The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 10

by The Sentinels- The First

  "But he's the second Sentinel, how can I not be excited. I have to show some enthusiasm," Grayson sulked; Jo shook her head.

  "Gray, you need to stop acting so open, we are not at home, until then restrain yourself or we will be in trouble," Jo said. Harry looked at everyone confused.

  "Gray, did you just say I am the second Sentinel?" Harry asked, Grayson turned to Harry, smiled widely, and nodded.

  "Yes, when you bent over to drink some water, your tattoo was clear on your back. Somehow, it must have transferred to Jo, through you, when we were having sex in limbo. I don't know how, but Jo must be right; since she was using your body and I could only see her, then I only saw it on her; but Jo, I still feel like it's got to be you too. Are you sure, there were only two Sentinels, I mean at first? Maybe there was another and no one will talk about it? Do you know if there was one or a rumor of a third?" Grayson asked; Jo shrugged.

  "Only the First would be able to answer that, and maybe the second. However, I don't understand how Harry never showed signs of the Sentinel. He hates fighting, though he is quite good at it and picks up on things very fast, I wonder why he dislikes fighting. Harry do you know why you dislike fighting?" Jo asked him; Harry shrugged and looked at the ground.

  "I don't know Jo; I am averse to fighting if the situation can be resolved with talking and as for the Sentinel, I don't know if I am or not, no one has ever told me. If my family was like Gray's then my Father never told me anything. If it is my Mother, she had never said anything to me either. You said your Dad said some of the Sentinel families went into hiding so they wouldn't be killed by the crazy killer Sentinels; maybe mine was one of those. Or maybe it is just a fluke, and Jo is the Second after all; maybe I was the one it rubbed off on," Harry suggested; Jo shook her head.

  "No Harry; only the first two Sentinels can wear that tattoo. It is not because of your lineage or because of the fact that you are a Sentinel, no; it is your soul, which has that tattoo imprinted on it. It is the mark of the gods. No one else can bear that symbol of the Sentinel; Gray can't even wear it, just as you cannot wear his. It must be as I suggested; Gray only saw it on me because I was in your body at the time," Jo said looking pensively at her feet as she paced, she pinched her chin in between her fingers and rubbed it thoughtfully.

  "I'm sorry Jo, I didn't mean to take it from you," Harry said sadly, looking at his feet.

  Jo's head snapped up in surprise, and Grayson stared at him open mouthed. She gave him a frown and walked over to him smoothly; cupping his face gently, she smiled at him lovingly.

  "You are such a silly boy, you don't even understand how important you are and you feel guilty for taking something that wasn't mine to begin with. I never had it Harry; it was always in you. Why are you sorry for being who you are sweetheart? You are perfect the way you were and the way you are now; and you have always loved Grayson, and believe it or not my dear, he has always loved you. From the first day he saw you he loved you, I should know, I was there. Don't demean yourself and don't take away from yourself; you heard Gray talking, begging you to stay, to not leave him. Why do you think that is honey? He is always giving to others, always helping; he gives too much. I know he would have given you everything you asked for, but you didn't think you were worthy. Now you see how wrong you were; you are the most important person to him save Isabel and me; I think that in his book we are all equal. Look at him; you heard him earlier, you're all his. Just having you by his side makes him ready to fight against the whole world just so that you will be happy. So be sure of your worth my dear boy, because to the two people in front of you, you are very important. I will never feel cheated to give you both what I have, just as I would never feel cheated to give to my children. You are my family as much as they are; Grayson was not the only one that missed you honey. Keep that in mind," Jo said and hugged him tightly around the waist.

  Harry nodded but was unable to say much because he had a huge knot in his throat; he wanted to cry but just couldn't get past the knot.

  "Hey, why can you hug him but I can't, that's not fair," Grayson sulked.

  "Oh honestly, you big baby; I am at least clothed, you are fully nude, might I remained you, and so is he. All you will end up doing is rubbing against each other and wanting to run into the bushes to do it. Anyway we better get a move on or you will be getting cold soon," Jo said.

