The Power of the Legendary Greek

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The Power of the Legendary Greek Page 12

by Catherine George

  ‘Yes,’ she muttered into his chest. ‘So stop talking and make love to me, Lukas Andreadis—before I change it back again.’

  He let out a shout of laughter and leapt up to strip off his clothes. But as he moved naked to the bed she held up her hand.

  ‘No. Just stand still for a moment, as you did by the pool.’

  She let her eyes move slowly over the burnished bronze curls, and the eyes that glowed like coals in his taut face. She lingered over the broad shoulders, the torso that tapered into a lean waist and long muscular legs, and the stirring masculinity between them. To Isobel’s delight, colour rose along his sculpted cheekbones.

  ‘I refuse to just stand here while you look at me.’

  ‘Why not?’

  His eyes flared. ‘Because my body is betraying me!’

  ‘So I see,’ said Isobel, suddenly reckless as she took her nightgown over her head and pulled the covers back for him.

  Luke slid in beside her and with a groan of pleasure held her close, his hands smoothing down her back to mould every curve and hollow of her body to his. ‘I have dreamed of this,’ he said into the angle where her neck met her shoulder.

  Isobel sighed and wriggled closer, delighting in the tremor she felt run through him. ‘I refused to let myself dream of it.’

  ‘Because you did not want to make love with me?’

  ‘No, because I did.’

  He growled in triumph and kissed her fiercely. His lips were warm and skilled and now they were naked together the first touch of them on hers sent her so dizzy with delight she surged against him. And with her breasts crushed against his chest she found his heart was pounding in unison with hers as his kisses sent her blood rushing through her veins, and her body turned into one entire erogenous zone.

  He raised his head and smiled in triumphant possession. ‘You are so lovely, Isobel. It is impossible to believe, now, that I was angry with you that first day on the beach.’

  ‘You frightened the life out of me.’

  He tensed. ‘Are you frightened now?’

  ‘No.’ She moved closer. ‘Make love to me, Luke. Make me glad to be alive!’

  He obeyed with such fervour Isobel’s pulse raced as the heat from his kisses ran through her like a jolt of electricity. She pressed closer, glorying in the feel of his skin against hers until he moved her away a fraction so that his lips could move down her throat in a string of soft, sweet kisses, and her breasts grew taut in anticipation as she felt the heat of his breath on her skin. He made love to each breast in turn with lips and tongue and gently grazing teeth, his caresses flooding her with hot, liquid arousal as her body filled with an urgency so new and overwhelming she shook with the force of it.

  Luke stiffened. ‘Do not tremble. I will stop if you wish.’

  ‘I don’t wish. Go on—please!’ She gloried in his renewed caresses, making a little relishing sound deep in her throat as his hands moved lower to stroke the satiny curve below her waist. But she gasped as his fingers aroused turbulence with the most intimate caress of all, his mouth devouring hers with a kiss so possessive and overwhelming her blood seemed to turn to steam. He looked deep into her eyes, asking a question she answered with such an impatient little nod he smiled in triumph and surged inside her, filling her to such capacity Isobel’s heart lurched with the shock of it. For a long, throbbing moment they lay utterly still, then her inner muscles clenched around him in fierce invitation and he took her with him on a surging, accelerating climb towards some fiery, longed for peak he reached at last before her, then held her tightly until her body arched against him, convulsed in throbbing waves of release.

  Luke stayed still for a long, silent interval while their hearts slowed, pinning her to the bed with his weight. At last he rolled over onto his back, drawing her close against him as he smoothed the damp curls away from her forehead. ‘Look at me, Isobel.’

  Reluctantly, she opened heavy eyes to meet the possessive black gaze.

  ‘Did I hurt you, hriso mou?’ he asked softly.

  ‘No.’ Isobel heaved in a deep, unsteady breath. ‘But you surprised me.’

  ‘Surprised?’ He frowned. ‘Why?’

  ‘After the episode with Gavin, I was sure I’d never want to make love again, ever.’ Isobel met his eyes squarely. ‘But with you it was as if we were climbing together, and I’d die if I didn’t reach the summit.’

  His eyes glittered in triumph. ‘But you did reach it, glykia mou, ne?’

