Treasured History (Dune House Cozy Mystery Series Book 3)

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Treasured History (Dune House Cozy Mystery Series Book 3) Page 2

by Cindy Bell

  “I thought I saw someone,” Ben said with a shake of his head. “It looked like they were walking around the house, but when I went out to look no one was there.”

  “Well, we get a lot of looky-loos,” Suzie explained. “Tourists that think it's okay to peek in windows or cut around the property to get to the beach. I wouldn't worry about it too much.”

  “I guess,” Ben said with a slight frown.

  “Don't worry, Ben, the place isn't haunted,” Suzie teased lightly to try to brighten his mood.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked with an arched eyebrow. “You never know what history this place might hold.”

  “You have a good point,” Suzie said with a smile. “But if there are any spirits hiding out in these walls, they don't seem to be sociable ones.”

  He laughed at that and nodded. “I guess it could have been a reflection or something. Mom said you're going out tonight?” he leaned back against an end table and studied Suzie for a moment.

  “Yes, there's a local fisherman that I've become friends with,” Suzie explained as she ran her fingers through her hair. “But I can't go looking like this.”

  “So, a boyfriend?” Ben asked suspiciously.

  Suzie did a double take at his tone. She wasn't used to having her activity monitored by anyone, especially not Ben, who she still saw as the six-year-old boy who would nearly knock the wind out of her every time he hugged her.

  “A friend,” she clarified sternly.

  “Uh huh,” he said with little belief in his voice. “What about Mom? Has she been seeing anyone?”

  “Benjamin,” Suzie said as she crossed her arms. “I think that's something you should ask her about.”

  “Oh, I know,” he said in a more relaxed tone. “I just want her to be happy, Suzie,” he said in a soft voice.

  Suzie's expression softened as she realized he wasn't trying to spy on his mother, he was hoping that she had met someone.

  “You and your sister make her very happy, Ben,” Suzie said warmly.

  “This is the happiest I've ever seen her,” Ben admitted. “Thanks for that, Suzie.”

  Suzie crossed the distance between them and hugged him. “She'd do the same for me, Ben. Your mother is an amazing woman.”

  “I know,” Ben smiled. “I guess I better get prepared for the interrogation.”

  “I would highly recommend it,” Suzie laughed and walked back towards her room. She took a quick shower and then dried and styled her hair. She added a light amount of make-up and then dressed. It must have taken longer than she thought because when she was done, she heard a knock on the front door of Dune House.

  “Paul's here!” Mary called out as she walked past the open door of Suzie's room. Suzie stared a moment longer at her reflection in the mirror, and felt a nervous flutter.

  “I'll be right there,” she called back as she straightened a few strands of her hair. She turned away from the mirror and snatched up her purse. As she stepped out into the hallway she glanced over the state of the paintings and rug that lined it. Everything looked like it was in place. There was so much to think about before opening. She was glad to have this pleasant distraction.

  When Suzie reached the lobby of the house she found Paul waiting for her. He looked quite handsome in a casual suit and she was immediately glad that she had decided to wear the dress. His lips parted with a soft gasp as he took in the sight of her.

  “You look stunning,” he said softly as he lifted his eyes to hers.

  “Can't say that you don't clean up nice,” she replied with a light wink. He grinned at her words and offered her his arm. “Oh, wait just a moment, I want you to meet Ben,” Suzie said.

  “Ben!” Mary called out from the kitchen. “Suzie has someone that she'd like you to meet!”

  Ben bounded down the stairs from the second floor. The sight of him brought back memories of when he was just a little boy running down the stairs. Suzie couldn't help but laugh.

  “This must be Paul,” Ben said with a slow, sly smile as he looked Paul up and down. Suzie's eyes widened. She wondered if he would question him about whether he was a friend or a boyfriend. Ben could be mischievous.

  “I am Paul,” Paul replied with a broad smile. “You must be Ben,” he glanced from Ben to Mary and back again. “You look just like your beautiful mother!”

  “Oh Paul,” Mary smiled and waved her hand dismissively.

