brass: Ming medallion as, 201, 203
and dating of human habitation in Americas, 246
genetics and people of, 81–82
and geography of South America, 138
hookworms in, 38, 39
Pedra Furada site in, 244, 246
Brigham, Lawson, 16
British Columbia
Buddhist relic from, 227
pigs in, 82
bronze/Bronze Age
in Anatolia, 52
and Anatolian and Aegean artifacts, 48
and Anatolian migration to Crete, 49, 50
Catawba Indian pottery and, 203
Minoan civilization and, 52
ship-building and, 56
stone anchors from, 229
tin in, 52
tools of, 47
of Xuan De era, 203
Brooks, Tony, 16–17
Brown, Michael, 239
Bruges-Armas, Jacome, 77, 161
Buddhist cave art, 26
burial sites/funerals
and comparison of Mi’kmaqs and Yi people, 222
Mayan, 94
at Nova Cataia, 219–20
in Paracas, 177
in Samarkand, 29
at Tikal, 137
at Túcume (Peru), 141–42
of Windover Bog people, 240–41
Cabot, John, 215
Cabral, Pedro Alvares: maps/charts of, 166
Cala (founder of Túcume), 140, 141
Calancha, Antonio de la, 142, 143
calendars: and Chinese and Asian influence in Central and South America, 89, 90
Cambridge University, authentication of Liu Gang’s 1763 map by, 173
Campeche (Mexico), 112
Canada: Menzies’s trip to, 217–18
Canary Current, 244
Cancún: and Menzies’s trip to Mexico and Central America, 90–91
in Mexico and Guatemala, 89, 91
Silk Road expedition and, 22–30
Cape Breton Island (Nova Scotia), 211–12, 215, 216. See also Nova Cataia
Cape Hatteras (North Carolina), 184, 191–92
Caral-Supe civilization (Peru): age of, 176
Cartier, Jacques, 216
Cartographica (Bagrow), 168
Casa, Alfonso, 102
Casey, Richard, 16–17
Catal Huyuk settlement (Turkey), 50, 51
Catawba Indians, 203, 204
Catherwood, Frederick, 105
genetics and, 79
See also jaguars/tigers
Cayapa Chachi (Ecuador people), 74
Central America
beginning of Chinese-Asian voyages to, 247
Chinese and Asian influence in, 87–88
development of civilizations in, 120
Menzies’s trip to, 90–100
Olmec civilization as foundation culture of, 103, 105–18, 121
See also specific nation or civilization
ceramics. See pottery
Cerna, Marie, 74
“Cerro Colorado” cemetery (Paracas), 177
Chambers, Geoffrey K., 75
Chan Chan (Peru), 139, 146–49, 177
Chancay (Peru): Zheng He fleet in, 177
Chavin civilization (Peru): age of, 176
Cherokee Indians, 187–89, 195, 198, 200–201, 202, 203, 204
Cherokee rose, legend of, 195
chi: in medicine, 113, 114
Chi Long Han Zhu (Chinese rose), 231
Chiasson, Paul, 211–12, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222
Chichen Itza
and astronomy, 125
ball court at, 108
Chinese evidence at, 119, 136
and development of civilizations in Central America, 120
founding of, 125
Menzies’s trip to, 90, 91
pyramids/tombs at, 119, 120, 125, 127
on Atlantic Coast, 194
killing black, 88, 99
Chilcat Village (Alaska), 226
China compared with, 150–51
food in, 139
and geography of South America, 138
language of, 138, 150–51
Menzies’s trip to, 139
Monte Verde site in, 244–45, 246
trade of, 179
and age of Chinese civilization, 176
and Japanese sea route, 62
maps of, 226
minority people in, 65
political isolation of, 1, 202, 247
role of trade routes in Western expansion of, 21
See also Silk Road; specific dynasty, person, or topic
Chincha people (Paracas), 178–80
Chinese Maritime Activities and Socioeconomic Development (Gang Deng), 55
Chinese rose, 231
