Bruised Angel (River of Lies #2)

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Bruised Angel (River of Lies #2) Page 4

by Sammy King

  When they arrived back at the chapter house Chelsea was pleased to see that the fire was still at full roar. She wasn’t happy to see Duggar still sitting there and wondered whether he had a home and why he didn’t go to it. She followed Knox and Mason into Mason’s bedroom where Knox put her bag and belongings on the desk. She felt out of place and bad for taking over Mason’s bedroom and life. She had so little to do with him since they left primary school and she didn’t know how he truly felt about it all. She knew that he felt a level of empathy, but she also recognised that she wouldn’t be able to stay long there, she didn’t want to wear out her welcome and resolved that she would speak to Dylan when she went to school to see if she could stay with his Grandma and he. She remembered him saying that his Aunty had recently left and got married, so there was a spare room at their home. Chelsea stood in the centre of the room and looked around, running her hands through her hair.

  “You alright?” Mason asked from behind her.

  Chelsea turned to look at him and nodded giving him a small smile.

  “Yes, just a little overwhelmed. Mason I’m sorry for intruding like this” she said waving her free arm around the room.

  Mason gave her the crooked smile that he was good at and shook his head.

  “No stress. You’re welcome here” he said leaning forward and kissing her head. “Now why did you want to know if the fire was still going?”

  She nodded and looked down at the books, sighing.

  “In these books is written every detail that Carl ever did to me” she couldn’t even bring herself to call him Dad anymore. “They were my prayers for help. I want to burn them”

  Mason’s face lit up and he nodded as he took her free hand and lead her to the fire. Duggar was still sitting there which made Chelsea’s heart sink, Knox was standing with a beer in his hand staring into the fire. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to share this moment with everyone, but she didn’t want to ask them to leave their own place, so Chelsea sucked in a breath and squared her shoulders. Knox looked over at her and held out an arm for her to enter his embrace. She stood beside him with his arm draped across her shoulders and Mason on her other side.

  “Chelsea is going to burn some stuff, cleaning out the old” Mason said to Knox, who looked at them sleepily and gave her a nod.

  Chelsea smiled and stepped forward, starting with the oldest book, one by one she tossed each book into the fire; letting each book burn completely before adding another. If the books had sound it would have sounded like the cries of hell being sent into the atmosphere. She watched as each book burned and turned into nothing but ash, with each burning she felt a little lighter and a little more tired. Finally she had got to the final book. She held it to her heart turning to face Mason and Knox who stood beside one another; Knox had his arm draped across Mason’s shoulder. Both as tall as one another, with the same shaggy dark hair and dark eyes that seemed to dance in the fire.

  “This is the last one. The last prayer was yesterday. The last prayer asked the universe to let me escape to find a way to be free. In my prayer I begged God to give me someone who could save me. That is the only prayer that ever got answered” Chelsea said hiccupping a sob.

  She turned and threw the book into the fire and watched as the colour of the cover turned from red to blue and each page seemed to dance as the fire licked at the edges. She watched as the smoke drifted off into the air, taking with it small pieces of ash. Chelsea sighed and felt like she had just taken her first breath. For twelve years she felt like she had been holding her breath and finally she could breathe again. After a while standing in silence she felt Mason’s arm wrap around her waist as he kissed her shoulder. She leant into him and rested her head on his head not able to take her eyes away from the mesmerizing flames as they danced and played. Chelsea couldn’t hold back the yawns that were coming fast and free now.

  “You ready for sleep?” Mason murmured into her shoulder.

  Chelsea nodded her head and he took her hand.

  “Night Dad” Mason said with a wave his hand.

  Knox appeared to already be asleep on his feet. He slowly gazed up at Mason and Chelsea giving them a slight smile and nod before resting his eyes back onto the fire. Chelsea thought it best not to say anything, he looked like he needed his peace.

  Chapter Five

  Chelsea let Mason lead her back to his bedroom where he began to rummage in his drawers for a singlet and tracksuit pants. Chelsea stood watching him contemplating how to approach the situation. She hadn’t given sleeping arrangements much thought. She didn’t want to put Mason out of his bed, but she didn’t want to give him the wrong idea that she was a whore by letting him sleep with her.

