Rebecca Newton and the Sacred Flame

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Rebecca Newton and the Sacred Flame Page 24

by Mario Routi

  “You knew about this?” she asked Turgoth.

  “I did,” he replied.

  “And you didn’t tell me anything?”

  “Instructions from the Gods,” he smiled and shrugged apologetically.

  “I feel strange,” she said. “So much responsibility on my shoulders.”

  “You’ll do more than fine,” Turgoth said, taking his young bride’s hand in his as they turned to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.

  Eventually, the people started to leave and, after Rebecca had spent some time with her family, she and Turgoth went together to their new home. It would be the first time they would stay together alone.

  As they reached the door, Turgoth swept her up into his strong arms and carried her over the threshold, gently kissing her as they walked through the house.

  “Don’t be shy or scared, Princess,” he whispered.

  “I’m not,” she replied, returning his kisses.

  He carried her up to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She smiled up at him as he slowly and gently started to unlace and unbutton her elaborate wedding outfit, kissing her soft young body tenderly as he revealed each new part. Rebecca shivered in ecstasy at the touch of his fingers and lips, feeling a surge of passion she had never experienced before. She moaned in pleasure as he removed the last item of clothing and enfolded her naked body in his arms.

  They made love for hours and neither of them spoke again until they were lying together with their limbs intertwined, on the edge of sleep.

  “I thought Orizons never lied,” Rebecca murmured with a mischievous smile.

  “Huh?” Turgoth grunted.

  “You definitely said that you would never remarry!”

  He leaned across and kissed her lips again by way of an answer.


  Ten Years Later

  As the years passed, Rebecca and Turgoth ruled the Land of the White Sun with love and wisdom. Turgoth took over from Field Marshal Foster and taught the young Orizons how to use the sword, while Rebecca showed them how to fly, as Princess Felicia had done before her.

  General Hunter held his position, while Turgoth appointed a new Amazon Leader. Her name was Nemesis, named after the Greek Goddess of Revenge.

  Rebecca always went with Bull and Doctor Afterland to give the Flame to newborn Orizons.

  Felicia and Leiko would join Rebecca and Turgoth for the Flame Ceremony without fail and they also accepted the young trainees into their home for their final training with Leiko and their flight with Pegasus, just as Lord Life and Lady Danae had done before them. The mythical Winged Horse stayed with them.

  One of the things that Rebecca changed was that she stopped keeping the secret of immortality from the young Orizons before the time came to make their decision. She wanted them to know everything from the moment they arrived in Utopia. The same applied for all the Sharkans, too, who could now go to Utopia and receive the Flame at the age of eighteen. At their birth, Rebecca gave the Flame to them in just the same way.

  Felicia and Leiko now had a nine-year-old son who they named Alexander in honour of Alexander the Great, the Greek General who was Leiko’s good friend and was now enjoying eternity in the Elysian Fields. Alexander had already started going to school in Utopia, riding there on Pegasus every morning and returning with him in the afternoon.

  Felicia visited the Elysian Fields at least once a year in order to update the Gods on the situation in the Land of the White Sun. During these visits, she would meet with her parents and spend some quality time with them.

  With no wars, the population in the Land of the White Sun kept increasing and two new Kingdoms were created. The first, they named ‘Ator’ and it was built only a few miles from Utopia. All the Centaurs went to live there, while the Amazons stayed in Utopia, together with the Orizons. The Sharkans remained in Beast, which was renamed ‘Thunder,’ but a few miles away, a second new Kingdom was created for the Porth and the Cyclopes. This Kingdom was called ‘CyPor.’

  Once a month, the warriors from each Kingdom gathered in Utopia and trained together, doing virtual simulated battles and fighting imaginary wars in order to be ready to defend the Flame, should the need ever arise. They knew that, sooner or later, the Titans would find a way to send a new army of hellish demons out from Tartarus to try once again to steal the Flame. It was an ongoing war and Rebecca always had to be ready to protect the Flame, if needed.

