The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5)

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The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5) Page 7

by Jessie Donovan

  Holly repeated her silent, brave performance, barely murmuring a peep of pain during the process.

  But deep down, he knew it had to be painful. He'd just have to pamper her for as long as she wanted, even if it were for years, to make up for childbirth.

  Soon, a second small cry filled the room, and Layla grinned as she held up another red-haired lass. "Twin daughters. I almost think it's a punishment of sorts, for what you and Fergus put your mum through, Fraser."

  "Two daughters," he echoed.

  "Identical I'd say, at first glance." She waited for Logan to clip the umbilical cord before taking her over to the infant check station. "Logan, take the first bairn to meet her parents, and I'll check this one."

  Fraser laid his cheek against Holly's, never taking his gaze from the wee bundle in Logan's arms. He came and placed their daughter in Holly's arms.

  The wee, wrinkled face was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen.

  His dragon huffed. She's like a hairless rat.

  Shut it, dragon.

  He kissed his daughter's forehead and then kissed Holly's lips. "We have two daughters, honey."

  Despite her exhaustion, Holly smiled. "Which is rare for dragon-shifters, from what I've heard."

  "Aye, it is. But also a sign of good luck. Everyone will tell you so."

  As he stared at their first daughter's face, he couldn't help but wonder for a second if the bairn they'd lost would've been a female as well.

  No. He pushed the thought aside. He'd never forget their first bairn, but right now, his two living ones needed him.

  Logan brought their second daughter and placed her in Holly's other arm, with Fraser supporting her. He also kissed the other lass's forehead.

  As he leaned against his mate and stared at his two daughters, happiness flooded his body. He would do whatever it took to protect them and give them the loving family he'd had growing up.

  Holly's tired voice filled his ear. "Well, with two lasses, I suppose that means I'll have to allow one of your name choices, too. Just avoid Agnes, if you could."

  "But wee Aggie would be such a bonny name."

  "Aye, until they start calling her Haggie Aggie, or some other such thing."

  He smiled. "You have a point. But you name one first and I'll do the other."

  Holly looked at their firstborn. "Then Skye MacKenzie it is."

  Skye was an island in Scotland. "Being named for one of the most beautiful places in Scotland isn't too bad." Fraser looked at their second-born. All of the names he'd pitched previously fled his mind. He wanted to honor the tradition his mother had done, giving both of his children names beginning with the same letter.

  Then the perfect name came to him. "Summer MacKenzie it is. Because when you put summer and Skye together, there's no place as bonny or breathtaking. For beauty, aye, but also full of surprises and adventure, which I'm sure this pair will have plenty of."

  Holly nodded. "I love it. Hello, Summer and Skye. Try not to cause too much trouble for your mum and dad."

  Fraser grinned. "You are aware they're half MacKenzie, aye? We may as well make Trouble and Mischief their middles names."

  "Then let them save it for their aunts and uncles. It may be a pointless task, but I'd like a bit less chaos in our own house than in your mum's."

  "I doubt that's possible, but you'll find that out soon enough."

  Holly stuck out her tongue and he chuckled.

  Cuddling his mate and two daughters, Fraser couldn't think of any other place he'd rather be. Happy wasn't enough to describe how he felt. He had so much love for his daughters after mere moments, it was hard to believe it.

  But one thing was certain—anyone or thing that tried to harm his family would have to deal with him. Fraser wasn't a warrior, but a father's love changed a male.

  And with Holly at his side, he could tackle anything.

  Chapter Eight

  Arabella watched her father as he played with Grayson. Her dad's eyes were full of happiness, and it was as if his self-hating persona disappeared when he had one of his grandchildren in his arms.

  Her dragon spoke up. Then he should stay with us.

  I'm not sure if Finn would like that.

  You can at least ask him.

  Arabella looked to her side, where Finn stood. She opened her mouth, but Ross rushed into the room and shouted, "I have two granddaughters!"

  She blinked. "They had two females? I've never personally known any dragon-shifter to have twin females before."