  “I’m just going to quickly get changed and then I’ll go sleep on the couch, you have my bed for as long as you need it” Mason said with a smile.

  Chelsea frowned and shook her head.

  “Mason I can’t just let you sleep on the couch.” she said.

  Mason shrugged his shoulders as he went into the bathroom. She stood chewing at her fingernail trying to think of a solution, before rummaging through her bag for her pyjamas. When she pulled them out, she decided that she couldn’t wear them, they were skimpy little shorts that Carl had made her wear. The wave of sick washed over her and tears instantly fell down her cheeks. She heard the bathroom door open and Mason come into the room stopping short when he saw her tears.

  “Chels, what’s the matter?” he asked with concern.

  “I’ve only got skimpy pyjamas, he made me wear them” she cried.

  “Oh Chels. It’s alright I’ve got something you can wear” Mason said going to his draw and pulling out a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. “Here they will be miles too big for you, but at least you will feel a bit more comfortable”

  She took the clothes and thanked him and went to the bathroom to get changed. When she came out Mason was sitting on the bed rubbing his head.

  “Do you have a headache?” she asked.

  Mason nodded his head.

  “Yeah I get them from time to time” he said rubbing at his neck.

  Chelsea went over to where he sat and touched his neck, she began to work the muscles she could feel were tight. Mason groaned and leaned back for her to continue. She wondered if this was what normal people did. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was in a relationship with Mason whether this would be how the relationship would be. He would be gentle and kind to her and she would want to be nice to him. Chelsea had never had a boyfriend, she didn’t know how to have a boyfriend. She didn’t think she could ever do the things that they expected. Although Chelsea didn’t have friends, she still heard the girls talk. And the way they talked it sounded like all boys wanted was sex. Dylan had never pestered her for anything and seemed happy to be just her friend, so she wasn’t sure whether it was true, but her sense of what sex was, was so warped she just didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. Chelsea was lost in thought when she heard Mason snore. She looked and realised he had fallen asleep sitting up. Chelsea stopped massaging his neck and moved off the bed. He woke up and stood.

  “Wait Mason. Will you stay with me. Like I don’t want to do anything you know like that, I just don’t want to be alone. Will you stay?” Chelsea said.

  Mason smiled and nodded as he moved to the side of the bed and climbed in, lifting the blanket for her to climb under and beside him. It felt strange to have someone in the bed beside her. But for the first time in years she actually felt safe and it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep with a smile on her face.

  When the morning light trickled through the blinds, Chelsea woke with a start and flung her fist out when she felt the body pressed against hers. She heard the grunt as her punch landed in the soft face of the intruder in her bed.

  “Chels, stop punching me” Mason said grabbing at her wrists.

  Chelsea flung her head to the side to see Mason’s cheek red from her fist. Instantly she sat and took his face
in her hands.

  “Oh God, Mason I’m so sorry. I forgot that I was here. Oh fuck, are you hurt?” Chelsea said touching his cheek.

  Mason winced under her touch and pulled back. She frowned and felt tears begin to well up in her eyes. She hadn’t meant to hurt him, in her half sleep she thought it was Carl. Mason sat up and pulled her into his chest.

  “Don’t cry Chels, it’s alright. It doesn’t hurt too badly. Besides your teeny little fists couldn’t hurt me really” he said with a chuckle holding her hands up.

  Chelsea couldn’t hold back the giggle that fell from her lips as he continued to hug her. She looked up into his face and saw that the redness was starting to dissipate and felt relief wash through her. She would hate to have to explain to Knox that she had given his son a black eye. Chelsea reached out and touched his face again gingerly and was relieved when he didn’t wince. She continued to touch his cheek, running her fingers over the dark stubble that was starting to poke through Mason’s skin. She looked up into his eyes and watched them darken. Chelsea ran her fingers over Mason’s lips and felt him kiss each finger that touched his mouth. As she moved her hand over his chin, he caught her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing her hand and wrist. She sucked in a breath. Chelsea had never been touched so tenderly and it felt good. It caused her stomach to flip and she felt a sudden pulse race to the centre of her legs.

