My My Little Prince

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My My Little Prince Page 20

by Rod Lacy Rod Lacy

  “Oh yes Mr. Wilson, I´ll be here on time. I got carried away last night arranging my new apartment and fell asleep without setting my alarm. “

  Within the hour Sherine entered the shop carrying flowers.

  “I brought some flowers; I thought they might brighten up the shop a little.”

  “Why they are beautiful Sherine, thank you.” He put them by the register.

  Later that afternoon Mr. Wilson brought out the suits and gave them to Sherine. She left the store immediately and drove in her sweltering little car to deliver them. On the way there she broke down and called Michelle. “Michelle, it´s Sherine, I just called to tell you I miss you! … No, I have not seen Dirt Bag … Yes, I want to see you … Yes. I live near that pool hall where the other club hangs out, but ... No I do not want to meet you there tonight. I had a little problem there the other night. I’ll tell you all about it when I see you, OK? … No, forget the pool hall for now. Come to my new apt, but it will have to be after work. I´ll call you again later. Right now I'm delivering suites to Attorney Gerrard … Yes, the attorney that was on TV last year for that murder at city hall. And Michelle, you’re not going to believe this, but I made love to him on his yacht. Yes, I did. I finally did it and I loved it. See I can be normal! … No, no, it's not BS, I am seeing him, we went out on a date last and he took me to Sunset Waterfront Grill out at the marina … yeah, Michelle, I remember. Mom used to call all nice restaurants ‘swanky’, and it sure was that! Anyway, it was incredible Michelle, and I bet he ordered these suits to get me to come to his office and do it again with him. And if he didn´t, I don´t care. I’m going to give him the best he has ever had … Thanks for all you taught me, big sister. I am the queen now and I have pawns all over that will bow when I tell them to. There is a long pause... Michelle asks, “do you know what you did?” “I know… I did it. I let someone else touch me without crying or going into my world. I am excited. I showed some loving emotion” “Yes, that is fantastic. It is good thing. You know it has been years” Then thinking to herself she thought, “Why am I always somewhere thinking about somewhere else. Why do I dream of the future and think of the past. Why can't I live for the moment? And why do I cry?”

  Michelle hung up and Sherine had that familiar feeling of despair and loneliness again and wanted to hurt herself to feel the pain of life. She went into a deep instant depression for a few seconds and started biting her arm, even as she drove. Within seconds she could see bite marks on her arm so deep the they were bleeding. She looked up into the rear-view mirror and saw that she had blood on her lips and even her pretty white teeth had a crimson sheen. She saw too where some of the blood had already dripped onto her blouse and onto her pants.

  “Why do I do that!?” she asked herself. She shuddered and sobbed, “and how can I do it without realizing it? God!” she ran her tongue over her teeth and lips as she opened the center console of her car looking for a tissue. “why does it excite me to see the blood?” She pounded a tiny fist on her steering wheel, “You’re a freak Sherine!” she yelled out-loud. She found her tissues and mustered some spittle in her dry mouth.

  She had learned long ago that a person’s personal saliva was the best thing to remove their own blood stains. This wasn’t her first time cleaning up after herself. She wetted it and began dabbing furiously at the already clotted blood. Luckily, there were only two small drops. “almost like it is all sensation, the pain is pleasurable.”

  Within twenty minutes she was all cleaned up and she found herself in the elevator to Joe’s office. Sherine looked at herself in the mirrored walls as the elevator as she silently sped upward. She had slipped on a light sweater that she always carried with her because she was always cold in air conditioning. She tucked a curl behind an ear, thinking it was her left but knowing it was her right. Mirrors always did that to her. The door opened and she stepped out into his office. The receptionist saw the large bag with the suites and smiled, “Ah, back again, huh? Attorney Gerrard is expecting you. Please, go right in.”

  As she knocked on Joe's door she realized that she was truly looking forward to seeing him again and how weird that was for her! Until she met Joe she only wanted to avoid all men, to avoid the pain they give! His door swung open immediately and there he was, his smile bracketing his handsome face. She actually blushed.

