This Little Piggy Wound Up Dead (A Willow Crier Cozy Mystery Book 3) (Willow Crier Cozy Mysteries)

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This Little Piggy Wound Up Dead (A Willow Crier Cozy Mystery Book 3) (Willow Crier Cozy Mysteries) Page 9

by Lilly York

  The ladies were filling pitchers with water and the husbands and children were drinking greedily. She whispered to Embry. “Are they all here illegally?”

  Embry nodded. “Most likely. They wouldn’t be in this situation otherwise.”

  “How did they get here? I mean, I know some people cross on foot but surely not the children.”

  Embry stopped what she was doing and stared. “Mom, how do you think they got here?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, why would they take their children on such a dangerous trip? Why didn’t they just stay in Mexico or wherever they were living?”

  Steve walked in dressed as a civilian in the middle of their discussion and answered Willow’s question. “Because the dream of giving their children a safe place to grow up far outweighs the possible danger from the crossing. And many people make it safely and live undiscovered for many years. What we need to do is give these people a better way to come legally.”

  Adelina’s husband stepped forward. “Sir, My name is Pedro Lorenzo Garcia Cardenas.”

  Steve, Willow, and Embry waited for him to go on. Upon seeing their expressions, Pedro continued. “My family and I are here legally. We have been granted political asylum from the United States government.”

  “If you are here legally, why did you cross the border in such a manner?”

  “For safety reasons. If we have come by more, how do you say…conventional methods, yes, then surely we would not have made it. Very dangerous men are looking for us. My position with the government made me a target with many drug dealers and many crooked politicians.” He rattled off his lawyer’s name and phone number. “Please call him. He will verify this information and come for me and my family.”

  Steve wrote down the information while Willow, Embry, and a few of the ladies finished preparing and serving the meal. Once fed, the children began to perk up and sound like children again. The adults spoke quietly among themselves.

  Willow was concerned. “What is going to happen to them?”

  “They’ll be sent back. And many of them will do this all over again. Even with what they went through, to them, it’s worth it.”

  “There has to be a better way.”

  Steve made the phone call and sure enough, Pedro was telling the truth. His father was an official in Mexico City who had gone after the drug cartels. He was abducted and killed and then strung up as an example for anyone else who thought they would follow his example, including his young son. The government itself began targeting Pedro as he grew older and started speaking out against what was going on in their country. When that happened, he sought protection for his family. Because so many were corrupt, he temporarily changed his name and travelled as a commoner who wanted freedom in the United States. Unfortunately, he connected with a coyote who had affiliations with a corrupt man in the United States, Preston Mosely.

  A driver came to pick up Pedro and Adelina and their young daughter. Shortly thereafter, the rest of the refugees were taken for processing. Steve followed Willow and Embry back to the ice cream shop where they all sat down with a hot cup of coffee.

  Embry added a plate of layered brownies and lemon bars to the middle of the table. “I’m starving.”

  Willow, for the moment, ignored the food. “Were Brian and Preston caught? I’ve got to know.”

  Steve grinned. “Yep, and Brian gave up everything. Seems as though Preston had made him and Dean a deal they couldn’t refuse. They were the transportation behind the operation. More money than either of them could handle. Dean, well, he spent about all his money on drugs and women and just rough living. Brian bought social status. Then one day Dean develops a conscience. His money was gone so he stole 50 thousand from his uncle and redistributed the money to the illegals they had brought across. Preston couldn’t exactly go to the police with his story therefore he concocted his phony savings plan for the food truck—which had been his dream in his younger years—and apparently being the good uncle he forgave his nephew. Which was a crock of baloney. Preston assigned the dirty work of dealing with his stealing nephew to his hired muscle and went to bed the night of the BBQ contest knowing his problem would be taken care of. When he woke up, he truly was surprised to see him tied up in the smoker. He expected him to be dead, yes, but in the smoker? That threw him.”

  Embry asked, “So, Preston killed his own nephew, over money?”

  Steve nodded. “He sure did.”

  “What about Brian, what was his part in all this?” Willow mumbled as she took a bite.

  “Brian was trying to talk Dean into going to Preston and apologizing. He knew his uncle would call off the hit if he agreed to work off his debt and then some. Dean had refused. Brian was going to try one last time and had agreed to meet him near to where he was killed. Well, when Brian arrived, Dean was already dead. He’d been beaten pretty bad and then stabbed. So he took off and went back to his camp. He figured since he didn’t touch anything he wouldn’t be placed at the scene of the crime.

  “The police were still trying to figure out how he ended up in the smoker so they went back to the kids from the baseball team. It appears Chester wasn’t the only one to go back to check on Dean. A few of the more notorious players went back to finish him off and found him dead so they tied him up like—and I quote—the pig he was and stuck him in the smoker.”

  “What about Bridget? Why did they murder her?”

  Steve grimaced. “Seems Brian told her what happened and she threatened to go to the police. I guess after you’ve killed once the second time around isn’t so hard.”

  Willow shook her head in disgust. “I guess not.”

