Return to Her

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Return to Her Page 5

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  Sailboats dotted the still blue waters as families came in droves to watch the annual Fourth Fireworks Celebration. Cassie had always looked forward to fun with friends here, but today it just wasn’t as fun. The past year had made it hard for her to enjoy moments like this, knowing Mason could be in harm’s way.

  “You know, you are allowed to have fun when he’s not here,” Ashley said suddenly. Cassie was shocked her friend had seemed to pick up on the feelings running through her head.

  Cassie turned to stare at Ashley. “What do you mean?”

  “For the past year, you’ve avoided most of us. You’ve worked, went home, and stayed in. It’s been like pulling teeth to get you out of your house. You’ve cancelled on our lunch date three times now.”

  Cassie squirmed in her seat, not wanting to have this conversation. “It’s been a hard few months.”

  “And we could’ve helped make it better,” Spence, Ashley’s boyfriend added.

  “I came out. On occasion,” Cassie said, defending herself.

  Ashley and a couple of their other friends laughed. “And you looked as miserable then as you do now. Just because Mason is overseas, it doesn’t mean you can’t go out and enjoy yourself.”

  Cassie realized Ashley was right. She’d felt like she was doing something wrong whenever she’d been out. It was some weird guilt she had.

  “I guess knowing Mason was stuck in some hellhole somewhere made me feel uncomfortable about having fun. You’re absolutely right. I’ll do better.”

  Ashley grinned and dove into her plate. Cassie picked up her fork and began to eat, trying to keep away the rising concern she had over that missed call.

  It was nothing.

  He was busy.

  He’d call her next Sunday and they’d laugh about her being a little crazy.

  She pushed the fork into her mouth, but really didn’t taste the food. Cassie was sure it was good, but she couldn’t let go of her growing concern. Three days late. He’d had three days to make up that phone call. Where was he?

  As the sun started to set and the air cooled a bit, she listened to her friends talk about their recent exploits and tried to release a little of that burden. The more she worried, the more she willed it into fruition. Ashley put a beer in her hand once the fireflies had come out to play. She drank it, and after a while, her shoulders eased a little and she could breathe easier.

  Everything was going to be okay.

  Mason was fine.

  He would return to her—in one piece. Wouldn’t he?

  Cassie’s phone started buzzing in her pocket and she dug it out. Looking at the screen, she saw the one name she’d most needed it to be. A flood of relief filled her and she scrambled to hit Accept.


  “Hey sweets. How are you?”

  Cassie climbed from the bench and started moving to the edge of the party. She could barely hear him over the noise, but once away from the shelter, it improved. “Better now that I’ve heard your voice. Why didn’t you call on Sunday? I’ve been so worried.”

  “I had a last minute order late Saturday night and I had to get moving much sooner than I’d anticipated. I’ve been tied up until now. I called you as soon as I finally stopped. I didn’t want you to worry.”

  Cassie leaned against the trunk of a large oak, the picnic shelters far enough away that it felt private. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You’re nearly done…” She paused, unwilling to jinx the statement by finishing it. You’re nearly done, and you need to come home.

  “So are you at a party?”

  Guilt swamped her. “Everybody nagged me until I came out to the Fourth picnic.”

  “Why did they have to nag you?”

  “It doesn’t feel right having fun when you’re not here,” she answered him.

  Silence drew out on the other end. She could still hear a slight crackle in the connection and knew he was still there.


  “I’m here,” he said, his voice huskier. “You shouldn’t feel guilty about living your life, Cassie. Don’t let me stop you from enjoying your friends.”

  “I know. In theory, it sounds logical. In action, I just want you here.”

  “Then turn around,” he said.

  She frowned. “What?”

  “Turn around, Cassie.”

  Cassie looked over her shoulder and saw a man standing in the middle of the parking lot. He held a phone to his ear. As he began to walk closer, she turned to face him, her lungs burning as she held her breath.

  Could it be…?

