The Killing Room

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The Killing Room Page 6

by Gerri Hill

  Nicole stared at that hand, noting, in a matter of seconds, the clean, neat nails, the smooth skin, the tiny scar on her thumb. Then she slid her own into it, letting herself be pulled up. She wasn’t quite sure what was happening. A few minutes ago, they had been calmly discussing bathing. And now, without a single word spoken, there was an electricity between them, an underlying sense of physical attraction that seemed suddenly to have exploded around them. Her skin felt alive, her senses heightened. Every breath she took, every sound she heard seemed exaggerated. She found herself falling into those eyes, wondering what the day would bring. Then, with a quick squeeze, her hand was released and it fell nimbly to her side. Jake bent and retrieved her cane, then walked away, leaving Nicole to follow. And follow, she did, her eyes never leaving the enticing figure in front of her. Out of character? Most certainly. But, she figured she was entitled to a little craziness once in a while.


  Cheyenne led the way to the falls, turning around often to make sure she was being followed. Jake walked along the shore, using her cane as needed but pleased that her leg was holding up as well as it was. Nicole followed, walking silently behind the two, her eyes darting between the dog, the water, and the intimidating woman.

  Rolling her eyes, she halfway convinced herself that she’d imagined the whole thing. Jake was simply being polite when she’d invited her to stay the day. There was nothing more to it. But then why was every nerve ending standing at attention?

  “You’re being awfully quiet,” Jake stated without turning around.

  The voice startled Nicole, and she nearly tripped on a rock. She gathered her thoughts before speaking, her eyes never wavering from the lean body before her. “I’m just enjoying the scenery,” she said.

  “I guess it’s different than what you saw yesterday, eh?”

  Nicole blushed crimson, thankful that the other woman had not turned around. “I was so concerned with being lost yesterday, I hardly remember this at all.” And it was true. Yesterday was positively a blur. She remembered the hike down the canyon. She remembered the falls. And she certainly remembered seeing Jake for the first time. But here, now, with dawn just breaking around them, nothing looked familiar, nothing felt familiar. And perhaps it was fitting, seeing as how she didn’t feel familiar, either. Her thoughts were still running in a decidedly intimate direction. And that was something she could not shake.

  “You hear them?”


  “We’ll be just in time,” Jake said. “See how the mountains are shining? The sun will peek over in a minute.”

  Nicole stared where she pointed, seeing the glow between the two mountains, the gap that Jake had spoken of. She suddenly became aware of the birds singing, the gentle rustle of the trees, the water as it flowed past them. Sounds that had been there all along but sounds that she had not allowed to penetrate. She’d been too concerned with what was happening between them that she’d lost the peace around her. She paused, noting that Jake had stopped and was looking into the trees, eyes closed. No, Jake had not lost it. She was still focused, still absorbing. And Nicole envied her. Apparently, whatever was happening between them had not affected Jake in the same way. She still seemed to be normal. She still seemed to be… intact.

  “You love it here, don’t you,” Nicole whispered, not even aware that she’d been thinking the words, much less uttering them.

  “Yeah, I do. This is paradise.” Jake turned around and faced Nicole. “At least, paradise to me.”

  Nicole didn’t even try to fight as Jake captured her eyes. She went willingly. Then Jake moved, pointing, and Nicole’s eyes followed.

  “Watch,” Jake whispered.

  They were standing within ten feet of the falls, close enough to feel the spray of the water as it hit and scattered along the boulders. Nicole stood shoulder to shoulder with Jake, following her direction as she stared into the falls, waiting for the sun to strike.

  “Almost there,” Jake whispered.

  Nicole felt her breath catch, and she wasn’t sure if it was from the anticipation of the sunrise or from the warm hand that had captured hers. Regardless, both took her breath away.

  The falls positively shimmered in colors as the sun hit—reds, oranges, pinks and even a deep purple shot through the water, all exploding as the falls crashed on the rocks, sending the various hues down the stream. For a second, Nicole felt like dropping to her knees with the beauty of it. She stared, her hand squeezing tight with Jake’s, almost embarrassed by the tears that had formed in her eyes.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered.