  Ross puffed his chest. "Aye, the nurse told me it's a sign of good luck. It must be my excellent genes."

  Lorna rolled her eyes, but couldn't fight off a smile. "Mine played a part as well, you daft fool."

  Ross gave Lorna a quick kiss. "You had twin boys, as did Finn and Ara. That's your side's genetics. The good old Anderson stock brought the luck."

  Finn sighed. "Can you two argue about that later? When can we see them?"

  "Dr. MacFie says soon, once she's delivered the afterbirth."

  As Ross murmured with his mate, Arabella whispered to Finn, "You do realize that those poor babies are going to have an impossible time. Not only because everyone will tell them their whole lives that they're good luck and will bring an era of peace, but Fraser as an overprotective father is going to test everyone's patience."

  Finn grunted. "I suspect so. But if the old tale of twin female dragon-shifters bringing peace between dragons and humans is even a wee bit true, Fraser's antics will pale by comparison. I'll sort him out somehow."

  She raised her brows. "Oh? Do you have a new technique I'm unaware of?"

  He squeezed her waist. "Aye, if he doesn't behave then I'll tell the clan that visiting his daughters weekly will help usher in good luck to their families."

  "That isn't part of the old legends," she drawled.

  "So? Everyone will assume it's from a version they haven't heard."

  She shook her head. "And that will rein him in, how? Fraser isn't a hermit. He enjoys socializing."

  "Socializing, yes, but would you want Meg Boyd and her beaus in your house on a weekly basis, telling you how to raise the bairns properly?'

  She snorted. "Fair point." Her gaze trailed to her father, who sat with a sleeping Grayson in his arms. Maybe she should wait until later, but she hated not knowing. So, she blurted, "Finn, I think my father should live with us."

  For a few seconds, her mate remained silent. She started to wonder if he would outright deny her.

  When he finally replied, she could barely hear it. "Maybe. Once I have my background check, I can let you know." Her face must've given away her feelings, because Finn added, "I know you want to help him, love. And while my surname may be Stewart, I was mostly raised a MacKenzie and you know we don't turn away those who need help. But I need to ensure he's not a threat first."

  A different female may have pouted or tried to convince their mate they were wrong just because. But that wasn't Arabella's way. "I want to say no, I don't understand your way of thinking. And yet, I do. Just promise me that you'll tell me what you find as soon as possible. He's been so happy with the boys, and with a little work, I think he can be that way most of the time."

  He nodded. "I have faith that he can be someday, too. But I want a promise from you too, aye? Don't forget about your own feelings and unresolved anger. When the time is right, you need to talk to him about it."

  "I will." Finn raised his brows, unconvinced, and she added, "I promise that I'll talk to him. Because for as long as I put it off, I give you free rein to badger me about it. And the less of that I have to endure, the better."

  He grinned. "Then I'll just have to make the most of it whilst I can."

  She nearly groaned, but Freya stirred in her crib, garnering her attention. Arabella rushed to her daughter and sighed in relief when she saw her pupils were round. "We'll have you home in no time, Freya, love. Just cooperate a little longer for Mummy and Daddy, okay?"

  Her daught
er drooled.

  Chuckling, Arabella picked up her daughter and carried her to where George sat. "And this is your granddad, Freya. He's spoiling your brother at the moment, but he'll be doing the same with you soon enough."

  Her father met her eyes at that, filled with surprise. She added, "Dr. Sid should have her blood test results soon since she's conducting them herself. I'm hoping for it to be an allergy. If so, there's no reason you shouldn't have a chance to hold your youngest granddaughter."

  After nodding, her dad looked back at sleeping Grayson and smiled.

  Maybe everything would end up being all right with her family after all.

  Family. A few years ago, she never would've hoped for such a thing.

  Her dragon spoke up. Which means we shouldn't take it for granted.

  Of course not.

  Focusing on the people in the room instead of her dragon, Arabella said, "Right, then let's get everyone changed and fed so that when Layla gives the word, we can visit Fraser, Holly, and their twins."

