linear accelerator
National Cancer Survivors Day
official opening
at one-year anniversary
role of Bill Camilleri
role of Kopels
role of Steven Cymbrowitz
rush to finish conference room
social worker’s role
support groups
Cancer Ward. See Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
Ceriale, Ann Marie
Chayevsky, Paddy
Chinese medicine
Choudhri, Asghar
Christopher, Ethel
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid)
Cohen, David
Cohen, Rich
Colon, Lilia
colon-cancer screening
Coney Island Hospital, Brooklyn
Contino, Marion
continuous quality improvement
Continuum Health Partners
Cooper, Jay
in cast of characters
as director of cancer center
hired as cancer center director
hires Patrick Borgen
linear accelerator
at National Cancer Survivors Day celebration
relationship with Pam Brier
trip to Sharon Kopel’s funeral
Crucial Conversations
Cruz, Annette
Cunningham, Joseph
in cast of characters
feud with Israel Jacobowitz
hired by Edward Lichstein to come to Maimonides
hires David Feldman
history at Maimonides
and Maimonides partnership with Victory Memorial Hospital
relationship with Lillian Fraidkin
relationship with Pam Brier
relationship with Stanley Brezenoff
view of hospital’s discharge numbers
Cuomo, Mario
Curious George
Cymbrowitz, Lena
Cymbrowitz, Steven H.
Davidson, Steven
in cast of characters
and continuous quality improvement
and Hatzolah
hired by Stanley Brezenoff to run ER
hires nursing manager
relationship with Douglas Jablon
relationship with Kopels
relationship with Pam Brier
response to Crucial Conversations meeting
view of Maimonides’ emergency room density
Davis, Clarence
dead beds
Delude, Cathryn
Deming, W. Edwards
Devi, Mrs. (patient)
diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)
DLMCs (departmental labor-management committees)
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders
“Doctor, Mr.”
documenation. See medical records
Donahue, Bernadine
Dr. Kildare
DRGs (diagnosis-related groups)
Drillick, Peshi
drug companies
Dube, Daniel
Dube, Newman
D&X (dilation and extraction) procedure
Einstein, Albert
Eisenstadt, Benjamin
elevator, Sabbath
emergency room, Maimonides. See also Gregorius, David; Hatzolah (emergency medical service)
ambulance crew notifications
business perspective
Steven Davidson hired to run
Engel, Pamela Sara. See also Brier, Pamela
Escobar, Lilia Maria. See Fraidkin, Lillian
Esposito, Joseph J.
Eugene, Mathieu
Fang, Cheng Neng
favor bank
Feldman, David
attends Trust Initiative conference at Harvard
in cast of characters
and Code of Mutual Respect
describes wrong-knee example
as plastic surgeon
Ferlita, Maria
Fox, Joseph
Fraidkin, Lillian
aftermath of Pam Brier’s auto accident
budgetary and numbers issues
cancer story
in cast of characters
and Maimonides partnership with Victory Memorial Hospital
relationship with Pam Brier
view of ER business
Friedlander, Avrohom
Gawande, Atul
Gellman, Abraham
Gilbert and Sullivan
Gips, Bernie
Goins, Derek
“good death” concept
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
Green, Chaya Gitty
Green-Wood Cemetery
Gregorius, Carolyn and Chuck
Gregorius, David
in cast of characters
chosen Intern of the Year
in ER
exhaustion issue
first impression of Maimonides
girlfriend Jenn
initial search for hospital residency program
interest in Loma Linda University
interviewed by John Marshall
looks back at his year at Maimonides
New Suck e-mail journal
observation about babies in pediatric ER
and Occam’s razor
view of Hatzolah
Grey’s Anatomy
Guttmacher Institute
hand hygiene
Hartstone, Holly
Harvard University School of Public Health
Hasidic community. See Orthodox Jews
Hatzolah (emergency medical service)
Havel áclav
Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC)
Health Insurance Plan of New York (HIP)
health-care reform
HealthmaticsED (computer system)
Heinlein, Robert
Held, Shai
Hernandez, Ms. (patient)
Heschel, Abraham Joshua
Heschel, Moshe M.