  He reached out and took her by the arm, pulling her into him and closing the door at the same time. He put a finger to his lips and winked down at Sherine, “Sh-h,” he reopened the door a second “Hold my calls please Terri.”

  When they entered his office, Sherine gently but firmly pulled her arm back. She headed to the bathroom where she could clean up her arm. When she returned, they both stared at each other for an eternal few seconds; two very happy individuals. Sherine purred huskily, “I’ve got a present for you Joe.”

  Joe cocked his head quizzically, “Oh yeah? What is it?”

  “Well actually it is really a lack of a present.” He looked at her wondering what she was talking about. “I left my panties in the car; doesn't that officially mean I have a present that is less than it was a few minutes ago?”

  Joe laughed but she had his attention, “I guess it does!”

  “So my present is me,” she said. She pulled up her skirt exposing the smooth tautness of her skin. He looked from there up to her light pink lips on her smiling face and had a moment of self-congratulatory bliss.

  “My God!” he thought, “What have I done to deserve this? I’ve found heaven on earth with this girl.”

  Sherine stared into Joe's eyes as she slid her hands slowly around his waist and grabbed his ass pulling herself towards him. She bit his ear and whispered, “you want it, you got to earn, big boy.” She spun them around so she was now leaning back onto his desk and she pushed all the papers off.

  She wrapped her legs around him again using her heels as a spur, “love me,” she whispered hoarsely to him.

  Twenty minutes later Joe pulled up his pants and zipped his zipper. His face was red and they were both laughing and wondering how the entire building couldn’t have helped hearing their thrashing. He leaned on his office desk panting and looked long and searchingly at Sherine.

  He stroked her eyebrows and the side of her nose gently and she took his big hand in both of hers and kissed it over and over again. Then he shook his head. “I hate to say it Baby but, as great as that was, you gotta get out of here! I have work to do and the Mayor will be here any minute!” He shook his head again and said. “Wow Sherine, that was something!” He pinched her lightly on her wet thigh. “Hurry up now before I forget myself and cancel all my appointments! I’ll drop some Viagra and just fuck you all day instead and then we won’t have any money for all the fun I have planned for you!”

  She laughed, “O-o-o, don’t tease me like that! I bet you don't even have any”

  “Oh My God,” he thought, “she is so sexy, oh my god my god!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a half-eaten blue tab and said, “see, I was prepared like a good lawyer should be.”

  “Oh Joe,” she says, “on the Yacht you were great too.” She smiled and put her arms around his neck with her head on his chest. “I am leaving now Joe, knowing that I was blessed by the gods the day I met you. I don’t know what’s come over me Joe; I’m not usually like this. I’m afraid you’ll think badly of me!”

  “Sherine, I couldn’t think badly of you. I’m not sure what it is either but I love it! I want to see you again Sherine, right away, like tonight!”

  They made arrangements for the next night as Sherine told him she was sorry but she had already made plans. As the door was closing on her, Sherine looked in at Joe and blew him a soft kiss, “dream of me Joey,” and then she let the door click shut behind her. Joe was left smelling her perfume and their sex.

  He slumped down in his big desk chair and stared out the window, “What just happened? She is the sweetest and sexiest thing anyone could ever imagine. She blows in here like a storm,
drops her “holier than though image”, fucks me like a rabbit and then leaves as fast as she came. And then she tells me to dream of her. Damn I won't be worth a nickle when the Mayor comes in.” He grinned to himself as he popped up and headed to his private bath to clean up.

  On the way back home from the shop at the end of the day, Sherine called Michelle again. “Oh my god, Michelle, it’s been too long since I’ve seen you, I´ve missed you.”

  “Oh me too Sherine,” Michelle immediately responded, “You can’t believe how much I have missed you.” She started to update Sherine on everything that has been happening including the fact that she and Spinner are not talking much now.

  “I hate to hear that,” said Sherine “but I have so much to tell you. I want to see you as soon as I can. When do you think you can you come and see my new apartment?”

