Uniform Fetish

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Uniform Fetish Page 17

by 10 Author Anthology

  Kade leaned in and captured her lips, cutting her off. The only way she’d truly understand that his declaration wasn’t their usual way of saying they loved each other, was to show her. He kissed her with all the emotion he felt, silently conveying that this was more. Much more.

  When he broke the connection, he leaned back and looked directly into her eyes. “No, Maddy. I. Love. You.”

  Chapter Five

  Maddy stared back at the man who she’d loved for as long as she could remember and hoped loved her back in the same way, but had never known if he had. Happiness and joy, like she never felt before, filled her chest as the start of tears filled her eyes. She didn’t know what to say, how to express what she was experiencing and feeling. How grateful and thankful she was for having him in her life, that he loved her, that she could finally have him in every way she’d ever wanted and waited for. Moving across the couch, she straddled his lap and placed her lips on his. She wasn’t waiting any longer.

  Kade’s hand came to the back of her head, holding her tight as he deepened their kiss. Their tongues met, swirling and stroking. At first, they moved slowly against one another, each of them giving the other time to taste and explore. Maddy let him take control, letting him set the tempo. Every inch of her body was his and his only. She belonged to him, and she gladly gave herself over for him to do as he pleased.

  Gradually, their pace quickened, and she moaned into his mouth when she felt his cock grow hard beneath her. She began to rock against him, but he tugged on her hair, gently pulling her head back prompting her to stop and to look at him when he spoke.

  “Maddy, if we do this. There’s no going back. I love you and want to be with you, not just for one night, though. I want every night. So, you need to tell me now, before this goes too far, if you have any doubts that I’m the man you want. Because if you don’t, and this happens tonight, I’m not going to have the strength to let you go tomorrow.”

  How could he even ask? Of course, she wanted him. “Kade, I love you. Yesterday, today, tonight, tomorrow.” She placed both hands on the side of his face and smiled. “Always.”

  Kade smiled back and got up from the couch, lifting her with him. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

  Maddy wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he carried her into the bedroom. Placing her on the bed with her legs dangling off the edge, he leaned down to give her a quick kiss before dropping to kneel on the floor. He put both of her knees over his shoulders and his head disappeared a second before he licked her sex in one long stroke.

  Maddy’s hips flew up at the sudden sensation, and his arm came to rest on her pelvis to keep her in place. She’d never had a man do this to her. There was a lot she’d never done. She’d only imagined. But having Kade between her legs, doing what he was doing, was beyond anything she could have conjured in her mind. His tongue inside of her, lapping at her entrance and then moving higher to circle her clit gave her pleasure that she’d never felt before. Her legs began to shake, her muscles tightened, and she gripped the blanket beneath her as she quickly exploded in an orgasm better than any that she’d ever given herself.

  Lost in the blissful haze, she barely registered clothes being removed or Kade’s arm snaking under her middle to slide her up on the bed until her head rested on the pillows. She opened her eyes in time to see him settle above her, his strong muscular chest rubbing up against her taut nipples and his hard cock, already sheathed in a condom, cradled between them.

  She ran her hands down the contours of his back as she wrapped her legs around his. “You know that was kind of spectacular. Promise me that in ten years from now, you’ll still be doing that.”

  Kade smiled and chuckled. “Trust me. I’m never going to stop wanting to taste you. Never going to stop loving you, either.”

  Maddy’s heart thudded against her chest at the sincerity behind his words. “That’s a promise we both can keep.”

  He leaned down to claim her lips and kissed her passionately, thoroughly. Heat pulsed through her veins, and she began to move under him, slowly rotating her hips into his length. Telling him what she wanted, what she needed. Kade moaned and sucked on her bottom lip before pulling back to end their kiss. Maddy’s breath hitched when she saw the amount of desire burning in his eyes. The flames seemed to reach out, shiver down her spine, and go straight to her sex, scorching her from the inside out. She groaned in response, and Kade quickly positioned himself at her entrance.

  She held her breath and clenched, readying herself for what was to come. Slowly, he began to push through her folds and stopped. She knew by the confused look on his face that he felt the barrier that was still present, the one that she had held on to for this long, for him.

  “Maddy, are you…” He hesitated, and she took advantage of the pause and his surprise. In one swift move, she dug her heels into his back and pulled him down while she thrust up. A twinge of pain shot through her as he broke through. She winced and kept going until he was seated completely within her. Not anymore, I’m not.

  She smiled up at him and began to stroke his length, encouraging him that she was okay. They could talk later. Right now she just wanted him to make love to her. He took the hint and took over, moving in and out with slow deep strokes. The sting of losing her virginity soon gave way to pleasure as her walls stretched around him each time he pushed inside of her.

  Maddy ran her hands up his arms, over and down his back, ending at his backside. She loved the way his muscles tightened and clenched each time he thrust, the slick feel of sweat on his skin, the way he felt inside of her, filling her so completely that when he pulled back the loss made her want to whimper.

  “Jesus, Maddy. You feel so good,” Kade said in between his breaths.