  “Dean had his hands involved in way too many bad situations for this to have been easy.” He smiled at Willow. “Too bad for the lot of them you happened to be walking through the park when you did. Well, for all but Chester. The rest may have gotten away with it and Chester would have taken the blame. Chester is still being held but at least he’s not going up for murder. What a convoluted mess!”

  Willow twirled her hair. “So that is how the pig came to rest in the smoker.”

  Chapter 20

  Willow lit the candles and slid down into the hot bath water. She was exhausted and looking forward to the next morning. She still needed to wash and dye her hair. With all the sleuthing she’d missed her hair appointment. She held her hands up. “I guess they’ll have to do.” She awoke with a start as Clover licked her hand as it hung over the edge of the tub.

  “Girl, you’re a lifesaver. I could have slept in their all night.” She toweled off and applied lotion. Not something she did often, although she should have. Her skin absorbed the healing balm and thanked her for the attention.

  She let the dog out then slid beneath the covers for a long overdue good night’s sleep.

  The next morning she did a quick touch up on her roots and scrubbed her fingernails really well. Perhaps I’ll have time between the gun show and the fundraiser for a quick manicure. She slipped on a pair of jeans and ran to meet Steve’s truck.

  She opened the door before he could get out. “Hey.” She jumped in and buckled her belt. I’m excited. I’ve decided I need something small, unobtrusive. Something that will be easy to reach for and do some damage if I need it to.”

  “I have just the gun in mind.”

  Together they walked the gun show floor looking at all the different options. Steve stopped at nearly every table. Between the guns, knives, archery equipment and, well, all the other “guy” stuff, she could understand the draw. Finally he shook hands with a vendor. “Willow, this is Troy. A friend from high school. Troy, this is the gal I was telling you about.”

  Troy nodded and then pulled a gun from under the table and handed it to Steve. “Good to meet you, Willow.”

  Steve looked the gun over then handed it to Willow. “How does this feel?”

  Willow passed the gun from hand to hand then placed her hand over the handle. It fit perfectly in her grip.

��Do you like it?”

  She nodded. “I really don’t know too much about them. If this one is the best one for what I need, then I’m good with it.”

  “I’m assuming you’re going to be concealing?” Troy removed a holster from his case.

  She looked to Steve who answered for her. “Yeah, once she gets licensed. She’s starting classes next week.”

  “Good to hear. Steve won’t let you get into any trouble. He’ll make sure everything gets done by the book.”

  An hour later Willow was the proud owner of her first handgun. She had a few cartridges, the holster, a cleaning kit, and a case. Steve dropped her off with the promise to be back to pick her up in a few hours.

  She glanced at her watch then called to see if she could get a quick manicure in town. Thankfully, they had an opening. A simple manicure would do the trick. An hour later, her hands looked much better. She styled her hair and applied the new makeup Embry had insisted on her buying after being mistaken for a homeless woman. She turned her face from side to side as she looked in the mirror. “If I must say so myself, not too bad.”

  The black dress glided over her shoulders and swished as it fell. The lotion she’d applied the evening before had done its job and softened her rough exterior.

  Last to be applied was a dab of perfume. Just enough to capture his senses. Not enough to overpower and offend anyone else. She had switched out her purse and now carried a little case only big enough for her id and a tube of lipstick. Thankfully Steve would be with her and she’d have no need for her Taser.

  Her pantyhose did a suitable job of covering up her sore toe. Her heels were wide enough so as not to pinch the toe either.

  She opened the front door to the most handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on. He was in a black tux and his shoes shined. His hair was perfectly groomed and his smile, well, his smile never changed. She held the door open wide for him to come in but he seemed rooted in that spot. “Steve, you coming in?”

  He opened his mouth but words did not come. He tried again. “Willow…” He swallowed hard. “…you’re absolutely stunning. You’re beautiful.”

  She smiled as he helped her with her light sweater.

  “We’re traveling in class this evening.”

  He held open the car door. “Yeah, my sister insisted I take one of their cars. They both drive Cadillac’s.”

  Willow had always drove more rugged vehicles so this was her first encounter with luxury. “I could get used to this.” She ran her hand over the plush temperature controlled seat.

  Steve sat next to her and once again found himself staring. He’d always found her beautiful. Her wit and charm, her sense of humor and her adoration and devotion to her daughter just added to her beauty. Tonight, seeing her in her finery and looking like she just stepped off a Paris runway, was enough to take his breath away. He barely said a word the entire drive. “So could I.”

  “So could I what?”

  He looked at her with confusion. “Get used to this.”

  She laughed. “Oh, it’s nice isn’t it?”

  He shook his head. He didn’t care about the car. The lady sitting next to him was what he could get used to.

  Willow watched as Steve gave his sister a kiss on the cheek. “Wow, Bro. You clean up nice.”

  He smiled. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  Willow gaped. His sister was drop dead gorgeous. Not so bad? Standing next to her I’d be labeled as plain.

  Willow gave her a hug. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “You too! How is Clover doing?”

  They spent the next few minutes talking about the antics of her dog while the guys found them something to drink.

  Willow found herself being stared at all the way through dinner. Every time she returned his gaze, he would quickly look away. She felt her face flushing.

