Kane and Mabel

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Kane and Mabel Page 7

by Sharon DeVita

  “Must you keep skulking around?” she demanded, more rattled than she cared to let on. Clamping her lips tightly shut, she bent over to scour the floor for her fallen items. Luke bent over at the same time and they bumped heads. Caught off balance, Kati started to tumble backward, but Luke grabbed her by the arms to steady her. Lifting her head, she pierced him with her gaze. If the man wasn’t always underfoot, maybe she wouldn’t be so darn nervous!

  “Kati?” He was talking to her like a petulant child, his voice soft and coaxing.

  “What!” she snapped, unwilling to admit that the man’s nearness was doing strange things to her inner system.

  “I didn’t skulk up on you,” he said, grabbing her by the elbows and hauling her to her feet. “You were so busy talking to your—” he grinned, “—potato, I guess you just didn’t hear me.” Luke bent over and retrieved her things from the floor. “Very nice,” he commented, rolling the mangled potato around in his hand and eyeing it mischievously. Kati snatched the hapless stub out of his hand.

  “Did you want something?” she demanded crossly. He was just standing there, staring at her, and she didn’t have the faintest idea what to do with him. Well, she did, but Kati didn’t think he’d take too kindly to her suggestion. And more likely than not, Bessie’d wash her mouth out for even thinking such a thing.

  “I believe we discussed what I wanted this morning,” he said pointedly, and Kati’s heart clawed its way upward when she remembered what he wanted. Her. Heat ran the length of her, settling to warm her empty belly.

  Kati’s eyes slid closed. Damn the man! Why did he have the power to drag up these feelings in her? And why on Earth wasn’t she able to control them? Lord, he was only a man! And she’d never had any trouble handling any man before. They were all basically the same, weren’t they? Irresponsible, allergic to work and given to flights of fancy and bouts of selfishness.

  Slowly, her lids fluttered open and she chanced a peek at Luke. On the other hand, she’d never dealt with a man quite like Lucas Kane before. Just looking at the stubborn thrust of his handsome jaw she had a feeling he wasn’t going to be handled very easily.

  “Damnation!” Kati muttered to herself, trying to shake away the disturbing thoughts.

  “What was that?” Luke inquired mischievously, cupping his hand to his ear. “I didn’t quite hear what you said.”

  “Nothing,” she muttered glumly. “It was nothing.”

  Shoving his hands in the pockets of his well-worn jeans, Luke leaned back on his heels and looked at her. “You know, Kati, I think you’ve been working too hard. Talking to yourself, and now muttering under your breath. Maybe you need a vacation.”

  “What I need—” Kati stopped abruptly as his brows rose wickedly. Her face flamed at the amused glint in his eye. Clearly what he thought she needed, and what she thought she needed were two different things.

  “Don’t you have work to do?” she demanded irritably. Why on Earth didn’t the man back up a bit? He was standing so close. With her every breath his scent tempted and taunted her, burrowing deeper into her stunned senses.

  “I’m doing it,” he returned, lifting a finger to run it down her nose. “Peels,” he commented before she could open her mouth to protest. “There’s a man out front to see you. Says his name is Barnwood. I believe he’s your attorney.” He looked at her knowingly, and Kati swallowed a groan.

  Right after the fiasco with Vera and Mr. Billings, she had decided to call her attorney, Wilfred Barnwood, and have him check out the document Luke had presented her with. She seriously doubted the document was a fake, but still, with what was at stake, Kati had to be certain. What could it hurt? But she had never expected Wilfred to show up here. Didn’t people believe in telephoning anymore?

  “Tell him I’ll be right out,” she grumbled, grabbing a towel to wipe her hands in an effort to stop their trembling.

  “Nice fellow,” Luke said, reaching behind her to pick up a piece of potato. Popping it in his mouth, he chewed it gingerly. “Seems quite fond of you. We had a nice chat.” Flashing her a wide smile, Luke turned and walked out the door, his boot heels clicking softly on the worn linoleum floor.

  Kati’s lips pursed in annoyance, wondering what on Earth Wilfred would have to talk about with Luke. Unless it was her, or her diner.

