Master (An Impossible Novel) (Impossible #6)

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Master (An Impossible Novel) (Impossible #6) Page 13

by Julia Sykes

  “I am, too. She didn’t deserve that.” His eyes met mine, and I saw a wealth of sadness in them. His hand twined in my hair, working through the coppery strands with a tenderness that shocked me. “She had a gentle heart, like you. But she wasn’t as strong, and she was impulsive. She married my father after knowing him for a month, before she had the chance to realize what he was. Cristian Sánchez was a Colombian drug lord. He was at his home in Atlanta at the time when she met him. My father was very charismatic, and he was never cruel to her. I believe he truly loved her.”

  My lips parted, and I hung on to every word. Reed’s father was a drug lord? And now Reed was FBI? How did that work? I kept my silence, waiting for him to tell me the rest.

  “My mother loved him, too, even though she hated the violence in his life. She didn’t want me to have any part of it. She kept me in Atlanta with her when my father would travel for his business. She even named me for her father instead of naming me after Cristian, like he wanted. But when I was fourteen, my father decided I was old enough to start learning the family business. My mother had tried so hard to keep me away from it. She tried to run with me. My father went into a fit of rage, and he stabbed her for trying to leave him. He grieved after, as though he hadn’t been the one to do it.” Reed’s lips twisted in disgust.

  “I managed to get away,” he continued. “I went to my mother’s parents, and my father didn’t dare follow me there. He knew I could report him for killing my mother, so we had a tacit understanding not to threaten each other. I even took my grandparents’ surname – Miller – to further distance myself from my father.

  “When I graduated college, I joined the Atlanta Police Department. I had only served for a year when they asked me to help them go after my father. I still hated him for what he had done to my mother, so I agreed. I went in on the raid with the APD. My father pulled a gun on me and shot me in the chest. I would have died if it hadn’t been for the Kevlar. My partner shot him to protect me. I watched Cristian die. And I felt nothing but satisfaction.”

  He turned a worried gaze on me, as though concerned he had said too much.

  “He killed your mother,” I said, letting him know that I understood. Reed had never loved his father, and Cristian had taken his one real parent from him. There were times I wished the man who had shot my father was dead. There were times I dreamed about killing him myself. My mother died giving birth to me, and Daddy had been my everything.

  Reed nodded, his eyes clearing with relief that I hadn’t judged him. “As soon as I turned twenty-four and was eligible for the FBI, I applied to be a Special Agent. I was accepted at Quantico because of the work I did to bring my father down.”

  His thumb traced the line of my cheekbone. “I felt so powerless in the years after my mother’s death,” he confessed. “When I was eighteen, I found BDSM. It helped me channel my emotions. It helped me understand myself and take control. I wouldn’t be who I am without it.” He brushed a kiss across my lips. “I know you’re still scared of it, and I understand why. With the things you see at work every day, I know why your desires confuse you. But you don’t have to be afraid of them, Katie. I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that, right?”

  The tension in his muscles let me know how important my answer was to him. “Yes,” I breathed. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me, Reed. Not really. But you’re right. I am scared. I’m scared of what you make me feel. I’m scared to change how I live my life. I don’t know how to be any other way.”

  His forefinger curled beneath my chin. “Then let me show you.”

  I stayed completely still as he slowly leaned into me. His satisfied smirk let me know he enjoyed trapping me with nothing more than his power over me. And I was powerless when it came to him. I was powerless, and I loved every heady second of my helplessness to resist him.

  When his lips came down on mine, it was like coming home; sweetest joy and the deep satisfaction found in familiarity. His mouth slanted over mine, the nip of his teeth urging me to open for him. I complied, sighing into him, reveling in the comfort and ecstasy of his kiss. Our connection was electric; our bodies recognized the natural bond shared by our souls, even if we didn’t fully realize it yet. Reed was my perfect fit in every way, physically and emotionally. The rush of feelings for him brought my fear creeping back up through my bliss. It was too much, too fast.