  Ben folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes. Suzie was a little surprised by his demeanor.

  “And just what are your intentions with Suzie?” he asked in a playfully deepened voice. “She's pretty much my aunt you know.”

  Paul chuckled at Ben's words. “My intentions are to fill her up with some delicious pasta and whisk her away for a walk on the beach.”

  “Well, if you feed me too much pasta you might have to roll me along the beach,” Suzie laughed and patted her stomach. “Speaking of which, we should get going.”

  “Have a good time,” Mary said as she waved to Suzie.

  “But not too good,” Ben warned and raised an eyebrow at Paul.

  “Of course,” Paul shook his head and laughed. “Funny kid,” he said as he led Suzie out onto the porch.

  “He's really turned out to be a lovely person,” Suzie admitted. “It's pretty wonderful to see.”

  “You know what else is wonderful to see?” Paul asked as he helped her down the steps and across the driveway towards his car.

  “What?” Suzie asked curiously.

  “You in that dress,” he breathed with a hint of a growl beneath his voice. Suzie giggled.

  “I'm glad you like it,” she murmured. He opened the car door for her and she settled inside. As she watched him walk around the front of the car she realized just how good it felt to have a man appreciate her the way he did. She enjoyed every aspect of her time with Paul. Now she just had to learn to relax.

  “Are you excited about opening day?” Paul asked. He started the car and they began pulling out of the driveway.

  “Very excited,” Suzie admitted. “We have four guests booked!”

  “Wow, that's fantastic,” Paul said. He seemed genuinely impressed. “I knew you two could pull it off.”

  “Not without your help,” Suzie said and laid her hand lightly over his. He glanced up at her with a sparkle in his eye and held her gaze for a moment before looking back at the road.

  “It was my pleasure,” he replied softly. “Seeing you in overalls is almost as lovely as seeing you in that dress.”

  “I doubt that,” Suzie grinned and they both laughed.


  When Suzie and Paul reached Cheney's it was bustling with customers. Suzie was looking forward to a big plate of spaghetti. She had never been dainty or shy about eating. She had a naturally slim figure but as she was getting a little older she did notice that she was having to work a little harder to maintain it. She didn't care. She was still eating a big plate of spaghetti. And lots of garlic bread. When Paul put his hand on the small of her back to guide her inside, she suddenly wondered if that was a good idea. What if he tried to kiss her again? What if she wanted to kiss him? Garlic breath could ruin a moment.

  As they settled at a table in the busy restaurant she sneaked a glance up at Paul. He was reading over the menu. She watched his lips as they pursed together in thought. Her mind drifted to what it would be like to kiss him.

  “Suzie, did you find something you'd like?” he asked curiously. Yes, Suzie thought to herself, yes, I think I did. Then she realized he was talking about pasta.

  “Oh uh, I think maybe I'll just have some salad,” she stumbled out.

  “Salad?” he raised his eyebrows. “I thought you wanted pasta?”

  “I did,” she looked down at the menu. “But now I think maybe something lighter.”

  Paul closed his menu and put it down on the table. He frowned with concern as he looked at her.

  “Are you not feeling well? We can always do t
his another night,” he offered.

  “I'm fine, I promise,” Suzie said cheerfully.

  “Salad,” he muttered under his breath and eyed her suspiciously.

  “All right, all right, maybe just a little pasta,” Suzie laughed.

  “That's more like it,” he grinned.

  Two plates of pasta later, Suzie had plenty of garlic on her breath. She groaned as she sat back in her chair.

  “I'm so full!”

  “Don't worry, we're going to walk it off,” Paul grinned.

  Walk it off. That meant that she was going to be alone with him on the beach, with garlic breath. But she didn't care anymore. She couldn't wait to hold his hand and feel the sand under her feet. They shared a piece of pie, too. They were so consumed by the delicious taste that they didn’t say much of anything to each other. When the waitress came to take away the plates, Suzie felt her heart beat faster. This meant that soon they would be walking out onto the beach. She was both excited and nervous about being truly alone with Paul. Paul paid the check and then offered his arm.