  ‘Not only reached it, I soared off it in free fall!’

  Luke threw back his head and laughed in unashamed male satisfaction. ‘It is so good for a man to hear that.’

  Isobel smiled wryly. ‘You sounded very Greek just then.’

  He nodded with sudden arrogance. ‘Because that is what I am, and proud of it. And you are an English rose, Isobel, and so beautiful and intelligent I find it hard to believe no man has wanted to marry you.’

  ‘One did a couple of years ago. But when he started talking about mortgages and urging me to get a proper job it put me off marriage permanently.’

  Luke laughed scornfully. ‘The fool wanted to make you into someone else.’

  ‘Exactly,’ said Isobel, delighted he understood. ‘So we broke up.’ She sighed. ‘But not without a fight on his part. He wanted Isobel the woman, but not Isobel the artist.’

  ‘I want them both,’ said Luke, and flipped her over on her back to lean over her, his handsome face intent with an expression that made her pulse race. ‘Forget all other men; you are mine now,’ he whispered and kissed her, and Isobel wreathed her arms round his neck and drew him closer. She was his. For now. But now was all they had together. In a few days she would be leaving Chyros to go back to the real world, where there was no place in her life for someone like Lukas Andreadis. But that life seemed very far away and unreal as he made love to her in the hot reality of the present, taking infinite pleasure in the responses he wrung from her. His lips moved over her face and throat, then continued slowly down until she felt those crisp bronze curls against her skin as he kissed her in a place unused to such attention. His lips and tongue caressed her so skilfully they sent her climbing to a different peak of pleasure she experienced alone. And in triumph Luke held her close as she gasped in the throes of it.


  ONCE again Isobel heard the helicopter chop away at first light, and said a swift, fierce prayer for the pilot. She slid down in the bed, intending to lie there for a moment, but when she woke again a glance at her watch catapulted her out of bed in such a hurry to snatch up her nightgown she tripped as she pulled it on and only just managed to stop from falling as Eleni came in.

  ‘You hurt?’ she demanded, coming to help.

  ‘No, no, I’m fine. I was just in a hurry for the bathroom,’ said Isobel, embarrassed. ‘I want a shower before breakfast.’

  ‘Kyrie Luke left early,’ said the little woman glumly. ‘You heard?’


  ‘How you feel today?’

  ‘Pretty good, Eleni. I’m none the worse for my adventure.’ She smiled. ‘And for once I really fancy some breakfast this morning.’

  Isobel raced through her shower, then eyed herself critically in the steamed up mirror, surprised to see she looked much the same as usual. What had she expected? Evidence of sin? But it had been bliss, not sin. The dreamy look in her eyes soon changed to apprehension. She hugged the towel around her, suddenly cold at the thought of Luke acting out his High Noon scenario later.

  Determined to stay strong, no matter what happened, Isobel got dressed and did her hair and face, and limped as fast as she could into the bedroom when her phone rang.

  ‘Kalimera, Isobel. How are you today?’

  ‘Luke, are you back already? I’m ashamed to say I’ve slept half the morning away. But I feel good. Even my eye is back to normal.’

  ‘Unlike mine!’

  ‘Yours is very sexy.’ She chuckled. ‘I really go for the pirate look.’
  ‘I am so happy to hear that. I would have given much to stay and kiss you awake this morning. But I have news, Isobel. When I arrived at my apartment I found a hand-written note among my mail giving the location of Petros’s island. Like the man who attacked me, your kidnapper was probably threatened in some way, but he has a conscience, it seems, and could not leave you there to perish. Even so, be careful today. Stay close to the house.’

  ‘Yes, Luke.’

  ‘I so like to hear you say that. When I come home I shall ask more questions that require the same answer.’

  Isobel’s eyebrows rose. What did he mean by that? ‘Luke, I’ll be desperately worried. So ring me tonight after—afterwards.’

  ‘I will. But do not worry, hriso mou. I will take no chances, I swear. Now, eat.’

  Worried or not, hot rolls and butter, followed by cup after cup of coffee, tasted wonderful to Isobel. At the same time yesterday she would have sold her soul for even part of the meal. She was about to ask Eleni for more coffee when she heard a car coming down the drive and, soon afterwards, Alyssa came running from the kitchen, beaming.

