The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 3

by The Sentinels- The First

  UGH! That hurt, but his blow was nowhere near as strong as the blow from the other three which had knocked the wind out of him; their blow had left a bad bruise on his chest, which was already showing. He was breathing hard but nothing like before, though he doubted that the blow had been at full strength, still he now had an idea.

  Grayson got up slowly making it seem like he was more hurt than he was. Jo had trained him well, and he was very happy at the current moment that she had taught Harry and him how to deal with pain and work through it.

  He shook it out.

  "That all you got; I'm still standing. Did you use all your strength in that one blow big boy? Tsk, tsk, tsk, you really should limit those. You don't wanna run out of energy to soon," Grayson taunted him.

  The giant probably didn't have too many of those punches left in him, his muscles weren't trained for extended use or to take continuous hits like Grayson's were, at least not that Grayson could tell. He didn't move nearly as agilely as Jo's kids did, he didn't know how to fight as Grayson or Harry did either it would appear, but still, he could know other fighting styles; Grayson still needed to test him.

  Grayson took a step forward faking a slight limp, making it appear as if he wanted to attack but he really wasn't, he wanted the big guy to attack him, so he purposely looked more fragile than he was. Feinting was another of Jo's training methods; he'd learned that early on.

  He let himself stumble a little and the big guy came at him, straight at him, not wavering or gauging anything; he would be bad at chess. Grayson waited until the last minute, actually letting the big guy's fingers touch him and then he attacked, finding many holes in his defense. He spun out of his reach dodging his grasp; he'd gone right for his throat. The big guy’s movements were much too easy to read. He heard Jo's voice from memory.

  'Don't get to cocky or complacent; just because it looks like an easy kill doesn't mean they may not have something up their sleeve, they are most likely testing you too. Number one rule: NEVER, EVER let your guard down!'

  Grayson grabbed the big guy’s wrist as he was dodging his hand, then used the big guy's own momentum and pulled him forward, flat into the wall. Grayson heard a crunch (probably the big guy’s nose) as he jumped back agilely, just far enough away from his grasp. He stood straight, and faked a gasp grabbing his side, feinting pain, he was letting the big guy think he'd gotten a hit in. He rarely had a sparring partner anymore, so this was helping him let off some steam.

  Grayson yawned; he was actually tired of it though; he hadn't slept all that well, so going home might not be so bad, he could take a nap.

  "You fucking punk come here and let me beat you up already. Stop jumping around like a fucking fairy you god damn homo!"

  "Hahahaha, sure dude, I'll get right on that. You know you seem obsessed with me being a homo, but I think the one that swings that way is actually you, not me. Have you been checking me out big guy? If you have, sorry dude, but you aren't exactly my type. I like them cute, and delicate, pixie like even, you know, like the girl you hit earlier," Grayson's joking tone changed to a threatening one; he wasn't joking even if he seemed like it.

  He was also tired of jumping around like a 'fairy' as the giant so eloquently put it. Well he'd had some fun.

  "Are we finished here, because I'd really like to go home; I don't feel so good you know?" Grayson said, nonchalantly, turning his back to him when the big guy didn't respond. "Ok, well goodbye then," Grayson said waving his hand at him as he started to walk off.

  Grayson heard him charge at him, he actually felt the steps, how he felt them he couldn't say, but he knew exactly where he was and how fast he was coming. The problem was that Harry was right in front of him and if he moved Harry would get hit. Shit! He had to take the hit; this was going to hurt. He relaxed his body and let the blow come.

  The big guy grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him back at the same time wrapping his big hand around Grayson's throat. He looked at the four faces looking intently at his face. They all saw his expression and reaction and read it well; they knew he'd taken the hit.

  Sheila's face, though bruised, looked almost as severe as Jo's did when she was mad. Eric looked like he wanted to jump in and Matt was moving as if he were the one being attacked. They seemed to have taken to Grayson quickly; Harry, poor Harry just stood there. The expression on his face was a mixture of hate, sadness, anger, and confusion. Grayson smiled at Harry confidently then slammed back into the big guy's chest. UGH! He was definitely solid if nothing else.