  “Men!” Kati muttered, yanking off her apron and hair net. Pausing to smooth back her wild tangle of auburn curls, she dug in her back pocket to make sure the paper Luke had given to her last night was still there before pushing through the door.

  It was just past the dinner rush and the diner was empty, except for Wilfred and a few straggling customers who were reading their evening papers and drinking coffee. The summer evening sun was setting, casting a hazy orange glow through the glass windows, bathing the diner in a muted warmth. Kati inhaled deeply. This was her favorite time of the day. Most of the day was gone, and she could relax, and finish up her work at her own pace. Her ragged nerves began to calm, until she spotted Luke.

  “Wilfred, I believe you came here to see me,” she said pointedly, nudging Luke aside.

  “Evening, Kati Rose.” Wilfred swept off his hat and bent to kiss her cheek. “How are you this fine Friday evening?”

  She smiled at him and slid onto the next stool. He really was a dear man. With his handlebar mustache and his big, beefy features, Wilfred reminded her of a gentle walrus.

  “I’m fine, Wilfred. And you?” she inquired politely, vividly aware that Luke was prowling around near them doing the evening set-ups.

  “Just fine, dear. Just fine.” He nodded toward Luke. “I had the pleasure of meeting your new partner. Seems like a fine young man.” Wilfred smiled and Kati gritted her teeth.

  “Did you check out that matter we discussed?” she asked quietly, not wanting Luke to overhear. Luke had rounded the counter and was busy washing out the coffeepots. There was no way he could not hear their conversation, and Kati grew instantly perturbed. Did the man have to be everywhere?

  “Sure did. Talked to Luke’s attorney, the man who drew up the papers. Let me see, now.” Wilfred dug a small notebook out of his pocket and set his spectacles on his nose to examine his notes.

  Bending closer, she whispered in Wilfred’s ear, “Did you find out if the document is legal?”

  Wilfred looked at her in surprise, his round eyes peering at her over the top of his glasses. “Why, Kati Rose, of course it is. It’s perfectly legal. This here young man is your partner fair and square.”

  Her hopes dashed, Kati grasped at straws, not knowing how long she could resist Luke’s charms.

  “But, Wilfred,” she protested, “how on Earth could Patrick sell his half of the diner without my permission?”

  “Doesn’t need your permission, honey, and he didn’t sell it. Not outright. You and Patrick own the diner together, but as tenants-in-common. Either one of you can sell your half, or in this case, use it for collateral without the other’s permission.”

  “You mean there’s nothing I can do?” Kati cried, fearing all hope fade. “I’m stuck with him?” she hissed, nodding her head toward Luke.

  Wilfred chuckled softly. “Well, honey, that’s not quite how I’d put it, but to answer your question, yes. Unless of course you want to buy him out? I’d be happy to draw up the papers.”

  Kati shook her head. Buying Luke out was out of the question. She didn’t have the capital to even consider such a thing. And borrowing was out of the question. After the fiasco with Everett yesterday, she’d be lucky if he ever talked to her again, let alone lend her money.

  “Honey, it seems to me you’d be happy for a helping hand around here.” At the stricken look on her face, Wilfred reached out and patted her hand. “I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically. “I didn’t realize how much this news would upset you. But I’m sure everything will work out. Mr. Kane here seems like a fine young man. I know it hasn’t been easy for you since your brother ran off, and I know you’re used to doing things in you
r own way. You’ve had too much responsibility for too long, Kati Rose. It’s not good for a pretty young thing like you to be so independent. Nothing wrong with needing some help now and then.” Wilfred’s face brightened and he flashed her a smile. “Might take some getting used to, but I’m sure you’ll realize having someone else around to help you out just might be a blessing in disguise.” Wilfred slid off his stool, plopped his straw hat atop his head and adjusted it comfortably. “If there’s anything else I can do for you, you just give a holler, hear?” Wilfred pecked Kati on the cheek, flashed a smile at Luke and strode out of the diner.

  A blessing in disguise, Kati thought in disgust, glumly resting her chin in her hand. She watched Luke absently as he wiped down the counter. What was it about the man that made so-called normal, intelligent people fall under his spell?