  I tried to pull away, but Reed only barely allowed my lips to break from his. He cradled the back of my head, blocking my retreat.

  “I won’t hurt you, remember?” His voice was as smooth as dark velvet. “You don’t have to be afraid with me.”

  “I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt me. I’m scared of what I feel for you.”

  Lines of concern appeared around his eyes, but he didn’t release me. “Why?”

  “We’re partners, Reed,” I evaded the real reason. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “No,” he agreed. “We shouldn’t. But that’s not going to stop me.” His mouth took mine with a low growl, and I was lost. He felt too good to fight.

  His lips left mine to trace the line of my jaw and plant soft kisses on the column of my neck. He paused at the hollow beneath my ear and blew a stream of cool air across the sensitive area. I shivered, my skin pebbling in delight. Then his teeth closed around my lobe. I gasped and arched into him as the little flare pain caused an answering tug between my legs. His tongue traced the shell of my ear, and the sensation heightened my growing lust. I had never known this area of my body could be so erotic, but Reed knew just how to manipulate me.

  “I’m going to explore you tonight,” he whispered across my sensitized flesh, and I shuddered in delight. “I don’t want you to be scared. Just be a good girl and accept the pleasure I give you. I promise you won’t regret it.” His teeth nipped my ear again, tugging, and I moaned. That low, cocky chuckle I loved so much only got me hotter for him.

  His lips returned to mine, and his hold on the back of my neck remained firm as his body weight gently pressed me down against the mattress. His hands skimmed up the length of my arms, stretching them above me in a wide V. I heard a faint tinkling, and then something was closing around my right wrist. I jerked my mouth from his and craned my neck to see what he was doing. His body held mine down as he finished securing the black leather cuff around my wrist. I was so entranced by the sight of it that he had time to ensnare my other wrist before I started struggling.

  “What is this, Reed?” I demanded, but my voice was strangely breathy. I knew I should be panicking; The Mentor had warned me that he would keep me restrained. But I was lost in the moment with Reed. I trusted him. And that arrogant grin of his made me melt.

  “Under the bed restraints,” he explained as though it was completely obvious. He scooted down my body, and within seconds my ankles were cuffed.

  “When did you install these?” I knew the hotel didn’t come with them attached to the bed, and it struck me that Reed must have planned this in advance.

  He shrugged. “When I first brought your stuff in from your apartment. I set up a few surprises.” His smile turned wicked. “After that first kiss, I knew I had to have you like this. I went slowly with you; I’m still going slowly with you. But it’ll be worth it.” His hands fisted in the front of my nightgown. “It’s a shame to ruin this.”


  The fabric gave with one jerk of his arms, the delicate material splitting down the middle, leaving me exposed. He reached over into the bedside drawer and pulled out something that was a garish, sparkly purple.

  Oh, god. My vibrator. The little rabbit that had been my friend now seemed to smirk at me. My entire body flushed crimson.

  His eyes danced with his amusement. “This is a very pretty toy you have here. I’ll make you show me how you use it sometime. But for tonight, I’m pretty sure I can figure out how it works.”

  “Reed, you can’t-” My protest died in my throat when he placed two fingers across my lips, silencing me.<
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  “I can, and I will. Your only way out of this is a safe word.” He flicked the vibrator on and placed it on the bed just between my legs, so close that I could feel the sheets move with its vibrations, but it didn’t quite touch my flesh.

  Mortification and desire warred within me, and a low, animal whine eased up from my chest.

  “I found something else interesting in your apartment,” Reed informed me. “The contents of your ereader were very entertaining.”

  I tugged against my restraints as a fresh wave of embarrassment washed over me. He had found my collection of BDSM romance novels. “That’s private!”

  His eyes were unrepentant. “Then you should have put a locking passcode on it. Besides,” his face was suddenly inches from mine, and his hand closed around my pussy in a possessive grip, “nothing of yours is private from me. Your whole body is open for me now. And I’m going to sample and explore and own every inch of you.”

  A little whimper fluttered in the back of my throat at his crass words, and his teeth flashed brilliant white.