  Once the man walked under a floodlight, she saw him more clearly. Short dark hair graced a head above a set of wide shoulders. It looked like… Mason.

  Her heart thundered in her chest, the sound echoing in her ears. As the shock faded some, she began running, as fast as her feet could fly, to eat up the yards between them.

  The closer she got, the more the realization hit her. He was home. He was safe. He’d returned to her, as promised.

  Mason opened his arms wide and she raced into them, tears streaming down her face. Sobs wracked her body as she held him close, never wanting to be out of his embrace ever again. He drew her against him, holding her still and rubbing her back until she calmed some, the sobs melting away as the initial intense feelings of relief subsided.

  He held her tight, kissing the top of her head and face, holding her so close she could barely breathe. When she pulled away slightly, his lips found hers and they kissed, time standing still in that moment. It felt like the time that had held them apart had been nothing. They’d just said their goodbyes and picked right off where they’d last been—in one another’s arms.

  Finally they broke apart and stared at one another. Cassie laughed, happier than she’d been since before he’d left. Shock still filled her, her body thrumming from the excitement of seeing him.

  “Not that I’m not elated, but what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “We finished our assignment early, so they let us go home,” Mason said. “One of the perks of a volunteer assignment.”

  Cassie hugged him tight. “I’m never letting go. I can’t do this again.”

  Mason cradled her face in his hands and stared down at her. “I never want to leave you again, but this won’t be the last time. It’ll get easier. Trust me. But, it shouldn’t come anytime soon, so you’re stuck with me for a while.”

  “Stuck sounds wonderful.”

  He pulled her even closer and kissed her passionately, his arms wrapping around her so tight she could barely move. She’d have had it no other way, though. The closer, the better. When he finally released her lips, she leaned in and kissed him, thinking no one kiss would ever be long enough for her. She had a year-full of them to give him. And more. Her body was already on high alert, ready for his touch.

  Mason squeezed her ass and pulled her lower body against his hard–on. A moan ripped from between her lips and he swallowed it with his kisses. She wanted him, right there. But they’d have to wait. There were people all over with all the picnics and gatherings around.

  Cassie drew away from Mason, realizing there were a lot of people at the picnic he’d want to say hello to, as well as a celebration to enjoy. “Are you hungry? There’s plenty of food.”

  Mason stared down at her, a flash of lust filling his eyes. “I’m only hungry for one thing,” he said lowly. “Everything else can wait.”

  Need churned in her gut when she locked her gaze with his. Her body was ready for him, her nipples hard, her clit beginning to tingle as the blood flowed there to swell the little nub.

  Breathless, she smiled up at him. Cassie didn’t want to deny him—she was just as needful as he was. “Our friends are here and I can’t just disappear without questions and concern. We need to go make a quick round and then go home. As soon as we can break free.”

  Mason nodded and kissed the breath from her. “Promise?”

  “Promise,” she answered.

on eased from her arms and picked up his duffel. “Can I have your keys? I want to throw my duffel in your car.”

  “How did you get here?”

  Mason grinned. “A cab.”

  She was a little upset he’d robbed her of her chance to meet him at the airport. But he’d come straight to her, so she’d let him off the hook. Cassie fished her keys from her shorts pocket and tossed them over. Mason leaned in to kiss her again before wandering toward her car. While he was gone, she started fixing him a plate of food, piling it high with his favorites. Once she was done, she brought the food to their table, along with a couple of beers, and sat impatiently for him to return. Within minutes of her sitting, he was there, at her side, climbing onto the bench.

  An overjoyed cry rang out as Mason returned. Everyone came over to shake his hand or bid him welcome home. She watched the procession and observed Mason while he was busy talking. He looked so different, yet completely the same. He wore a t-shirt and shorts, and a pair of running shoes on his feet. She felt a twinge of sadness. His clothes hung on him a little. His body appeared thinner, his face a little more gaunt. She didn’t know what he’d been through during his time away, but if she could be the soft place for him to land, she would.