  “Where is it?”

  Sherine gave her directions and they agreed that Michelle would be there at seven-thirty with a bottle of Vodka.

  Before they hung up Michelle said, “I need to talk to someone about Spinner. I am so depressed, Sherine. I´m really not sure what to do. Spinner thinks he can bring any biker babe home with him and that I will join him. Not that I mind when they are good looking, but most of the time they are dogs. Their tattoo-to-tooth ratio is high.... the more tattoos, the less teeth! I´m tired of it all. He has no idea!”

  Sherine told Michelle to come over and that they’d get wasted and work it all out. “You can tell me all about Spinner and I’ll tell you all about Joe!”

  “Ah god that sounds great!”

  At eight-fifteen Sherine answered the knock at her door. She sucked in a shocked breath when she saw her sister. Michelle was standing there with her left eye blackened and a deep cut over a mangled brow. She was trying to smile while holding back tears. “Sherine, I love him, he was my life. What’s wrong with me?” She broke down and started blubbering as Sherine pulled her inside and sat her down on the couch. “I did everything he wanted me to. I did threesomes, foursomes … I lived in trash, collected his beer cans, picked up women for him …” She crumpled on the couch and drew her knees up into her heaving chest.

  “I know Michelle, remember, I lived there too and I did a lot too. Come on Michelle, all men are dogs, you know that. Come on, it’s our time once again. Let’s knock down some frozen Vodka and chase it with a few beers …Throw the bottle in the freezer, will ya? Forget that fucker. Hey, ya got any coke?” Michelle asked like it hadn’t been on her mind all afternoon.

  “Of course,” Sherine said. Michelle sat up and wiped her eyes. Black mascara bled into her bruises.

  “Here, give me your purse and take a shot while I look for your stash … where’s your coke bullet?.... Vodka? “It's not frozen yet.” “Get it anyway.”

  Michelle grabbed the purse as she handed the clear bottle to Sherine. Sherine took a large swig and put the bottle in the freezer again while Michelle looked up with a triumphant shout, “Never mind, here it is, perfect.”

  “I want a whole line.” Michelle said as she sniffed. She got up and grabbed her purse, searching for some tissues so she could clear her nose and ready it for the white assault.

  “Me too. It´s time to party, I have my sister back … and screw those guys!”

  A couple hours later, both girls were slurring their words and feeling no pain. “Hey Michelle what do you think about Joe? Is he good for me?”

  “So who is this Joe guy?” You haven´t told me anything yet.”

  “Oh my God” She giggled. “I just sealed the deal in his office and he does not even know we had a deal to seal and I almost feel bad, almost.

  “Why,” Michelle asks.

  “Because I am, you know, in the past when I am in the present and I am in the future when I am in the present. I am not sure where I am most of the time. Well, that is not totally true. I let him touch me as a lover. I guess that is why I feel weird. I liked it and he only wants me and I only want him.”

  “You are nuts. We all know that. Now let's get this party going, sis.”.

  “I am good,” Sherine said and raised her hand for a sloppy high five.

  “Yes you are, you were taught by the best.”

  “Who?” Sherine asked as she cut two more lines of fresh powder. Michelle laughed as she lost her balance and slid off the side of the kitchen table almost landing on the floor.

  “Mom,” Michelle blurted out as she steadied herself.

  Sherine looked startled and then let out a loud laugh as she watched Michelle struggle to regain her composure. Then, she realized what Michelle had said. Sherine got a disgusted look on her face and said bitterly, “Yea, taught by the best of ‘em! Poor Joe.”

  “Ok,” Michelle managed to say because she was laughing and so drunk she could barely talk anyway. “Tell me who the fuck is this ‘Joe’ anyway?”

  “He´s a famous attorney I’ll have you know. He’s rich, loves to be with me and that’s all I know, except that he dresses great, oh, and he has a yacht to die for.” She leaned over the table and snorted a fat line of coke with a rolled up dollar bill. “And I have him wrapped all around my little finger.” She held up a hand in Michelle’s face. “See? Look here, see him? There he is all wrapped all around it.” Sherine smiled and laughed.