  For over ten years, however, peace reigned and everything seemed to be going well.


  One evening, Turgoth entered the house and removed his sword as usual. Rebecca was lying on the couch reading Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, looking as beautiful as ever.

  “How was your day, my love?” he asked, gazing at her with as much love in his heart as he had felt on the day of their marriage.

  “It was very good, indeed,” she said. “The young Orizons are all thrilled with this new air handball game. How about you?”

  “I went to the hospital today. A trainee got a little hurt - nothing serious, luckily. But the nurse thought that I had come to meet you. She told me you had left the hospital a while before. You were there with Doctor Afterland. What were you doing there, Princess? Is everything OK?”

  “Of course it is,” she smiled and carefully closed her book before putting it down, as if deliberately playing for time. “But I do have something important to tell you.”

  “What is it, dearest?” The immediate look of concern on his face touched her and made her laugh.

  “I’m pregnant!”

  King Turgoth stood as still as a statue, staring at her. He could feel a cry of joy struggling to break out of his throat but he was somehow unable to make a sound. His face transformed before her eyes, the lines of age melting away until he looked almost like a child - a very happy child. Perhaps the happiest child in the world!

  Rebecca held her arms open and he ran into them as if suddenly waking from a coma. He lifted her from the couch and swung her round and round - her feet flying off the floor like a kid - kissing the top of her head, her neck, her mouth, her cheeks.

  “I don’t believe it! I’m going to be a father? What more could I possibly ask for? What did I do to deserve such happiness?”

  Rebecca was laughing joyously, just as she had when Doctor Afterland first broke the news to her. She would become a mother just before her thirtieth birthday.

  “Do your parents know?” Turgoth asked excitedly. “Your grandparents?”

  “No, I wanted to tell you first. Just you and I know. And Doctor Afterland, of course.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for, then? We should go and tell them immediately. And let’s tell Bull, too!”

  “I’ve already invited everyone for dinner, including Bull and the Doctor. Lady Felicia and Lord Leiko will join us too, along with little Alexander. I want them all to hear the news at the same time.”

  “That’s a great idea.” His face suddenly turned serious. “Needless to say, as of now, no more flying or training for you - at least not for the next nine months or so.”

  “Ah, don’t worry. I know what to do. Doctor Afterland has already given me that lecture.”

  Their discussion was interrupted by a knock at the door as the first guests arrived. Soon, they had the house full and Turgoth called for everyone’s attention for a moment. Standing with his arm around his smiling young wife’s shoulders, he announced the news. Everyone immediately turned to look at Doctor Afterland, who nodded and raised his glass to propose a toast to the couple and their unborn child. All of the other guests raised their glasses, too, and toasted the forthcoming birth before rushing forward as one to embrace the happy couple, almost knocking them off their feet.


  Eight Months Later

  Bull held the lantern with the Blue Flam
e as Lady Felicia knocked at the door. Doctor Afterland was standing beside her.

  Turgoth opened the door. He was obviously agitated and unable to stand still, his eyes constantly darting anxiously to the bedroom door.

  “Welcome, welcome,” he said, ushering them in. “She’s in the bedroom. She feels a little pain. Are you sure she will be alright?”

  Felicia smiled and touched his hand reassuringly. She had never imagined she would see the great King Turgoth in such a vulnerable state.

  “Calm down, King Turgoth,” the Doctor said. “She is just giving birth. It’s natural to feel some pain. There is nothing to worry about.”

  Rebecca’s parents and grandparents were all gathered together in the house for the event. There was already an air of happiness and excitement and none of them seemed to be sharing the King’s worries.

  “Let us sit,” Felicia said, taking the Flame from Bull, as Doctor Afterland went into the bedroom where Rebecca was waiting, her forehead shining with sweat.