  “You want that, don’t you, Katie?” He asked for an answer he already knew. But he wanted to force me to admit it, to accept what he was doing to me. I nodded, but it wasn’t enough for him. “Say it. Tell me you want this.”

  “I want this, Sir,” my voice trembled slightly. “I want you, Reed.”

  He kissed me in reward, slow and deep. Breathtaking. My head was spinning by the time he released me, and my body ached for stimulation. The light vibrations of my rabbit teased along my inner thighs, but I needed more.

  Reed retrieved another item from the drawer, and my eyes widened. The black strip of cloth sent a spike of fear through my system. He was with me instantly, his hand stroking my hair in a soothing rhythm.

  “I know why this frightens you, Katie,” he told me in a low, even voice. “But I don’t want it to. I don’t want him to take it from you. You trusted me before. Trust me again.”

  I remembered how he had held my arms above my head in the shower, how I had flashbacks to my stalker restraining me. The blindfold was another reminder of his hands on me. But Reed’s treatment had helped burn away the awful memories of The Mentor’s touch upon me. His determination to give me back the lusts that The Mentor had tried to twist had cured me of my fear. Without Reed’s insistence, I wasn’t sure if I could have ever allowed a man to touch me after that. I certainly couldn’t have allowed a man to restrain me, to encourage me to take back my secret desires to be dominated.

  I swallowed and nodded, acquiescing. Reed gave me a gentle smile and slipped the black cloth over my eyes. My panic returned full force when the world winked out of existence, and I pulled against my restraints.

  Reed’s hand fisted in my hair, stilling my thrashing. “No,” he ordered. “Calm down, Katie. You’re safe here with me.”

  I drew in a shaky breath, then another. Slowly, the tension left my muscles as I sank into acceptance.

  Reed planted a sweet kiss on my forehead. “That’s good. Just be here with me. Relax and feel what I’m doing to you.”

  I shivered and relaxed further. What he offered was too appealing to fight; to let go, to give everything over to him. And I wanted to give him everything. I wanted him to take everything, to take every part of me, to possess me.

  As he had promised, he began his slow exploration of my body, starting at my neck and working downwards. He pressed hot kisses along the upper swell of my breasts, teasing my nipples to aching peaks. I arched my back, silently begging for his attention, but he just laughed.

  “Greedy girl,” he accused. “I’ll torture your nipples when I’m ready.”

  Torture? That wasn’t what I-

  My thought shattered on a gasp when his tongue traced the lower curve of my breast. Pleasure coiled in my nipples and pulsed in my clit. He repeated the process on the other side, and I writhed against my cuffs, desperate to pull him closer.

  “Please, Sir,” I begged.

  “Since you asked so sweetly.” It was my only warning before pain burst across my chest, sending little fissures crackling through my pleasure, splintering it into something more complex. His teeth sank further into my nipple, and his thumb and forefinger squeezed and tormented the other. Instinctively, I tried to fight him off, but I was securely held by my restraints. He could do whatever he wanted to me, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. The freedom I found in my helplessness was heady, and I moaned my release as I gave in to Reed’s will.

  His cruel grip eased when he recognized my submission. His growled approval vibrated through my nipples as he eased the pain with his tongue.

  He had another reward for me. My vibrator nudged against my opening, and I heaved out a happy sigh as he eased its familiar girth into me. The little rabbit attachment found my clit as he slid it home, and I mewled in pleasure.

  His torment of my breasts resumed, alternating between abuse and loving attention. The shots of pleasure and pain heightened my sensitivity at my core, and I came within the space of a minute. The orgasm rocked through me with more force than I was accustomed to with my vibrator, made all the more intense for Reed’s ministrations. As I came down, a stinging sensation awoke in my over-sensitized clit.

  “Please, no more,” I tried to twist away, but the cuffs held me fast, and the vibrator stayed lodged deep within me.

  “You’re going to come for me again,” he informed me, and I could hear the merciless smile in his words. “And again. Until you’re quivering and pliant. Then I’ll fuck you.”