HHC (Health and Hospitals Corporation)
Hikind, Dov
HIP (Health Insurance Plan of New York)
Hippocratic Oath
Holocaust survivors
The Hospital
hospitalists. See also Todd, Gregory
House (TV show)
Hu, Xiaoxi
Huang, Dr, Yiwu
Illich, Ivan
IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy)
information specialists
Ingelfinger, Franz J.
Institute of Medicine
insurance companies
intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Isom, Wayne
Israel-Zion Hospital. See Maimonides Medical Center
Jablon, Douglas
aftermath of Pam Brier’s auto accident
aids Mendel Warshawsky
and Brier’s speaking engagement at Makki Mosque
in cast of characters
and Clarence Davis’s hearse at Maimonides
and favor bank
as Mitzvah Man
overlapping responsibilities with Marcel Biberfeld
relationship with Miriam Lubling
relationship with Steven Davidson
role in Maimonides community and patient relations
son’s wedding
view of gossip as hospital’s enemy
view of Sondra Olendorf
Jablon, Edy
Jablonsky, Yit
Jacobi Medical Center, The Bronx
Jacobowitz, Israel
JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations)
Jewish Defense League
Johnson, Elvia
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
Kahane, Meir
Kam, Chris
Kaminer, Anita
Kaplan, Kathryn
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS)
Katrina (hurricane)
Keen, Lisa
case of Mr. Zen
case of Mrs. Devi
case of Ms. Hernandez
in cast of characters
and deceased Chinese patient
and new medicine
Keilitz, Eileen
Kelly, Raymond
Kennedy, Winnie
Khafif, Rene
Khenkin, Nella
Kho, David
Kidney, Carol
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
Kleinman, Arthur
Koch, Ed
Konstadt, Steven
Kopel, Samuel
backs Mendel Warshawsky for cancer center position
in cast of characters
and colon-cancer screening
feud with Michael Bashevkin
and opera
and question of outcome measurement
relationship with Alan Astrow
role in cancer center
view of Jay Cooper
view of recordkeeping
wife Sharon
Kopel-Hubal, Lisa
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
La Traviata (opera)
labor-management issues
Lahey, Stephen
Lamont, Patrick
late-term abortion procedure
Lazes, Peter
Lazzaro, Richard
Leahy, Joyce
Lichstein, Edward
Liebowitz, Dr.
linear accelerator
LoCicero, Joseph
Lu, Bing
Lubling, Miriam
Lukyatenko, Yevgeniy (Eugene)
Magnet Recognition Program
Maimonides (physician)
Maimonides Medical Center. See also cancer center, Maimonides
admission issues
Aron Pavilion
bed management
Bikur Cholim volunteers
bioethics committee
budgetary and numbers issues
Maimonides Medical Center (cont.)