Chinese Sailed to America Before Columbus (Harris Rees), 198
Chinese Tartar cook: and Arizona Apaches, 234
Chirikov, Aleksei I., 22, 225
chocolate/cocoa, 60, 96
founding of, 123
pottery of, 123
pyramids at, 91, 119, 120, 122–23, 127
Cholula (Mexico), 90
Chota/Chotuna, temple of, 140
Chu Ssu-Pen: map of, 162
Chukotaka (Russia): and crossing the Bering Straits, 18
Chumash Indians (California), 230
Churchward, James, 124–25
Ciboux Islands (Cape Breton Islands), 219
Cilician Gates (Taurus Mountains), 52
cinnabar, 93–94
“cities of Chinese silk” (Peru), 149, 176–77
Clewlow, Carl William, 229
of Mi’kmaq, 220, 221–22
in Paracas, 177
of Windover Bog people, 240–41
of Yi peoples, 221–22
Clovis civilization, 243–44, 245
coal: at Nova Cataia, 213
Coe, Michael, 90
Colombians: genetics and, 72
and Chinese and Asian influence in Central America, 88, 99
and comparison of Mi’kmaq and Yi cultures, 221
on compass, 88, 99
Columbia University: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at, 228
Columbus, Christopher
in Azores, 77
Chinese miners in “bird” ships meeting with, 187
and criticisms of case for Chinese exploration of Americas, 2
and dating of human habitation in Americas, 246
horses and, 192
maps/charts of, 166
and Marco Polo as discoverer of America, 160
Comalco pyramid (Olmec civilization): alignment of, 128
Confalonieri, Ulisses, 39
conquistadors, Spanish, 35, 90, 91, 122–23, 141, 246, 247
Cook Islanders: genetics and, 75
Cook, James, 160, 166, 167, 224, 226
Cooper, H. M., 82
Copan (Honduras), 94, 108, 128, 129, 134, 137
and Anatolians, 48, 49, 50, 51
and Crete, 49, 51
in Great Lakes region, 246
Minoan civilization and, 49, 52–53
at Nova Cataia, 213
trade and, 137
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 187, 206
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 206–7
Corvo Island (Azores), 77
Cotner, Dave, 228
Covey, Cyclone, 197
age of, 6
Anatolian migration to, 41–42, 43, 47, 49, 53
copper/tin smelting in, 49, 51, 53
development of sail power in, 59
genetics and, 6, 240
Mediterranean tsunami and, 246
Menzies’s trip to Anatolia and, 6, 43–53
navigation between Anatolia and, 6, 48–49
bsp; Neolithic population of, 41–43
Thera volcanic eruption on, 5, 53, 60–61, 246
See also Minoan civilization
and Chinese and Asian influence in Central America, 88
on Pacific Coast of North America, 227–28
and studies of plants in Americas, 36
See also specific civilization, nation, tribe, or people
and beginning of Chinese-Asian voyages to Americas, 247
of North Pacific, 245
See also specific current
cusp of Carabelli, 233
Cyrus (emperor of Persia), 52
da Conti, Nicolo, 163
Da Gama, Vasco, 166, 167
Dalrymple, William, 27
Dardanelles: and Menzies’s trip to Anatolia and Crete, 43–46
Darling, Samuel Taylor, 38, 79
Darwin, Charles, 39–40
dating techniques, 244
Davidson, Samuel, 198
Davis, Nancy Yaw, 232, 233, 234
Dee, John, 160
Derekutugun (Turkey): mining at, 51
deserts: Silk Road and, 23
Di Virga (Albertin) map, 167–68, 170, 171, 172–73
The Diane Rehm Show: Menzies’s interview on, 185
Dias, Bartolomeu: maps/charts of, 166
Did Ancient Chinese Explore America? (Harris Rees), 198
Diego de Landa Calderón, 89–90, 132
Dieppe School: maps of, 166
Dillehay, Tom, 244–45
Diodorus (Greek historian), 49
of animals, 82–83
