Twisted Lies 2

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Twisted Lies 2 Page 5

by Sedona Venez


  Jade interrupted me. “It doesn’t matter why this shit happened, but it did. He gave you two million dollars and an accountant. Use this opportunity to learn what makes him tick, and work the man until you can flip this deal and change the business stake on paper.”

  I groaned painfully. “I know I should, but I can’t.”

  She shook her head. “I love you, but you’re driving me crazy with your stubbornness.” She arched a brow. “Let’s keep it real. You’re a talented designer, but keeping financial books isn’t your forte. You can barely balance your fucking checkbook. I think it makes perfectly good business sense to have someone manage your finances. It’s no biggie. If McKay wants to pay all your expenses, let him.”

  I exhaled loudly. I hated that she’d picked the most inopportune time to be logical.

  “Sin, I’m telling you play nice with him. Now put on your big-girl panties and then call him and thank him… nicely.”

  “I can’t.”


  My body tensed. “Because that’s exactly what he wants me to do.”

  “You mean that’s what you want to do and it scares the shit out of you.”

  Damn it!

  I couldn’t hide shit from Jade. It’d been that way since the first day we met as freshmen in high school, and it would always be that way.

  “Yes, it does.” My fascination with McKay was fucking sordid. I’d been masturbating almost every night since my last meeting with him. My vibrator, The Beast, simply couldn’t handle the pressure. “On a business level, I get him. He’s all about money and work. It’s the personal side that scares me because I can’t read him.” Or trust myself when I’m around him. “One minute, he looks like he wants to devour me. The next, he looks like he wants to kill me. He’s crazy.”

  “Excuses. It’s not complicated, Sin. You’re tearing yourself up for nothing.” Jade arched a well-manicured brow. “Just swallow—”

  I cut her off. “I will not give him a blow job.”

  “Uh…” She smiled. “I was going to say swallow your pride and call him. But I’m all for you taking the blow-job approach.”

  “I’ll just call him.”

  Jade was right. I had to call him. Things between McKay and me couldn’t go on the way they had been. Maybe I was building this friction thing between us to be a bigger thing than it was.

  I jumped up, pulling my cell out of my pocket as I braced myself to make the call I’d been dreading for days.

  This madness between McKay and me had to stop.

  Her face dropped with disappointment. “Okay. You could do that, but the BJ is much more fun and creative.”

  My mind raced while I paced. On one hand, I disliked him. On the other, I wanted to fuck him. I was on the verge of snapping like a twig from the stress.

  She rolled onto her stomach on the sofa, propping her chin on her hands.

  I stormed over to her and slapped her arm. “What are you doing? You’re rolling around in a couture evening gown.”

  She fanned me away. “Stop stalling. And don’t forget to put it on speaker. I want to hear it all.”

  I plopped down next to her, scrolling down my contact list, and touched his number, automatically calling it. I pointed at her, putting it on speakerphone. “I’m going to cunt-punt you if you make a sound,” I whispered.

  She made the zipping motion across her mouth.

  “Hello?” he rasped in a gravelly voice.

  My heart thumped at the allure of his voice. Get it together, Sin.

  She whacked my arm and mouthed, Oh my God!

  I jabbed her in the side and mouthed, Shut up!

  “It’s Sinthia Michaels,” I croaked, suddenly feeling like an insecure high school girl. I counted to ten before saying, “I wanted to say thank you for calling the retailer and for paying my distributor.”

  He took so long to reply that I thought the line had disconnected.

  “Are you still there?” I asked impatiently.

  “I’m only cleaning up the shit you got yourself into.”

  My back straightened. “What did you just say?”

  “I’ve reviewed your business records, and I found the steady decrease in your income. I also noticed the few business deals you’ve made are ridiculously unprofitable.”

  I wanted to claw his damn eyes out.

  He continued. “I will not lose money on this business deal. I’ll give you free rein to steer this business creatively, but I’ll make all the strategic decisions from this point on.”

