Blame It On the Moonlight

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by Tracie Sommers

  Blame It on the Moonlight

  Tracie Sommers

  After catching her fiancé—make that ex-fiancé—with another woman, Jasmine heads into the woods to be alone. But her solitude is broken when a black wolf approaches her…and turns into a wildly sexy man. Though she sees danger lurking in his eyes, it doesn’t scare her away. Instead, it only fans the flames of her passion….


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  Lucas crouched low in the dew-dampened fall leaves carpeting the forest floor, his mouth filling with saliva. The woman sitting in the clearing looked good enough to eat and it’d been a long time since he’d sunk his teeth into something that juicy.

  She was out here all alone, vulnerable to the many dangers lurking in the woods. He should know. He was the most dangerous of all.

  The woman sat on a flat rock, her thighs drawn against her chest, honey-blond hair falling over the arms she braced across her knees. The blanket slipped to expose a creamy shoulder and bare legs crossed at the ankles.

  Oh, for a taste of that skin—to just nibble on the spot where her neck met her back, to dip into that honeypot.

  The woman lifted her head. Tears glittered in the moonlight leaving silver trails down her pale cheeks. But even tear-stained she was the most beautiful thing in these woods. The hunger in him grew.

  Jasmine shivered and pulled the thin blanket up over her shoulders. What the hell was she doing out here in the middle of the night? In the dark. Alone.

  The reason was scorched into her mind like a bad movie scene. Her fiancé—scrap that, ex-fiancé—was fucking another woman.

  She wiped her gritty eyes and damp cheeks on the corner of the blanket. She had to pull herself together and work out what she’d do next. When Brent had suggested this weekend away, she’d talked him into coming up to the old cabin her grandfather had left her. It was supposed to be a romantic weekend for two, not one with all his pals and their skanky plastic girlfriends.

  Anger snuffed out her hurt. How dare he? She’d never felt like harming anyone before, but tonight she could have ripped Brent limb from limb with her bare hands. And that smug bitch, too. Jasmine relaxed her jaw, aching from gritting her teeth, and the pressure in her head released.

  A twig snapped to her left.

  She turned and glanced around the moon-dappled clearing, the hairs standing up on the back of her neck.


  Nothing. But the goose bumps didn’t recede, either. Someone was watching her. Someone or some thing. She could feel eyes hidden within the shadows.

  Another twig cracked, this time from behind.

  A shiver ran down her spine and she twisted around, the blanket falling from her shoulders.

  “Brent, if that’s you—piss off and leave me alone.” She managed to hide all but the slightest wobble in her voice.

  A rustling came from the front. The bush shook. Her breath froze, blood ran cold, and limbs turned to stone.

  A large black dog stepped out from the undergrowth. The biggest, blackest dog she’d ever seen. It looked like a wolf, but it couldn’t be, there’d been no wolves in this area for over a hundred years. She braced her hands against the rock. Her pulse hammered in her ears. But he looked up at her with friendly intelligent gray eyes, then looked away, avoiding eye contact.

  “Hello, boy.” Instinctively she knew it was male.

  Fear crunched in her gut but her grandfather had taught her never to show alarm in front of wild animals. “The beast is usually more afraid than you,” he would say.

  But there was something different about this dog. Even though he kept his eyes averted and approached her indirectly, stopping every now and then to sniff the ground in a show of nonaggression, she sensed he was not like others.

  Jasmine hoped his owner was nearby as she watched the huge animal take a step closer and sit at her feet. He tilted his head with his tongue lolling to one side, but the way he looked at her was far too…human.

  She reached a tentative hand out to his nose, mere inches from those massive jaws, which could tear out her throat with a single bite. But when he licked her outstretched digits, her fear receded—a little.

  The way his tongue curled around her fingers sent a different kind of shiver down her spine. Those eyes continued to stare. Strange eyes, old eyes, eyes that seemed to know what she felt.