  "Jo, why can't we just open a portal and go back home?" Harry asked.

  "We can, but as Gray's Dad said, they are monitoring for time shifts. If they are hunting natural travelers then we are in danger and we have to find the right time and place to make the trip. I know you saw and felt my memories, but some things you have to learn on your own or the information will just not stick, and I have a nagging feeling that we are here for a reason. It is true we can end up anywhere in time, but this jump was different, it felt as if something were pulling us in, not jumping; something was trying to get us here, and it makes me wary. There are various reasons for us to be pulled, and with what we know now about you both being the First and Second, I have a feeling there is a Sentinel in trouble close by," Jo said and looked around as if trying to spot something. As if on cue, a horse-drawn wagon came into view quite a distance away.

  "Go crouch behind the bushes, listen to what I tell them so our stories match," Jo said.

  Both Grayson and Harry did as Jo instructed and waited, after a few minutes they heard the wheels of the wagon crunch on the leaves and Jo's voice came across clearly as Grayson and Harry peeked through the bushes to see the man that spoke. He was about average with regard to his height (maybe 5'9" give or take an inch) with a medium build and a robust body that looked strong and sturdy. He had light brown hair and light hazel eyes that were rather striking with his tanned skin from working in the sun.

  "Child what has happened to your clothes, do you need assistance?" a man's voice inquired in a worried tone, he sounded older and his voice held a note of kindness.

  "Yes please, my brothers and I were robbed; the thieves took everything we had including my brothers clothing and my dress and overgarment. At least they left me partially clothed; my brothers were not as lucky, they have not an article of clothing to their name. Could you please help us?" Jo asked her voice sincere and needy; she played the damsel in distress well.

  "Oh how loathsome of them to do such a thing. Where are your brothers now child, are they hiding to not show their nudity?" the man asked.

  "Yes sir, they are embarrassed; you see they are soldiers in the military. They did not fight because the thieves had a dagger to my throat and a handgun to my breast; the thieves threatened to end my life, my brothers disrobed only to save my life. I am lucky to have survived, and luckier still to have such dedicated brothers to give up their weapons, and garments to endeavor my safety," Jo said convincingly.

  So we are soldiers; great how are we going to pull that off?

  Grayson was thinking furiously as he and Harry crouched, listening intently and contemplating Jo's words. They'd only ever had Jo's training, and he'd never once thought of joining the military. Those guys were hard-core; whether girl or guy they were on a whole different playing field, and he wasn't cut out to take orders, even if Jo gave them to him, and he followed his teachers' orders at school, that was different. The military was something he just didn't see himself doing, and Harry was just not military bound, plain and simple. If he was going in any direction, it was the way of the hippie. He loved nature, he loved peace, and he loved quiet, all things that he would better achieve if he became a botanist rather than a career military person.

  How they were going to pull off a military attitude was beyond him but as Jo said 'roll with the punches'. Grayson turned to Harry as he heard the man speak again and saw him shrug.

  "Oh, well that is good, you have good brothers. Why don't they come out, I have some extra clothes that they can put on in the back of the wagon. I have a cloak that should cover you up also in the back. I was just on my way back from tow
n, I will give you shelter for the night. My wife and daughter will be delighted to meet military men, and of course to have another young lady in the house. We don't get many people out this way," he said.

  "Grayson, Harry, come out please; sir, please don't be alarmed by their size and bodies, they were very well trained by our deceased Father. It was his wish for them to go into the military; he's trained them since they were very young; and we will gladly repay you for your kindness with labor," Jo said.

  Grayson and Harry inched forward and covered themselves up as much as possible. Grayson would have just walked out in all his glory, being used to wearing next to nothing while swimming but that would be highly inappropriate at the current moment. He needed to act slightly ashamed and shy at his nakedness. Harry didn't have much of a problem with that because he actually was shy about his nakedness. The older man gasped, Jo cringed a little but looked up at the man scared.