Code of Mutual Respect
data collection
discharge issues
emergency room
executive offices
feuds within
founding and history
Hatzolah emergency medical service
hospital ratings
labor-management issues
languages at
learning center
location in Brooklyn
vs. Manhattan hospitals
medical records
Orthodox Jews as patients
Orthodox Jews as staff members
partnership with Victory Memorial Hospital
payment systems
press coverage
primary-care clinics
pronouncing name
psychiatry department
and religious observances
seeks Magnet hospital status
waiting room impression
Web site
as “wired” hospital
Makki Mosque
malpractice insurance
Mankan, Nagander
Marie (patient)
Marion, Francis
Markowitz, Marty
Marshall, John
McDougle, Mark
advice to Alan Astrow
in cast of characters
as chief operating officer
relationship with Bill Camilleri
relationship with Pam Brier
view of Hatzolah
view of Jacobowitz-Cunningham feud
view of Maimonides gestalt
McMurray, Paul
medical errors
Medical Nemesis
medical records
Mestel, Pamela
Meyer, Marshall
The Mikado
Minkoff, Howard
Morales, Margie
Nakka, Sushma
Naldi, Robert
Namm, Sheila
Nathanson, Jill
National Cancer Survivors Day
National Council on Interpreting in Health Care
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC)
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Niagara Health Quality Coalition
Nishei Cares
Nosair, El Sayyid
Novetsky, Allan
Nuland, Sherwin
nurse’s aides. See PCTs (patient-care technicians)
Oath of Maimonides
Occam’s razor
Olendorf, Sondra
attends Trust Initiative conference at Harvard
and bed management
in cast of characters
and Clarence Davis’s hearse at Maimonides
and Curious George
performance-improvement role
relationship with Pam Brier
view of Bill Camilleri
works toward achieving Magnet status for Maimonides
A Once Charitable Institution
Orthodox Jews
Bikur Cholim volunteers
Hatzolah emergency medical service
as Maimonides patients
as Maimonides staff members
and Yitzy Jablonsky’s wedding
outcome measurement
pain management
Marshall’s view
and Mr. Zen
and Pam Brier
Pakistani American Federation of New York
Palermo, Fabio
Park Surgical Company
partial-birth abortion procedure
Patel, Jill
patient reps
patient-care technicians (PCTs)
Payson, Martin
aftermath of Pam Brier’s auto accident
agrees to journalist’s request for year-long access
in cast of characters
compares hospital with movie business
at Juneboard meeting
and Makki Mosque
at opening of new cancer center
relationship with Joseph Cunningham
reliance on Lillian Fraidkin
view of Douglas Jablon’s job
Payson, Martin (cont.)
view of health care system
visits Marty Markowitz in hospital
PCTs (patient-care technicians)
Perumandla, Sirisha
Petit, John
Pfiefer, Jennifer
pharmaceutical companies
Piamenta, Yossi
Pierre, Marie .
Pineiro, Irving
Popp, Beth
Quan, Joanne
Ragmuffin Parade
Rahman, Asm
Ramsay, Carl
Ranjiv, Guptay
Razaq, Mohammed
recordkeeping. See medical records
reimbursements, insurance
Rietschel, Petra
Rivera, Madeline
Romanelli, Theresa
Rosenblum, Robert
Rosenthal, Perry
Rosman, Elliot “Lazer,”
Rosner, David
Rubin, Philip
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
Sabbath elevator
Sabir, Hafiz Mohammad
St Elsewhere
St Mary’s Hospital, Brooklyn
St Vincent Hospital
Salick, Bernard
Salick Health Care
Saturday Night Fever
Scalettar, Eric
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel
Scholem, Gershom
Schwartz, Amit
Scott, George .
Shani, Jacob
Sharon, Ariel
Shelov, Steven
Shem, Samuel
Shore, David A.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Sominsky, Inna
Sommer, Barbara
Spector, Michelle
Spencer, Frank
Spiro, Howard
Starr, Paul
Strongwater, Allan
Sukkot (ritual)
Sulmasy, Daniel
Suppiah, Kathir
Tache, Jason
Tarkovsky, Regina
TeleTracking Technologies
Templeton Foundation
Time Warner
Timerman, Jacobo
Tina (sister of patient Marie)
“To Err Is Human” report
Todd, Gregory
Travolta, John
Turok, Melissa
Twerski, Aaron
UMass Memorial Health Care
United Nations
Victory Memorial Hospital
Warshawsky, Mendel
Welles, Orson
Wexelman, Warren
Wexner, Leslie
World Trade Center
Xu, Yiqing
Yang, Janice
Yohannes, Michael
Yu, Chung-fang
Zen, Mr. (patient)
About the Author
Julie Salamon, a bestselling author, was a reporter and critic for the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Her six previous books include The Devil’s Candy, considered a Hollywood classic; Facing the Wind, a true crime account; and Rambam’s Ladder, a prize-winning book about modern philanthropy and charity. In 2006 she was selected as a Kaiser Media Fellow. Her journalism and essays have been published in several anthologies and have appeared in the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Bazaar, and The New Republic. A native of Seaman, Ohio, she lives in New York City with her husband, Bill Abrams, and their two children.
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