  The animal’s shoulders shifted and he jumped up, knocking her into the soft fall leaves behind with his large front paws. A cloud passed over the full moon, plunging the clearing into darkness. She could only make out the silhouette of his head as his large body pinned her down while he licked her face.

  “Down, boy. Down. Get off me,” she said with a laugh, pushing away his head.

  But he was strong, too strong, pressing her down with his massive chest so she couldn’t move, pinning her arms close to her body with his front legs. His tongue continued licking, moving down to her throat, his hot breath singeing her sensitive skin.

  “Whoa, boy—getting a little too friendly there,” she said, and tried to push him away with a little more force.

  A growl vibrated through her from the animal’s throat. Her fear spiked again.

  This dog wanted to eat her.

  Jasmine pushed harder and managed to crawl out from under him. He growled again.

  She struggled to her feet, dropping the blanket.

  His growl deepened. She turned.

  The dog snapped and caught the hem of her short nightgown, tearing it.

  Jasmine ran.

  The cloud moved on and moonlight flooded the clearing. She dashed over the uneven ground through the forest, glancing over her shoulder every other minute. Her back prickled with fear, knowing the beast could take her at any moment.

  Her heart hammered heavily in her throat as she ran on. Tree branches snatched at her with skeletal fingers, snagging her hair and shredding her nightdress.

  And then…dead end. Rocky cliffs surrounded her on three sides. The only way out was the way she came in. She’d run blind and stumbled into an old dry creek bed, the water long disappeared under the cliffs. Her panting breath labored as she stopped beside a giant tree, listening for pursuit while ready to climb.

  She gulped in the cold night air, burning her lungs with its icy touch. The forest lay silent all around except for the rustle of leaves in the wind and the crickets’ serenade. The beast must’ve lost interest. Thank God.

  A twig snapped.

  Her heart froze.

  With frantic hands, she clutched at the branches above, her feet scrabbling for a foothold as she tried to haul herself off the ground.

  “Wait,” a deep, rumbling voice barked. “I won’t hurt you.”

  She looked over her shoulder as a man stepped into the moonlight.

  He was tall and muscular and…half naked.

  She couldn’t tear her eyes away. Intelligent gray eyes returned her gaze, his head tilted to the side as if studying her.

  Dark hair hung past his massive broad shoulders. The moonlight played across the rippling ridges of his stomach and a familiar scrap of multicolored fabric was wrapped around his hips.

  Her blanket.

  “You?” Jasmine raised trembling fingers to her face.

  He closed in, a smile tugging at the corner of his full masculine mouth. Hooded eyes dropped to her lips when her tongue darted out to wet them. It only seemed to stoke the hunger in his gaze.

  Like a startled rabbit trembling before an approaching wolf, Jasmine had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

  “So ripe…” he whispered under his breath.

  She straightened. “Excuse me?”

  He stopped mere inches away. All of a sudden, she had
too much air for her lungs. Her nipples contracted into hard little pebbles and her stomach tied itself in knots.

  He didn’t even try to close the gap between them, just stood there staring at her. “You smell delicious.”

  “So you do want to eat me?”

  He threw back his head and laughed, as deep and rich as the loamy soil of the forest. “Oh, yes, little girl. I want to eat you and suck you, taste you and fuck you.”

  The sound of his voice vibrated through every erogenous nerve in her body. If she’d been wearing panties, they would’ve been drenched. Her eyes slid down his taut torso to his waist and beyond—she wasn’t the only one affected. The wrap around his hips bulged rather obviously, twitching under her inspection.

  Jasmine stepped backward until she bumped into something rough and solid—the tree trunk. He was on her in a second. His hands braced either side of her head as he leaned in close to her ear, his hot breath washing over her cool skin.

  “Where are you going, little girl?” His gaze kept dropping to her lips as if mesmerized by them.

  “I don’t know who you are,” she whispered.

  “Yes, you do.” He leaned forward, his breath a tender caress against her mouth. “I’m the big bad wolf.”