  “Oh, this looks great. I’m starving,” he said, grasping the fork she’d brought him, his other worming its way between her thighs and brushing against her heat.

  Cassie swallowed a moan and tried to act as if nothing was amiss. He glanced at her with wickedness in his eyes as he began to stroke her through her shorts. While he talked, ate, and drank with everyone at the table, he toyed with her body, building the fire within her. Not that he had to work hard to build anything. Knowing he was home, safe, and in her reach once again was enough to make her ready for his kisses and caresses.

  Mason’s gaze drifted her way often, the heat in his stare enough to send shivers racing up her spine. The longer he stroked her, the more insistent his fingers were. She noticed his breathing grow shallower, and he struggled to focus on anything but her.

  He slipped one finger along the edge of her shorts, brushing along her wet folds. Cassie had to swallow a moan that almost escaped her lips. She covered with a quick cough, but from the odd looks she got, their friends knew something was going on.

  “I have a present for you in my bag. I forgot to give it to you. Come with me?” Mason asked, drawing his hand away from her. His eyes glistening in the glow coming from strings of lights wrapped around the shelter. The soft light was just enough for her to see the wan smile play with his lips.

  Tonight was almost magical. The air was heavy with promise. She only hoped it wasn’t a dream and Mason was really there with her. After he stood, she took his hand and let him lead her away. Before they could make it to the small parking lot, he pulled her into a copse of trees that had grown beside a large shed. Three tall, full evergreens stood wide, hiding the pair of them from other picnic participants.

  In the darkened space, they were very much alone for the first time that night.

  Mason’s lips came down onto hers, his mouth starving. He licked along the seam of her mouth, a silent plea for her to open for him. She yielded, letting him taste the summer on her tongue. Drinking her in, he pushed her against the outside wall, pressing his hardness against her. He was just as ready for her as she for him.

  He drew away and looked down at her. Cassie could see the outline of his face from the dim light coming through, but it wasn’t enough to see his features. Cassie wanted to see the emotions he felt. Here, she was robbed of that.

  “I’ve missed you more than I expected,” he said softly. “I’m so happy to be home.”

  Cassie drew her hand over his chest, feeling the even harder muscles he seemed to have now. His service had hardened him more, chiseling away a little of his softness. She would give it back to him in spades, if he’d let her. “This feels like a dream. I’m scared I’ll close my eyes and you won’t be there when I open them.”

  “I’m here, sweet. Right where I want to be.” He kissed her again, greedier than the last.

  After their time apart, she matched his ardor, kissing him with equal fire. His hands gripped her ass, pulling her closer. He’d already driven her insane with his lusty, secret touches and now she was nearing the edge.

  Cassie reached down to grab his shaft through his shorts, stroking the length through the material. She looked over her shoulder and could see no one, but the possibility of being caught only heightened her frenzy.

  Mason moved his hips, thrusting against her touch, a low growl coming up from his throat. He pushed her shorts to the side, exposing some of her pussy. She gasped as he slid two fingers inside her, testing her.

  “So wet,” he whispered against her lips. “I can’t wait for fireworks. Let’s go home.”

  “No,” she answered. “No one can see us.”

  Mason looked over his shoulder and then back at her. “Are you sure? I don’t have any protection.”

  “I went back on the pill,” she said. “Three months ago, in anticipation of your return.”

  A rush of air left his lungs. “I was tested before I left, and I’m clean.”

  “Same here,” she whispered.

  Mason’s chest shuddered. “I’m at my limits,” he whispered, pain in his voice.

  She knew what he was trying to say. It had been too long for them both. This would be hot and fast. “We have all the time we need for slow and seductive later. I just need you now, Mason. Fuck me.”

  Cassie tugged his shorts down around his hips and drew his hard cock out of hiding. She stroked the length, the fiery heat making her head spin. Mason yanked on her shorts, pulling them down to her knees.

  “Step out,” he whispered.

  Unsure, she paused for a moment, but did it anyway. If anyone found them, there would be no denying what they’d done with her half-dressed. Her nipples beaded even tighter in the cool night air, excitement coursing through her veins. The same chill rushed over her pussy, only covered in a scrap of lace.