  Melanie, Tristan, and Finn all rushed to her side and helped. While it would be nice to have so much help every day, Arabella enjoyed the closeness of some alone time with her children.

  Because she had a feeling that once they and their cousins were older, she would rarely be alone with her triplets. Not that it was a bad thing—Arabella wished that she'd had the same when she'd been younger—but she would treasure the little moments while she still could.


  Finn had lost the battle to carry one of his own children to Fraser and Holly's room, so he followed his mate, Tristan, and Melanie, each of them with a bairn in tow.

  Arabella's father had elected to stay in a hospital room, with Brenna watching over him. Since a breeze could've blown over the male, Finn hadn't fought it. Maybe George would even have his first peaceful sleep in years.

  His dragon spoke up. So now you're being overly forgiving.

  It's temporary. If I find anything that smells of betrayal or treason, I won't hesitate to change tactics. However, I doubt allowing him a nap will destroy the clan.

  They finally reached the correct room. Aunt Lorna was the first to enter, with Ross at her side. Finn and the rest followed suit.

  Fraser sat next to Holly on her bed, each of them holding a yellow-swaddled bundle. Fraser was family, so Finn blurted out, "And the shenanigans have begun. You could've put them in different colors so we could better keep track of which one is which."

  Grinning, Fraser met his gaze. "We can tell them apart, so you should be able to as well."

  Holly muttered, "Don't listen to him. The oldest, Skye, has an ink mark on her right hand."

  Aunt Lorna clicked her tongue. "Finn knows that because of his own lads. Now, how about you introduce us? I'm anxious to hold my new grandbabies."

  Fraser pointed to one and then the other as he said, "This here is Skye, and this is Summer."

  "Such lovely names," Melanie said from the side of the room, where she gently jostled Grayson.

  Finn looked down at the wee red faces. "They're so tiny."

  Lorna answered as she picked up Skye. "They're early, so of course they're wee." She kissed Skye's cheek. "Gran will always have your back, little one. Remember that for the future, when your dad tries to protect you by locking you in your rooms. I might be able to help you escape for a little adventure, or argue for your freedom."

  Ross took Summer into his arms. "Which means you two can run to granddad and I'll spoil you rotten when your father isn't looking."

  "Just don't indulge them too much, Dad," Holly said with a smile.

  "Has Fraser explained the significance of having twin females to you yet, Holly?" Arabella asked.

  Holly moved her gaze to Arabella. "Aye, although I had no idea twin female dragon-shifters were rare. I just thought that Lochguard and Stonefire produced a lot of lads."

  "Well, dragon-shifters skew male in the first place," Melanie chimed in. "Otherwise the DDA would never have agreed to the sacrifice program, and neither one of us would be here, Holly."

  Both Melanie and Holly had volunteered to be sacrifices to the dragon-shifter clans in exchange for a vial of dragon's blood. Melanie had used it to heal her brother, and Holly had sold hers so that she could pay for her dad's experimental cancer treatment.

  Holly sat up a little bit more. "Then maybe someone could explain the finer details of it all? I know they're meant to bring peace, but I haven't had a chance to ask for more than that."

  Finn spoke up. "Aye, well, it's related to stories about Alviva, Queen of the British dragon-shifters shortly after the Roman conquest of Britain. Almost every dragon-shifter knows that she forged an agreement with the Romans for fair treatment and semi-autonomy. But she didn't do it alone. People tend to forget it was her and her twin sister, Edwina, who secured the deal."

  Lorna chimed in. "Aye, and while the details have been lost to history, the peace brought on by two females was put down to them being identical twins. Even though it was their skill and cleverness that did it, the males needed a reason to justify as to why so-called weak females could be so successful."

  Finn stepped in. "Regardless, it's happened a few more times throughout history. The sacrifice program, to ensure our species' survival, was also negotiated by twin females. And there are rumors about another pair here and there, although I'm sure Alistair Boyd could tell you more about it than I ever could."

  Finn had known Alistair Boyd his whole life, and the male taught history to young dragon-shifters.

  Holly frowned. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not going to force a future on my daughters. So if there's an expectation that I have to train them to be saviors, or what have you, I'm not going to do it."