  All right, if she had to, she’d admit he was handsome. His features were rough hewn and distinctively masculine. And, she admitted grudgingly, he was pleasant. She frowned. Disgustingly so. If the circumstances were different, she would no doubt find the man highly attractive and quite appealing. Kati felt a wave of vexation settle over her. Who was she kidding? In spite of the circumstances, she found the man to be attractive, appealing, and a whole lot more. Perhaps, Kati mused, that was part of the problem. She felt threatened on all sides. Not only was her business at stake, and the independence she had worked so very hard to attain, but she had begun to fear that there might be something a bit more personal at stake as well. For some reason, Lucas Kane seemed to make her more aware of her body, more aware of desires and yearnings too long denied. Kati knew she couldn’t allow herself to respond to the man, no matter how charming. Too much was at stake.

  “Kati?” Luke was bumping against her elbows with the wet rag. Obviously she was in his way.

  “Sorry,” she said absently, lifting her elbows so he could finish cleaning the counter.

  “Something on your mind?” he inquired with a smile, watching as she stared off into space. Blinking, Kati looked at him and a slow, hot flush crept up her features. Why did she get the feeling Luke knew that he was on her mind?

  “Nothing,” she muttered, sliding off the stool and heading for the kitchen. She glanced around the diner and frowned. It was unusually quiet. Something was missing. “Luke, where’s Bessie?”

  “I sent her home.”

  Kati slowly turned around to face him, struggling to keep her face a calm mask. “You what?”

  “I sent her home,” Luke repeated slowly, drawing the words out carefully as if she were a bit dim-witted.

  “How dare you!” she hissed, her words whistling through tightly clenched teeth. “How dare you presume to do such a thing without even consulting me? This is my diner, and I don’t want you issuing orders over my head or without checking with me first.”

  “Our diner,” he corrected with a long sigh, trying not to smile at her furious face.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Kati faced him, drawing herself up to her full five feet nothing height, stretching her spine and vainly wishing she could pull herself up to five feet something. Her rage grew stronger at the hint of a smile that played along his mouth. “Why don’t you just go back where you came from?”

  One dark brow lifted in amusement. “Now why do I get the feeling you just told me where to go?” he asked, his grin widening. “And I don’t think it’s the same place I came from.”

  Kati opened her mouth, fully intending to tell him in very unladylike terms just exactly where he could go. But she didn’t get the chance.

  “Let’s discuss this in the kitchen,” Luke ordered, his tone of voice causing the words to evaporate from her lips. Luke clamped his fingers down on her arm and dragged her through the swinging door and into the kitchen, deliberately ignoring her howls of protest.

  “Take your hands off of me!” Kati yelled, trying to shake loose of him. He held on tight, releasing her only after he had backed her up against the gleaming silver counter. Kati couldn’t move, there was no place to go unless she wanted to climb over the counter. Or over him, which she seriously considered. For a moment. Until she saw the look on his face. Her temper immediately ebbed away, replaced by a bout of good old-fashioned fear. He was looming over her from his imperial height and she didn’t particularly care for the look on his face. It was a combination of anger and amusement, and she didn’t know which one was worse.

  “Kati Rose,” he finally said, his voice low and deadly calm. He leaned down until he was eyeball-to-eyeball with her, and Kati blinked self-consciously. “I am your partner,” he said slowly, making no move to back away and give her some breathing room. “And whether you like it or not, I am here to stay.” He lifted a hand and captured her chin, forcing her to look at him. “If you would have let me explain before you went off on a tangent, you would have learned that I sent Bessie home because she wasn’t feeling well.”

  Kati’s eyes rounded in stunned surprise. “What? Well for goodness’ sakes!” Kati frowned. “Why didn’t Bessie tell me she wasn’t feeling well?” she asked in confusion.

  “Because she told me,” he countered calmly. His thumb traced a lazy pattern on her chin, distracting her a bit.

  “Why on Earth would she tell you?” she demanded, clearly not understanding and feeling more threatened by the moment. The man had waltzed into her life, and now suddenly seemed to be taking over!

  Luke sighed and straightened his frame. “You know very well Bessie wouldn’t tell you that she didn’t feel well. She knows how much you depend on her. I practically had to throw her out of here,” he countered calmly, all traces of his temper gone.

