Guarding Her Heart

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Guarding Her Heart Page 3

by Jade Webb

  With a more determined clip, I weave my way down the narrow halls and find my way to the main stage, where the unmistakable sound of Daphni’s latest song, “Push Back” is blaring. Though I would definitely never identify myself as a “Daphinator,” or a Daphni super fan, I always made sure to buy all her songs on iTunes, and had even paid the $9.99 to be added to her monthly mailing list (though I would never admit either of those things to her face). Thanks to her newsletter, I had learned that “Push Back” was the first single off her new album, and was about being in love and wanting your lover to “push you back.” Whatever that meant.

  I trot down the long aisles, searching for Daphni amongst the maze of all her backup dancers and production crew. My eyes find her instantly thanks to her bright, fluorescent-blue hair. The last time I had seen her pictures, she had been rocking a purple weave, so I can only assume she is debuting this new look tonight.

  With a pink, bedazzled microphone in one hand, she dances along to the fast-paced beat of the track, her hips rocking in tandem with the thumping bass. As the track speeds up, a group of four shirtless men approach her, hoisting her up over their heads and spinning her around in circles as she continues to belt out the lyrics.

  As the dancers bring her feet down to the ground, her heel catches on something and she trips and falls forward, dropping her mic and producing a loud static sound that reverberates through the arena. I clutch my ears at the deafening sound and cringe as I watch Daphni spill out a slew of expletives to the group of dancers, her arms waving furiously. I can’t help but audibly groan as I watch the interaction; it looks like Daphni is still living up to her diva reputation.

  Just then, I catch Melissa rushing over. Her bright red hair is piled high on her head and she has a clipboard tucked under her arm. She has a huge grin on her face as she rushes toward me. Melissa is one of the easiest people to love, and I had always wondered how someone so kind and genuine lasted so long in this industry, especially with my sister.

  As she reaches me, Melissa drops her clipboard so she can pull me into a hug. She squeezes me for another few seconds, and I can feel her body vibrating with excitement.

  “I am so happy to see you, Gabby,” she squeaks out when she finally lets me out of her embrace.

  I can’t help but return her excitement as I squeeze Melissa’s hand. “Me, too.” I gesture to my sister on stage. “How is she?”

  The smile quickly fades from Melissa’s face and she leans in, whispering, “Truth is, she’s not doing so great. I am really glad you are here. She misses you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  Melissa reaches for my arm, her lips drawn tightly. “No, I’m serious, Gabby,” she insists. “She needs you. This tour has been so stressful for her, and she has that idiot, Drizzle, who takes her out every night to party. She needs you.”

  At the mention of Daphni’s boyfriend, I let out a loud groan. “Drizzle? I thought they had broken up?”

  Melissa shakes her head somberly. “No, that little leech is back. I can’t understand what she sees in him!”

  I nod sympathetically. Drizzle is a “rapper” whose most clever lyric has been to rhyme “sneaker” with “teacher.” Born Seth Moskowitz, he is a loser trust-fund baby who only managed to make a record thanks to the fact that his dad owns the record label.

  Melissa glances back at the stage, where Daphni is continuing her temper tantrum. “I should really go help out with that.” She waves over a young girl with pin-straight blonde hair and impressive posture. “Bella, can you take Gabby to Daphni’s dressing room?”

  Turning back to face me, she pats my arm reassuringly. “Hang out and relax there. Once sound check is over, I’ll bring Daphni in. She will be so excited to see you!”

  Melissa gives me a final, quick kiss on the cheek, then jogs back to the stage to help calm down a now-screeching Daphni. I let out a quiet sigh and shake my head as I watch Melissa work her magic. I am not envious of her job.

  I follow Bella through the winding hallways backstage until we arrive at Daphni’s dressing room. Before letting me inside, Bella darts away, eager to return to the sound check. Once inside, I flick on the lights and toss my bag and backstage pass onto the white leather sectional. I’m ready to sneak in a quick study session when I catch the clothing rack prepped with Daphni’s outfits for the show waiting in the center of the room.