  ‘Kalimera, Isobel. After your ordeal you should be shattered, but you look wonderful.’

  ‘I feel fine.’ Isobel smiled warmly. ‘I was just about to ask Eleni for more coffee.’

  ‘Unnecessary, glykia mou. She’s on her way with it right now.’

  By the time Eleni left them to their coffee, Alyssa was vibrating with impatience.

  ‘So, Isobel! Did Luke tell you about my masterly performance when he returned on the Athena without you?’

  Isobel laughed. ‘He certainly did. He said you’re a terrific actress.’

  ‘Drama queen, he means!’ Alyssa grinned, flipping back a lock of shining dark hair as she struck a pose. ‘I rather fancy myself as Medea. Or possibly Elektra. But never mind that. Tell me what happened—every last detail.’ She sobered abruptly. ‘You must have been so terrified, Isobel.’

  ‘Oddly enough, when I woke up in the boat my first reaction was fury. But the fright soon kicked in when I found I was tied up. I hated feeling so helpless.’ Isobel gulped some coffee, then told Alyssa what happened, right up to the moment Luke arrived in the Athena to rescue her.

  ‘For the second time!’ Alyssa’s lips curved in a wicked little smile. ‘I trust you rewarded him generously?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ said Isobel, returning the smile in kind. ‘I gave him the watercolour I painted.’

  Alyssa rolled her eyes. ‘Surely you can think of something more exciting than a painting?’

  ‘Luke liked it.’ Isobel’s smile faded. ‘I hope it will remind him of me after I leave.’

  Alyssa snorted. ‘He will never forget you, Isobel!’

  ‘You’re probably right. I’ve been nothing but trouble to him from the moment we met.’

  ‘I doubt that. What man thinks of a gorgeous blonde as trouble?’

  Isobel coloured. ‘Luke told me he likes his women dark and curvy.’

  ‘He has changed his mind since he met you, glykia mou.’

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘My sweet, more or less. Does Luke say that?’

  ‘We’re not on those kind of terms.’

  ‘If you stayed, you soon would be,’ said Alyssa firmly. ‘So stay. Please. I would love you to come to my wedding.’

  Isobel smiled wistfully. ‘I would love it, too, but I must get back to my job. I’ve used up all my holiday allowance for this year.’

  Alyssa sighed, then rummaged in her bag and handed over a card. ‘These are my telephone numbers. Ring me if you change your mind.’

  ‘I will.’ Isobel smiled warmly. ‘Thanks for coming to see me.’

  ‘Nothing could have kept me away! It amazes me that you survived such a horrible experience so bravely. Me, I would have nightmares.’ Alyssa touched the uneven lock of hair over Isobel’s ear, then glanced at her watch with regret. ‘I must go. Since Luke is away, why not come down to the taverna tonight? I could fetch you, and my parents would love to meet you.’

  Isobel was touched. ‘It’s a lovely thought, Alyssa, but I’m not quite up for that right now and I’m not sure I should be seen yet. Can I take a rain check?’

  ‘Of course. Ring me if you need me. Any time. Take care.’ She kissed Isobel’s cheek, then rushed off to talk to Eleni on her way out and a moment later her car roared away up the cypress-lined drive, leaving Isobel feeling restless and on edge, and wondering what to do with the rest of her day.

  After trying to read for a while, Isobel gave up and got out her drawing materials. As a change from watercolours she would try a pencil portrait of Luke. Portraits were not normally her area of expertise, but the forceful, handsome features of Luke took shape on her drawing pad with such ease and speed that by late afternoon Isobel had achieved a strikingly accurate likeness. When Eleni was allowed to see the finished sketch she called Spiro to marvel at Isobel’s skill, and it was so obvious that both of them lusted after the drawing Isobel promised to do another to keep herself occupied as she wondered what was happening to Luke.

  At that particular moment Luke was in his office, in a meeting with Andres and various members of his staff and security force, all of whom were arguing that one of them should take his place at the designated ransom drop, a kafeinion in the Psyrri district of Athens.