  She couldn’t agree more. Instinctively, she began to match his movements, chasing the pressure that was starting to build within her. They moved together, as one. Connected. Their slow rhythm slowly becoming faster until Kade was moving at such a fevered pace that all Maddy could do was wrap herself around him and hold on.

  She moaned his name and writhed under him as a tightening spread across her abdomen and she sped towards the summit. Higher and higher she climbed. Kade was taking her to some unknown place above the clouds. Maddy closed her eyes and cried his name, almost afraid to go there, of the intensity of what she was feeling.

  “Let yourself go, Maddy. I have you.” His voice and reassurance were all she needed. Kade would always have her, be there when she needed him. Safe in the knowledge that he was right there with her, she did exactly what he said to do. She let go, her body shattering into a million pieces as she did. Kade yelled her name and followed right behind.

  Neither of them moved, both giving themselves over to pleasure they brought one another. Soon, the waves receded and their breathing returned to normal.

  Maddy opened her eyes as Kade placed a kiss on her lips before leaving the bed and walking into the bathroom. A second later he returned with a washcloth and gently cleaned her, his touch loving and soothing. Throwing the cloth to the side, he pulled on the blanket beneath her, and she wiggled herself up so that he could pull the covers over her.

  When he got in beside her, Maddy rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he ran his hand up and down her back. Being there, in his bed, in his arms after making love, was so perfect that she thought her heart would explode with happiness.

  “Maddy?” he said, breaking the comfortable silence that had descended around them.

  “Hhmm?” Her contentment made it sound like she was purring, even to her ears.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were still—it never occurred to me…” Kade let out a deep breath. “Christ, what I said back at the club. What I accused you of. I don’t even know how to begin to apologize for that. The thought of all those men looking at you dressed like that, touching you, wanting you like I do. Something snapped, and before I knew what I was doing that crap come out of my mouth. M
y temper or lack of control doesn’t excuse what I did, though, and I’m sorry, Maddy. So, very sorry.”

  Maddy smiled against his chest at his apology. Yeah, he was an ass for what he said, but honestly, if she were in his shoes she would think the same, and after all the times he’d come to her rescue and been there for her, she’d give him this one. Didn’t hurt his cause either that in addition to trying to protect her, the reason he’d acted the way he did was because he was apparently suffering from a case of jealousy. Which, admittedly, made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  Besides, she was riding too much of a high to be brought down now. They were starting a new chapter in their relationship, and the last thing Maddy wanted was a wedge between them because she couldn’t find the ability to forgive him or because Kade had guilt weighing down on his shoulders. That didn’t mean she was going to let him off the hook totally free and clear, either. There had to be some type of penance, right?

  “Yep, you were acting like a big jerk all right. But I could be persuaded to forget all about it if you admit that jumping to a conclusion simply because of where I worked or how I was dressed was wrong. Because, you were. Like over the top, not-even-in-the-same-ballpark type of being not correct. If you needed any proof, I just gave it to you. There’s only been you.” She lifted her head to rest on her hand and smiled. “You making me breakfast in the morning should help make it up to me, though.”

  Kade stroked her hair. “Your favorite? Chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream?”

  She absolutely loved that he knew that. “Yum. Yes, please.”

  He smiled. “Done. And you’re right, I was wrong. Very wrong. I gladly admit to being a jerk and swear that I will do my upmost to never let it happen again. However, now that you brought up the evidence that proved the contrary…”

  His words trailed off, and Maddy continued for him. “You want to know how a twenty-four year old woman could possibly still be a virgin.”

  “Does it make me a jerk again, if I say yes?”

  “No,” she replied with a chuckled and then shrugged. “After watching my mom have sex with a different man almost every night as if it was something meaningless or a tool to try to get what she wanted, I knew that I didn’t want that for myself. I wanted to be with someone because I cared about them and they cared for me. That when I finally gave my body, the man I was with would rule my heart as well. Sure, I dated. But I never felt anything for them enough to take that step. Guess it was hard for them to win my love, when I was already in love with someone else. He just needed to come around to the idea.” She leaned up to give him a quick kiss. “You were worth the wait.”

  Kade tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “My thoughts exactly.”

  “You know, I mean that not only because of your superpower to give multiple orgasms. You have other many fine qualities that attract me to you.”

  “Oh yeah? Name one.”

  “You own a pair of handcuffs.” She waggled her eyebrows causing him to burst out in laughter. Maddy let the deep rich sound wash over. Even after all the time and distance they’d spent apart, she marveled at how easy it was for them to fall back into the same routine. How they knew how to make the other laugh. What their likes and dislikes were. How they could pick up right where they left off. No awkwardness. No trying to get to know each other again, because when it came to them nothing changed. It was comfortable, familiar, and had been right from the very start. They had a connection, a bond that had been forged all those years ago when a little boy she’d never met had sat down in the mud to make her smile.

  Over the years, Kade had been like a brother, a friend, a protector, and now he was her lover. Whatever role he played, though, there was one thing she knew without a doubt. He was the man she was destined to be with, and that wasn’t going to change, either.

  Kade’s laughter died down, and he smiled. “Been thinking about the many uses of restraints, have you?”

