Alex (Heartbreakers & Troublemakers Book 3)

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Alex (Heartbreakers & Troublemakers Book 3) Page 12

by Hope Hitchens

  “She didn’t lie that we had sex. She lied that I had raped her.” My stomach felt like it had collapsed in on itself.


  “Before you and I started dating, Iris… I don’t want to say she was interested, but she was friendlier than she should have been. I was never interested in her. When she got pregnant, she came to me and said she had told your parents I had done it. I said I would tell them she was lying, but she said she would tell you.”

  “From there, your parents talked to me, and then my mom and to you… they figured they would never be able to press charges even if I had done anything, so they just made me give you up instead.”

  He stroked my knee. I had been living in an episode of Days of our Lives, and I hadn’t even known it. Iris… I didn’t even want to think about her right then. I knew it was bad, but that was just foul. Why would she do something like that?

  “Those things you said?” I asked. He looked down like he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “I said them because… I didn’t know what else to do. I was angry, and I was scared that you wouldn’t let go. I didn’t want Iris to tell you anything that would make you hate me.”

  So, he tried to make me hate him instead.

  Too bad.

  It hadn’t worked.

  “You broke my heart,” I sniffed. “I loved you so much.”

  “I loved you. I didn’t mean it. Not a word.”

  I sighed and held his hand that was playing at the hem of my skirt. It hadn’t been me. It hadn’t been him either. The news would have been better five years ago, but I was taking it.

  “Did you do anything with my sister?” I asked and immediately regretted it. “No, don’t answer that.”

  “I let her kiss me, but nothing happened. It was before we were together.”

  I winced. The mental image was gross. I didn’t want to imagine him kissing anyone else, let alone her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, sensing my disgust.

  I shrugged. “Just don’t do it again,” I said, looking at him. He smiled and reached over to cup my face. I turned my face into his big, warm hand.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he said.

  “I have school tomorrow.”

  “That wasn’t a good excuse last time, and it isn’t one now,” he said. “Come here,” he said, reaching for me.

  “Lex, we can’t,” I said.

  “Come on,” he urged me. “I want you on top of me.”

  “But we already… did it today,” I said sliding out of my seat and onto him. He had arched his pelvis forward so our crotches lined up and thrust up into me. I bit my lip and mirrored his action.

  “Obviously, it wasn’t enough. If I touch you between your legs, I know you’ll be wet. Soaking wet, ready for me to fuck you again. Deeper this time. Harder.”

  “Lex,” I moaned. I had never thought our first time together would be in a garage. I had thought a bed at the very least would have been involved. I raised my skirt around my thighs the way he had so I could straddle him. He hadn’t bothered to give me my panties back.

  His hands went up my thighs as our lips met. He sucked my tongue into his mouth.

  “Mm. Just how wet are you for me, sugar?” he whispered. His fingers brushed over my clit as he continued to my aching slit. I was soaked. If I ground my hips into him, I would make his pants wet. I moaned and fisted handfuls of his shirt feeling his fingers push into me. I reached for his hair, panting like I’d been running. He ran his fingers over my lips, playing with them, teasing them apart and rubbing them.

  “Don’t tease me, Lex, I can’t take it,” I begged. He pulled his fingers away completely, and I wanted to scream.

  “Take my dick out, sugar,” he instructed. I frantically pulled at his button and zipper. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, tasting me. The memory of feeling his mouth and fingers on and in my pussy were making the anticipation even harder. He kissed my neck and chest, inhaling deeply as I grasped his cock around the base.

  “Look what you did,” he teased me. I raised up off of him high enough to run his large head through my collecting wetness. His brow furrowed. He held my hips and tried to lower me down onto him. I lined him up with my entrance. All he had to do was thrust upwards, and he would be inside-

  There was a sharp knock on the driver’s side window of my car. I froze. I felt like I’d snapped sharply back awake after dozing off when I shouldn’t have been. The windows were foggy. Anyone with half a brain in their head could have figured out what was going on in there. I slid off Alex’s lap back over to my seat, getting my skirt down as he concealed his dick. Alex cursed and rolled the window down.