and Bering Strait crossing theory and, 4, 87, 186
and evidence of Chinese and Asian influence in Americas, 87
genetics/DNA and, 74, 78–85
of Túcume mummies, 142
of Windover Bog people, 240
Zheng He’s fleets and, 65, 81, 82, 185–86
See also medicine/medications
distinctive benign physical disorder, 83–85
accuracy of analysis of, 71
and advances in research about Americas, 3, 247
Bering Strait crossing and evidence of, 68–70, 73, 75
brain matter analysis and, 238–39
diseases/viruses and, 74, 78–85
and evidence of Chinese and Asian influence in Americas, 3, 87, 88
and evidence of human habitation of Americas, 246
Frudakis statement about, 135
and haplogroups, 239–40
and indigenous American DNA in Chinese people, 135
mitochondrial, 71, 72
and Neolithic population of Crete, 41–42, 43, 48, 53
of pigs, 82–83
and plant biology, 36
as primary tool for genetics, 66–67
summary of findings of geneticists about, 72–77
Warsing’s research and, 185–86
Y chromosome and, 71
See also genetics; Machado-Joseph disease; specific civilization or people
DNA Print Genomics, 71–72
dogs, 79, 100, 241
Doran, Glen H., 238–39
Dresden Codex (Mayan civilization), 88, 90, 93, 124, 132–33, 134
Duché, Andrew, 203
Dunhuang (China): and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23, 26
Dutton Amphibious Cars, 16
Dutton, Tim, 16
East Kemptville Tin Mine (Nova Scotia), 214
food in, 139
language of, 145–46
trade of, 137, 138, 179
See also Inca civilization
age of civilization in, 176
as maritime nation, 57–58
Mediterranean tsunami and, 246
mummies in, 60
Nile River’s importance to, 57–58
pyramids in, 120, 126
EKS Corporation, 238
El Baúl (Guatemala): Chinese evidence at, 138
engineering, 91, 121
Ephemeris tables, 88, 133, 134
Ephesus (Greek/Roman city), 47, 48
Chinese voyages to, 1–2
genetics and, 66, 76
maps of explorers from, 167, 168
migrations within, 41
seafaring of, 41–53
in Siberia and Alaska, 160
and Zheng He’s fleets in Virginia and North Carolina, 186–87
See also specific person, site, or nation
evolution: and plants and animals in Americas, 39–40
“ex-mer” method, 126
Fagundes, Joao Alvares, 215–16
Fang Zhong Po, 229
Farish, Thomas Edwin, 234
Featherstonhaugh, George William, 188–89, 196
Fernandez-Cobo, Mariana, 83–84, 224
Ferreira, Luiz Fernando, 39
Figdor, Albert, 167
Fiji Islanders: genetics and, 75
Finnila, Saara, 239
fleas, 66, 83
Flecker, James Elroy, 29
flint, 93–94
Flores Island (Azores), 77
and dating of human habitation in Americas, 246
Windover Bog people of, 237–41
folkloric tales, 88, 89, 222, 226
Fonseca, Olympio da, 38, 39, 78, 81–82
Bering Strait crossing and, 18, 245
currents of North Pacific and, 245
at La Venta, 121
in North Carolina, 194
seaweed as source of, 245
for Zheng He’s fleet, 66
See also plants/trees; specific nation or civilization
Förstemann, Ernst, 132, 133
Forsythe, John, 227
1421: The Year China Discovered America (Menzies)
as chronicle of China’s circumnavigation and mapping of the globe, 1, 2
and evidence of Chinese voyages to Americas, 3
genetics/DNA studies and, 68, 77, 80–81
Liu Gang map and, 172, 173
Raish research as help in writing, 34
Silk Road comments in, 21
and Sorenson and Johannessen’s studies, 35
and Warsing-Menzies discussions, 80–81
1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (Menzies), 1–2, 148, 228