  I take a nervous look over my shoulder at the closed door before slowly walking over and running my fingers along the different garments. There are ten outfits altogether, each one more elaborate than the next. My fingers stop at a short, red-sequined dress with cutouts that dip scandalously low on each side. With another quick glance over my shoulder, I tentatively pick up the gown and walk over to the full-length mirror. I make a pouty face, my best—albeit still pretty pathetic—attempt at looking sexy, as I hold the dress against me. Spotting a hairbrush on the vanity, I grab it to use as a makeshift mic and practice my best Daphni impersonation. Even as I laugh at how ridiculous I look, I still can’t help but feel a bit envious of my sister. How was it fair that she had inherited all the confidence in our family? Couldn’t she have left even an ounce of it for me?

  The sound of the door opening behind me sends a shiver of fear down my spine. I drop the hairbrush and fumble to hang the dress back with the others on the clothing rack. I step backward and let out a loud gasp as I feel a hard, thick wall hit me from behind. Turning slowly, I take a nervous step back, sweeping my eyes up and down the giant man looming in front of me.

  I feel my breath catch as I take him in. He easily towers over me, and is definitely over six feet tall. His body is literally radiating heat, and a quick glance up to his face reveals that it is not the good kind: he looks pissed. His eyes are narrowed into an intimidating glare, and his brow is deeply furrowed as his steel-grey eyes pin me in my place. We stare at each other for a few long moments, neither one of us uttering a word. His eyes flicker up and down my body and I swear I can feel my skin scorch under his assessment. I am so overwhelmed by his presence that I take another staggering step backward. My tactic doesn’t work and only seems to annoy him further.

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?” His voice is loud, authoritative, and surprisingly, unmistakably Scottish. Although I try to fight it, my mind instantly travels to my secret stash of Scottish highlander romance novels I read when I need to unwind after a long day. God, this guy would look fucking amazing in a kilt.

  At that thought, I feel heat instantly rush to my cheeks. God, why am I so awkward? Just calmly explain who you are and send him on his merry way. I open my mouth and inwardly cringe at how high-pitched and mousy I sound. “I- I’m here to see Daphni.” He stares at me blankly, his eyes narrowing even more in annoyance.

  “My sister,” I clarify, my voice a bit more even.

  He rolls his eyes at me and swears under his breath. “Great,” he mutters, “Another crazy fan.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but before I can utter a single word, I feel his arms on my waist as he grabs me and hoists me over his shoulder. Temporarily stunned into silence, I let him carry me for a few feet. The smell of his cologne—a citrus and amber combination—overwhelms my senses and sends a shot of hot warmth directly to my core, apparently striking me mute. Only after he carries me out the door do my damn senses finally return and I kick my legs and punch my arms against his back.

  “Put me down, damnit!” I screech as he carries me into the hallway. I wince at the stream of horrified faces watching us, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

  As he makes his way down the hall and toward the exit, I hear Melissa’s frantic voice crying out. “Liam! No! Put Gabby down!”

  As he slides me back down to the floor, his hands gripping my waist, he pauses for the briefest moment when my chest meets his. And in that stolen moment, I swear I can feel his heart pulsing at the same time mine beats furiously against my own chest. And for this instant, less than half a second
, it’s as if this overwhelming, deafening silence surrounds us and both our hearts momentarily…freeze. Our eyes lock and a spark of recognition flickers between us. And just as quickly as it happens, it passes, and I feel my feet hit the floor. I force myself to ignore that unsettling moment between us; I conclude it was all in my head, a chemical imbalance from being thrown over a stranger’s shoulder, and nothing more.

  Now back on solid ground, I force myself to gather my wits. I prop my hands on my hips in a combination of both indignation and sheer embarrassment at being manhandled by this Neanderthal and jab my finger into his hard chest. “Who do you think you are?!”

  Melissa finally reaches us and pulls me away from the man staring down at me. To my annoyance, my little outburst seems to amuse him and his dark-grey eyes twinkle with a hint of enjoyment.

  “Gabby, I am so sorry,” Melissa explains. “I wasn’t expecting you till later this afternoon, and I haven’t had a chance yet to let Liam know you would be joining us.”