  “Shall we?” he suggested.

  “Absolutely,” Suzie said as she stood up from her chair and wound her arm through his. “Thanks for dinner.”

  “Thanks for the company,” he replied warmly. As they walked past the host stand in the front of the restaurant, Suzie managed to snag a breath mint from a small dish. She popped it into her mouth when Paul wasn't looking. As they stepped out of the restaurant the sun was offering its last shreds of light. The air was warm but disrupted by a cool breeze from the water.

  “Seems like the perfect night for a walk on the beach,” Paul said quietly. “Are you up for it?”

  “Yes,” Suzie replied, trying her best to sound confident and not nervous. She had interviewed powerful people, she had crawled into dilapidated houses, and confronted angry protestors. But being alone with Paul made her feel like a leaf clinging to a tiny branch in the middle of a hurricane. As they drove back towards Dune House Paul brought up the opening.

  “What guests do you have booked?” he asked.

  “We have four booked right now. One single man, one single woman, and a married couple,” Suzie replied.

  “Two singles, eh?” Paul smiled. “Maybe you'll have a love connection.”

  “Maybe,” Suzie replied. He pulled into the long driveway of Dune House. Suzie could see lights on in the living room, so she knew someone was still up. As she stepped out of the car Paul slid his hands into hers. It felt so natural to have the warmth of his skin against the curve of her palm. They walked down a few wooden steps to the beach, which was almost empty. It was a week night, and though the beach was gorgeous, locals were used to having it any time they wanted so they didn't populate it too much during the evenings. Stars were beginning to stretch across the sky. Suzie left her shoes by the steps. Paul followed suit, along with his socks. They strolled in silence right at the water's edge, taking in the beauty of the night.

  “Suzie,” Paul said, breaking the silence with the flow of his slightly rough voice. “Can we stop for a moment?” he asked and tightened his grasp on her hand. Suzie's heart jumped. She felt a buzz creeping through her body that made her nerves feel as if they were sparking.

  “Sure,” she paused and stepped a little further into the water so that she could feel its ebb and flow.

  “I know that you have so much going on right now,” he said gently. “I really appreciate you taking time out for dinner.”

  “I couldn't think of a better way to spend my evening,” she said in a murmur and glanced up at him shyly. The moment her eyes met his, Paul reached for her. She felt the spray of the water against her ankles as he tangled his fingers in her hair. Her eyes fell shut and her chin tilted upward. The warmth of his lips drew close to hers. This was it. This was the moment. When the silk of his lips embraced her own, she felt as if her entire body was being swept away by the tug of the waves. She had scoffed at love before, at the pop of a leg, or the swoon of a woman being kissed. But in that moment she believed in it all. It was all proving to be true. His fingers rubbed gently along the rise of her neck as the kiss continued. When it finally broke, she stared into his eyes. He seemed fairly breathless himself, his hands still gently encircling the back of her neck.

  “Wasn't too bad was it?” he asked, a hint of insecurity in his eyes. “I'm a little out of practice,” he admitted.

  “Wasn't bad at all,” Suzie replied in a whisper. “But maybe we could both use a little more practice,” she murmured as she pushed her lips back against his. He smiled through the kiss and they both naturally fell into the rhythm of passion. When the kiss broke again, Paul wrapped his arms around her. The sound of the waves crashing surrounded them both. Suzie could hear Paul's heart beating quickly in his chest. She closed her eyes and savored the sound. She had done it. She had officially crossed the line from being friends, to being something much much more. She still had no idea what that meant, but she didn't regret it.


  Paul walked her back to Dune House. Suzie waved to him from the porch as she let herself in. She walked through the lobby area into the living room. Ben and Mary were sitting on the couch each with a drink in hand, talking with laughter in their voices. From the bits and pieces that Suzie heard she assumed they were talking about Ben and Catherine's childhood antics.

  “Hello you two,” Suzie said.

