Uniform Fetish

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Uniform Fetish Page 8

by 10 Author Anthology

  “Do you want more, Meg?” he asked in a husky tone.

  She nodded, and he broke their kiss to shake his head. “Not good enough. If you want something, sweetheart, you’ll have to ask for it.”

  Her heart was hammering in her chest as she found her voice and said, “Yes. I want more. I want everything you have, Brian. Please? I don’t want to feel anything but you.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” His fingers moved faster now, working her clit with merciless focus until she was barely able to breathe, or think, or do anything but feel the pleasure building up inside her. When she was just on the brink, he slid those thick fingers into her channel and pressed on the pearl of her clitoris with his thumb, triggering an orgasm more powerful than she’d ever experienced before.

  When she came back to Earth and opened her eyes, Brian was grinning at her. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “It was?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He eased his fingers out of her pussy and licked them clean.

  “Well, it was the sexiest I’ve ever felt, too.”

  His eyes gleamed with satisfaction at her words. “Then this next bit should be a new experience for both of us. Up you get, sweetheart. I need to lose a few more clothes.”

  Brian wasn’t sure what lottery he’d won, or why the universe was being so good to him, but he planned on enjoying the moment and wondering about it later. Much, much later, likely after he’d woken up with Meg in his arms tomorrow morning and proven to himself this wasn’t all a dream. He lifted the pretty blonde off his lap and set her down beside him, already missing the warm weight of her body. He stood and toed off his shoes before quickly stripping so that he could get back to where he wanted to be.

  He finished undressing and turned to find Meg seated on the edge of couch, her hot-eyed gaze drinking in every inch of his body. Before he could move, she dropped to her knees in front of him, soft fingers curling around his shaft as she gave it a gentle pump.

  Sweet God above, she was going to kill him.

  “Meg, you don’t—” was all he managed to say before her lips sealed around his cock and he was too busy trying to remember how to breathe to speak. Her touch was gentle and unsure at first, and he fought the urge to take control. She wanted this moment, and he was happy to let her have it. Her tongue swirled over and around the head of his dick as she kept working his shaft with her hand, and soon his hips were jerking in time to the flick and dip of her tongue. He knew if he didn’t stop soon, he’d be coming down her throat, and that wasn’t the way he wanted this to go. No, when he came, he’d be buried balls deep inside her.

  He tangled his fingers in the corn-silk softness of her hair and tugged her head back. “I need you, sweetheart, all of you. Now.”

  She lapped at the crown of his cock one last time, then leaned back so she could meet his gaze. “Here?”

  “Here. Now. The bed is too far away. Maybe we’ll get there for the next round.”

  The next round. Meg liked the sound of that. Brian knelt beside her and kissed her hard as he helped her back up onto the couch. The second she was seated, he pushed her knees apart and moved between her thighs so that the heavy length of his cock was pressed to the lips of her pussy. He cursed suddenly and grabbed his pants, shaking them until his wallet fell onto the floor. Before she could wonder what he was doing, he pulled a condom packet out of it and held it up in triumph.

  “Always be prepared.”

  She laughed, watching as he tore open the packet with his teeth and got it on faster than she would have thought possible. “In a hurry?”

  “You have no idea. You’re going to want to hang on to me, sweetheart. This is going to get a little wild.”

  That was all the warning he gave her before arching his hips and thrusting into her, her slick skin giving way to the broad head of his cock. He kept going deeper, easing himself into her body an inch at a time until she felt stretched and full. He gripped her hips and held her to him as he claimed her, his lips slanting across hers. She buried her hands in his hair, wrapping her uninjured leg around his waist to draw him in even closer. He groaned her name as he withdrew and thrust into her again, then again. Their lovemaking grew frenzied, kisses fierce enough to bruise, the mad mating of their bodies making the couch springs groan and squeak in rhythmic protest.

  Her entire body sang with pleasure as he claimed her, and there was no doubt this was a claiming. She could feel him everywhere, marking her as his, from the brand of his mouth to the way his cock stretched and stroked every inch of her channel. Meg opened her eyes and watched the passion and need etched on her lover’s face as he took her higher than she’d ever been before. There were so connected that she sensed the moment that his orgasm started, saw the way his eyes darkened and his body tensed as he was swept up in his release.

  “Not without you,” he said, and then his fingers were back on her clitoris, pinching just the right amount to send a jolt of pleasure/pain through her and triggering another orgasm. She cried out, her body bent like a bow as she drowned in a stormy sea of pleasure, and it was a long time before she opened her eyes to see Brian slumped atop her, his head pillowed on her breasts.

  “Brian?” she called softly, and he cracked his eyes open to look at her.


  “Thank you for turning the worst day of my life into the best night I’ve ever had.”

  He lifted his head and gave her sinful smile. “Who said the night was over? We haven’t made it to the bed yet, remember?”

  Meg had a feeling she was in for a long, wonderful night.


  Brian woke to the scent of fresh brewed coffee and sizzling bacon, and for a moment he wasn’t sure how that was possible unless he’d started cooking in his sleep. It wasn’t until he’d rolled over and caught a whiff of Meg’s perfume still clinging to his pillow that he remembered everything that had happened. He got up with a smile despite his lack of sleep, and went to look for Meg.

