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Dragonheat Page 4

by Sherrill Quinn

  * * * *

  Nikolai skimmed his hands up and down DeeDee's back. She lay in a boneless heap against him. As Rainer withdrew from her ass, she gave a little whimper and pressed her cheek against Nikolai's chest.

  Rainer bent over her, one hand stroking her shoulder. "Did I hurt you?" His gaze was dark with concern.

  She shook her head. "I'm all right. Tired."

  A burst of pure male pride went through Nikolai, and he shared a glance with Rainer.

  Rainer's mouth was curled in a grin, the same satisfaction stamped on his face. "Stay put," he murmured and walked into the bathroom.

  She sighed and nuzzled her face into the crook of Nikolai's neck. "Fine by me. I don't want to move. Ever." Her sigh wafted across his skin. "I want to stay just like this."

  "Like this?" Nikolai bumped his hips against hers, driving his softening cock just a little farther inside her sheath.

  "Mmm." She shivered and moaned. Another sigh warmed his skin. "Although I don't suppose it would be too practical, going around attached to you two all the time."

  Rainer stopped inside the doorway of the bathroom, a washcloth in one hand and both brows climbing his forehead. "You'd like to be attached to us all the time?"

  She turned her head to look at him. Her hair brushed against Nikolai's nose, tickling him, and he brought up one hand and smoothed it against her scalp.

  "I realize we haven't known each other long." She rose and braced herself on her elbows. As one bony point dug into his ribs, Nikolai winced and adjusted her left arm. A soft blush stole over her face. "We haven't known each other for even a day." A gruff sound left her throat, something between a groan and a laugh. "Barely two hours, really." She shook her head. "I've never done this before."

  Rainer walked over and sat beside them. "Done what? Have sex with two men at the same time?"

  Her blush deepened. "That. And have sex with anyone after knowing them such a short time." She glanced down at Nikolai, entrancing him with the mixture of shyness and lust that reflected in her eyes. "But the two of you are...irresistible."

  "As are you, láska," Nikolai murmured. He started to say more but looked at Rainer, who shook his head. His friend was probably right--best not to say too much now. The immediate depths of their feelings, of their need, might scare her.

  She was human, after all, and not used to the ways of dragons.

  Nikolai eased out from beneath her and let Rainer begin cleansing her. Nikolai went into the bathroom and disposed of his condom. Staring at himself in the mirror, he took a deep breath. In the span of two hours he'd gone from being alone in the world to having his mate in his arms. A mate that he would share with Rainer.

  The joy of his discovery was tainted by the knowledge that if they couldn't find her brother and discover a solution to their infant mortality problem, their happiness could be short-lived.

  Chapter 4

  * * *

  DeeDee rolled over in bed and was surprised to find herself alone. She distinctly remembered falling asleep with her men's arms and legs draped over her, holding her in place on her back even if she'd wanted to move. Which she hadn't.

  Her full bladder made a protest and she got out of bed, wincing when muscles she hadn't realized had been used also protested. She toddled into the bathroom and took care of business, washed her hands and then used her finger and a little bit of toothpaste to hastily brush her teeth.

  Going back into the bedroom, she slipped into her clothes and went in search of the men. She found them in the kitchen, sitting at an old-fashioned butcher's block, big mugs of coffee in their hands. They looked so at ease it made her smile. And walking in to see them this way felt natural, like she'd done it a hundred times before. "Hmm, that smells good," she said as she went toward the coffee maker, bare feet padding across the tile floor. "I hope you saved some for me."

  "Of course, láska," Nikolai murmured. "But had we not, I would have been more than happy to make a fresh pot for you."

  She shot him a grin over her shoulder. He lifted one eyebrow and tried to look serious, but the corners of his mouth twitched. "Mm. I suppose, then, that you"--she looked at Rainer--"made this?" She lifted the pot and poured coffee into the cup sitting on the counter.

  Rainer nodded. "I can't cook worth a crap, but I do make damn good coffee."