  Luke heard them out until the hubbub showed signs of abating, then held up his hand. ‘I appreciate your offers, but this is personal for me. To wreak vengeance on me, this man has caused harm to a lady who is a visitor to our country, also a guest in my house. Therefore, gentlemen, I must confront this man myself before I hand him over to the police. Who,’ he added, ‘agreed to my keeping out of sight until the man actually tries to take the money.’

  ‘But the criminal knows you,’ said Ari Constantinou, Luke’s massive head of security. ‘You’ve survived a stabbing already, kyrie. You might not be so lucky a second time.’

  ‘The intention was never to have me killed. To get the money, he needs me alive.’ Luke’s eyes hardened. ‘But he made a big mistake in kidnapping a lady under my protection.’

  There were loud exclamations of assent from everyone present.

  ‘So this is the plan I have worked out with Ari,’ said Andres, after a nod from Luke. ‘I shall go early and drink coffee at a table by the window looking out on the alley. Two of you will occupy another near the door. Another will keep watch from the men’s room which overlooks the back of the alley. The boss will keep out of sight until nearer the time, and the rest of the team will be with Ari in the bar opposite. The police surveillance team will stay out of sight as kyrie Andreadis requested.’

  ‘They were happy with this arrangement?’ asked a voice.

  ‘No,’ said Luke. ‘They wanted me to keep well away.’ He smiled grimly. ‘I refused.’

  Later, in the stiflingly hot night, obeying an instinct that prodded him like a goad, Luke was an hour early when he began strolling amongst Athenian café society in the warren of streets that comprised the Psyrri district. He made for the designated kafeinion and paused on the corner opposite, smiling a greeting at one of his security men, who took his cue like a casual bystander enjoying a chat while they kept secret watch on the alley.

  ‘You are early, kyrie,’ said the man softly, then swore violently as a fire alarm blared in the kafeinion, sending everyone streaming out into the street. Luke shot through the scattering throng into the alley and launched himself in a flying tackle to ground a big, burly figure about to snatch the ransom bag. Luke fought to keep the man on the ground until help arrived, and in seconds Luke’s security team closed in on them and the man was pulled to his feet to face the police, eyes rolling in fear as he was secured and hustled into the police van now blocking the alley.

  ‘I was allowed to observe while he was being questioned later,’ Luke told Isobel when he rang for the second time to give details. ‘Once in custody, the man begged protection for his family against
Zena and Zoe Karras, twin sisters of the dead Melina Andreadis. As I suspected, they were the driving force behind this all along. Just like the man who attacked me, your kidnapper’s wife and children had been threatened by the two harpies. But he swore he was no killer, which is why he sent me the note giving me your location.’

  ‘And he never actually hurt me,’ added Isobel.

  ‘But he tied you up and left you in that hut,’ said Luke grimly, then continued to tell her that the police went straight to the Karras house to question the sisters, who promptly went berserk with fury at the failure of their plan and poured everything out in a flood of venom against him, which shocked even the battle-hardened detectives. Luke laughed cynically. ‘But the sisters’ vendetta against me was more for the loss of the generous allowance Melina had made them, than for her death. I was informed later that they blamed me for her death and everything else wrong in their lives.’

  ‘They meant to have you killed?’

  ‘No. Just to wound and harm me in any way possible, out of pure venom. As a source of money, I was no good to them dead.’

  Isobel shivered, her knuckles white on the phone. ‘What was to happen to me?’

  ‘They were too hysterical to make any sense by the time they were taken into custody, but Andres is related to one of the policemen interrogating them, so I shall know more eventually.’ His voice dropped a tone. ‘But, no matter what they intended, you are safe now, hriso mou. You can sleep tonight.’

  ‘I’ll probably have nightmares!’

  ‘If I were there with you I could provide a cure for those,’ he said softly.

  The mere thought of it made her weak at the knees. ‘When will you be back?’

  ‘As soon as I can, Isobel. I must work with Andres for a while first today. Even without all this drama I have been neglecting my business interests since you came into my life, Miss Isobel James!’

  ‘So sorry about that. Never mind. I’ll soon be gone.’

  ‘I know this very well,’ he assured her darkly. ‘When I get back we will spend every possible moment together before you leave.’


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