  Breakfast passed in a flurry of teasing banter and laughter, and when they’d ended up doing the dishes side by side in his tiny kitchen, he’d spent more time trying to steal kisses than actually washing anything. He wanted to make sure Meg knew that what had happened last night wasn’t a onetime thing. Hell, as far as he was concerned, it was the first of many nights they’d be spending together. Brian didn’t care how little time had passed or how much they still didn’t know about each other, he knew a good thing when he saw it.

  The only thing that marred the day was the knowledge he had to go back to work tonight. He didn’t want her to be alone at home, but when he’d suggested she stay at his place, she’d refused. She’d pointed out that she had a life to get back to, and she wasn’t going to let what happened make her live in fear. He’d given in, too proud of her courage to argue, but that didn’t mean he was leaving her side until he knew she’d be safe.

  Meg had woken up feeling better than she had any right to considering the night she’d had and how little sleep she’d gotten. It didn’t matter though. She felt as fresh and bright as the sunny spring day that greeted her. She’d made breakfast for the two of them because it felt like the right thing to do, and when Brian had come into the kitchen smiling and happy to see her, it was like a sunbeam had streamed into her soul and filled her up with light.

  Now they were in his car, heading back to her place with her ruined dress tucked into a bag at her feet. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of Brian’s sweatpants, the drawstring tied tight to keep them from falling off her. It was far from fashionable, but after last night, there wasn’t enough left of her dress to ever wear it again.

  “Tell me again exactly what your building manager said?” Brian asked as he wove Rosa in and out of morning traffic.

  “He said that it was his day off and he wasn’t going to be around, but he’d contacted the locksmith and arranged for him to come and let us in.”

  Brian snarled something under his bre
ath, then glanced over at her. “You really need to consider moving somewhere else. He didn’t know you had anyone coming with you today, and he was just going to let you go into that apartment alone? Your building isn’t safe.”

  “I know, but it’s all I can afford for now. I really appreciate you coming with me today. If I had to do this alone, I’d be out buying a baseball bat right now. Or I would, if I had any money to buy one with.”

  “Tomorrow I’m off shift, and if you want we can tackle the red tape of replacing all your ID and stuff together. You can pay me back with another breakfast, okay?”

  She laughed at that. “Is that your sneaky way of trying to get me to stay another night with you so I’m there in the morning to make this breakfast?”

  “Maybe. Did it work?”


  He winked at her. “Then yes, that was my plan all along.”

  They got to her place, and the stormy expression on Brian’s face made it clear what he thought of her neighborhood. It wasn’t the greatest, but the rent was cheap and it was close enough that she could walk to the School of the Arts Institute where she went to school. As he helped her out of the car, he leaned in close and declared, “You are definitely moving, sweetheart. There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep nights knowing this is where you live.”

  “Well, it’s where I’m staying for now, so you are just going to have to get over it,” she replied and then kissed him before he could argue the point.

  Brian was having a hard time reining in his protective instincts. Meg was still limping, and her cheek was marked by a darkening bruise. Knowing that she lived in a building he’d attended more than once in the line of work … none of it was sitting right with him. She deserved better. She deserved to be safe and protected, and every passing second he was more certain he was the man for the job.

  Halfway down the hall, his instincts kicked in. The door to her apartment was ajar. He moved in front of Meg so he was between her and the open door to her apartment. Someone had been here.

  When he heard movement beyond the door, he amended that thought. Someone was in there right now.

  He turned and touched his finger to his lips, and Meg nodded in understanding. He gestured for her to stand against the wall, and made it clear in a few swift motions that she was to stay put. He pulled his gun out of its holster and made his way to the door. The second he was in position he kicked the door open the rest of the way and yelled, “Chicago Police! Freeze!”

  After that, everything went to hell.

  A blond, skinny man who was a dead-ringer for the sketch Meg had drawn last night was standing in the middle of the apartment. He was holding something in his hand, and Brian’s stomach lurched when he realized what it was. The creepy bastard had a fistful of Meg’s underwear. The guy tried to bolt past Brian, but he slammed his fist into the smaller man’s gut. The suspect screeched in pain, but he wasn’t done fighting. He came at Brian again, wild-eyed and raving, his gaze fixed on the gun in Brian’s hand. The guy had to be on something, as he was impossibly strong and babbling nonstop about harlots, demons, and the torments of lust. Brian pulled the trigger, but instead of the deafening sound of gunfire, there was nothing but a click.

  Perfect time for a fucking misfire.

  They fought and staggered around the room, eventually tripping over a coffee table and landing in a heap on the floor. Brian felt the other man’s hands scrabbling at the gun, and he knew things were sliding out of control. There was an almighty crash, and for a second Brian thought the gun had finally gone off. When the lunatic he’d been fighting went still and limp, he feared the worst. Then he saw Meg standing over them, looking pleased with herself.

  “That’s him. That’s the bastard who attacked me last night.”