  "I've got you now you little bitch!" he whispered in Grayson's ear.

  "Jo," Grayson said, his voice coming out in a wheeze.

  'Yes my dear' Jo's calm voice rang out crystal clear.

  'Now's your chance if you want it, or should I finish him off myself?' Grayson thought.

  He wasn't fighting the giant guy at all, but just hanging onto his arm as the big guy squeezed his throat. He didn't have long before he lost consciousness, he could hold his breath for five minutes max, but the problem was the dickhead was cutting off the blood flow to his brain more and more.

  'No Gray if I take over your body, I will probably kill him. You do it, but give him a big wet kiss on my behalf please,' Jo said vengefully.

  'I refuse to do that Jo.' Grayson thought calmly.

  Grayson gauged their distance from the others. They should be far enough away, ok now was good. He let go of the big guys arm and reacting quickly to not give him time to react, Grayson brought his fist up hitting the giant in the fleshy underside of his bicep, two swift punches, then one strong punch in his armpit making him release his throat. Grayson heard the big guy grunt.

  When Grayson felt the guy’s hand loosen, he brought his hands up and used the big guy's neck to leverage himself; he swung his legs up and wrapped them around the giant's neck, squeezing hard. Releasing his hands from the guy’s neck, Grayson swung down and punched him in the crotch, with another double punch; then hard in the knees.

  As he felt the guys knees start to buckle he grabbed onto the back of the guys legs and used that as leverage to pull him down hard with his legs. The big guy lost his balance and toppled forward.

  Grayson twisted his body flipping the big guy on his back as he slammed him into the ground; he planted his hands flat on the ground and gracefully did a back flip. He spun, swinging his leg straight into the big guy's crotch once again. This guy wasn't going to be able to have any babies at this rate; he probably wouldn't even be able to get it up anymore.

  Grayson stood over the fallen giant; his feet planted firmly on either side of his waist and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. Fisting his shirt in his hand just under the collar, he brought his fist down on the same side of the face that he had hit Sheila with enough strength that he almost knocked him out, however, he didn't want him unconscious, he wanted him in pain.

  'Gray, please do the kiss thing, it's so demoralizing and humiliating; please, please, please...' Jo pleaded.

  "God damn it Jo! No, I am not going to kiss this guy! NO! NO! NO!" Grayson snapped aloud, not realizing he'd spoken aloud until after he spoke.

  FUCK! He knew Harry could see and hear Jo but the others couldn't. He turned to look at them; the expression they wore said it all, they were surprised to hear their Mother's name. Shit! They'd probably figure it out before they got to his house; oh well, since he planned to tell them anyway, it didn't really matter, except he sounded like a nut.

  'Sorry Jo I didn't mean to speak out loud or snap at you disrespectfully,' Grayson said apologetically.

  'Hey, I'm not the one that looks like a crazy fool.' Jo was sulking because he wouldn't kiss the gigantic moronic dimwitted Neanderthal laying on the floor, but he was not going to do it.

  He wasn't a girl as she was; he would get his ass beat if he did something like that, however demoralizing and humiliating it may be to the other guy when he did it. The consequences were not worth it, and he didn't need any more admirers than he already
had. Moreover, he had a feeling something like that would hurt Harry more than anything else had so far.

  He dropped the guy's shirt, leaned in, wrapping his hand tightly around the big guy's throat as he'd done to Harry and himself, and spoke quietly but clearly.

  "That's enough; I don't really want to do this again so I'll ask nicely this time. Please don't come after me or try to kick my ass. Even if you have your friends with you, I am almost certain you won't win. However, even if I were to lose, I will make sure you all go down with me. You understand me right, if you fight me seriously, then I will have no alternative but to do the same. I don't fight for fun, and if you really come at me intending to hurt me I will not hold back next time. I was taught to fight until only one is left standing, only one will walk away. You understand don't you? I don't intend to lose such a battle, so please don't make me do that. Also, I wouldn't recommend going after my friends; that would be bad, for you. Well it's been fun big guy; I hope never to see you again, goodbye."