  I whip around to face him again. Liam. I narrow my eyes at him menacingly, which only seems to amuse him further, as the corners of his lips draw into a smirk. I roll my eyes and turn back to Melissa with a questioning look on my face.

  “Liam is your sister’s head of security,” she continues to explain. “He’s joining us for the tour.”

  “What happened to Jerry?”

  Jerry has been my sister’s head of security since she broke into the business as a young teen. Daphni’s looks had always attracted an unusually creepy fan base of older men who lived in their mothers’ basements and sent disgusting anonymous letters. Jerry had been like a surrogate father to both of us, and especially Daphni. As Daphni’s fame increased, the security team had also grown, but Jerry had always remained a constant.

  A dark shadow crosses Melissa’s face and she shifts uncomfortably. “Um, Daphni fired him after he punched Drizzle.”

  “What?” I blurt out in surprise.

  Sighing, Melissa explains, “Drizzle was drunk and just being his normal, asshole self. Jerry got fed up and punched him. Drizzle demanded that your sister fire him and she did.”

  Glancing over at Liam, apparently my sister’s new bodyguard, I shake my head in disappointment. “So, what? Now we’re stuck with this caveman?”

  Melissa shoots Liam an apologetic smile before answering, “Liam is one of the good ones, Gabs. He just left the Marines and was trained on high-level tactical surveillance. He is here to protect Daphni, and you, Gabby.”

  “Yes, he has clearly demonstrated that skillset,” I add sarcastically. “Mel, I don’t need some bodyguard following me everywhere.” I turn around to offer him another glare, which only makes him grin more. Frustrated, I blow out a huff of air. “Anyway, doesn’t he have a pot of gold to watch after?”

  I hear him snicker behind me and my cheeks heat with indignation. I was trying to insult him, not make him laugh!

  “I’m Scottish, lass, not Irish. We don’t sit on rainbows and guard pots o’ gold. We wear kilts and ravish ladies,” Liam shoots back, in an obviously exaggerated brogue.

  I feel my cheeks burn to an impossible new degree and glare at Melissa, who is choking back a laugh. She holds her hands up, laying her right hand over her left in a gesture for a “time out.” “Okay, you two kids play nice. I need to head back. Sound check is almost over and then I’ll be back with Daphni.”

  I give her an innocent smile as she turns to walk away, then turn on my heel, glaring at Liam as I head back into my sister’s dressing room, slamming the door behind me.



  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I rake my fingers through my hair as I pace the linoleum floors outside of Daphni’s dressing room. The hallway is abuzz with everyone scrambling to finish the last-minute details for the show, but as I walk aimlessly back and forth, the crowd breaks apart to avoid colliding with my lumbering frame.

  Though she’s just slammed the door quite literally in my face, I feel my body tugging to follow her inside and finish whatever it is we've started. Not just this verbal sparring that has been completely enthralling, but there’s something else. Something electric and purely physical.

  She had felt it, too. That I am sure of. When our eyes locked for that split second, I know she had sensed whatever it was that had happened—that nanosecond when our hearts had stopped beating, as if they were communicating in some entirely different language all their own. But that is fucking impossible, I remind myself. Especially with the little sister of my bloody boss.

  When I caught her in Daphni’s dressing room, hiding behind that clothing rack, I could feel the blood rush through my body. With that red dress in her hands, she had looked like the perfect, intoxicating combination of a guilty minx and innocent angel. Though my first instinct should have been to calmly question her, I had instead scared the shit out of her, grabbed her like she was a piece of luggage, and thrown her over my shoulder.

  She had called me a caveman. And rightly so, I have to admit. I had never carried a woman like that. And then to do it to the little sister of my employer? What the fuck had I been thinking?

  That was the problem right there. I hadn’t been thinking. At least not with my head. Thinking with my dick? Yeah, that was likely the case. That would definitely explain why my first thought when I caught her hiding was to devise a way to get my hands on her. She was fucking gorgeous. Long, brown hair, smooth golden skin, and fucking striking emerald eyes. When my eyes locked on her beautiful green ones, it had forced all the air out of my lungs. They had stared up at me, a mix of confusion and fear swirling in them. But there had been something else there, too. Had it been desire? I couldn’t have been the only one who felt that, right?