  “Hello to you,” Mary said as she glanced from Suzie to the clock on the wall and back to her again. “I wasn't sure what time you'd be home.”

  “It's a little late,” Ben wagged his finger playfully.

  “Hmm, I think it's not late enough,” Mary grinned.

  “On that note, I'm going to head up to bed,” Ben said with a short laugh. Suzie was doing her best to hide the blush in her cheeks. Once Ben had gone up to bed Mary drew Suzie into the dining room.

  “Now, you and I need some alone time,” she said with warmth in her voice.

  “That sounds good,” Suzie said happily.

  Mary sat down at the dining room table. She had placed a candle in the center. As she lit it, Suzie sat down in a chair beside her and breathed a long, slow sigh.

  “So, how did it go?” Mary asked eagerly.

  “How did what go?” Suzie asked innocently.

  “Did it happen? Did you two finally kiss?” Mary demanded impatiently.

  Suzie couldn't hide the smile that crept onto her lips. “Maybe,” she said quietly.

  “Oh I see, maybe,” Mary rolled her eyes. “Well, was this kiss that might have happened a good kiss?”

  “It might have been the best kiss of my life,” Suzie confessed.

  “Wow! That's saying a lot!” Mary said with surprise.

  “Hey!” Suzie countered. “What are you implying?”

  They both broke down into laughter. By the time they had settled again, the candle was burning strong.

  “It's amazing to think that we are going to be open for business tomorrow,” Mary said as she glanced over the large dining room. It had been redecorated with new paint, new paintings, and new light fixtures. But it was still Dune House, and still had a classic feeling to it.

  “It's amazing to me that my life has changed so much in such a short time,” Mary said as she set the lighter down. “I didn't think any of this would happen, and now that it has, I can't imagine my life any other way.”

  “Do you mean that?” Suzie asked. “You don't have any desire to go back?”

  “Not an ounce,” Mary shook her head. “Ben and Catherine have their own lives. The best part is, whenever they want to visit they will have a place to sleep, and paradise outside to enjoy. I feel alive in many ways for the first time, Suzie, and I have you to thank for that.”

  “You have yourself to thank for that,” Suzie corrected.

  “No, I mean it,” Mary insisted. “I never would have done anything like this on my own. Because you were so kind and included me in all of this I now have a future I can look
forward to. I just can’t thank you enough for that.”

  “I couldn't even count on my fingers and toes the things I have to be thankful to you about, Mary. I'm so glad we got to do this together,” she smiled.

  “Well, I lit this candle because I figured as we embark on a new journey, we can make a wish. Maybe it's not a birthday wish, but it is still a wish.”

  The two leaned close to the flame. They closed their eyes. Then they blew out the flame together.

  Chapter Three

  On the morning of opening weekend, Suzie woke up with a start. She felt as if she had forgotten to do everything. That she wasn't ready for Dune House to open for business. But she didn't have too much time to think about it, because Mary came bursting through her door.

  “Are you ready?” she asked happily as Suzie jumped out of bed.

  “I am, I just don't know if Dune House is,” Suzie said with concern.

  “Nope, none of that, we did everything that needed to be done. Everything is ready to go. There's no reason to believe that things will not be ready as they should be today. No worrying!” Mary insisted and clapped her hands together sharply. “Today will be magic!”

  “All right, all right, who can argue with an attitude like that?” Suzie grinned and stumbled towards her closet for clothing. After Mary left the room, Suzie dressed. She tried to focus on the opening, but the memory of the kiss she had shared with Paul was pulling at her mind as well. She knew that she would be seeing him later that day as he had promised that he would be there to check on the opening before he left for a couple of nights fishing. She wondered what it would be like to see him in the light of day. She had to admit, the memory was a very nice one. When she joined Mary in the kitchen she already had coffee and a bowl of fresh fruit out to enjoy.

  “You are way too good at this,” Suzie accused with a smile as she snatched up an apple and crunched into it.

  “This, I have been doing all my life,” Mary said with a laugh. “I could make breakfast and a pot of coffee in my sleep.”


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