  Guilt engulfed her and Kati glumly dropped her chin to stare at the tiled floor. Bessie was sick and she didn’t even tell her! Perhaps, Kati mused darkly, if she hadn’t been caught up in her own problems with Luke this morning, she would have realized Bessie wasn’t well. From the moment the man had entered her life, he had seemed to be trying to gain control, trying to take over! He had conned Tibbits, bought her a new stove, handled Vera and Mr. Billings, and now he had gained Bessie’s confidence. He had presumed to issue orders over her head, without even bothering to consult her! She could feel her business slipping quickly through her hands and into his, and she didn’t like it, not one bit!

  “Kati?” He tipped her chin upward so she was forced to meet his eyes again. “All you’ve done since I’ve arrived is tell me what you don’t want. Why don’t you tell me what you do want?”

  “What I want,” she said shakily, trying to ignore what his touch was doing to her, “is for you to leave.”

  “Sorry.” He smiled, letting his thumb drift to outline her bottom lip. “I have my reasons for staying.”

  “What reasons?” she stammered, trying hard to hang on to her anger.

  “Reasons that are none of your business,” he countered, holding her gaze and slowing the pattern of his thumb to a sensual tease.

  “Everything about this diner is my business,” she stammered as shock waves of longing licked up her skin, raising the fine hair on her neck and her arms.

  “And mine,” he said evenly, and Kati struggled to find her fluttering anger. Must the man be so all-fired stubborn! “Kati.” Luke sighed heavily. “With Bessie out sick, we’ve got no choice but to work together and try to get along. I promised Bessie I’d take over her chores for her. It’s the only way I could get her to go home.”

  “You?” she cried incredulously, not willing to admit that the idea of working alone with him day after day just might be too much for her to handle. With Bessie there, at least she had a buffer; with her gone, there would be nothing but her and him. The thought brought on a frisson of alarm, and her determination to get rid of him grew by leaps and bounds.

  “You think you’re going to be able to take over for her? You don’t know anything about the diner business and you think you can just walk right in and take her place?” Maybe she could insult him into leaving. But the look on his face d
ashed that hope, quickly.

  “Something funny about that?” One dark brow rose in challenge. “Whether you like it or not, with Bessie gone, you have no choice but to depend on me. Someone has to take over Bessie’s work. You certainly can’t do everything yourself, even though you’d like to think you can.” He smiled lazily, and her temper flared again. “Like it or not,” Luke said, working a lazy pattern on her lips with his fingers. “You need me.”

  “Need you!” she hissed. Kati inhaled deeply, and her eyes blazed. “Lucas Kane,” she roared. “It will be a cold day in hell when I—” His mouth caught the rest of her tirade as he jerked her to him, nearly knocking the wind from her. His lips possessed hers, forcing her to respond. Kati raised her hands to his chest to push him away, but instead, she found her arms crawling around his neck, her fingers burying themselves in the thick mat of dark silky hair. Her traitorous lips responded to his, giving back and taking everything he had to offer. His lips tightened, working over hers with a gentleness that astounded her.

  Luke’s hands roamed freely from the small circle of her waist, bringing her body close to his until she felt the warmth and hardness of him pressed against her soft curves. His mouth drugged her, taking and draining all her anger. She felt herself turn pliant in his arms, sagging against him as his lips seared hers, branding and possessing her. Bone-melting hunger, swift and fierce, settled over her, seeping through her pores and shimmying across every nerve ending.

  He was the enemy, her mind raged. But, Kati realized a bit belatedly, she had forgotten to tell her heart.

  “Luke, honey,” a feminine voice called as the kitchen door swung open. Luke lifted his head, pulling his lips from Kati’s just as MayBelle Watson stuck her head through. “Here you are,” MayBelle purred. “I thought you were going to get me something cool to drink. You know how hot I get, sugar.”

  “I’ll be right out, MayBelle,” Luke commented, not taking his eyes off Kati’s. His eyes were sending her a message, but she was too dazed to read it clearly. Panting softly, Kati licked her swollen lips in sudden nervousness, savoring the taste of Luke that still clung to her lips. She tried to look away, tried to break the contact that still connected her to him, but found she couldn’t. His eyes held hers just as captive as his lips had a moment ago. Where was her resolve when she needed it, she wondered glumly?


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