  A man’s face appeared in the window.

  “Alex? I was going to tell you you had someone fucking in your driveway,” he said leaning down to look into the car. I had my head turned, hoping he would go away.

  “Olive, is that you?” he asked. I turned slowly and tried to smile. Olive. A couple of people called me that, but the originator of the name was Alex’s friend, Will. He had called me Olive, like Olive Oyl, to Alex’s Popeye, because he was always at the gym.

  “Hi…, Will?” I said. I knew who he was. I just wanted him to tell me, so he didn’t talk about how he had just found Alex and me mid-clinch.

  “Alex hasn’t been able to shut up about you. How ya been?”

  I self-consciously smoothed my hands down my skirt. He was a saint for not saying anything. The grin on his face told me he knew.

  “I’ve been great, Will,” I said.

  “Are you coming or going?” he asked.

  “Will, any chance you have somewhere to be but here?” Alex asked him. He shifted in his seat and moved a hand over his crotch which could have been a casual gesture if I hadn’t felt his hardness against my thigh just moments before.

  Will still had that shit-eating grin on his face.

  “I’ll get going,” I said to Alex. He looked at me.

  “Stay here tonight,” he said. “Will can leave.”

  “Don’t let me get in the way of your little reunion,” Will said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I can leave,” I said pulling the door open. I went around the car where Alex was coming out.

  “It was good to see you, Will,” I said to him. He looked just like he did back in high school. He smelled the same too. Like cologne and marijuana. He opened his arms like he wanted to hug me. I glanced at Alex before moving into Will’s embrace. His face was dark, but he didn’t say anything. Will might or might not be dead tomorrow.

  “Will, go ahead and let yourself in the house,” Alex said gruffly, tossing the key at him. He caught it and winked at me before leaving. Alex held me around the waist and pulled me close, so our bodies met.

  “Between you and Will, sugar, who do you think I would rather go in that house with?” he asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss him.

  “If I went in there with you neither of us would get any sleep,” I said.

  “That offer still stands. Will’s my buddy, but I don’t want to fuck him,” he said kissing me again. I held his face in my hands, so he would look at me.

  “Lex, we can’t just pick up like no time has passed. We need to catch up to each other.”

  We need to see if we really have anything in common anymore, I didn’t say. He groaned and pressed his forehead to mine.

  “It’s been a long time, babe. I have five years’ worth of orgasms to give you.”

  I was hanging by a thread. The ache between my legs was getting harder to ignore.

  “When can I see you again?” he asked.

  “Will you call me?” I asked.

  He said he would. I got back into my car before he could use his hands or mouth to convince me to stay any longer.



  I got to ride my bike out of the shop on Tuesday with my wallet a couple of pounds lighter.


  For who?

>   Not me.

  This was why I had given up driving cars.

  The powerful sound of the engine and the wind whipping around me; I loved it. I had missed it. It meant that I no longer had a good reason to be with Olivia as often, but that was fine because let’s face it, my reason wasn’t even that good to begin with. All I had wanted was to hang out with her, and I had. I was going to continue doing it.

  She was finally loosening up. I had worn her down. Or she had just realized she wanted me as much as I wanted her—one of the two. Both were good. I would take either because they both meant I had my girl back.

  It was all out in the open, what had happened, so there was no more using that old shit as an excuse. It was like rewatching Star Wars, but in the special editions. Just a few things were different, but the most important stuff was the same. All the additions were bad, but that wasn’t the point. I had her back.

  I had done it before, so logic dictated that I could do it again. All I had to do was whatever had worked so well initially.