  His voice flowed around her like a living thing, turning her blood to fire and her will to ashes. Jasmine met his untamable eyes and saw the danger lurking beneath the surface. But it only stoked the flames of her desire.

  He brought his lips to hers and stole the very air from her lungs. Her knees buckled, and only the tree trunk against her back stopped her from falling. No man on earth had kissed her like that—ever. Not even Brent.

  “Do you want me to eat you, little girl?” he husked in her ear. He reached beneath the tattered hem of her camisole and slid two fingers into her opening. “Oh. Yes, you do.”

  “I don’t even know your name,” she groaned as his fingers continued to work magic.

  He chuckled and withdrew his hand, licking her juices off his fingers, his eyes fastened to her mouth. “Lucas.”

  What in hell was she doing? He was a stranger. But then again, Brent was doing someone else, why shouldn’t she?

  The image of the large dog rose in her mind. No—not a dog—a wolf. A big black wolf with strangely human eyes. But it was impossible—an animal turning into a man? Like that could ever happen. Right?

  Her blue eyes stared back at him, fear etching tight lines on her forehead. And that mouth. He’d never seen or tasted such a beautiful mouth before. He leaned in and claimed her lips again. A small sigh escaped him as he pulled back. He needed more, needed to sample every inch of her. The thin fabric of her ruined night wear parted like tissue paper as he ripped it from her body.

  The cool night air puckered her nipples into tight buds ripe for the picking. He took one into his mouth and it tasted sweeter than fresh summer berries on a warm June night. He moved down toward the flat plane of her belly, stopping to nip the undersides of her soft rounded breasts. Her breath came in pants and she fisted his hair, urging him lower. Lucas was more than happy to oblige. He wanted to dip his tongue into her sweet, sweet nectar.

  Jasmine gripped the branch above with both hands as Lucas went on licking and sucking, tasting and…

  Oh, God…

  He dropped to his knees in front of her as if worshiping at her feet. The tree bark bit into her spine when he lifted her left leg to brace it over his shoulder.

  Any discomfort soon flew from her mind as he trailed molten kisses down the inside of her thigh, moving with agonizing slowness as he branded her tender flesh.

  Even the barest of touches fanned the flame of her need. His lips brushed the curls on her mound, sending shivers radiating from her central pleasure point, across her stomach to the tips of her breasts and up her throat to scorch her cheeks.

  His tongue lapped along her slit, parting her lips a little more each time until it flicked the tip of her clit. She cried out, her arms and legs quivering. Her whole world shrank to this moment in time, nothing outside of the clearing existed.

  Lucas’s fingers dug into her ass cheeks, opening her further to his intimate nether-kiss, thrusting his tongue in and out of her opening with great abandon. A strange mewling sound filled her ears and she realized it was her. Lucas teased her as he continued to explore her sex with his hot mouth, deliberately circling around the center of her pleasure.

  Her shoulders ached against the strain of her weight but she didn’t want him to stop. His tongue did strange and wonderful things to her—it was so…so…dexterous—reaching places no one had ever done.

  Before now, the best oral sex Jasmine had ever experienced was an adventurous afternoon with Candy-Lee in the first year of college. It’d been spontaneous, forbiddingly different, and all the more exciting for it. It was a onetime thing, something to look back on with guilty pleasure. But right now it paled into insignificance against the talents of the man between her legs. He knew exactly where to target and the right touch to apply to drive her beyond wild.

  The pressure increased. Sweat bathed her skin, soaking the valley between her breasts. Dampness covered her fevered skin, bringing little relief to the molten heat at the pit of her stomach.

  Soon nothing but the pleasure building in her groin mattered. No sound could be heard apart from the blood roaring in her ears. Each stroke of his tongue brought her closer and closer. She tensed her toes, curling them tight, increasing the tension of her coiled body. He kept the rhythm constant and unrelenting, concentrating only on her clit, working it faster and faster until…

  She thundered over the edge.