  Fraser answered, "There's no savior training, honey. But people will comment on it often, so it's better to prepare our daughters for the talk rather than to have others foist some fictional destiny on them."

  Melanie spoke up from the side of the room. "I don't believe in fictional destinies, but maybe they will help in some way. If it's happened several times throughout history, it's bound to happen again. Who knows, maybe they can finally secure peace between all dragon-shifters and maybe even with the humans."

  Finn sighed. "You never think small, do you, Mel?"

  Melanie grinned. "If I did, I wouldn't be standing here right now."

  Lorna cleared her throat. "How about we save talk of influence and destiny for later? The lasses are barely an hour old. Maybe they can learn to walk and talk first, aye?"

  Finn held out his arms and Lorna placed Skye into them. As he readjusted the blanket around the bairn's sleeping face, he said, "I agree. But at least Freya will have some female cousins to play with."

  "You mean plan to take over the world with."

  At his cousin Faye's voice, he glanced at the door. "It's not nice to sneak up on someone holding a sleeping bairn."

  Faye rolled her eyes. "I wasn't sneaking, just walking." She walked over to Ross, who transferred Summer into her arms. "I wanted to say hello to my latest recruits. Auntie Faye is going to ensure all her nieces can take care of themselves, when needed."

  Holly bobbed her head. "I like that idea."

  Fraser added, "As long as it doesn't involve you putting them into dangerous situations, then maybe I'll allow it."

  "Allow it? Brother, you won't have a say in it."

  Fraser raised his brows. "Does that mean I get to advise your bairns on how to get into mischief? That's only fair."

  "Mischief is not the same as self-defense training," Faye said softly, so as to not disturb the bairns. "Besides, you may be out of luck, anyway. They may both take after Grant."

  Ross snorted. "I somehow think that may not be in your cards, Faye, my dear. That would be too easy."

  Fraser grunted. "For once, I agree with Ross."

  As Faye and Fraser continued to argue about influencing each other's children—albeit in soothing, quiet tones—Finn noticed Grant in the d
oorway, bouncing wee Jamie. He shared a looked with the Protector; Grant signaled that he had finished the background check on George MacLeod.

  After kissing Skye's forehead, Finn waited for Aunt Lorna to take Freya before handing over the bairn to Arabella. He whispered, "I'll be right back, love."

  Arabella nodded, and Finn went into the hallway. Once he closed the door, he demanded, "Well?"

  Grant didn't miss a beat. "For the most part, he's clean. Although he's been receiving hospital care in Perth, which is less than forty miles from where some of the rogue dragon-shifters have been spotted in Cairngorms National Park."

  George's former location didn't automatically make the male guilty. Finn would have to check into it more soon. "Did you find out where he's been living?"

  "In an abandoned cottage, somewhere in the countryside between Perth and Cairngorms National Park. He received enough from his disability benefits to buy food and some clothes, but not much else. I don't think he's had electricity for quite a while."

  "So what's your professional recommendation then?"

  "Well, I wouldn't grant him access to the deepest secrets or security features, but I don't see the harm in allowing him to stay. Keep an eye on him, of course, but my initial feeling is that he's unconnected to the rogue dragon-shifters. I think he just wanted to be out of sight, and that was one of the best places to hide."

  He nodded. "Keep looking and let me know if you find out anything else. Brenna can't stay on Lochguard forever, so rotate who can be his guard, when needed."

  Grant jostled wee Jamie, and he gurgled to himself. The lad was probably the most behaved of anyone in Finn's extended family so far.

  Grant spoke again. "There's one more thing, Finn. Things have been hectic, but Bram has requested a video conference with you yet again."

  "About the foster candidate?"

  "Aye. I'll hold him off as long as I can, but you can't do it forever."

  He ran a hand through his hair. He had already agreed to allow a human from the DDA to observe his clan, and he or she should be arriving before too much longer. Now, he needed to settle the business with Stonefire as well. Bram had delayed the process long enough. Finn couldn't do the same after so much badgering.


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