  Before he ripped them off her.

  The rending of fabric seemed too loud, but the first of the fireworks went off a second after. The show would garner everyone’s attention and drown out the sounds they’d make. Perfect timing.

  Mason appeared to be thinking the same, from the smile she thought she saw on his lips. She noted the low light shine off his very white teeth before he lifted her slightly. Cassie wrapped her legs about his waist as he angled his cock against her entrance.

  He slid into her as a loud crack rent the air. Colored light glistened through the needles of the evergreens as Cassie gazed over Mason’s shoulder. When he pushed tighter, she could see the fireworks above them, the sparkles dancing against the star-strewn sky.

  Mason seemed impossibly thick inside her. After a year without sex, her body had appeared to forget the feel of him surging inside her. She was tight around his girth, the sensation of his cock stretching her made her moan louder than she’d intended. Luckily the noise was masked by the festivities outside, leaving her free to voice the passions she wanted to.

  He felt so good inside her, his thick cock impaling deep within her core. Up against the wall, she could move less, so she clung to him and let him thrust within her depths.

  The mating was fast, frenzied. He was needful and she wanted to give him the succor he desired. Mason was a wild man, thrusting quickly as his kisses became frenzied. Still, he wasn’t too rough, nor did he hurt her. He kept his lusts in check, giving them both what they needed.

  His pelvic bone brushed against her clit in the position they were in. The friction was delicious, and when she felt his fingers pressing the tight pearl, she shuddered in his arms. Mason’s muscled chest rubbed against her hard nipples, adding more sensation to every stroke. Every erogenous zone in her body was being coaxed, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

  The fireworks exploded around them, drowning out the sounds of her pleasure–filled cries.
Color lit up every pulse of his cock within her, the sights, the sounds, and the sensation culminating in an experience she’d never forget.

  Mason’s lips and hands were everywhere, tempting and teasing her need higher and higher. In his arms she’d learned so much about her body and her own needs. He built a fire no other man had, and she was better for it.

  When she came, her whole body tightened around him. She crested, riding wave after wave of her orgasm as Mason continued to seek solace within her pussy. A few thrusts later, he tensed and came within her. His cock shuddered before she felt the warm blast of his cum.

  Once they’d both been sated, they stood there connected, kissing under the colored explosions. Her legs were still wrapped about his waist and she wasn’t sure she could move them if she was forced into it. Anyone could find them here, hiding in the bushes, and she didn’t care. Her man was home and she’d welcomed him back.

  The fireworks finale sounded, the noise so loud. Mason tensed before her and she wondered if it had been best for them to stay or not. He laid his head on her shoulder as she soothed him. Mason then lifted his head and kissed her languidly as the show finished.

  Cassie could feel the result of their shared orgasm. Their commingled juices, damp between her thighs, began to ease from her. Mason finally withdrew from her passage and let her lower her legs. Her knees buckled and he lifted her, supporting her weight.

  He kissed her forehead. “I want to spend a week doing that.”

  “Just a week?” Cassie asked, a sudden moment of insecurity slipping in. Mason was a ladies’ man, after all.

  “A week only doing that. You, me, my bed, and nothing else.”

  Cassie chuckled. “Sounds like a plan. Although we might need to occasion food break so we have enough energy to keep going.”

  Mason drew away a little and looked down at her. “I heard the little bit of doubt in your question.”

  There was no use wasting time with games or not owning up to what she felt. “Maybe a little. We’re great friends. I don’t want this to go wrong.”

  “I love you, Cassie,” Mason said. It was the first time the ‘L word’ had been said aloud. She’d seen it on the card from the first bouquet of roses he’d had delivered, but it had been absent from the others he’d sent, and everything else they’d shared this year. It warmed her to hear him say it. “I don’t throw that term around. What I feel for you is different. I know I’ve never been able to commit to someone, but I want a chance to try it with you.”


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