  “Perhaps.” More like most definitely, but she wasn’t admitting to all the fantasies she ever had about him. At least, not yet. They had time.

  “Anything you want. I’ll give it to you.”

  “Anything, huh? Oh, I do like the sound of that, but all I want, all I’ve ever wanted is you, Kade. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I’ve loved you for forever, Maddy, and will continue to love you … always.”

  She liked the sound of that even better.

  The End



  Evie Knight

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  The aroma of freshly baked bread and artisan cheeses teased her nostrils. Rosemary, garlic, and other seasonings, accompanied by the unmistakable smell of soups filled the air, watering Abby’s mouth. Her friends chattered nonstop in between bites of baked brie with cranberries and pears, hummus, hot salami, and other meats. No doubt celebrating her new job at this cozy Italian bistro had been the best idea ever.

  “Are you excited?”

  Tessa’s question jarred her out of her thoughts. “Of course,” Abby said. “Instead of teaching ten-year-olds, I’ll be dealing with thirteen and fourteen-year-olds. What’s not exciting about that?”

  “When do you start?” Claudia asked.

  “Not until fall.” Abby took a drink from her wine glass, darting her gaze along the room, taking in the local artists’ canvas displayed on the walls. “School will be over in two weeks, after that I’ve no idea what I’ll do—”A pair of magnetic, jet-black eyes met hers across the room, immediately sending a shiver down her spine. “—the rest of the summer.”

  “I know what you can do,” Tessa said.

  “What?” Abby looked from one friend to the other, doing her best to ignore the hot gaze from the man at the bar. Don’t fall for a man in uniform. She frowned, surprised at the direction her thoughts had wandered. Even though she’d always heard that rumor it didn’t mean there was any truth in it. The urge to steal another glance at the Adonis in question overrode her will. What did she have to lose? It wasn’t as if the guy would come over and offer to buy her a drink. She peered at him from the corner of her eye, then returned her attention to Tessa, who’d been talking nonstop since they got to this place.

  “You can visit your mom for starters, or just enjoy your time off.” Tessa glanced past her, blinked, then waved wildly.

  Oh, God. What is she doing? Her heart beat faster. Abby didn’t need to look back to know that hypnotic gaze was now further zeroing in on her. “Tessa, what are you doing?”

  “Nothing.” Tessa stood in time to greet the two Navy officers Abby had already spotted at the bar, and threw her arms around the one with the beautiful black eyes. “Nate, when did you come back?”

  Abby exchanged a glance with Claudia, then focused on Tessa and the men. Both men looked striking in their uniforms, but her attention was trained on Lieutenant O’Brien, or as Tessa called him, Nate. He stood tall and straight towering over her friend. Abby sipped her wine, appreciating the muscles rippling under his frosty white officer’s uniform shirt. Above his left pocket, his aviator wings of gold outshone the row of ribbons below it.

  Involuntarily or voluntarily, she didn’t know which, her gaze dropped to his white trousers, admiring the way his hips and thighs filled his pants. She imagined what their strength would feel like if she ever tangled her legs with his. Shaking her head, willing away those thoughts, she downed the rest of her wine and gestured to their waiter for another glass.

  After what felt like an hour, though it’d just been a few minutes, Tessa finally turned and introduced them to the mysterious officers. Smiling, Abby shook hands with John, then faced Nate. Tessa’s cousin. Her breath caught when his large hand closed around hers in a firm grasp, making her skin tingle from the contact. His lopsided grin sent her pulse racing yet again, and the wicked gleam in his dark eyes was warning enough to know she had to run the opposite way as fast
as she could. This man is trouble.

  Chapter Two

  Red wine and beer are like oil and water. If you want to get laid, you’re looking at the wrong table. John’s words played in his mind as Nate held Abby’s blue gaze. Her golden hair hung in long, graceful curves over her shoulders. He’d just met her, but his treacherous body was already reacting to the way she looked in her sleeveless, printed dress. Its sweetheart neckline drew attention to her soft breasts, and the short skirt accentuated her rounded hips, causing him to will his dick to behave and not give thought to what it’d be like to sink in her heat.

  “So, you two are lieutenants?” Claudia asked, taking her seat once more.

  “Yes. We’re back from our fleet now.” John sat down.

  Too lost in the depths of Abby’s eyes, and his perverse thoughts of what he wanted to do to her body, Nate hadn’t noticed when the waiter brought additional chairs.

  “I had no idea you had family in the military,” Claudia said to Tessa. “All these years and you never told us anything.”

  Tessa shrugged her response, wiggling her brows.

  “How long are you here for, Lieutenant O’Brien?” Abby asked, sitting down.

  Without missing the emphasis she’d added when she said his name, Nate sat next to her. His thigh accidentally brushed hers, and he suppressed a grin when she jolted at the brief contact. “Two and a half years.”

  “That’s if they don’t change their minds and call us back.” John gestured to the waiter for another round of drinks.

  John was right. The higher-ups could change their orders any minute. But if everything remained as it was, after they completed their orders here, they’d go back to a fleet for a while. Once Nate served the remainder of his contract, he’d then concentrate on the promise he’d made to his dad.


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