  “Hello, my dear child,” Afterland smiled. “It seems to me like only yesterday that Felicia and I gave you the Flame at your birth. And here we are now about to do the same for your child. So, shall we proceed? We’d better get on with it or your poor husband will soon be in need of my attention much more than you.”

  Rebecca laughed and clutched at her swollen belly with a grimace of pain.

  In the living room, Turgoth was biting his nails while everyone else was relaxed and they chatted, unable to resist teasing the King about his nerves.

  After what seemed to Turgoth like an eternity, the sound of a baby’s cries stilled their conversation and they all stood to face Doctor Afterland as he came out of the room.

  “It’s a girl!” he announced.

  Felicia went into the room with the Flame, followed by Turgoth. The baby took the Flame and Felicia asked: “What will her name be?”

  “Leylah,” Rebecca said.

  “I name thee Leylah,” said Lady Felicia.

  Turgoth, unable to stop himself from beaming with pride and relief, hugged Rebecca tenderly and kissed her softly on the lips. He then took his daughter in his arms for the first time.

  “Hello, Leylah. Welcome to the world!” he said, as tears of joy misted his eyes.

  With the Doctor’s support, Rebecca stood up and they all went into the living room to present Leylah to her family.


  Seven Months Later

  Rebecca and Turgoth were living in a real paradise. Rebecca had breast fed Leylah for exactly six months, as per Doctor Afterland’s instructions. Turgoth took over some of Rebecca’s duties so that she could concentrate more on Leylah, but soon the Princess would be back to her full responsibilities. Besides, she had all the help in the world - both her parents and all of her grandparents were there for her whenever she needed to call on them!

  On the day of the Flame Ceremony, Rebecca and Turgoth kissed Leylah goodbye, leaving her with her great-grandmother, Martha, as they and the rest of the family joined everyone else in the amphitheatre, waiting for the Ceremony to begin.

  Several young Orizons were anxiously preparing to receive the Flame and everyone applauded and cheered when Pegasus appeared above them in the sky, carrying Lady Felicia and Lord Leiko.

  Once he had landed, Pegasus sat beside the Flame and its new Guard - a dragon named Bitho - who resembled a giant tyrannosaurus. He was red and green and just as huge as the Sphinx was, with powerful wings and silver claws. His sharp teeth were like spears and he could shoot great balls of fire from his mouth when angered.

  The Ceremony was as solemn as always and after it, the crowd celebrated, as they usually did, by eating, dancing and enjoying themselves.

  After the party, Felicia and Leiko left on Pegasus and Rebecca and Turgoth hurried home to their daughter. They talked happily about the events of the day as they rode.

  As they came closer to the house, they realised that the door was wide open. Both fell silent as they exchanged looks and quickened their step. When they entered and surveyed the scene it took them a few moments to grasp what they were looking at. The house appeared to have been the setting of a battle. Everything was broken and a terrible silence hung over the scene of devastation. They ran to Leylah’s bedroom, where Martha lay on the floor, bleeding from her head. Her hands, legs and mouth were tied and she appeared to be unconscious. There was no sign of the child.

  Turgoth felt as if someone had pulled the floor out from under his feet and instinctively held on to a chair so that he wouldn’t faint.

  Rebecca ran to her grandmother, cut the ropes around her arms and legs and ungagged her. Pulling himself together, Turgoth fetched her some water, his hands and legs shaking. Rebecca took her grandmother’s bleeding head in her hands and tried to coax a few sips of water between her lips, caressing her hair as she tried to wake her gently. After a few minutes, Martha’s bruised eyelids fluttered open.

  “Rebecca,” she croaked. “I am so sorry. There were so many of them and they caught me off guard... I tried... I killed at least two of them and injured a few others, but they... they took her. They took Leylah!” She began to cry.

  “Who, Grandma? Who took her?” Rebecca asked, although she already knew the answer.

  “Demons! At least ten of them. They left a note for you and Turgoth.”

  “What note? Where is it?” Turgoth asked.

  “Under Leylah’s pillow,” Martha gestured toward the cot.