  I jumped up and marched up and down, feeling my frustration mount. “This is my business, and I will not be relegated to some corner while you run my business,” I hissed. “You might have a major stake in my company, but there is no Sin Michaels collection without me. So this is how it’s going to go, McKay. Regardless of what’s on that fucking contract, you will treat me as an equal partner.”

  The phone was silent.


  “Ms. Michaels, don’t ever give me an ultimatum,” he said in a brisk tone. “You might have creative control, but that doesn’t mean shit without my fucking money.” He clicked off.

  I gaped at the phone in shock. “He hung up on me.” I stared at Jade. “He’s an asshole.”

  She smiled. “I disagree. He’s just not putting up with your shit. He’s alpha delicious.” She moaned like a porn star. “The man is sex on a stick, and he’s ready to blow your back out, girl.”

  I sat down beside her. “You sound like a lunatic. That shit is not happening.”

  “Yet.” She smiled smugly.

  “Ever,” I snapped.

  McKay might have my livelihood in his hands, but now I was determined to find a way out of his clutches—the sooner, the better.

  Jade scooted to sit up. “I know that look, Sin. Your mouth says no, but your mind and body are saying completely the opposite.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  I gave her the evil eye. “Are you trying to make me stab you?”

  Ariana breezed in with her new bestie, Erika Watson, walking beside her.

  “Cate, enough!” Ariana screamed into the cell pressed against her ear.

  “Hello, Erika,” I said.

  Erika kissed me on the cheek before dropping her outrageously expensive designer bag onto the sofa like it was a sack of greasy fast food. “All the way over here, they’ve been at it on the phone.” She rolled her eyes. “If I wanted to hear that shit, I could have stayed at work and listened to the overpaid divas bitch about who has more lines.”

  “Are you talking about Jade?” I winked at her.

  I loved Erika. She was remarkably laidback for a woman who’d achieved so much so fast. She was an award-winning writer and producer who created hit TV shows. She was also the first African-American woman to create and executive-produce a top ten network series, a series starring Jade.

  Erika smiled. “I refuse to confirm or deny that shit.” She looked Jade up and down. “I love you in that gown.” Erika smiled at me. “Are you ready for me to get all sexy?” She poured a glass of champagne.

  “You’re set up in the second room,” I responded.

  “I’m done with this conversation, Cate,” Ariana growled into the phone.

  “Thank God.” Erika grimaced, eyeing Ariana. “Ariana and Cate are like two pit bulls in skirts.” She swayed toward the fitting room before slamming the door behind her.

  “Good-bye. Yes, I’m hanging up, Cate,” Ariana barked before tossing her cell into her handbag. “I’m going to kill her.”

  Jade arched a brow. “So what’s the self-appointed queen bee of the Bellisario clan bitching about now?”

  Jade was the daughter of Ariana Bellisario—a philanthropist, heiress, and successful businesswoman—making Jade a member of the illustrious group of New York socialites. Her aunt, Cate Bellisario, was older than Ariana by a couple years. To some, that made Cate the most powerful member of the Bellisario family. She was using that sta
tus among the New York elite to get her fiancé, Bigsby Calhoune, a wealthy shipping mogul, elected as New York City mayor.

  “Anything and everything.” She flopped down next to me and smiled. “How are you, darling?”

  “Better than you, I gather,” I said.

  “Mom?” Jade asked.

  Ariana sighed. “She’s micromanaging the shit out of this fundraising gala.” She rolled her eyes heavenward. “Bigsby arranged a family photo opportunity at the gala with a major magazine. Arrive early.” She mocked Cate’s whiny voice.

  I laughed because it’d sounded exactly like Cate. New York City’s queen socialite bitch, Cate, had handpicked the rich elite and A-listers for the fundraising gala, and they had been granted the opportunity to get all gussied up in honor of her fiancé. The gala was the biggest event on the New York elite calendar. The ten-thousand-dollars-per-ticket gala was meant to raise funds for Bigsby’s mayoral race, but in reality, it was just an excuse for a self-celebratory orgy of red-carpet posing.

  “Blah, blah, blah. God, I hate that fucker Bigsby,” Ariana hissed.

