by Naomi Chase
“Depends on how much I accomplish by five.” She inched up in line.“Why?”
“Remember that charity ball I mentioned to you awhile ago? The function being hosted by one of our biggest clients?”
“Yeeeaaah.” Tamia drew out the word slowly. Cautiously. “Please don’t tell me that’s tonight, Brandon.”
“It is. But I’m not going,” he hastened to assure her. “I’m working on a time-sensitive project for my boss, so he excused me from having to attend the ball. But everyone else has to be there, so it’s going to be pretty deserted around here.” His voice deepened suggestively. “I was thinking this might be a good night for you to drop by … unannounced.”
A slow, delighted grin crawled across Tamia’s face. “Why, Mr. Chambers,” she purred.“Is this what I think it is?”
“Depends,” he said slyly.“What do you think it is?”
“Well, I could be wrong, but I think it’s a booty call.”
Brandon chuckled, the sound so sexy it curled her toes. “That’s exactly what it is. So since I’ve made the call, you bring the booty.”
Tamia laughed, excitement tingling through her veins. “What a naughty boy you are, Counselor.”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Another wicked chuckle. “Listen, baby, I gotta run. But I’ll tell the security guard that I’m expecting you after hours. He’ll let you up with no problem, ’cause we’re cool like that. Don’t call first. Just come.”
“Oh, I will,” she promised. “I’m going to come … and come … and come some more….”
Shortly after seven p.m., she stepped off the elevator and sauntered through an elegant reception area paneled in rich, dark wood and gleaming marble. The large reception desk was empty, as were the darkened offices she passed on her way down the long corridor. As she walked, the hem of her trench coat whispered across her bare legs, and the razor-sharp heels of her Manolo Blahniks sank into plush carpeting that muted her footsteps.
She smiled privately, her body humming with anticipation and arousal. It had been over a week since she and Brandon made love, and while this wasn’t out of the norm—given their busy schedules—she felt an urgency to reestablish intimacy in their relationship.
Before it’s too late, an inner voice warned.
But as she neared Brandon’s office, she heard the sound of laughter.
Her smile dissolved, and her brow furrowed in confusion. Hadn’t Brandon told her that everyone would be gone tonight? So who the hell was in his office with him?
Reaching the open doorway, Tamia frowned at the scene that greeted her.
Brandon was seated behind his large mahogany desk, a file lying open before him. An attractive, brown-skinned woman stood over him. Her dark, relaxed mane looked slightly tousled, as if she—or someone else—had been running lazy fingers through it. She stood so close to Brandon that every time she leaned down, the ends of her hair brushed his shoulder. She was pointing to something on the page that had both of them cracking up.
Feeling like she was the interloper, Tamia drawled sarcasti-cally,“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
Brandon and the woman glanced up quickly. When Brandon saw Tamia standing in the doorway, his face broke into a warm, broad smile.“Hey, baby.”
“Hey, yourself.” But Tamia’s eyes were on the woman, gauging her reaction to her sudden appearance.
The sister stepped away from Brandon’s chair and discreetly plucked a hair clip off the corner of his desk. Tamia imagined her removing the clip from her hair and shaking the lustrous tresses free while Brandon watched.
Inwardly seething, she advanced into the room.
Brandon stood, rounded the desk, and came forward to greet her. With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top three buttons of his shirt undone, he looked so ruggedly handsome that Tamia felt a stab of jealousy at the thought of this chick trying to seduce him.
He embraced Tamia and stepped back, his eyes glinting with mischief as they swept over her, as if he could see through her trench coat to her scantily clad body.
“Let me introduce you to one of my colleagues.”As Brandon turned to face the woman, she emerged from behind the desk. When Tamia glanced downward and saw that she was barefoot, her eyes widened in disbelief.
What the fuck?
“Tamia, I’d like you to meet Cynthia Yarbrough. Cynthia, this is my girlfriend, Tamia Luke.”