  “I guessed as much. What the hell happened?” Brian asked as he sat up and noticed that the carpet around him was soaking wet and covered with flowers and broken china.

  “I heard your gun misfire, so I peeked inside to make sure you were okay. When I saw you were both on the floor with your backs to me, I decided to help. I hit the creep on the head with a vase of flowers. I’m just sorry it wasn’t a bigger vase.”

  He got to his feet and retrieved his handcuffs from his jacket pocket. He’d brought them as a precaution, and as he slapped them on the suspect, he was thankful he had. “I like the way you think, even if you were supposed to stay out in the hall where you were safe. We better call the station and get some help out here before your unwelcome guest wakes up.”

  Meg was staring at the man, her face pale with dismay. “Are those my underwear he’s holding?”

  “Afraid so, sweetheart. One more thing we’ll need to replace once I get you home.”

  “That is disgusting! And what do you mean, home? I am home.”

  “No, you’re not.” Brian tugged her up against him and kissed her. “From now on, you’re living with me so I can keep an eye on you.”

  “You haven’t even asked me out for dinner yet, and now you think I’m going to move in with you?”

  “No, sweetheart. I think you’re going to marry me.”

  She arched a blonde brow at him in shock, then laughed as a joyful smile illuminated her face. “I’ll save you some time. When you get around to asking me properly, the answer will be yes.”


  Years Later

  Meg sat next to her husband, basking in the love of her family as they celebrated their wedding anniversary. She and Brian had defied the odds and made their marriage work, and she had never regretted her mad, impetuous choice to marry him all those years ago. His hair was more silver than brown now, but he was still her protector, fierce, loyal, and loving. Nearly forty years together, and she loved him more now than ever.

  He took her hand and winked at her, his hazel eyes the same vibrant green and gold as they had been the night she’d fallen for him. “I know what you’re thinking, sweetheart.”

  “Do you now? So, what am I thinking about?”

  “You’re thinking about the night we met. One day we should probably tell the boys the truth about that, you know.”

  She laughed and whispered back, “Tell them we fell into bed that first night and eloped a month later? Not a chance, my love. That’s our secret. One day we’ll scandalize our grandchildren with that story, but not yet.”

  She gazed around the table at their five grown sons. Three of them had finally found love, and Meg adored the women they had chosen to spend their lives with. Ben with his beloved wife, Kelly. Tag, who was doting on Jolena, his pregnant fiancée, and her youngest, Nick, who laughed and flirted with his new girlfriend, Lia. Three out of five wasn’t bad, but Meg wanted to see all her boys happy. David and Jared deserved the same joy and love that she and their father had shared, and she prayed that they’d find it someday soon.

  Her oldest, David, lifted his glass in toast. “To our parents. May they have many more years of happiness together.”

  They all raised their glasses and joined in the toast. When it was done, Brian set down his drink and leaned in to kiss her, and she melted into his arms just as she always had. “We may have had a wild start to our lives together, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I love you, Meg Wilde.”

  “And I love you. Always.”

  The End


  Other books in the Wilde Brothers series:

  Wilde Chase

  Wilde Edge

  Wilde Ink


  Lila Shaw

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Connie jerked in shock at the intrusive male voice. She'd been in a zone, running data analytics on the tire treads and shoe prints found outside Brigadier General Saunders's home. His security had been breached and his personal computer stolen. Even more disturbing, they discovered his work computer had been hacked. Her superiors feared the worst—terrorists seeking critical vulnerabilities against w
hich to launch attacks. Cyber attacks, specifically. Not on her watch. No way, Jose.

  She spun around in her chair and groaned. Not him. "Special Agent Spiros. What brings you here?" That sounded pretty businesslike to her ears. Internal high fives for holding those damn butterflies in check. They had no call to get riled up over the six foot-plus Greek god standing in front of her in his tight black NCIS regulation t-shirt and jacket. Nor were they entitled to congregate and swoon at the sight of a head full of ebony curls and a dark five o'clock shadow surrounding a pair of full, sensuous lips. No. Definitely not allowed.

  "It's about you, and I’m afraid it's not good."

  Connie's eyes widened, and her heart bottomed out somewhere in the pit of her stomach. Flashbacks of an all night sexcapade in a very masculine bedroom belonging to an equally masculine owner, strobe-lighted through her head. They'd used a condom, hadn't they? What else would not be good for her from his perspective? He'd already nicked her heart by agreeing to her ridiculous morning-after promise that they would never speak of the incident again, that they needed to remain colleagues but nothing more, that they argued far too much to ever hope for anything more, that the evening had been a huge mistake triggered by alcohol and nothing else. He'd agreed, all right. But did he have to act so relieved about it? Both had kept their word, and neither had mentioned or alluded to it in the six weeks that had passed. Big jerk!

  And shame on her for jumping to thoughts of "that" night. What the hell? He was in her office for business reasons only. She was damned good at her job. He might push her buttons, constantly goading her to check and double-check her work, like she was a green new hire, but she knew her stuff. When would he finally stop riding her case? How many times did she have to prove she knew what she was doing? Fuck Damien Spiros and his sexist skepticism.


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