  “Exactly!” Jade chimed in. “He reminds me of some two-bit car salesman.”

  I shuddered. “He just gives me the creeps.”

  He did. He always seemed to be leering at me like some perverted slime ball.

  Ariana pointed at me. “Exactly. You hit the nail right on the head. He’s creepy. That’s why I hired a private investigator. I’ll be damned if I let my sister marry that sleazy bastard.”

  I gave Jade a sidelong stare. “Does she know?”

  Jade nodded. “Hell yes. We’re the last members of the Bellisario dynasty and each worth millions. If you want to date a Bellisario, you get investigated thoroughly. Most guys just ungracefully bow out because they can’t deal with Irvin, the investigative proctologist.”

  I arched a brow. “He’s that thorough?”

  Ariana pursed her lips while pouring champagne. “Yes, but surprisingly, he didn’t find shit on Bigsby.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?” I asked.

  Ariana’s eyes narrowed. “No, not when it comes to Bigsby. Irvin is suspicious. He says Bigsby’s records were too squeaky clean. Irvin’s still digging. If there’s something to find, he will find it. Believe me.”

  “See, Sin? This is the shit rich people have to resort to. We don’t know the meaning of trust because everyone has a side game. At least with Core, he’s keeping it real.”

  I shot Jade a warning stare. “Shut up.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

  “What’s going on with you two?” Ariana looked at me and then Jade.

  Jade nodded in my direction.

  I sipped my champagne, avoiding eye contact with Ariana.

  “Sin?” Ariana inquired.

  I sheepishly looked at her.

  She pursed her lips. “Jade?”

  Jade pointedly looked at me and whispered loudly, “She wants to have sex with a banging hot billionaire.”

  I gave her the one-finger salute. “I hate you so much right now.”

  Jade blew me a kiss.

  Ariana swatted at Jade. “Leave her alone.”

  “Hello? I’m trying to help,” Jade responded.

  I frowned. “So annoying.”

  Ariana patted my hand. “I know, sweetie. She can be like that piece of corn you can’t quite get out of your teeth. Annoying.” Ariana smiled sweetly, too sweetly, at Jade.

  “I love you too, Mom,” Jade mumbled under her breath.

  Ariana eyed me. “Now are you going to tell me who’s the lucky man and why you look so pissed off about him?”

  “I’m angrier at myself.” I had to take responsibility for my actions. I hadn’t looked at the fine print on the contract. It was a total idiot move. “Stupidly, I signed a business deal with the devil, giving him my soul and ninety-seven percent control of my business in exchange for financing,” I blurted out in one breath.

  Ariana sat straight up, spilling her champagne. “Ninety-seven percent? Who’s the lucky devil?”

  “Core McKay,” I responded.

  She shot me an incredulous stare. “Billionaire Core McKay?”

  “Yep, that’s the devil incarnate.”

  Ariana scowled. “If you needed financing, why didn’t you come to Jade or me for the money?”

  “Don’t blame her, Mom. She couldn’t borrow the money from me because my assets were tied up in my indie movie project.”

  Ariana pursed her lips. “Okay. What about me?”

  I sighed heavily. “I love you, but I can’t go running to you and Jade every time I have money problems.” I grabbed her hand when I saw the flash of sadness in her eyes. “I wanted to do this on my own.”

  She squeezed my hand back. “You’re not on your own. You’re like my daughter, and if I can help, I’ll do it, no questions asked.” She playfully nudged me with her elbow. “But I get it. You want to be independent. There’s nothing wrong with that, but be independent and smart.”

  I leaned my head on her shoulder. I loved Ariana because she was beautiful inside and out.

  When Dad died and Mom disowned me, Ariana had taken me into her family, treating me like I was her daughter. Yes, I knew Ariana would have loaned me the money, but that was a line I would never cross. Family and business did not mix. I’d learned that the hard way with Grace.

  “I had it under control—or at least I thought I did.”

  Ariana and Jade scowled at me.

  “Okay. Fine. I’m stubborn and irrational. I know this. I’m paying for my flaws right now.”

  I kissed Ariana’s cheek, and that seemed to pacify her.

