat and a beer to wash it down with. Man, it paid to hang out with older chicks. The perks were well worth it. Remy settled down to relax and ignore the outside world for the rest of the day.

  Remy was woken out of his nap by the shrill ringing of his phone. What the entire fuck! He was going to murder whoever was on the other line. He stumbled to the incessant ringing and picked it up without even looking at the caller ID.

  "You better be dying and bleeding on the fucking floor!" Remy growled out.

  He was met with silence and then a tiny voice spoke.

  "Remy, it's me, Raven. I really need to talk to you in person. I have something I need to tell you and I need to see you to do it. Please, can we meet somewhere?"

  Remy counted to ten in his head, and then did it again. He didn't know what her deal was but he was tired of this bullshit.

  "Raven, I told you we're done. We have nothing to talk about. You need to stop calling and texting me."

  "I really need to talk to you now."

  "And I really don't have time for your pyscho-stalker shit. Leave me alone."

  "I'm pregnant, asshole! Now either meet me somewhere so we can talk or I'll have a nice chat with your parents. I'm sure they would love to know they'll be grandparents. How long before you think your mom would have our wedding planned? My family is a big name around here. Marrying me would be a dream come true for your family's political agenda."

  "You wouldn't."

  "Try me, Remy. I'm tired of being your doormat. You are going to talk to me face-to-face or I'll let your parents know about the baby," Raven threatened.

  "You don't want me as an enemy, little girl."

  "Are you going to tell me a place or not?"

  "Fine. Meet me at the park next to campus. I'll be there in 20."

  Remy hung up the phone. He didn't want to hear whatever else she was saying. How dare she try to handle him? She wasn't having this fucking baby and she wasn't about to ruin his life either. He didn't have time for whatever she was thinking. He would not be shackled down to that schizo. She didn't know who she was fucking with if she thought she could trick him into a marriage he didn't want. Even if she told his parents they couldn't make him. Besides, how did he even know it was his? Remy threw on a shirt and made his way to the fucking park. He really hated Raven right now. All he wanted was one fucking lazy Saturday. Was that too much to ask for?

  "How much do you need?" Remy asked in greeting.

  "Excuse me? What do you mean, 'how much do you need’?" Raven asked.

  Remy gave her an annoyed looked. Was she being serious right now? Neither of them had the time for a baby. He especially didn't have time for a baby with Raven. He would not be tied for eternity to Raven Sinclair, by any means. And he definitely wouldn't be associated with having a bastard. Was she fucking crazy? Wait, what the hell was he thinking? Of course she was crazy. He should have realized it sooner and nipped that shit in the bud early. Now he was in the fucking park, asking her how much money she needed for an abortion. If only people could see him now. He would be the laughing stock of all his friends and classmates. No, he would not let this shit go any further.

  "Don't fucking play stupid with me, Raven. We aren't keeping this kid. You're going to find a nice little clinic out of the way and take care of it."

  For several minutes she didn't speak. All Remy could see was the range of emotions playing over her face.

  "Take care of it?" Raven finally said. "So what, you want me to go to some hole in the wall abortion clinic by myself and kill this baby? Is that what you're suggesting, Remy?"

  Remy leaned down and grabbed her upper arm roughly.

  "Listen to me, little girl. I will not be a father at the age of 20. I have dreams and ambitions that don't include a baby by some crazed obsessed psychopath. Do you hear me? I won't be tied to you for the rest of my life. If I have to reach my hand up your vagina and snatch that baby out myself, you aren't having this fucking baby."

  Remy pushed her back onto the bench and stood over her. He saw the tears in her eyes but couldn't bring himself to care.

  "You can't make me," Raven whispered.

  Remy smirked. She was cute but not cute enough.

  "You have two weeks to take care of that fucking baby, Raven. Don’t fuck with me on this. And don't call me again, either. We have nothing left to discuss. You disgust me and I don't want to see your face again. As far as I'm concerned we've never even met."

  Remy walked away with Raven calling his name. He didn't care. He was serious about her getting rid of that baby. He was not raising a child, especially not with her. He would rather gouge his own eyes out with a rusty spoon. What the hell did she think would happen? That he would be all 'let's get married right now,' with her? Ha, that was hilarious. She obviously hadn’t been paying attention for the last few months. She was not his world and would never be. He wanted nothing to do with her and even less to do with that thing she was carrying. She had too many mental issues and he didn't want to risk his future children with having the same illnesses as her. He wasn't in the cards for her and she needed to get that through her head. They were never going to be together and her getting pregnant did nothing to change that fact. He couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. He was going to have to be more careful. He couldn't risk getting anyone else pregnant. He was not about to be tied down to some random female all because he couldn't wrap up his little buddy before the deed was done. Granted, it felt better without it but he didn't need someone else claiming to be carrying his bastards. He was going to go back home, lie back on his couch, and forget the day he'd ever set eyes on Raven Sinclair.