  Suddenly Chelsea wanted nothing more than to have Mason kissing her lips, her face and all over her body. She felt his kisses work down her arm until he got to the crook of her elbow, with his free arm he pulled her waist in closer to him. She sucked in a breath at the nearness of their bodies, her breasts were pressed against his chest as he continued to kiss up and down her arm. She couldn’t prevent the moan that escaped her lips as her eyes closed in pleasure. Chelsea instantly regretted it when it seemed to shake Mason out of his trance and drop her arm. He cleared his throat and looked away. Chelsea felt rejected and hurt by the sudden loss of affection.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked sadly.

  Mason turned to face her and shook his head.

  “No, I did” he said standing awkwardly and leaving towards the bathroom.

  Chelsea listened as the shower was turned on. She flopped back onto Mason’s bed and covered her face with his pillow, breathing in his scent and pushing away her tears. She felt so naïve and juvenile. Most girls at seventeen had, had plenty of boyfriends, they were sexually active, but the closest Chelsea had to being kissed by a boy was right at that moment and it was just her arm.

  She sighed and tossed Mason’s pillow to the side running her hands up through her hair. She shut her legs tight still feeling the pounding that was going on between them a feeling she had never experienced before. She knew what it was and loved the feeling, she wanted to scratch the itch. More questions flooded her mind, was it too early? Did it make her a whore for wanting it so soon after everything? Chelsea groaned again, she felt so confused by all that had happened and all that was happening to her.

  When the bathroom door opened Mason was wrapped in a towel and looked flushed, he eyed her sheepishly. Chelsea couldn’t take her eyes off his chest, his muscles seemed to ripple and dance. Mason’s arms were strong; they were by far Chelsea’s favourite part of his body. When he turned she saw a big tattoo on his back with the name ‘Augustine’ underneath. Chelsea had the urge to lick all of his muscles and tattoo, she slammed her legs shut again at the rising pulsation, trying to push the image from her brain yet in the same thought hoping Mason’s towel would just fall to the ground and reveal everything. Chelsea shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts of his appendage size and focus on staying pure.

  “I’m sorry Chelsea, I shouldn’t have done that” he said as he pulled clothes from his drawers.

  Chelsea couldn’t find her voice and she didn’t trust it even if she managed to find it. She shook her head and watched him busy himself around the room.

  “Mason stop moving you’re making me dizzy; come sit down for a minute” Chelsea said as she followed him with her head back and forth.

  Mason sat gingerly on the bed beside her careful not to let the towel spread open. Chelsea bit her lip to prevent a groan of disappointment leave her lips.

  “I know that this is all new to you, my story. I know it feels raw to you. But to me it’s old news. It doesn’t make it less painful. However, I need you to understand I want to move on with my life.” Chelsea said running her hand through her hair, tearing her eyes off the front of the towel. “I don’t want you to be sorry. I admit that when it comes to sex and all that stuff, I don’t know much. And I also admit that I’m not ready for it, but I liked your kisses”

  She felt her cheeks heating with embarrassment. She could see that Mason was struggling to look her in the eye and the throbbing between her legs was starting to drive her crazy.

  “Now will you please go and get dressed before I tear that towel from you” she said with a nervous laugh.

  Mason’s face made her laugh harder at the shock that was written all over it. Soon she couldn’t control the laughter that bubbled from her as she flopped back onto the bed with big belly giggles exploding through her body. When she could control her laughter to tiny snorts she wiped her eyes and looked at Mason who was watching her with an adorable crooked smile and she felt her heart leap with excitement.

  “That is the first time I have ever heard you laugh like that. Even through primary school you were so serious. Chels, I really like that laugh” he said.

  Chelsea grinned and lightly punched his arm.

  “Thank you.” she replied as she got up off the bed.

  She rummaged through her bag for some clothes, suddenly however the loose fitting clothes didn’t feel right. She turned to Mason who was still watching her with dancing eyes.