  Fuck. I force myself to stop pacing and lean against the wall. Melissa had briefed me last night that Daphni’s younger sister would be joining us on the tour. We were expecting her to arrive later this afternoon, but I still should have realized that the girl in the dressing room was her sister. I had been picturing a blonde replica of Daphni, not this gorgeous brunette. How the hell were these two even related?

  Great. One week on the job and I already manhandled my client’s little sister. Fanfuckingtastic.

  A commotion erupts down the hall and I catch a crowd of people coming down the hallway. The unmistakable blue hair lets me know Daphni is on her way. I force myself to stand upright and push open the door to the dressing room. I walk inside and my eyes instantly find Gabby. She is sitting on the couch, her feet tucked underneath her, with a book the size of a small toddler perched on her lap. Her head is bowed down and a pair of thick, black frames sit on the bridge of her nose. She looks lost in the book and when she sees me enter the room, her face contorts into this adorable scowl. I bite my tongue to force myself to not smile.

  Daphni ignores me as she breezes into the room. Her idiot boyfriend is by her side, and it sounds like they’re arguing about something. Not that that’s news. Even though I have only been working with Daphni for a month, it’s obvious that Daphni and Drizzle’s dysfunctional relationship is a shrink’s wet dream. They will go from throwing flower vases at each other to sticking their tongues down each other’s throats in ten minutes flat. It’s as terrifying as it is fascinating to watch.

  Daphni flings herself down into the chair in front of the vanity. Only then does she catch Gabby’s reflection in the mirror. A genuine smile instantly crosses her face, and she whips her head around to face her sister sitting on the couch.

  “Gabby!” She shrieks, her voice obliterating my ear drum.

  She jumps out of her seat and tackles her sister on the couch. I watch, amused, as the two sisters greet each other. Daphni is undeniably the more outgoing of the two. She peppers her sister in kisses, smearing her purple lipstick all over Gabby’s face.

  “You have to tell me everything! Don’t leave anything out!” Daphni commands as she sits on the couch next to her sister.

  Gabby shifts uncomfortably
as her eyes dart around the room. Between Daphni’s entourage, her makeup team, her hairdressers, and Drizzle, a small audience has amassed. I can feel the panic and discomfort radiating off Gabby, and I look around the room to see if anyone else is noticing it. It seems as if they are all either ignoring it, or they just don’t care.

  Taking a quick breath, Gabby gestures to the book on her lap. “Well, you know, I’m studying for the LSATs. I’m hoping to be ready by the end of…”

  “Oh, God, Gabby. Do you think of anything else besides school?” Daphni asks, cutting her sister off.

  I catch how Gabby’s shoulders tense. “Well, school’s important to me.”

  Daphni laughs as she picks at her nails. “Gabby, you’ve been going to school forever. Don’t you want to take some time off?”

  “Well, considering I just graduated, I’m expecting to take some time off before I start law school.”

  A wave of guilt washes over Daphni’s face. “Congrats, babe. Sorry I missed it. You know I would have gone if I could have. Did Mom and Dad go?”

  I’m surprised to see Gabby shake her head. “Just Lawrence and Isabel. Dad had to be in Tokyo and Mom wasn’t feeling up to traveling.”

  I try not to, but I can’t help but judge. What kind of parents don’t make it to their daughter’s graduation?

  Daphni’s face brightens. “Well, then you can’t be mad at me if they didn’t go either!”

  From my spot in the room, I can easily see how tense Gabby is sitting with her sister. It’s like she is holding something in and is using every muscle in her body to prevent it from escaping. Not that her sister would give her even five minutes to talk. With Gabby playing with her fingers in her lap, Daphni continues babbling on about some new song she wrote with Drizzle about falling in love in a dance club. I’ve already heard the song more times than I would like to admit. It’s fucking ridiculous and every time I hear it, I imagine that the only thing worse than listening to it again would be getting my dick torn off by sharks.


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