  Chapter 17

  "You're late, again."

  "Don't give me shit right now, Matt. I'm not in the mood," Raven said.

  "Finals are in a month and a half. We need every spare minute to practice. You missed the last two days and we are falling behind. We still haven't nailed all the moves and you're lagging to the beat."

  Matt was getting pissed. It was bad enough Raven had let Remy treat her like a doormat, but now she was letting him mess up their careers. Everything they'd worked so hard for. Their relationship had been strained since the night she sang that damn song to Remy and he'd busted down her apartment door. He still couldn't believe it.
r />   "I really don't feel good and I can't do a lot of jumping around right now,” Raven responded. “I only came today to let you know instead of just sending you a text. I need a few days to rest."

  "What? Are you insane? Have you not been listening to me? We need to practice! Are you trying to fail us both? Ruin us both? What could be more important than ballet? It better not be Remy!"

  Matt wanted to shake the shit out of her. What was it about that fucking asshole that she couldn't just let it go?

  "I'm pregnant," Raven whispered.

  Matt started to laugh. Surely she was joking. This was a nightmare and he would be waking up any moment and his life would be what it was always meant to be.

  "You're hilarious, Raven. I don't have time for games. We need to practice."

  "I'm not joking. I went to the clinic and the blood work confirmed it. I told Remy and he basically told me to get an abortion and never speak of it again."

  Matt was speechless. This wasn't happening. He saw the life he'd wished for shatter before him. No, he didn't believe it. She was still trying to hurt him.

  "You're lying."

  He watched as she retrieved a slip of paper from her purse and handed it to him. After he scanned the contents, he let it fall to the floor. His eyes bored into her very soul.

  Pregnant, by Remy. Fucking. Peters.

  Matt couldn't breathe. Time stopped as he just stared at her. He couldn't speak, couldn't find his voice to utter one single fucking word. Matt did something he'd never thought he'd do. He walked away. He could hear Raven call out his name but he couldn't stand to look at her right now. He wasn't sure what he would do if he stayed in the same room with her. She'd ruin not only herself but also him.

  Matt didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do. He just blindly walked the corridors of the school until the sounds of laughter and splashing water woke him out of his trance. He was at the pool.

  And so was Remy.

  Of course the bastard was with Stacey and Casey. Matt didn't say one word; he just acted. He rushed over to the edge of the pool, grabbed Remy by his neck, and yanked him out of the pool. He wasted no time in trying to beat the ever-loving shit out of him. All the hate, anger, and betrayal that Matt had felt for almost two years was unleashed with full force on Remy. The jock’s screams bounced around the pool area, amplifying his horror and pain. Matt vaguely felt hands trying to tug him off, but he was having none of that. If he could help it he was going to kill Remy for ruining his life. That baby inside Raven should be his. He hated Remy with everything he was.

  Matt felt more hands pulling him away as he tried his hardest to squeeze the life out of Remy. Remy fought like hell to pry Matt’s hands from around his neck but it was as if Matt was possessed. A strength Matt hadn't felt before empowered him and it wanted blood. He felt someone put their arms around his neck in a chokehold, but he fought even harder to finish his task. He didn't speak or yell; he just tried to squeeze Remy’s neck harder and harder until his task was done. But it wasn't meant to be because his strength finally gave way to two powerful arms. His hands were removed from Remy's neck, and he was slammed face first onto the tile floor. At some point the cops had arrived. He didn't struggle as they pinned him to the floor. He just looked straight into Remy’s eyes the entire time, with a bloodstained smirk on his face.

  "You stupid son of a bitch! I'm going to bury you for this!” Remy spat. “My father will have you sitting with a needle in your arm!”

  Matt ignored him. Remy's family wasn't the only one with money in this fucking town. Matt would get no more than a slap on the wrist when his father was done. It was his first offense and his family was well loved and respected. If he had to plead temporary insanity he would do it. He wouldn't be serving any real time for attempted murder of this asshole. Matt was hauled up off the floor and taken outside to the waiting police car. There was an ambulance outside as well. He spotted Raven in the crowd of students that had gathered. She had her hand to her mouth and tears were staining her cheeks. Fuck her. It still hurt to look at her. He didn't know if he could ever look at her again.