  Having sex with her finally… it was worth the wait. Her pussy… hearing her whimper and scream like that… all those red welts her nails left on my back and arms… thinking about it was making me hard again. She probably would have wanted it on some clean linen or whatever. Maybe on a bed. Maybe not while the forge was still going in a dark garage full of knives. Girls liked to be comfortable. To fuck while the air conditioning is on with a clean bathroom nearby to use afterward.

  I could have walked her to the living room, at least. She hadn’t complained though, and that was just another point for her. I had wanted to kill Will. Did he forget he also had a home in which he could smoke up? In the competition between the two of them, he would always lose. Bros before hoes, but Livvy wasn’t a hoe. Sucked for him.

  I had used my lunch break to get the bike back. I would have to go back to work, but I was free the rest of the evening once work was done. I pulled my phone out when I got back to the studio and workshop. Had Livvy ever been on the back of a motorcycle? She had a ride with her name on it.

  There were several missed calls from Cassie. I had given up on talking to her because she didn’t have anything else I wanted to hear. The kid was not mine. That was it. It just wasn’t. What were the chances? How many other guys had she had beside me; she couldn’t even be sure it was me? Until she was, I didn’t want to know.

  I called her cell and waited a couple of rings till she picked up.

  “Hello. Castle Preschool & Daycare. Ms. Sanger speaking,” she said professionally. I smirked. Watering the minds of our youth. I was kind of proud. If I had a kid, I would want them to be under Olivia’s care.

  “Hey, Ms. Sanger, I called to ask about a girl—Olivia. You might know her?”

  I heard her giggle and ask me to hold on.

  “I’m at work Lex,” she said. “What’s up?”

  “I want us to do something.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Remember when we would watch movies together Saturday nights over Chinese food?” I asked.


  “I think we should do that tonight.”

  Getting a girl alone in the dark with you on a bed or couch; classic wolfish teenage boy move. Our movie nights had been basically jump-off points for heavy petting and intense make out sessions. Movie selection was paramount. Livvy hated horror films. Sometimes, if it was too much, she would cry. Other times, she’d want me to hold her and kiss her. Like everyone with too much testosterone in their body for them to know what to do with, I’d usually end up with my face between her legs. Have you ever eaten a girl out while The Shining’s going in the background? I tried many times to get her to watch porn with me, but she never would. She was probably embarrassed. Now, though, why did I have a feeling she might be more open to it?

  “It’s a school night, Lex,” she giggled.

  “Then let’s do it at your house.”

  She had been moving to a new place. She told me she had a roommate, but that person wasn’t Iris, so I was good.

  “Alright, I’ll tell my roommate I’m having someone over.”

  We made arrangements for that night. It was ostensibly a movie night, and that was what we started out doing. Watching a movie.

  Making out is underrated. I had never really done it with any seriousness since adolescence when an errant wind my way was all it took to make my dick hard. Once you found out the other—sometimes better—places people could use their mouth on you, then it sort of lost its sheen.

  On Olivia’s bed, on top of her, her tongue dancing against mine… I didn’t kiss girls that much anymore because their lips were better used elsewhere, but I wanted to kiss Liv. She loved it. She ground her hips into me and ran her fingers through my hair. Her nails scraping the skin on my nape drove me crazy. She got handsy when she was horny. I was on top of her, and her hands were moving up and down my back, up to my hairline and down to my ass.

  The end credits of The Exorcist ran, and I started kissing down her body. I stopped and turned the lamp on the bedside table on. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light. Her face was pink, and her lips were pouty and parted. Her hair, straight, was fanned across the pillow. She was gorgeous.

  “Take your top off, sugar,” I whispered, nuzzling between her tits. She pulled it off, and I kissed the soft skin on her stomach. Her body was pliant and yielded to my touch. She didn’t resist me. Her mouth opened to mine. Her arms embraced me; her legs would too. She didn’t tan, so she was one color all over.

  “Aw, you took it out,” I said, kissing over her navel. There was a small scar where she had had a piercing.