  “Sherine it is so nice to see you smiling and happy.”

  “Yes, it is nice. I feel alive and tingly.”

  They both looked at each other and burst out laughing. Michelle almost yelled, “Yup, he sounds great, but only if he does not find out the truth about you.” Michelle said with a grin.

  “What truth?”

  “Well you know Sher; you are not exactly a Phd scientist.”

  “Oh, whatever; so I have a slight challenge mentally at times. That shit is over. I’m a new woman now. I´m only going to be with him. And don’t call me ‘Sher”! You know I hate that! And I am over the past now. I will only love Joe.”

  “Whatever you say.” Michelle smirked with a slight giggle. .

  “Hey Michelle,” Sherine started to say as she stood up reaching for the freezer. Opening the freezer she reached for the bottle of Vodka but misjudged it and knocked it over. The bottle spun over and out of the freezer going across the floor spilling all over but it didn’t break.

  “Good thing it’s almost empty,” Michelle said with a laugh as she teetered to pick it up.

  “Yea,” Sherine says as she attempted to stand again, “that’s me, a new woman,”

  Michelle snorted a derisive laugh. It came out a little louder than she meant ... shades of her big-mouthed mom. They both laughed though. “Well bitch,’ Sherine said as she pulled Michelle back out into the living room. “Do you see any nasty bikers here? Do you see beer cans all over?”

  “No, Sherine, you are right. I only see a few cans and one spilled bottle. That’s nothing and we have not seen the good stuff yet.”

  “Ok-ok, Michelle,” she said as she reached under the corner of the cushion on the couch and pulled out a small pill bottle with a few Xanax in it. “I know what you want!” She tossed the bottle to her sister who surprised both of them when she actually caught it.

  Michelle smiled, opened the container and tapped two robin egg colored pills out into her palm. She clutched them in her fist as she looked for something to take them with, then shrugged and popped them both in her mouth and swallowed hard. She leaned back against the door frame and said happily, “Now I am fucked up or I sure as fuck will be in a few minutes,”

  Sherine stood and steadied herself with the help of the TV. “Hey Michelle, you had better spend the night. You can´t drive and besides I would love to have your company tonight,”

  She grinned and said, “I´ve really missed you Sherine.”

  Early the next morning the phone rang. “Damn that phone, who would be calling at this hour. What area code is six-nineteen?

  “Not sure,” Sherine mumbled as she grabbed the phone. “Hello? … ” She cupped the mouthpiece and gave Michelle a
stunned look. She removed her hand and said, “Mom, what do you want? … You´ll be in Orlando? … When? … Next week with your new man? … Ok, ok, your husband Paul … Yes I know where Michelle is, she is right here.”

  Michelle was grabbing Sherine’s arm asking loudly. “What does she want … what did she say?”

  “Hold on Michelle, stop grabbing, stop it!” She turned away from Michelle and stuck a finger in her other ear to hear better. Michelle calmed down and waited. Sherine clicked the end button on her cell and sat there staring; a look of disbelief saying it all. She threw the phone down on the couch and looked at the waiting Michelle, “Mom is coming to Orlando next week with her new husband, Paul.”

  Michelle jerked up straight, “What kind of BS is that? Her new husband? What a joke!” She stared hard at Sherine for a second then stopped to think. Then she asked, “Wait a minute, you want to see her don’t you? Do you? Do you want to see her?”

  “Well, yes, why not?” responded Sherine haughtily. “Remember, I’m a changed woman now. I promise I will not let my sad side go crazy. I will control myself, I promise.”

  “Why didn’t you let me talk to her? I would have told her to go to hell! But no, you say, ‘Hi Mom’, like she’s your long lost friend. ‘It’s Sherine. Oh sure Mom, I would love to do this and do that.’ You have not forgotten have you? A killer living with us for years.... And the money... we lived like we did as he took away any hopes we had to do better. ”


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