  “I know,” Jake murmured. It was the first time she’d shared this sight with anyone. She was pleased Nicole found the same beauty that she did. But in a matter of seconds, as the sun rose higher, the colors changed, dimming and then fading until you questioned whether you’d seen them at all.

  “Jake, that was incredible.” Nicole turned, finding Jake watching. “It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed.”

  Jake nodded then looked back to the falls. “It’s almost… spiritual, if you believe in that sort of thing.”

  “And do you?”

  “At times like this, yeah.” Then she dropped Nicole’s hand and looked away. “Of course, real life tends to throw a kink into that sometimes, makes you question it all.”

  Nicole left her questions unasked as Jake tapped her cane a few times on a rock before turning back. Cheyenne circled both women, then headed back downstream, tail held high as they followed in silence.

  Just as their tents came into view, Jake stopped. “Why don’t you go on and enjoy that bath you were talking about,” Jake offered. “Cheyenne and I will collect some firewood for tonight.”

  Nicole looked at Jake, then down to the springs, which beckoned. “You don’t mind?”

  The slow smile that formed on Jake’s lips caused Nicole’s pulse to race, and she cursed herself for acting like a total fool.

  “I don’t mind at all. In fact, I’ll join you in a bit, if that’s okay?”

  Nicole held her gaze, knowing that her words meant she’d be joining her. And that was okay. Nicole was more than ready. So, she nodded, dragging her eyes away from the other woman, knowing she was coming close to acting like the teenager she felt! She walked purposefully to the tents, refusing to turn back, knowing that Jake was watching her. Then she frowned. Perhaps the other woman was looking for some sign, some acknowledgment that her message had been received. God, do I feel stupid. What if I’m just way off base? Don’t be silly. She finally turned, finding Jake’s eyes still on her. No, she wasn’t off base.


  Jake bent down, collecting firewood, pleased that her leg was holding up. Still sore from the long hike yesterday, but the recovery time after each excursion was getting shorter and shorter. She was convinced that in another week or so, she’d be back to normal.

  And despite her best resolve not to look, she found her eyes searching the springs, waiting for Nicole to bathe. She knew their exchange of earlier was not imagined, but still, intuition told her that Nicole would never initiate anything physical between them.

  But she wouldn’t have to. Jake could read a woman’s eyes, and what she saw in Nicole’s was nearly smoldering.

  They were both adults, both apparently willing. There was absolutely no reason they couldn’t share an afternoon of sex. And, truthfully, this was the first time sex had even crossed Jake’s mind in well over a month. Oh, last week before she’d come up here, Heather had come by with the excuse of making sure Jake was managing since her surgery. But Heather, although totally fun in bed, was ten years younger and, quite frankly, more than Jake could handle with a bum leg. So, she’d sent Heather away with a promise to call her when she was back on her feet.

  But Nicole was sexy as hell with wet hair and had a body that was nearly sculpted. Jake wasn’t afraid to admit that she was attracted to her even though she normally shied away from athletic-look
ing women. She preferred the more feminine bodies. But, damn, Nicole’s body, although muscular, was nearly perfect. And she was attracted to her. So, up here in the mountains, alone, there was no reason she couldn’t explore that attraction. It made perfect sense to Jake. Of course, provided Nicole was willing. And that look in her eyes told Jake she was willing.

  So, as she bent to pick up another limb, her eyes scanned the stream, stopping when she spotted the blond-haired woman rinsing out her hair.

  “Oh, Cheyenne, that woman stirs something, you know?” At the dog’s questioning look, Jake ruffled her fur and walked on.


  Nicole dipped below the water, rinsing her biodegradable soap from her hair. She always felt guilty when bathing in the streams. Numerous people had told her over the years that biodegradable soap was no better for the environment than regular soap. But, Jesus, a girl had to bathe. And especially today.

  She had a moment of panic, of her nerves trying to get the better of her, but she pushed it aside. She was an adult, for God’s sake. If she wanted to partake of some afternoon delight—God, that’s pathetic—then why should she feel ashamed or embarrassed by it? It wasn’t like scores of women didn’t do it. And this was with a stranger. She’d never have to see her again. One day of wild sex, as Catherine would say, then they’d go their separate ways. And she wouldn’t have to even tell anyone. But she grinned as she dipped once again under the water. Oh, she’d tell Catherine. Catherine would be proud of her.