The woman smiled and stepped forward, hand out-stretched.“Hello, Tamia. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Tamia shook her hand, sizing her up. She grudgingly acknowledged that Cynthia was pretty, though in a wholesome, girl-next-door type of way. Equally nonthreaten-ing was her slender figure. She wore a fitted gray skirt and a pink silk blouse with a deep V neckline that was practically wasted on her small cleavage. Brandon preferred women with meat on their bones: voluptuous curves, large breasts, thick thighs, and juicy asses. So this waif could do absolutely nothing for him, Tamia told herself. Right? Right?
She deliberately let her gaze wander down to Cynthia’s feet again. Her toenails were painted the same shade of pink as her blouse. How cute, Tamia thought snidely.
“I didn’t realize you guys were allowed to work barefoot,” she coolly remarked.
Cynthia and Brandon shared an amused chuckle. “We’re not,” Cynthia admitted sheepishly.“But I like to get comfortable after hours.”
I bet you do, bitch.
Returning Tamia’s bold appraisal, Cynthia marveled, “I don’t know how you can stand around in those heels all day long. What are they—six inches?”
“Five,” Tamia corrected, bristling at the insinuation that she spent all day on her feet like some hooker on a damn street corner.“But even if I didn’t have a cushy desk job, I wouldn’t have a problem wearing these shoes for several hours. I’ve got amazing stamina.” She slid an intimate glance at Brandon.“Isn’t that right, baby?”
Brandon coughed into his fist. If he weren’t so dark-skinned, Tamia would have sworn he was blushing.
Chuckling with satisfaction, she turned back to Cynthia, who didn’t look so smug anymore. “Aren’t you going to the charity ball tonight?” she inquired sweetly. “Or did you get a written excuse from the boss as well?”
Cynthia sighed.“No, I have to go. Unfortunately,” she said, winking playfully at Brandon, “there’s only room for one golden child around here.”
Brandon grinned, flashing dimples. “Now, now. Don’t be jealous.”
She laughed.“You wish!”
Tamia frowned at their banter, feeling once again like the outsider.
“Well, I’d better mosey along,” Cynthia announced.“I still need to go home and get gussied up, and I’m already running pretty late.”
“Don’t forget your deposition transcript,” Brandon reminded her.
“Oh! Thanks, I need that.” She turned and leaned across the desk to retrieve her file, showing off a firm, perfectly round butt. Realizing that she’d underestimated at least one of sister-girl’s assets, Tamia shot a glance at Brandon. He was staring at the floor with total, focused absorption.
Tamia’s eyes narrowed.
As Cynthia strolled from the office, Brandon said to her, “Have a good time at the ball, Cinder—I mean, Cynthia.”
“Ha ha. Very funny.” She paused in the doorway, grinning at him. “I’ll be in court all day tomorrow, so if I don’t catch you around the office, I’ll see you at the mayor’s fund-raiser dinner on Saturday.”
“Right,” Brandon mumbled.
Cynthia smiled easily at Tamia.“Nice meeting you again.”
Tamia didn’t smile back.“Likewise.”
After closing the door behind the other woman, she rounded accusingly on Brandon. “What did she mean about seeing you at the mayor’s fund-raiser dinner? And why is this the first time I’m hearing about it?”
Brandon shrugged, returning to the chair behind his desk. “It’s not a big deal,” he said evasively.
; “Oh, really?” Tamia challenged, stalking him across the room. “Since when are major political functions in this town not a big deal?”
“They aren’t to me,” Brandon said calmly.
“Are you serious? You’re the lieutenant governor’s son! You’re always on the invitation list for these events!” Struck by a sudden suspicion, she stared at him. “Your parents wouldn’t happen to be attending this fund-raiser, would they?”
Brandon held her gaze for a moment, then averted his eyes.“What difference does—”
“Just answer the question!” Tamia demanded.
“Fine,” he snapped. “Yes, my parents will be there. Okay? Damn. Are you satisfied?”
“Oh, I see how it is,” Tamia jeered, planting her hands on the desk and leaning toward him. “I’m good enough to serve as arm candy at your little work functions, but I’m not good enough to attend the same social events where, God forbid, your parents might see me!”
Brandon scowled at her.“You’re wrong. It’s not like that.”