  She added a splash of milk to her coffee and lifted the steaming brew to her lips. Taking a sip, she hummed her agreement. It was like ambrosia, just the right amount of bitterness to make her taste buds sit up and take notice.

  DeeDee took another sip and stared at the men from over the rim of her cup. She had trusted these two with her body, but she still had some misgivings she wanted to put to rest. "Tell me again what you were doing at Graham's."

  They glanced at each other. She saw Rainer give a nod and Nikolai said, "Your brother was--is--working on a project for us, one that's important to our very survival as a race. When he went missing, we went to his place to see what we could find out."

  "About him or about this project?"

  "Both." Rainer set down his cup and slid off his stool. He walked over to her and put one hand on her shoulder. "We like your brother, honey. He's more than just a scientist to us, but that research is vital."

  She searched his eyes. "Why? What was he doing for you?"

  "Trying to find out why our infants are dying, and what we can do to stop it."

  DeeDee took a deep breath and glanced at Nikolai, then back at Rainer. She sensed only sincerity from them and decided to trust her instincts. "Come with me." She turned and went down the hallway into the living room, aware that both big men were right on her heels. She picked up her purse and sifted through it until her fingers hit the flash drive resting at the bottom of the oversized bag. After a slight hesitation, she brought it out and showed them.

  "What's that?" Nikolai took a step closer, his gaze fixed to the piece of plastic-wrapped technology in her hand.

  "Graham sent it to me. I got it in the mail two days ago. When I asked him what it was, he just said he needed me to keep it safe." Her gaze flicked between the two men. "When he called me yesterday to say he had to leave town--right before I found you two at his house--he told me to give it only to a man named Aleksandar Lyaksandro."

  Both men's eyes lit up. Rainer drew in a sharp breath and held out one hand. "May I?"

  She handed it over.

  He looked down at it and then up at her. She caught her breath at the emotion swimming in his eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart."

  She licked across her lower lip. "For what?"

  "For trusting us." He leaned down and kissed her, a gentle brush of his lips against hers. "For the compassion I see in your eyes."

  She felt Nikolai's hand stroke across her back. "We must get this to Zander," he said, "without delay."

  DeeDee picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. "Let's go, then." When they stood there, staring at her, she said, "Well? What're you waiting for?"

  Rainer grinned and swept her into a hug. "I really like this girl," he said, lifting her off her feet. "She has the heart of a dragon."

  "It would be safer for you to stay here," Nikolai said evenly. Then he stiffened. His head lifted and he sniffed a few times. He walked over to the small window of the kitchenette. "Or not."

  Rainer released her and joined his friend at the window. "Shit! How'd they find us?"

  "We should've killed them." Nikolai's voice was a low growl.

  "What?" She hurried over and peered over their shoulders to see the two men from the night before getting out of a low-slung car. Her heart thudded in her throat. The two outside, standing there staring at the cabin, didn't look that threatening to her. But Rainer and Nikolai's tension transmitted itself to her, making her shoulder muscles taut.

  "Perhaps they know this cabin is owned by a dragon." His broad shoulders lifted in a shrug. "I don't know. Don't care. We can't risk them getting their hands on that information." Nikolai pointed toward the fl
ash drive Rainer still held. Then he turned and started toward the small sitting area. "Put your shoes on, láska. It's time to go."


  "Shoes, now." Rainer put his hand at the small of her back and shepherded her into the bedroom. "It's going to get cold where we're going."

  She frowned but obediently sat down and put on her socks and shoes. "Just where are we going?"

  "Up. Come on."

  They joined Nikolai on the back balcony. The edge of the balcony was only three feet or so from an incline that led farther up the mountain. Nikolai jumped from the railing to the incline, then held out his hand. "Come on, láska. I'll catch you."

  She frowned. "It's not like I'm trying to jump the Grand Canyon, you know." She climbed up onto the railing, feeling Rainer's big hands behind her to steady her. Taking a deep breath, she jumped, trodding on Nikolai's feet when she landed. "Sorry."