  “Next time I get into a jam, I’ll at least call you to get advice before I proceed.”

  Ariana hugged me. “See? That wasn’t so hard.” She sat back, settling in like she had nothing but time.

  My eyes widened. “Oh, no, you don’t. Can you please get in there and get dressed?”

  She smiled, putting up her hands. “Okay, I’m going.” She grabbed her glass. “Which room?”

  I pointed to the last dressing room on the left, and she happily swayed off.

  Jade slid off the couch and stood on wobbly legs, most likely from way too much champagne. “I’ve got to get out of here. I have a hair appointment,” she said before rushing over to the dressing room.


  Hours later, I was elated to have some peace and quiet. Jade and Ariana had already left, and Erika was getting dressed. This allowed me to sit on the couch, sipping the last of the champagne, while finishing up business.

  Erika came out, fully dressed in her street clothes. Smiling at me, she grabbed her bag and handed over a check.

  I gave her a questioning look. “This isn’t the price we agreed on. You overpaid by three thousand dollars. I can’t take it.”

  She waved away my objection. “It’s for all your help and for rearranging your schedule to make my gown for tomorrow night.” She shrewdly looked at me. “I hope you don’t get offended, but I overheard your conversation with Jade and Ariana about your contract issues.”

  “I’m not remotely close to giving up designing for a job at a fast-food restaurant.”

  She smiled. “I know, but money means nothing, and if I can help in any way, I will. It sounds like you need help and fast,” Erika drawled. “I have an excellent attorney whom I trust implicitly—Mitch Fillion, my husband.”

  My eyes widened. How did I not know she was married to him?

  Erika dug into her ridiculously expensive designer bag before passing me a business card. “He’s the best damn attorney in New York City, if I do say so myself.”

  I eyed her. “You’re married to Mitch Fillion?”

  “Recently married. We’re still newlyweds.” She waved her fingers, displaying the sparkling large diamond engagement ring coupled with the diamond-encrusted wedding band. “I’m wife number two.” She pursed her lips. “Wait, is it number three?” She laughed h
uskily. “Shit, it doesn’t matter because that man is a genius in the bedroom.” She shivered deliciously.

  Why do my clients insist on over sharing?

  Most people would be surprised at how much personal information my rich and elite clients shared with me. From the benign tidbits about who just got cosmetic surgery and butt implants to steamy shit like who was fucking whose husband to lovers fucking lovers to who was caught at The McKay Club in the private kink room to wives fucking employees to husbands fucking butlers and threesomes and foursomes—it was all one big fuckfest in the world of the rich and privileged. None of the gossip I really cared about, but with all the gossip, I could make a shitload of money by writing a scandalous tell-all book that would cause fucking chaos.

  I shook my head and said, “Thanks, but no thanks. There is no way I’m calling him.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why?”

  I swallowed over the pain and embarrassment, which still stung to this day. “Because his son Kyle is my old high school boyfriend and a prick. Frankly speaking, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”

  Erika’s face tensed. “Kyle really hurt you.” She reached out and grabbed my hand.

  “It’s more how I made a fool out of myself for him.”

  Her hand tightened. Normally, I wasn’t a touchy-feely woman with strangers, but her rich chocolate eyes that reminded me so much of Dad’s combined with the warmth and comfort of her touch surprisingly put me at ease.

  “I know you blame Mitch, but believe me, he had nothing to do with how that arrogant, spoiled prick turned out. That’s all Mitch’s ex-wife’s doing.” She sighed. “That woman is a real piece of work. She’s fucking nutty.” Erika quickly pulled her hand away as if she’d just realized she was still clutching mine. “Please just call Mitch. He’s not like you think he is. He’s a good man. Plus, he’s the best damn attorney in New York City.”

  Maybe that was what I needed. A devious, ruthless fuck would be necessary to get me out of the contract with McKay.

  I shoved the card into my handbag. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Wise decision. Sometimes, we have to align ourselves with people who will help us get to our ultimate goal, and there’s no shame in that.” She winked at me before walking away. “See you tomorrow night.”


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