  The waiters removed their dinnerware and announced the orchestra would be starting shortly. Steve stood then reached for Willow’s hand. “Would you like to walk in the gardens?”

  She took his hand and nodded. Together they walked through the twinkling candlelight. The scent of roses was heavy and the night sky was filled with stars. She glanced heavenward and rubbed her arms.

  “Are you cold?” He draped her sweater over her shoulders then wrapped his arm around her. “If this doesn’t warm you up, I’ll give you my jacket.

  She wanted to tell him she wasn’t cold. It wasn’t the evening air that was giving her goosebumps. It was being so close to him. It was his touch. Neither a sweater nor a jacket would cure her. “I’m fine, really.” Woman, kiss him already! She mentally chastised herself. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and press her lips to his but she knew he was a gentleman. So, she waited.

  “Look at the moon.” He pointed upward.

  “It’s so big…so beautiful.” She managed to take her eyes from the pull of the moon and look to Steve who was once again staring.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just…” Steve could hear the violins in the background. He took both her hands. The cellos joined the serenade. He pulled her closer. The trumpets came in loud and strong followed by the kettle drums. He could stand it no longer. He pulled her to him and just as the music reached an all-time high he pressed his lips to hers.

  They both savored the kiss. When Steve finally pulled away, he brushed her lips with his thumb. He whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry for staring. But tonight, I see nothing else worth looking at.” He lifted her chin and kissed her once more. This time, neither heard the music. There was nothing but them.

  Willow’s Lemon Bars

  ½ cup butter

  ¼ cup powdered sugar

  1 cup flour

  ½ tsp baking powder

  2 eggs

  1 cup granulated sugar

  Zest of ½ lemon

  2 tbsp. flour

  2 tbsp. lemon juice

  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter sides of an 8x8 glass pan.

  Cream butter. Add powdered sugar, baking powder, and flour. Press into bottom of baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes. Combine eggs, granulated sugar, lemon zest, 2 Tbsps flour, and lemon juice. Pour over baked crust and bake an additional 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from oven. Cool and sift powdered sugar over lemon filling. Cut into squares and enjoy.

  Willow’s Layered Brownies

  Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  Grease 9x13 glass pan

  2 cups sugar

  1 ½ cups flour

  ¾ cup baking cocoa

  ½ tsp salt

  1 cup vegetable oil

  4 eggs

  2 tsp. vanilla

  ½ cup chopped pecans

  ½ cup chocolate chips

  (or use your favorite boxed mix to make things easier…but be sure to add those pecans and chocolate chips)

  14 ounce bag caramels

  14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk

  ½ cup chopped pecans

  Mix first set of ingredients and add half of mixture to a prepared 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Melt caramel and sweetened condensed milk in medium saucepan over low heat. Add pecans and spread over baked brownie mixture. Spread remainder brownie batter over caramel and bake for an additional 20 to 25 minutes, depending on how gooey you like your brownies.

  Cool brownies.

  Beat the following ingredients and spread on cooled brownies:

  ½ cup butter

  ½ cup brown sugar, packed

  ¼ cup sugar

  2 tbsp. milk

  1 tsp. vanilla

  1 cup flour

  Refrigerate to set filling. Once chilled,

  Melt 2 cups of chocolate chips and 1 tbsp. shortening. Spread on chilled brownies and top with whole pecans. Cool. Cut into squares and serve.

  Willow’s Chicken Enchiladas

  (Notice dessert came first)

  2 pounds chicken breast, cut into cubes

  Grapeseed oil

  1 medium onion, chopped

nbsp; 1 4 ounce can green chilies

  1 can cream of chicken soup

  ½ cup milk

  1 cup sour cream

  1 tsp chili powder

  ½ tsp garlic powder

  3 cups Monterey Jack cheese

  8 medium flour tortillas, cut into pieces (kitchen shears are great for this)

  Grease 9x13 pan well. Layer bottom with ½ flour tortillas.

  In a large fry pan sauté chicken in 3 tbsp. grapeseed oil. Add chopped onion and cook for 3 additional minutes until onions are translucent. Add green chilies, cream of chicken soup, milk, sour cream, chili powder, and garlic powder to pan. Continue cooking until sauce is blended, approximately 3-4 minutes. Ladle filling onto flour tortillas in 9x13 pan. Add two cups Monterey Jack cheese and remainder of flour tortillas to the pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until sauce is bubbly. Remove from oven and top with remaining cheese. Bake an additional two minutes until cheese is melted. Cut into squares and serve with chopped green onions and sour cream (optional).

  Willow’s Marinade for grilled chicken

  4 bone in chicken breasts

  1 cup your favorite beer

  ¼ cup grapeseed oil

  Juice from ½ lime

  6 tbsp. BBQ Dry Rub from below

  Combine all ingredients but chicken breasts. Set aside 1/3 cup of marinate to baste with. Place chicken breasts in a large zip lock bag with remaining marinade and refrigerate overnight.

  Grill on hot grill for 12-15 minutes per side or until juices run clear. Baste often.


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