  The corners of his eyes crinkled in a smile though his mouth remained in a grim line. "You can stomp on my toes anytime you like."

  Rainer landed heavily beside her and took hold of her upper arm. "Come on, you two. There's no time for chit chat."

  They ran up the incline and stopped at the top of a ridge line. She wondered for a moment why they didn't stay and fight--they'd been more than a match for the men who'd come for them earlier. "Why are we running?"

  "Nikolai already said it--we can't take the chance they'll get hold of this." Rainer held up the flash drive. "And we won't risk you by staying when we can just as easily get out of here." He quirked a brow at DeeDee. "Which one of us do you want to ride?"

  She blinked at him. "What?" She scowled. "Now's hardly the time to be thinking about sex, Rainer."

  His lips quirked. "I disagree--I can always think about sex with you. However," he said over her sputters, "Nikolai and I are going to shift to our dragon forms. You need to ride one of us." He glanced toward the house. "Make your decision quickly." He handed her the flash drive with a terse, "Don't lose that."

  She tucked the flash drive in the front pocket of her pants and watched with wide eyes as the two men in front of her went through their transformation. They both closed their eyes, their hands held at their sides, palms facing forward. In the span of three heartbeats their figures blurred, then thickened and elongated until two big dragons stood in their place.

  Two really big dragons. Definitely bigger than St. Bernards.

  DeeDee took a reflexive step back and almost tumbled down the incline. One of the dragons swept his tail behind her, supporting her back. It was like resting against a warm, living wall. Repitilian eyes gazed at her and then one scale-covered brow lifted. This one was Rainer--she'd recognize that look anywhere.

  She heard a shout from behind her and didn't hesitate. Since he was the closest, she climbed up onto Rainer's back and wrapped her hands around the spikes at the base of his neck. He and Nikolai lifted into the air with heavy flaps of their wings.

  As he turned to head west, Nikolai swept out his tail, catching the two thugs on the ground behind the legs, sweeping them off their feet. Gunfire erupted and Nikolai grunted.

  DeeDee saw a bright stream of blood oozing down his left rear flank. Just as he turned his head, his mouth open toward the two gunmen, she yelled, "No! Nikolai, no fire. It's too dry--the entire mountain could go up in flames."

  Instead, he circled around and swept down over the two men, using his large, heavy tail to bat at them again, driving them back onto the ground where they lay prone. She barely had time to see that they were breathing before Rainer picked up speed, Nikolai at his side.

  Then she just concentrated on hanging on.

  * * * *

  Three hours later DeeDee shifted her weight. Riding a dragon was not unlike riding a horse, with one exception. Horses didn't have a hard ridge of bone that nestled between her thighs and bumped right against her clit each time those massive wings lifted. She was so aroused it was only going to take one more good swoop to set her off.

  And...there it was. She clamped her thighs around Rainer's broad back and shuddered, biting her lip against a moan and hanging onto his neck spines for all she was worth. She heard something that sounded like a chuckle from the dragon beneath her, then he flapped his wings in a series of short, hard bursts that set her off all over again.

  She caught her breath and smacked him on one flank. "You did that on purpose."

  His long neck twisted and he looked at her over his shoulder. One eyelid dropped down in a wink that even on a dragon's face managed to look sexy.

  She was a goner, for sure. Even if she wanted to, she'd never be able to have sex with a normal guy again, not after remembering what it felt like to have an orgasm in the sky.

  They approached the Sierra Nevadas and, as they dropped lower and lower in ever tightening circles, she saw a spacious log cabin below them. The two dragons glided to a landing she barely felt. When Rainer came to a full stop, she started to slide down his side.

  Warm hands clasped her waist and helped her to the ground. She glanced over her shoulder to see Nikolai and realized he was naked. Looking forward again, she saw Rainer was naked as well.

  And aroused.

  As Nikolai crowded up against her, she felt the thick wedge of his erection against the small of her back. "You enjoyed your ride, I take it."