Franciscan Map of America, 158
Franciscan records, 177
The Friar’s Map of Ancient America (Thompson), 158
Frobisher, Martin, 161
Frudakis, Tony, 71–72, 135
“Frying Pans” vases, 59
funerals. See burial sites/funerals
Gallengo, Emil, 73
Gallenkamp, Charles, 90
Gallez, Paul, 231
Gallipoli: Menzies’s visit to, 44–45
Gang Deng, K., 55, 56, 61
Gaochang, China, Menzies’s visit to, 26
Garcia, Hernán, 112–13, 118
Gate or Reconciliation (Jiayuguan, China), 30
and advances in research about Americas, 3, 247
and Anatolia, 240
animals and, 82–83
Bering Strait crossing and, 68–70, 73, 75, 79
diseases/viruses and, 74, 78–85
DNA research as tool for determining, 66–67
and evidence of human habitation of Americas, 3, 246
haplotypes and, 74, 76–77, 239–40, 246
Human Genome Project and, 71, 247
Kangnido and, 77–78
medications and, 71
and migrations within Europe, 41
Minoan civilization and, 240
parasites and, 78–85
Zheng He’s fleet and, 65, 66, 68, 75, 77, 81, 82, 84
See also DNA; specific civilization or people
George (co-driver), Bering Strait trip of, 16
/> Georgia
horses in, 193
pre-Columbian pottery in, 199
Giza: pyramids at, 120
gold, 96, 179, 184, 213, 218
gold rush, California, Chinese in, 66, 84, 230–31
“The Golden Journey to Samarkand” (Flecker), 29
Goncalves de Araujo, Adauto José, 39, 79
Gould, Stephen Jay, 39–40
The Graffiti of Tikal (book), 94
graves. See burial sites/funerals
Graveyard of the Atlantic (North Carolina), 192
Gray, D., 57, 59
Great Dismal Swamp (North Carolina), 191, 204–9
Great Lakes: Minoan mining around, 246
Great Pyramid of Cholula, 120, 127
Great Pyramid of Giza, 120
Great Wall of China, 25, 30, 212–13
Great Wall of Vietnam, 212
Greece: Neolithic population in, 42
Greenland: genetics of native peoples of, 68–70
Griffiths, Thomas, 203
Guadalupe: maps/charts of, 166
Guangzhou (Canton, China): ships in, 61
Guarani Indians: DNA of, 74, 224
Chinese in, 136
Menzies’s trip to, 5, 89, 91–100
trade of, 137
See also Tikal
Guidon, Niède, 244
Gulf Stream, 161, 192, 215
Guo Shoujing, 171–72
Guri Amir mausoleum (Samarkand), 29
Haida nation (British Columbia): birdman of, 228
hallucinogens, and Tikal as trading center, 94
Han dynasty, 61, 88, 118, 119, 131, 132, 134, 135, 214
Han Ping Chen, 110
haplotypes, 74, 76–77, 239–40, 246
Hardy, Jorge E., 146–47
Harihara, Shinji, 75
Harleston, Hugh, Jr., 123–24, 126
Harris, Hendon, 5, 171, 196, 197
Harris Rees, Charlotte, 5, 171, 196–98, 247
Hassan (Flecker play), 29
Headland, Bob, 16, 17
Hebei University (Baoding): Ortelius maps at, 226
Henry the Navigator, Prince, 166
comparison of Mayan and Chinese, 116
comparison of Mi’kmaqs and Yi, 222
Hertzberg, M., 75
Hibben, Frank, 243
History of Cartography (Bagrow), 168
History of the Inca Realm (Canseco), 178
Hittites (Anatolia), 50–51
The Hittites and Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor (Macqueen), 43, 49–50
HMS Narwhal (ship), 11, 12, 16
HMS Resolution (ship), 11–13
Homer, 43–44, 45–46
Honduras, 94, 121, 122, 136
See also Copan
Hong Bao (Chinese admiral), 65, 66
Hong Wu (emperor of China), 25
hookworms, 37–39, 79
Hopkins, Frank, 28
Hopkins, Gill, 28
The Horse in America (Howard), 193
Appaloosa, 232
Assateague, 192, 193
Bowles comments about, 193–94
Chickasaw, 193
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