  “Do you think that Kelly would mind if I continue to borrow these clothes for one more day? I’m not sure I like the clothes I’ve got” she said.

  Mason stood and came towards Chelsea and pulled her into an embrace kissing her cheeks gently. Chelsea wanted to moan in pleasure being so close, his scent filled her nostrils, the warmth of his bare chest against her body and the strength of his arms around her waist sent shivers to her deepest core.

  “I’m not sure Kelly’s clothes suit you either. How about I take you to the shops and shout you some new clothes?” Mason said looking down into her face.

  Chelsea shook her head suddenly embarrassed, she pulled out of his arms.

  “No Mason I can’t let you do that, you have done so much for me. It’s alright I will just wear what I have and I’ve got a little bit of money saved up from some art I sold. I can get a t-shirt or something” she said looking down at her feet.

  Mason pulled away from Chelsea and she knew that she had hurt him by refusing his offer.

  “I’m sorry Chelsea, I didn’t mean to offend you; I just thought I’d like to do something nice for you.” He said quietly.

  “Thank you Mason.” she said taking his hand in hers.

  Mason looked at Chelsea and leaned forward brushing his lips against hers. Her lips tingled under his touch and she couldn’t help but reach up and finger her mouth.

  “I’ll take you to the shops and you get what you like. If you would like me to buy you something you just have to say the word” he told her as he went to the bathroom to get dressed.

  Chelsea let go of the breath that she had been holding. Even though the kiss was fleeting she had never experienced anything so tender before. Her heart was pounding, she had never looked at Mason as someone who would be a boyfriend and the truth was that she had never looked at anyone as a boyfriend. She didn’t know what to do with these emotions. She wasn’t sure whether to act on them. Did his kiss mean that he wanted her as a girlfriend or was he just being nice? Chelsea rubbed her face in frustration, she didn’t know how to do this, but one thing was for certain she was going to try.

  Chapter Six

that morning Mason and Chelsea headed for the shops, Chelsea was still wearing the clothes that she had borrowed from Kelly, whom she still hadn’t met and didn’t know who she was. They walked from shop to shop. It wasn’t something that Chelsea was accustomed to. She generally shopped at second hand stores and just found the most comfortable clothes she could find, she didn’t really care about style or fashion. Chelsea was a bit overwhelmed by the whole experience, but it felt nice to have Mason by her side. He didn’t seem to tire going from store to store and would happily point out things that suited her. She was astonished by how the sales girls would flirt with him and he would flash them that crooked smile. Chelsea had never experienced jealousy over a boy, but when the sales girls would casually flick their hair and put their hand on Mason’s arm, with their fake laugh she wanted to reach over and rip their heads off.

  She had to keep her eyes on the task of finding clothes, Chelsea was sure they thought she was just his sister or cousin and that’s why they were openly flirting with him. Mason didn’t seem to notice the way they looked at him, but Chelsea saw it all. Finally they found a shop that sold jeans that Chelsea liked and that Mason said suited her and once again the girl was flirting and laughing with Mason.

  Chelsea stood at the counter waiting to pay for the clothes, while the girl leaned over talking to Mason, making sure that her top hung down low enough for him to get a good look at her cleavage, flashing him her too white teeth and flicking her hair with exaggerated movements. It was when she turned and bent over wiggling her arse for him that Chelsea couldn’t hold back.

  “Oh come on already, yes we get it you want to fuck him, now can I please pay for my things so I can go be sick somewhere else?” Chelsea moaned out loud.

  The girl stood and spun on her heel staring at Chelsea, her mouth dropping open and closing again. Chelsea lifted her clothes and waved them at her. The girl bustled forward and quickly put Chelsea’s purchases through the register, careful not to make eye contact with either Chelsea or Mason. She could see out the corner of her eye Mason’s wide Cheshire grin. The girl handed Chelsea the bag and turned again busying herself on the back shelf. Chelsea didn’t even look at Mason as she passed him out the shop but she could tell he had enjoyed the show very much.


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