  "Truly child, you do not jest, they really are quite large. Well they look to be in good health, I will be glad to put them to work. Come forward; the clothes will not fit you well but they will cover you up for the most part. Child go put the cloak on so that you may be decent again," the older man said, Jo bowed her head and thanked him.

  Chapter Eight

  The man had them get on his wagon and they sat quietly until he would speak to them.

  "So children, what are your names? My name is Francis Viloux," he introduced himself.

  "My name is Josephine Conwell, the taller of my brothers is Grayson, and the shorter is named Henry but we call him Harry. We are pleased to make your acquaintance Mr. Viloux," Jo said.

  She pronounced the French name with a perfect accent; Grayson figured she did it on purpose because it showed she was educated.

  "Those are very nice names, so what part of the military do you gentlemen serve?" Mr. Viloux asked.

  "Cavalry," Grayson said.

  Jo looked at him in surprise; he shrugged at her and she nodded silently. If his eyes served him well, and he remembered his history classes properly, he guessed they were in or around the mid to late 1800's. The cavalry was well known, and it was easy to explain since he remembered those facts pretty well.

  "Oh, well that sounds quite honorable; both of you seem quite healthy, you must be doing well," Mr. Viloux said, but his voice held a note of dishonestly. Both Grayson and Harry nodded, but Jo answered for them.

  "Yes they are, I am very proud of them," Jo said smiling, Mr. Viloux smiled back at her.

  "Pardon me Mr. Viloux, but could you tell us where we are? We have been walking for quite some time and we've been trying to keep to areas where we have some coverage, because of that we are unsure of our location," Jo asked sadly.

  "We are just outside Massena, New York. I need to inform you of something before we arrive; my daughter is fearful of soldiers. A while back, we housed some soldiers, and they forced themselves on her then violated her. When we reported them, they reported to their superiors that they were only trying to discipline the indigene family; their superiors never reprimanded them for their actions. If you are of the mind to harm my family or have prejudices against the native people of this land, then I will give you shelter but only in the barn, and only because you have your sister with you. I don't feel you are like those soldiers though, I doubt those soldiers would have laid their weapons down even for a sister," Mr. Viloux said darkly; Grayson looked angry and Harry looked shocked, Jo just looked sad.

  "I can assure you Mr. Viloux that we have no intention of harming your family or have any such prejudices. I consider anyone willing to hurt because of such a reason a coward; and to harm the weak simply because one has the strength to is, in my book, as good as asking to be demoralized and taught a lesson in front of all you consider your equal. It is despicable what those soldiers did to your daughter, and that she had to experience such an abhorrent act, but neither my brothers nor I have ever considered sex or race to have any say as to what one's value as a human being is. We make our own value by our actions and beliefs; please feel at peace, we will not judge your family and we hope that you will not judge us either. We were raised with an open mind, a kind heart, and a strong loyalty to true justice," Jo said fiercely.

  Grayson and Harry nodded; Mr. Viloux remained silent for a moment and nodded quietly.

  "That is good to know, it would have been nice to have encountered you the first time and not those other less desirable soldiers. Is that why you are not fighting in the south with all the rest? Have you deserted your post in cavalry because you do not agree with the war?" Mr. Viloux asked.

  "Are you referring to the Civil war with the Confederate States?" Jo asked.

  Mr. Viloux looked at her oddly but nodded, Grayson and Harry were letting her answer everything and maybe Mr. Viloux was finding that a bit odd.

  "They were going to send them out west to help in the migration and disciplining of the Indians. They refused to go because of me," Jo said.

  Grayson finally spoke; because his voice was much deeper, the anger in his voice made him sound very ominous and threatening. The statement that a soldier had raped Mr. Viloux's daughter just because they were having fun and were horny and hid behind their poor excuse that they were 'disciplining the 'Indian' had him in a slight rage; he really hated bullies!

  "That and the fact that we told them we would sooner join the Indians and fight alongside them than harm them for trying to defend their own lands, had them deciding to give us the leave we requested when Jo sent us word that our Father had gone from this world. Now we must dedicate our lives to protecting her as Father asked, and obeying her, as our Mother asked us to when she passed. When she finds a man that is worthy of her than we can occupy ourselves with our own lives," Grayson said; Mr. Viloux nodded his head in understanding and smiled at him.