  My lustful moan mingled with a sob as his thumb pressed the rabbit down harder against my clit. Despite the discomfort, I came immediately, contracting helplessly around the spinning dildo inside me.

  I lost track of the number of times I reached orgasm. Sweat beaded on my skin, and I thrashed and writhed, but Reed’s sensual torture continued. Eventually, pain and pleasure blended to one sweet, torturous sensation that ripped ecstasy from my body.

  “Please please please,” I murmured over and over, and I wasn’t sure if I was begging for him to stop or begging for more. After a while, my pleas trailed off to wordless whimpering. My body no longer arched and turned with my orgasms. I could do nothing more than tremble and gasp.

  Only then did Reed sweep me up in a fierce kiss. His tongue dominated mine, and in my exhaustion there was no thought of resistance, only sweet compliance. The vibrator left me, and my cry into his mouth was one of loss and relief.

  He filled me immediately, driving into my soft, wet heat in one thrust. For the first time, his size wasn’t accompanied by momentary discomfort. I was a creature of pure eroticism, and my body was ready to take its master.

  I wasn’t sure if I came again while he rode me; my mind was so high on bliss that it was no longer able to recognize peaks and troughs. I only knew the deepest sense of satisfaction when he bellowed his pleasure, and his hot seed lashed at me. I drifted off into a sweet delirium, aware of nothing more than his arms around me and the ecstasy of his nearness.

  Chapter 14

  The woman who sat before me wasn’t the Lydia Chase I had met two months ago. This woman was vibrant, healthy inside and out. Her dark wavy hair was lustrous, and her blue-green eyes shone with a light they had lacked when I first met her. No matter how unconventional their beginnings, her relationship with Smith had obviously been good for her.

  “Thank you for coming to talk to me. I know this can’t be easy for you.”

  Her back straightened, her shoulders squaring. “I want to help in any way I can. I’m glad Reed convinced Smith to tell me you wanted to talk to me. I swear, that man would keep me locked up in our apartment if I let him.” Her smile was lopsided, as though the idea didn’t really bother her all that much. Personally, I found that a bit disturbing, but she seemed happy. I supposed that after what she had been through, a conventional relationship would have been beyond her capabilities.

  She seemed to read my discomfiture. “I don’t really mean it
like that,” she clarified. “It’s just… Well, you know what our relationship is like,” she said it with a little wave of her hand, as though acknowledging her BDSM lifestyle was of no consequence. We had discussed it before when going over her abduction from Dusk, but I hadn’t expected her to go back to that life. I guessed I shouldn’t have been surprised that the uber-alpha Smith was a Dom.

  “And anyway,” she continued. “He’s just being pushier than usual right now because we’re in Chicago and he thinks The Mentor is here. He gets all moody when he thinks I’m in danger.” She said it lightly, but I sensed the tension within her. The prospect of one of her tormentors still walking free had to be terrifying. I could hardly believe the woman didn’t let Smith keep her locked up to keep her safe.

  “I’m doing everything I can to catch him. I’m going to find him, Lydia. I promise.”

  “Come and find me, pet.” A small shiver raced across my skin.

  Lydia’s expression turned sympathetic. “I know he’s targeting you. Smith told me about the notes. I can ask him to stay here and help you. He knew Martel,” her lips twisted with remembered pain. “He’ll understand how The Mentor thinks.”

  “I’m sure he’ll want to stay with you in New York. He only brought you to Chicago with him because he wanted to personally speak with Reed, and he wasn’t willing to leave you behind. I won’t ask him to keep you here while he helps with the investigation. And you know he won’t send you back to New York on your own. He’s right to worry about you being in Chicago. I have to be honest with you, Lydia; we aren’t even remotely close to identifying The Mentor. If he can get to me so easily, he can get to you. You and Smith have to leave as soon as possible.”

  “Okay, Kate. We’ll leave. What did you want to talk to me about? I don’t know what more I can tell you, but I want to help, if I can.”

  “You can call me Katie,” I invited. “It’s what my friends call me.”


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