“Isn’t it? Then why didn’t you mention anything to me about the mayor’s fund-raiser dinner? Why did I have to hear about it from your little office girlfriend?”
“My what?”
“You heard me!” She sneered. “You and your colleague looked mighty cozy together when I showed up tonight.”
Brandon frowned. “Keep your voice down or she’ll hear you.”
“I don’t give a shit!” Tamia shouted, slapping an open palm on the desk.“Matter of fact, I hope she does hear me! See, you might be too blind to peep game, but I’m not! I know what that scheming little bitch is up to. Sashaying around here barefoot, letting her hair down, leaning all over you. When I got here she was practically sitting in your damn lap!”
Brandon groaned, cradling his head in his hands. “Come on, baby. Don’t do this.”
“Do what? I’m just speaking the truth and you know it. Don’t sit there and expect me to be cool with some bitch trying to fuck my man!”
“There’s nothing going on between me and Cynthia,” he said wearily.
Tamia smirked. “You sure about that? ’Cause it was really hard to tell with all the teasing and flirting that was going on.”
“Nobody was flirting,” he insisted. “Cynthia and I have worked together for two years. We’re colleagues, nothing more.”
“You might wanna tell her that.”
“I don’t need to,” Brandon said with exaggerated patience, leaning back in his chair. “Cynthia’s not interested in me like that.”
“Nigga, please!” Tamia scoffed in outrage.“You can’t possibly expect me to believe that bullshit. Not after what I just saw with my own two eyes!”
Brandon sighed heavily. “Come on, baby, let’s not argue anymore. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all day.” His eyes roamed across her chest, zeroing in on a wisp of red lace that peeked through the lapels of her trench coat.
He licked his lips, grinning suggestively. “Why don’t you bring your sexy self over here and sit on Daddy’s lap?”
Tamia sneered.“Because fucking is all I’m good for, right? Oh, and picking up your dry-cleaning? I’m good for fucking and running your errands!”
“What?” Brandon stared at her incredulously.“Why would you say something crazy like that?”
“Is it crazy?” She looked him dead in the eye. “Tell me something, baby. Has Cynthia ever met your beloved parents?”
He hesitated, looking uncomfortable. “What does that have—”
“Yes or no?”
He dropped his guilty gaze.“Yes,” he muttered.
“That’s what I thought.” Tamia spun on her heel and marched toward the door.
“Where are you going?” Brandon called after her.
Tamia was trembling, struggling to control the hurt and rage tearing through her soul. Why wasn’t she good enough for him? Why?
She heard his leather chair creak as he lunged to his feet and hurried after her.“Baby, wait! Don’t go—”
She was out the door and halfway down the corridor before he caught up to her. She shrugged off his hand and threw up her own, pushing him back.
“Tell you what,” she snarled.“Since Cynthia’s good enough to be introduced to your parents and I’m not, the next time you’re in the mood for some after-hours pussy, give her a fucking call!”
Brandon frowned.“Baby—”
Her gaze shot past his shoulder. Cynthia had just emerged from an office down the hallway, keys and briefcase in hand.
Tamia laughed derisively.“Oh, wait. You don’t have to call her. ’Cause you know what’s even better than after-hours pussy? Easy-access pussy!”
Five minutes later, she was in her car and racing out of the parking garage when her cell phone rang.
“I need you,” Dominic said without preamble.“Tonight.”
She didn’t even blink.“I’m on my way.”
Chapter 13
This time he was waiting on the living room sofa, calmly smoking a blunt. He wore a dark blue robe and silk pajama bottoms.
She walked into the room, peeled off her trench coat, and let it slide to the floor. His eyes widened when he beheld her body, her breasts and pussy barely shielded by scraps of red lace.
Without uttering a word, she sauntered over to him and knelt between his spread legs. He stared at her as she yanked his robe open and ran her hands over his hard chest before leaning forward to trace the muscles with her tongue. As she slowly worked her way downward, she felt him trembling, felt his pulse quickening beneath his warm skin. He quickly mashed out his blunt in the ashtray beside him.