  Grayson released him and walked away from him; he picked up his backpack and felt it scrape his bare skin. Had the asshole torn his shirt when he grabbed it to pull him back? Damn it, this was one of his favorite shirts. He looked at his watch; practice was over, which meant they had to hurry before the other team members walked into the gym. The big dude on the gym floor wouldn't be easy to explain.

  Grayson walked silently in front of them with Harry and Jo next to him.

  'Gray, I have something I have to tell you; there may be a way for you to open the portal and let me fully integrate again, but it might be very painful and possibly and probably quite embarrassing to you. Would you be willing to do it for me though?' Jo asked quietly.

  'I guess I would, but it depends on what it is. Do I have to die or something?' Grayson thought at Jo.

  'No, you would not have to die, I would never ask you to do that; first I would have to confirm with Sheila if it's at all possible. It would be tricky and all of us including Harry would have to be involved. However, none of it will be possible if you are not willing. You are the key element.' Jo said quietly, she seemed happier after he said he was willing to help.

  Harry was looking at Jo astonished, his head having snapped to her when he heard the word 'die'.

  They got to his house quickly; his Mother was gone; she'd left him a note and a big envelope full of money and a debit/credit card. She'd be gone for two to three weeks, because of work; they had a big project that needed to be completed. She was working harder lately; since his Dad had died when he was seven years old, his Mom had been working harder to be able to support them both. She always sacrificed for Grayson, and never let him get a job because she said that school was more important, but she worked too hard sometimes. She would always get home tired and worn out, take a day or two off and then head back to work where they sent her all over the world.

  She was a very beautiful, smart, and capable woman that was a smooth talker and charming as hell. She'd gotten a degree in business advertising and because of her charm, she was one of the company's top advertising representatives; she also had a degree in design, which helped her out immensely. Therefore, they sent her all over the world to negotiate and get contracts; her excellent abilities also meant that she was now making more money than his Father had.

  Grayson sighed heavily; it got lonely in his home alone, aside from Jo. He hadn't even gotten a chance to say goodbye to her before she left.

  "What's wrong Gray?" Harry asked, his voice a little horse from the manhandling he'd gotten; concern was written all over his face. Grayson really did miss him; he hoped that Harry being with him today meant he would start talking to him again.

  "Mom had to leave on a business trip earlier than normal; she just got back yesterday. I just hoped she'd get a few more days off this time around is all. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. Oh well," Grayson stuffed the note, envelope, and card in his pocket and showed everyone where to sit.

  He got everyone a drink and asked if they wanted something to eat. He was hungry since he hadn't eaten anything. They all said yes.

  It was still early, only 9:30 A.M.; he went into the kitchen and made everyone some Italian sausages and scrambled eggs. He cut up some tomato and made toast and placed it on everyone's plate. It only took him about fifteen minutes to do. He liked using his Mom's formal antique dining table when he had company over since they rarely used it and he liked having someone to eat with him. He used to do it with Harry when he would spend the night (which had been almost every night). He set all the plates and orange juice on the table and called everyone in.

  "Wow dude, you can cook?" Eric asked.

  They all looked ravenously at the food on their plates. Sheila and Phoebe said thank you and dug in, a second later they made happy, pleasured sounds; they sounded like they were purring. Eric, Matt, and Harry also said thank you and did the same. Grayson poured everyone orange juice and handed the juice to everyone. They all seemed to be enjoying their food, eating in silence. Once everyone was done, they all sat around talking for a bit.

  Grayson learned that Matt was a very funny guy and Eric was very protective of his sisters. Phoebe was very smart and scientific, Shelia was very into magic, and she liked dancing immensely. Matt told them about a time when Sheila had made them all try to dance ballet and they all laughed when he described how he and Eric had looked completely ridiculous trying to twirl in skintight leotards and how everyone had laughed at them because of it.

  Harry laughed along with the rest of them, which made Grayson feel better than he had since that morning, when Harry had agreed to start training with him again. Eric kept glancing at Harry then at Grayson with a curious expression. Grayson didn't say anything but he could guess what he was wondering; were Grayson and Harry together as he and Matt were?