  But when she finished bathing, Jake was nowhere in sight. Perhaps she had misread the other woman. And she was oddly disappointed. She stood, putting her toiletries back in her case and leaving them on a rock. She walked back upstream to where the main pool was, careful not to slip on the rocks. The warmer water felt good on her skin after her bath. She submerged, letting the water envelope her for a second before rising to the surface. Slicking the hair back from her face, she moved to a rock to catch the sun. A small part of her acknowledged that she should feel self-conscious, sitting there totally naked. But she felt free and uninhibited. For one of the few times in her adult life, she wasn’t concerned with what someone might think of her or say about her. She simply was. She was out here in the mountains, she was sitting in the middle of some hot springs, she was… wishing that the gorgeous woman she was camping with would come and ravish her.

  She opened her eyes, staring, as if her thoughts had conjured up this vision. But Jake was walking slowly to the springs, eyes locked tight on Nicole’s. Nicole swallowed nervously, watching as Jake reached down and pulled the long-sleeved T-shirt over her head in one motion, revealing those perfect breasts. Nicole felt her heart clutch, her breath catching in her throat as faded jeans were removed and lowered, sliding slowly down firm, tanned legs, only the scar there to mar perfection. Nicole realized she wasn’t breathing as Jake stepped into the springs and walked closer.


  Jake’s heart was pounding as she waded through the water, eyes still locked on Nicole’s. She saw no surprise or shock in those blue eyes, only desire. Desire for her. She didn’t stop, she simply walked closer, pausing only when they were nearly touching. Without speaking, she took Nicole’s hand and pulled her into the water. They stood facing, water only to their waists. Jake stared at the pulse pounding in Nicole’s throat and realized that her own was beating a similar rhythm.

  She slowly reached out, nearly embarrassed by her trembling hand, and laid gentle fingertips against one of Nicole’s breasts. The other woman flinched slightly, then relaxed. Jake’s eyes fol-lowed the path of her fingers, watching in fascination as Nicole’s nipples hardened at Jake’s touch. She finally raised her eyes, past slightly opened lips to stare into deep blue, a blue that was both calm and anxious. She visibly saw Nicole let out her breath, saw her eyes soften. Jake gave a tiny smile before moving closer, finally capturing those tempting lips.

  It was as if a torch had been lit. Nicole’s arms circled her shoulders and pulled her closer at the same moment Jake’s hands slid to Nicole’s hips. Their bodies fused as mouths mated, and Jake felt herself melting in this woman’s arms.

  Nicole moaned as Jake’s tongue moved against her lips, slowly slipping inside her mouth. She welcomed it, surprised that her legs still supported her. She felt nearly wanton as she clutched the woman to her breasts, but she hardly cared. Her entire body was on fire and the fact that it was a complete stranger making her feel the heat mattered not. She simply craved it. Her head fell back in surrender as Jake’s mouth left hers and traveled lower, capturing a nipple in her mouth as Nicole pressed her closer.

  “Yes,” she murmured as her eyes slid shut.

  Jake moaned as her lips and tongue surrounded the aroused nipple, licking and touching before sucking it into her waiting mouth. She felt Nicole’s hand on her neck, urging her to take more and she did, sucking hard as Nicole pressed into her mouth. For so long, Jake had felt empty, drained, the weight of a little boy’s murder slowly sapping the very life from her. But right here, right now, with a stranger’s hands on her body, she felt alive.

  She heard the whimper as her mouth left Nicole’s breast, and she silenced her with a hard kiss, both hands threading through the blond strands of wet hair. Pulling away, their eyes locked, both swimming in desire. Then she lifted Nicole, urging her back on the rock.

  Nicole’s breath left her as Jake spread her thighs. She offered no protest as warm hands moved slowly up her legs, thumbs rubbing along the inside of her thighs, dangerously close to the fire that was burning. With eyes still locked, she moaned at the first touch as Jake’s fingers found her, wet and ready. She watched as Jake’s eyes turned nearly black, and she felt herself being pulled forward, watching as Jake’s head lowered to her.