  "It is a strong man who can admit that he is willing to listen and obey a wise woman. Your sister seems well educated and strong; you seem to be outstanding people. My wife will love your exuberance," Mr. Viloux said with a smile.

  They continued in this fashion for about another ten minutes until they arrived at Mr. Viloux's home where they dismounted. Mr. Viloux's home was a beautiful largish wooden home that seemed homey and comfortable. It had a very large field behind it where Jo, Grayson, and Harry could see what looked like bulbous wheat.

  "Jo, is that wheat?" Grayson asked quietly; she shook her head.

  "It looks like hops, you know, one of the ingredients they use to make beer," Jo said quietly.

  Harry looked at the large field and smiled serenely at the tall thriving green and golden field, he really liked the green in nature.

  "You are correct Miss Conwell; that is indeed for making beer; you are very knowledgeable. Your Father made sure you were educated well," Mr. Viloux observed. She smiled at him and nodded.

  "Yes, indeed he did; until my brothers joined the military, he educated and trained me alongside them; I'm relatively handy with a weapon myself, but I have an advantage they did not. I also have all those ladylike qualities they cannot pull off because they are not women," Jo said and threw Grayson and Harry a wide smile; they smiled at her and laughed.

  "I do not think I could pull of a dress as well as you dear sister, maybe Harry could," Grayson said and Jo laughed, Harry gave him a dirty look.

  "You! That is unfair, you are just jealous because Jo favors me; hmph!" Harry said; Grayson smiled.

  "I jest my brother, Jo favors us both because we listen to her. If we didn't, we'd be chased off; he's a demon when she's angry," Grayson said turning to Mr. Viloux and pointing at Jo, he laughed heartily and nodded.

  "Yes, as is my wife and daughter; they are something to be feared indeed. We must keep our women happy to remain healthy and safe; smart man you are, son," Mr. Viloux said and pounded Grayson on the back.

  Both Harry and Grayson nodded and smiled widely at him, they froze when they heard a loud gasp and scream form the side of the house where Mr. Viloux had parked his
wagon. Mr. Viloux sighed and spoke quietly.

  "Gentlemen, please give me a moment to speak with my wife and daughter. Miss Conwell please come with me so that you may explain your predicament to my family," Mr. Viloux said sighing as he walked through his front door.

  After a few minutes, Jo stuck her head out of the door and waved them in. Grayson and Harry walked in quietly, not knowing what to expect.

  A relatively small young woman of maybe nineteen or twenty years of age sat fidgeting on a large armchair. She was quite pretty, with long dark hair and wide captivating pale amber-hazel eyes. She had high cheekbones, which seemed to enhance her eyes; her lips were full and had a pretty, rose color to them.

  Grayson could see why the soldiers had been attracted to her, but to rape her was horrible. Had he been there he would have beat them to a pulp, and he was pretty certain Harry would have done the same. Averse to fighting he might be and he was even quite bad at defending himself, but if he had seen someone doing that to someone much weaker than he was, he would have acted, even if he had a chance of not coming out on top, though that was very unlikely. As for Harry, he was very intelligent and in most cases, he thought before acting, so he most likely would not have just acted but would have found the best avenue to a win.

  Both Grayson and Harry bowed slightly to her, which they'd agreed to do when they were waiting outside. She looked at them fearfully and shakily bowed her head to them.

  "Please Rachel don't be afraid, my brothers will not harm you, and even though they are silly sometimes, they would never commit such an atrocious act," Jo said.

  Jo, Grayson, and Harry all turned when they heard a gasp from the archway that led deeper into the house.

  "My god in heaven child, you are quite large, oh and you look just like an angel. You didn't say they were so handsome dear," an older version of Rachel said form the door. She had a beautiful genuine smile that made Grayson and Harry smile widely at her.


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