  Eric was a very curious person, and he reminded him a bit of a curious kitten except that manlier and not cute, Matt, on the other hand had a calm and laid back attitude. Phoebe seemed a bit more analytical and Sheila seemed much more motherly and excitable than the others were. They seemed to be like people he wouldn't mind hanging out with; they were all somewhat rowdy and definitely a happy group.

  When they finished eating, drinking, and talking, they all helped pick up the plates and helped Grayson clean up without him saying anything, not that he would have.

  "Thank you everyone; well let's go to my room, we need to talk," he said, and they all followed him up the stairs to his room.

  Chapter Three

  Grayson opened the door to his room and showed them in. His room was big, with two rooms separated by an adjoining door. He used the second room for most of his training practices with Jo.

  "Well, excuse me everyone I need a new shirt; I'll be right back, sit wherever you want," he said over his shoulder and took his torn shirt off and threw it on his bed. He heard a gasp from behind; Phoebe and Sheila were staring at his back their mouths open, the guys looked at him in amazement.

  "What?" Grayson asked.

  "You're back! That fucker slammed you into the gym wall hard enough to bruise your entire back man. How are you not writhing in pain in a hospital bed right now?" Matt asked.

  Grayson decided to leave his shirt off. It didn't really matter at this point since they'd already seen him shirtless. They'd see him with less at swim practice soon enough. "Really? Guess it's because I'm used to it. Jo's a demon when it comes to my training so this is nothing compared to what I've gotten while I train; it doesn't really hurt, it's more sore and uncomfortable than anything else. She's taught Harry and me how to take a hit and how to work through it and not feel the pain. I'm sure she did the same with you, you're her kids after all." All of their faces, except for Harry's, snapped to attention when he said Jo's name.

  "So I am not sure how to start; Jo?" Grayson said.

  'Gray, these are my children; it really shouldn't be that hard to explain. They know better than anyone does the dangers of time traveling. You know
my whole story, they don't know you know that though. So just explain it to them from your point of view please,' Jo said encouragingly.

  "Ok, I hope that works Jo," Grayson said.

  'I don't see why not,' Jo answered.

  "Well I guess I can start from the beginning. Jo, or should I say Josephine Wilson, has been with me my whole life. I have known her since before I was born. According to her she got caught in her time portal the last time she tried using it and got stuck in a transitory limbo, not dead but not completely solid. She told me that it's like she ran out of energy three quarters of the way through, and right before reintegrating on the other side she just stopped," Grayson said, pausing and looking around at each face, when they remained quiet, he continued.

  "At that point she didn't know how long it was, but after a while she saw a bright shining beacon ahead of her, like it was calling her and she was drawn to it; the light was me when I'd just been conceived and gained spiritual consciousness. I was able to pull her out of that limbo, and she has been sort of like a ghost, except that I can touch her and feel her and interact with her like she were actually on the physical plain; she's always with me. Oh and Harry, he's my best friend since preschool by the way, is here because he is able to see her also, but that just happen today, though he has known about her since we were in preschool."

  Grayson stopped talking and took a drink of his bottle of water which he'd brought up with him. Still everyone remained silent, waiting for him to finish, all eyes fixated on him; he really didn't like drawing attention.

  "Anyway, she's always been with me and she's trained me in self-defense since I can remember, Harry too actually. I used to get picked on when I was little because I looked like a girl. I would get teased and bullied and Jo would sometimes jump into my body and take over and defend me because I sort of freeze when it's me that is being attacked. I don't really have much of a problem fighting, if I have to defend someone else that is being attacked, like today; I don't know why. Oh yeah, Jo said something about being able to come into the physical world but it might be very painful to me and possibly embarrassing also, but all of us including Harry had to be here and I was the key. I don't know what it is that her method would be but I am at least willing to hear it. So Jo what is it that you want me to do?" Grayson said turning to look at her; she was sitting next to him. Harry was on her other side.


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