  Oh, wow! Once. Ah, God! Twice. Holy fucking shit! Three times. So fast, so hard and so close together. It had only taken a few moments to bring her to brink again and again until she thought her body would implode with pleasure.

  As the last shudders rippled through her muscles, he caught her around the waist when her arms gave one final complaint and let go.

  Pain flooded her shoulders, and her fingers prickled with pins and needles as the blood flowed back into her limbs. But her discomfort was short lived. Her moonlight lover kissed soft, tender places on her throat, chasing away the last of her aches.

  He was rock hard and ready against her stomach. She moved away, dropping her eyes to the pearly droplet suspended on the tip of his cock, glistening in the moonlight. She snagged it with the end of her finger and placed it in her mouth. It tasted salty and earthy at the same time.

  His eyes darkened and closed. She wrapped her hand around his shaft but he pulled out of her reach to scoop up the blanket and spread it on the soft bed of fallen leaves under the old oak.

  He stepped behind her, moving with the speed and grace of a predator. A frightened shiver tingled at the base of her spine, spreading throughout her body with warm deliciousness. One arm wrapped around her chest, brushing her nipples and covering her breast. The other hand moved lower, his cock rubbing against her lower back as deft fingers worked the sensitive nub between her legs. Her head fell back against his chest as she lost herself to the sensations he milked with exquisite expertise.

  Her whole body felt charged with sexual energy as she alternated between riding his hand and rubbing her ass along his shaft.

  He pulled her down to a kneeling position on the ground and he pushed her forward onto her hands and knees. Then the world began to shatter as he entered her with one hard thrust, hitting the sweet spot high inside.

  Her orgasm pulsed around Lucas’s cock with such intensity he nearly came then and there. He stilled, waiting for her to ride it out, biting his lip for more control.

  Her skin smelled warm and sweet, like milk and honey. He drew in her scent—tasting it, memorizing it.

  When she relaxed again he began to move slowly in and out, but as beautiful as the view of her on her hands and knees impaled on his cock was, he needed to feel her closer. Touch more of her.

  He sat back on his calves and lifted her hands off th
e ground, bringing her back against his chest. Lucas reached around and cupped her breasts. And they began to move again, slow and with precise control.

  His cock stretched her to the limit, while his hands squeezed her nipples. So many sensations hammered her body, none more intense than the other, but together they were blowing her mind. Her heart beat in her throat, blood rushed in her ears and a new orgasm built low in her groin.

  Each thrust brought her closer to the edge, his cock pounding her again and again. She was so close now, and so was he if the increase in rhythm and his moans were anything to go by.

  Faster and faster he pumped, she moved her hips in time, taking him as far inside her as she could get him. Just as she reached the peak, he gently snagged the skin of her shoulder between his teeth and she splintered into a thousand pulsing pieces.

  So powerful was the orgasm, the blood rushing from her head plunged her into darkness.

  Jasmine shivered and curled into a tighter ball but the twittering of birds invaded the last of her sleepy peace. A chilled breeze whipped over her. Brent must’ve stolen all the blankets again. She reached behind her. Someone had been there a moment ago. An empty warm patch dissipated with the cool air. She frowned and opened her eyes.

  The early-morning sun dappled across her skin as she lay curled up on a bed of leaves under a large tree. Water lapped at the lake’s edge a few feet away and the small rowboat banged against the old wooden dock.

  What was she doing down by the boathouse?

  Then it all came back in a rush. Brent with Brittney’s legs wrapped his waist. And…

  Oh, my!

  Her sex pulsed in memory of Lucas nailing her under the old tree. She’d never had such mind-blowingly fan-fucking-tastic sex in her life.


  The cooling warm spot beside her, vacated just before she woke—it was him. He’d stayed with her through the night, keeping her warm. But they had made love over half a mile away. How did she get back here to the lake house and not remember?


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