When she reached the waistband of his pajama bottoms, she untied the drawstring with her teeth, then grasped his pants and tugged them down. His long, thick cock sprang out at her like a jack-in-the-box.
Tamia looked up at him, and with his eyes holding hers, she leaned down and flicked her tongue over the bulbous head, snakelike. Dominic groaned and shoved his hand into the hair at the nape of her neck. She curled her fingers around the base of his shaft and took him deep into her mouth.
“Fuck,” he breathed, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back against the sofa.
She worked her lips and tongue up and down his cock, caressing his swollen balls with her hand. His fingers tightened in her hair, digging into her scalp. Aroused by his guttural moans, she sucked him harder and faster as he pushed his hips upward, thrusting deeper into her mouth.
Seconds later he came with a hoarse groan, his dick pulsing rapidly in her mouth. Hot, salty cum spilled over her tongue and rolled down the back of her throat. She swallowed every last drop.
As she pulled away, Dominic rose to his feet and pulled up his pants. She gasped as he reached down, hoisted her into his arms, and strode purposefully down the hallway and around a corner. He carried her into an enormous, luxuriously appointed bedroom aglow with candles.
After setting her down on the king-size bed, he ripped off her lingerie, followed by his robe and pants. She watched as he grabbed a foil packet off the nightstand, ripped it open, and smoothed the latex over his thick erection. She was pleased to see how quickly he’d recovered from his orgasm. She wouldn’t have had the patience to wait for him to get it up again. She was horny and ready to be fucked now, not later.
Dominic reached for her again, dragging her toward the edge of the bed and turning her onto her stomach. She pushed herself up on all fours, heart pounding with anticipation and adrenaline.
Dominic grabbed her by the waist and rammed his hard cock inside her. Her sharp cry of ecstasy dissolved into a husky moan as he began thrusting in and out of her. The sounds of her wet pussy, combined with the rhythmic slap of his skin against hers, echoed tantalizingly around the room.
Dominic bent over her back and reached underneath to cup her swaying breasts and tease her engorged nipples as he fucked her. With each deep, penetrating stroke his balls slammed against her clit, heightening her pleasure until she swore s
he’d go out of her mind.
“Fuck me,” she commanded breathlessly.“Fuck me, nigga. FUCK ME!”
“You got it, baby,” he groaned.“You got this shit.”
She reached behind him to squeeze his firm, naked ass and push him even deeper into her pussy. He moaned and started pummeling her harder, faster, until she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming at the top of her lungs and rupturing her larynx.
“Who this pussy belong to?” he demanded hoarsely.
“Yours, baby,” she yelled.“It’s all yours!”
Satisfied, he reached down and fingered her clit, tweaking the sensitive flesh. She cried out as she came uncontrollably. Dominic followed within seconds, shouting profanities as he exploded inside her.
But Tamia wasn’t through with him yet.
He’d been toying with her, stringing her along for days. She intended to make the most of this moment, milk every last drop of pleasure she could. And by the time she was finished, he’d be feenin’ for more of her.
As Dominic slid out of her body, she glanced over her shoulder and whispered to him,“Let me ride you.”
He groaned.“Hell, yeah.”
He stretched out on the bed and propped himself against the headboard. She climbed onto his lap, the backs of her thighs pressing down on his. As he wrapped his soft, juicy lips around her left nipple, she reached between their bodies to stroke his throbbing dick. He groaned, his eyes sliding closed in ecstasy.
His hands moved down to grip her ass tightly as he lifted her up and eased her pussy down onto him. She locked her feet under his legs and gyrated her hips to bring the hard, engorged base of his dick against her clit.
“Damn, Mystique,” he moaned against her chest, and she didn’t care that he was calling her by a name she’d disowned long ago. She wanted to be her—intensely erotic, uninhibited, removed from the act of betrayal she was committing against the man she loved.
As she closed her eyes and threw back her head, she could already feel the pressure of another orgasm building in her stomach and thighs. She picked up the pace, breasts bouncing as she slammed her pussy walls up and down the length of Dominic’s cock. She rode him like she was a jockey and he was her champion Thoroughbred.