  Nicole’s eyes slammed shut, head bent back as she struggled to hold on to her sanity at the touch of Jake’s tongue. Incoherent sounds came from her mouth, mumblings she could not stop. Dear God, she was naked, sitting on a rock, and another woman, a stranger, was feasting on her… literally. None of it mattered. She had long ago lost control, and she simply could not fight to regain it. Not when a warm mouth was covering her intimately, not when a tongue was reaching deep inside her. She clenched her hands into fists, giving in to the feelings that this woman, this stranger was bringing out in her. She felt her thighs being pushed farther apart, felt the rapid movement of Jake’s tongue, and she became aware of her own hips as they moved urgently against Jake’s face. Then Jake’s lips were there, sucking her swollen clit into her mouth, teasing with her tongue, and Nicole positively exploded, unable to hold the primal scream that escaped from her mouth.

  Jake was so lost in this woman that she very nearly had her own orgasm as Nicole erupted beneath her mouth. It was with difficulty that she released her, resting her head for a second on Nicole’s thighs before looking up. What she saw took her breath away.

  Nicole still had her head tilted back, mouth slightly opened, eyes squeezed shut. And the pulse in her throat was pounding wildly. Jake stood in the water, her hands reaching out to capture both of Nicole’s breasts.

  Nicole covered Jake’s hands with her own, still trying to focus.

  She couldn’t believe that she had just screamed out like that. She never did that. Never.

  “Kiss me,” she murmured. Jake obliged, and Nicole tasted her-self on Jake’s lips, igniting her desire all over again. Wanton? She no longer cared. Her hands moved between them and she cupped Jake’s breasts, pleased when the other woman moaned. Pulling away slightly, she looked into those dark eyes. “I need to touch you.”

  The only response she got was a slightly raised eyebrow. Then she was being pulled into the warm water, sinking below the sur-face as Jake found her mouth once again. Without warning, Jake’s fingers were inside her, filling her, and she bit down on Jake’s lip as she opened wider for her.

  With the buoyancy of the water, Nicole nearly floated as Jake plunged in and out of her, and Nicole held on, her breath com
ing fast as she tried to match Jake’s rhythm. Jake held her cradled to her chest and Nicole slipped one hand between them, fondling Jake’s nipple just as Jake found her lips again. She rocked, hard, taking all of Jake inside. Opening her mouth, Jake’s tongue slipped past her lips, and Nicole closed around it, sucking, as Jake’s fingers continued their mastery, bringing her to the brink… almost, almost… until… oh my God … spasms shook her and she again flung her head back, this time able to contain the scream that threatened to spew forth.

  “Dear God,” she whispered.

  “No, it’s just me,” Jake whispered back into her ear.

  Nicole opened her eyes and smiled. “Funny, aren’t you?”

  “I try.”

  Nicole took a deep breath as she reached out both hands and cupped Jake’s face. Their eyes locked as Nicole brought her closer, touching Jake’s lips in a gentle, quiet kiss. Then she pulled away and smiled. “My turn.”

  Jake raised an eyebrow, then backed up, raising both arms teasingly. “I’m all yours.”


  The boy’s too close, she thought. Too close. I’ll hit him for sure.

  “You’ve got to take the shot, McCoy,” Perkins whispered. “You’re the goddamn sharpshooter.”

  “He’s too close,” she said. “I can’t.”

  The man pulled the boy with him, the gun pressed firmly against his head, the boy crying in terror, screaming for his mother.

  “Let… him… go!” Jake yelled. “He’s just a boy, for Christ’s sake!”

  “Fuck you!” the man spat. “I ain’t dying today!”

  “The hell you’re not!”

  He laughed and jerked the boy by the neck, making him scream. “You gonna shoot me, bitch?”

  The sirens got closer, just a block away now and Jake felt some relief. There was nowhere for the man to run, nowhere to go. He had to give it up. Jake walked with them, barely twenty yards away, Perkins just behind her. The man pulled the boy behind the garbage cans, kicking at them with his foot, nearing the corner. They heard the screech of tires, heard voices yelling, and Jake met the angry eyes of the man. He nodded at her and smiled, then she saw his finger go to the trigger, saw the gun press into the boy’s soft forehead.


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