  “I nearly got it ripped out when one of my kids was having a tantrum,” she said. Her stomach rose and fell with her short breaths; getting shorter the lower I went. “I had to retire it,” she whispered. I pulled the waistband of her pants down. Her panties were white again. Thong.

  “Get up, babe. Hands and knees,” I instructed, moving off of her. She pulled her panties off with her pants and got on her hands and knees, offering her ass up like a prize. And I was the winner.

  Behind her, I pulled her cheeks apart. Open and yielding. I had eaten her out before, but not this way. I licked her glistening pussy lips, sucking lewdly. She moaned and pushed back into my face. I licked her and circled her entrance before sliding the tip of my tongue between her slippery lips. Her breathing was ragged, and she was swearing like a sailor. I used my tongue to fuck her, shallow and quick. She screamed feeling my thumb run over her puckered asshole.

  If her roommate was in the house, they could definitely hear us. I wanted to push her over the edge, but I wanted to feel it when she came.

  I got behind her and couldn’t help spanking her a couple of times, just to hear her yelp. She wiggled her hips, making me hard. Her skin turned pink from the smacks. Her little ass was tight and perky.

  “Are you ready, baby?” I asked. I pulled my shirt off and pulled my pants and underwear down low enough to get my cock out. The head was leaking already.

  “Please fuck me, Lex,” she sighed. I pushed down on her back so she arched it for me, sticking her ass up. I plunged into her without a condom on. She let out a cry of pleasure as she felt me fill her up. She was snug and tight down there.

  I held her hips as I pulled her to meet my thrusts. I fought to fuck her with some finesse. The sounds she made and the way she made me feel made me just want to screw her. Hard, so she’d feel it and not forget it. We were back together again. I could make her scream like this as often as she wanted.

  I tried to take it slow. Building up for her. She sank lower into the bed, putting her face in the mattress to stifle her screams. I leaned over her so I could kiss the soft skin at the back of her neck and her shoulders. Our hands found each other, and I felt her lace our fingers together.

  She was coming underneath me, shuddering and screaming before she had a chance to tell me. I waited it out as long as I could before I sh
ot inside of her. I slumped on top of her before rolling off and wrapping my arms around her.

  This we used to do a lot. Cuddle. She loved it. I did too. I liked it a lot more when it followed sex. Her ass was pressed against my deflating dick. We would talk like that all the time until one of us fell asleep. She was first that time. I got up and pulled the covers over her.

  I kissed her forehead and slid out of the bed. I put my boxer briefs on and walked out of the room. The loft was pretty nice. It didn’t give away a lot about who lived there. There were no photographs or anything on the walls like at my house. It was high up, and none of the windows had drapes. The city was lit up outside. I went to the kitchen and pulled a bottled water out of the fridge. On the counter by the fridge was a lineup of boxes. Breakfast cereals. There were oats, granola, and Lucky Charms. No prizes for guessing which was Liv’s. I bet if I looked inside, all the marshmallows would be eaten.

  The other door opened and a guy in pajama pants walked out. He noticed me and smiled.

  “Hey,” he said, “you’re the guy Olivia said she was having over, right?”

  It was a little dark, but I could tell who it was. It was the lacrosse player.

  “Uh, yeah. Who are you?”

  “I’m James. Her roommate. We work together.”

  When she had said roommate, she should have been a little more specific. When she said it, I was picturing a hippie girl with dreadlocks who didn’t wear bras or some girl who went to Davis. Not a man. I looked for something to say. The only things that came to mind were ‘why are you living with my girlfriend’ and variations of the same statement mounting in violence. He walked up to the fridge. He was there for the same reason I was. Water. He grabbed a bottle.

  “You can eat whatever you want, just tell Olivia if anything runs out so she can replace it,” he said simply, walking away. Why did I feel like he should have been nervous in this scenario? It was his house, but Olivia was my girlfriend. I didn’t like how calm he was. It was worse than hostility because I knew how to respond to that. I felt like he was calm because he wasn’t threatened. He was under a roof with my woman; dammit, he should have been.


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