  Her cheeks flushed with heat. She had, but she didn't think she wanted to give them anything more to crow about. "Don't you two ever think of anything else?" she muttered. She was amazed at her own ability to take in stride the fact that the two men she'd made love with were dragons. Stuff of legends.

  But they were real and solid. Actually, really solid, she thought, glancing again at their thick cocks.

  "Yes." Rainer's eyes glittered with lust. "But rarely."

  Nikolai chuckled and placed a kiss against the side of her neck. "He's right. But unfortunately we don't have time right now. We must get that flash drive into the hands of our scientists and hope your brother has found something they can use."

  Immediately DeeDee's worry about Graham returned. She bit her lip and fought back the panic fluttering in her stomach. What had happened to him? Where could he have possibly gone?

  "Don't, láska. We'll find him." Nikolai slid his arm around her waist and hugged her. She wasn't surprised he was so in tune with her emotions--both he and Rainer seemed plugged in to her on a level that was almost scary.

  She rolled her eyes at herself. Now she was using something that could easily be a euphemism for sex. Their lust was contagious, these two dragons.

  The front door to the cabin opened and a tall man with dark auburn hair strode out onto the porch. "Are the three of you going to stand there all day? Or are you going to come inside?"

  They walked toward the cabin, DeeDee doing her best to try not to notice how very fine her two men looked in the buff. But when she started up the stairs and caught the eye of the man standing there, his knowing look made the blood rush to her cheeks.

  "And put some clothes on while you're at it."

  Rainer gave a curt nod. "Zander, this is Graham Adair's sister, Deirdre. DeeDee, this is Aleksandar Lyaksandro, our Rastaban. Leader," he added at her confused look.

  She looked again at the auburn-haired man. "It's nice to meet you."

  "And it's very nice to meet you, DeeDee."

  "You have something for Zander, I think?" Nikolai prompted gently.

  "Oh. Right." She dug in her pocket and pulled out the flash drive. "Graham sent this to me for safekeeping and told me to give it only to you."

  As he took the drive from her, a smile lightened his face. "Thank you. I know someone who will be greatly relieved to see this." He stared at her and his grin widened. "And you." He swept out one arm, indicating they should enter the house.

  Rainer and Nikolai stood aside and let her enter first. They followed close behind, making her acutely aware of the heat and strength of their big bodies. Then she focused on the man getting up from the sofa, his dark h
air--the same shade as hers--tousled as if he'd spent hours running his fingers through it. His eyes, the same vibrant blue as hers, lit with joy.

  "Graham?" She whispered his name and then spoke it louder as she ran to him.

  He caught her up in his embrace and hugged her, hard, his laughter just as choked with tears as hers was.

  "What happened? How did you get here?" she asked even as he said, "I can't believe you're here! How did you find me?"

  "I went to your house," she answered as she pulled away from him. She gestured toward the still-naked Rainer and Nikolai. "And found them there."

  Graham glanced at them and then looked at her. "Did you find them like that?"

  She frowned and shook her head. "Of course not." Her brother didn't need to know that it hadn't been all that long after she'd first met them that their clothes had come off.

  "Though it didn't take her long to get us like this," Rainer piped up.

  Graham's eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

  "Would you go get dressed," she said under her breath.

  He grinned and started up the stairs, Nikolai right behind him.

  Zander walked over to them. "Let's sit." Once she and Graham were seated on the sofa, Zander sat in a nearby armchair. "It seems your brother thought, quite seriously in fact, about selling his information to our enemies."

  DeeDee drew in a breath and turned toward Graham. "You didn't!"

  He shook his head. "No. I changed my mind. There isn't enough money in the world that would have let me sleep at night if my research had been used to further harm the dragon population." He sighed. "But I didn't change my mind soon enough, because they came for me. I barely got out of town in time." He took one of her hands in his and played with her fingers. He wouldn't meet her gaze as he murmured, "I'm so sorry I put you in the middle of this, Deedster. I couldn't let my research fall into the hands of the hunters. Even though I had planned to turn it over to them at one point." He sighed again, his gaze coming up to lock with hers. "I just didn't know what else to do."


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