  Rebecca helped her grandmother into a chair while Turgoth took the letter and started to read it.


  Two Hours Earlier

  Martha was on the couch reading Homer’s Iliad with classical music playing softly in the background, unaware that the leader of the raiding party of demons was watching her carefully through the window. The demons were emboldened by the knowledge that everyone else was now safely in the fortress attending the Flame Ceremony.

  The leader signalled to his companions and one of them slid towards the unlocked door like a snake through the grass.

  Martha thought she heard something and left her book on the table to go and check that Leylah was still sleeping.

  She let out an involuntary scream as the first demon jumped up in front of her and ten more burst in through the door at the sound of her cry. Instantly taking a fighting stance, she reached for her sword but two demons fell on her, snarling like hungry dogs and knocking it from her hand. She leapt up to escape them but felt their claws grabbing her legs and pulling her back down. They threw her to the floor and pounced on top.

  She pressed her fingers deep into one of her attackers’ eyes and gouged them out, leaving him screaming and blinded. As he jumped back, she managed to get her hands round the leathery throat of the second one. While she strangled the life from him, two more demons tried to grab her legs. She kicked out with all the power she could muster and felt the crunch of breaking bones. By that time, three more demons had fallen on her, all punching and kicking and screaming with anger at her resistance.

  She managed to crawl to where her sword had fallen in the struggle, dragging her assailants along with her and stabbing deep into the chest of one, instantly killing him and forcing the others to draw back for a second. She was now on her feet, bleeding and breathing heavily. Two demons were lying dead on the floor; a third seemed to have a broken leg and she had blinded another. Black blood was dripping from where his eyes used to be. Martha was now confident that she would be able to kill them all in just a few minutes as long as she concentrated.

  “Surrender now or I’ll kill her!” screeched a demon she hadn’t seen creeping into the bedroom during the fight. He was holding Leylah above his head and one of his razor sharp claws was hovering on the main artery of the baby’s tiny throat. “Drop your sword now!” he commanded.

  Martha ob
eyed, her whole body trembling with a mixture of suppressed fury and fear for the life of her great-granddaughter.

  “Now kneel! On your knees! And put your hands behind your head,” shrieked the demon.

  Martha did as she was told and the other demons pounced on her, holding her arms and legs while the leader whispered in her ear.

  “We will leave this note for the child’s parents under her pillow,” he hissed, and then signalled for another demon who was behind her to strike her hard on the back of the head. Martha fell heavily, her face striking the floor. The demons were all over her defenceless body, tying her hands and legs and sealing her mouth while stealing cowardly punches on her prone body as they worked. Gathering up the dead and injured bodies of their companions, they ran from the house. The leader had Leylah clutched to his chest, her face being scratched painfully by the wiry hairs as he ran, and his claws digging deep into her little body, but she remained wide-eyed and quiet.


  Present Time

  Rebecca and Turgoth read the letter:

  Princess Rebecca and King Turgoth,

  We have your daughter. We don’t want to harm her. As proof of our noble intentions, you can see that we didn’t kill the babysitter. All we want is to free our Lords, the Titans, so that they can avenge the Gods, exterminate them and destroy the Elysian Fields. They will then reign on Earth as fair and wise rulers. For us to accomplish this, we need the Sacred Flame. Bring it to us and we promise to release your daughter and not to harm the Land of the White Sun. The mighty Titans are not interested in your Land. All they need is the Flame. They will let you live in peace. After exactly two days and nights - at sunrise - we want you to surrender the Flame to us in the Gorgons’ lair. We will take it to Tartarus to release the Titans and we will then bring your daughter back to you alive and in one piece. If you aren’t there for our meeting, you shall receive your daughter in many pieces. Bring us the Flame! You owe the Gods nothing. Take your daughter back and save your Land and your people. Refuse our offer and you will regret it for all eternity. Remember: At sunrise, after two days and nights, at the Gorgons’ Lair!


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