  "If you tell us what we want to know this will go a lot smoother for you, kid," the male detective said.

  Matt didn't utter a single word after he'd asked for his lawyer. The officers ignored him, of course. Hell, they hadn't even Mirandized him. He would not be incriminating himself today and even if he did have something to say, they couldn't use it. Not unless they came to their senses and read him his rights. You would have thought the mention of a lawyer would have refreshed their memories. It wasn't his problem and he really didn’t care.

  "He's right, you know,” the female cop said. “All you have to do is tell us in your own words what happened, Matt. We've already gotten statements from Mr. Peters, Ms. Nickels, and Ms. Summers. It doesn't look good for you but if you tell us something we can use, we'll have you outta here in no time."

  Matt just smiled. He wasn't born yesterday. His father was the damn ADA and he'd have this cop’s hide if she made him utter a word without a lawyer present.

  "I want my lawyer and a phone call. Either-or would be fine by me," Matt said.

  He watched as the male detective's nostrils flared. Matt held his gaze until the detective motioned for his partner and they left him in the interrogation room alone. Matt leaned back in his chair and waited for the next failed interrogation. They hadn't even officially arrested him yet, and if they didn't soon, he would start acting like a fool. They would either arrest him or let him go. Either way he wasn't saying shit without a lawyer or his father present.

  Matt waited and waited, but no word from anyone. He had no idea how long they had kept him in that damn room before the door opened and his father walked in.

  "Let's go," ADA Masterson barked.

  Matt got up and silently followed his father out of the room. He stopped at the desk and retrieved his personal effects from the officer behind the desk. The two detectives glared at him from the other end of the office as he left behind his father. Their teeth were clenched and hands balled in fists as their Captain railed their incompetence or at least that's what he was assuming. Matt gave them both a little smile and a wave before he exited the building toward his father's BMW. His father didn’t say another word until they were both in the car.

  "What the hell were you thinking, Matt?"

  "Are you asking as my father, my lawyer, or as the ADA of the state?" Matt deadpanned.

  Matt watched a range of emotions play across his father's face. Shock, anger, outrage, and maybe even a bit of sorrow. He didn't care. It was a valid question.

  "What is wrong with you? The Peters aren't a little fish, Matt. Do you know how much money it's going to take to make this go away?"

  "I don't know, Dad, how much money would it take you to forget that someone tried to kill me?"

  Matt watched his father's grip on the steering wheel tighten. Looks like he hit a nerve. Matt wasn't confused about how his father felt about him. Few fathers were proud of sons who chose ballet as a living. His father made no attempts to hide his disgust over Matt's career choices. He'd have rather him went to law school like him, but it wasn't happening. He'd hoped that ballet was just a phase and when it didn't turn out to be, he made his displeasure known. Matt was surprised the old bastard even came to bail him out. He thought for sure it would have been his mother. It still could be her, he'd know soon enough.

  "There is no need for such hostility, Matthew. I am your father!"

  "Did Mom send you?" Matt asked with an eyebrow raised.

  "Of course not! She doesn't know yet. I got a call from Raven. She said you had been arrested because you tried to choke the life out of Remy Peters."

  Matt sneered at Raven's name. This did nothing to fix what she'd broken.

  "Don't mention her name to me. I have no desire to hear it anymore."

  "Just tell me what's going on? Tell me how to help you. Do you want to go to jail for this?"
/>   "Do whatever you want, Dad. I don't care anymore. Just take me home so I can lie down."

  "Dammit, Matt! This is serious. We will talk about this once we are home. I'll fix this."

  Matt tuned out his father's voice. It didn't matter. He'd lost Raven for good. She finally did it. She'd succeeded in breaking him in a way he never saw coming. How could she do that to them; to him? She was supposed to be his. His wife, the mother of his children and now she was ruined. She'd ruined everything. Maybe he should have choked the life out of her. After all, she was the one who had snatched his heart out of his chest and left it at his feet. For the first time in his life Matt hated someone more than he hated Remy Peters.

  Chapter 18

  Two months later

  If she hadn't believed it before, she definitely believed it now. She was pregnant. Four months to be exact. And she was miserable. She was tired all the time, she couldn't dance because her feet hurt and were swollen, and she had taken a leave of absence from school. She'd moved out of her apartment and back in with her parents. Matt hadn't talked to her since she told him she was pregnant and Remy was still completely ignoring her. Even after her parents had talked with his and wrung the information about him being the father out of her. They didn't make a public declaration about it but it was known. Remy kept denying it and saying he wanted nothing to do with her and the baby. His parents weren't happy but they weren't pushing the issue, yet.


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