The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 14

by The Sentinels- The First

  Grayson heard his Mother's voice behind him; her tone was neither surprised nor apologetic.

  "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I must reschedule the meeting. I can come back tomorrow if that suits you, if that is not acceptable I will make the time when you are available," Isabel said bowing alongside her son.

  The man in the front grunted and Grayson and Isabel stood.

  "Only because your son is respectful and because even though we are business men we all have family and understand that sometimes it cannot be helped. However, I will take you up on your offer young man. I like your style though I do not appreciate your clothes. Come work for me for a few weeks and see how you like it. You make a good and lasting impression, I like that, and I am greedy enough to say that I need that. Do you accept?" the man asked studying Grayson's face, Grayson smiled.

  "I would like that, but I would have a few conditions of my own. If you are willing to accept them, then I am willing to help you," Grayson said bargaining, the man gave a big belly laugh.

  "Already negotiating; I see you have taught your son well Mrs. Phillips. Very well, what are those conditions young man?" the man asked to which Grayson smiled.

  "I will send you the list with my Mother when she returns tomorrow," Grayson said smiling at him.

  The man nodded and patted Grayson's shoulder, which was a bit of a reach for him but Grayson nodded back.

  "Better yet, bring the conditions with you when you come with your Mother tomorrow," the man said; this time it was Grayson's turn to laugh.

  "Kumasegawa-sama, my son will be on his way home before the end of the day; he has school he needs to attend. I will bring his conditions with me tomorrow," Isabel said politely bowing once more. Mr. Kumasegawa nodded again and looked at Grayson again.

  "You are still in school, how old are you young man?" Mr. Kumasegawa asked.

  "Eighteen sir; I will be graduating from high school this June," Grayson said.

  "What do you plan on studying once you go to university?" Mr. Kumasegawa asked.

  "Physics and Math, but I was contemplating following in my Mother's footsteps and getting a degree in international business also," Grayson answered truthfully.

  Mr. Kumasegawa's eyes practically shone with excitement.

  "Ha, ha, ha, ha, excellent, excellent!! You appear to have a great quality for learning like your Mother, and I can see that charm she has. I don't care your conditions young man; they will be met; come and spend the summer here and intern with my company to see how you like it," Mr. Kumasegawa offered.

  Grayson studied him for a moment, trying to read the man and the level of sincerity; he was speaking his true feelings. Grayson smiled at him and nodded.

  "As long as Harry agrees then you have a deal," Grayson said.

  Grayson had done it on purpose; he would not keep himself or Harry a secret. If someone didn't like it then that was fine by him. It wasn't as if it would really bother him since people were entitled to their prejudices. They'd just better not flaunt such prejudices in his face.

  "Harry?" Mr. Kumasegawa asked; his expression was guarded.

  Grayson smiled and looked at every face there but his Mother's face.

  "Yes, he is my best friend and better half, if there is a problem with that I will not hold you to your offer," Grayson said with a smile.

  Mr. Kumasegawa's face remained unreadable. The other men looked at Grayson with slight surprise but also the smallest sliver of respect; no one dared look at him with disgust. Regardless of Grayson's respectful attitude, he was still large and intimidating.

  Grayson remained looking at Mr. Kumasegawa intently, after a moment Mr. Kumasegawa's face broke into a smile.

  "I don't see why that would be a problem young man, it is not my business what you do in your own home. Bring him; if he is anything like you then I can make use of him as well," Mr. Kumasegawa said smiling widely.

  Grayson smiled back and bowed slightly.

  "He is better, he will definitely attract attention, maybe more than you can handle, in a good way," Grayson said as his Mother cleared her throat.

  Grayson bowed low again and spoke respectfully.

  "Thank you for your offer Kumasegawa-sama, I look forward to working with you. Have a great day," Grayson said and bowed to the other gentlemen.

  They returned the bow though not as low and walked off; Grayson heard their comments as they walked away.

  "Well at least he won't be stealing our wives away," Mr. Kumasegawa said. The other men laughed.

  "Though he may make some of our sons think twice about changing sides; he is prettier than a girl. It seems he takes after his Mother," one of Mr. Kumasegawa's men said.

  Grayson laughed to himself; funny, he wasn't gay, he just loved Harry; although what was really the definition of gay? Eh, he didn't care either way, he loved Harry, and that was all that mattered. It wasn't about man or woman; it was only about Harry. He didn't find anyone else sexually alluring anymore. That was just how Gaia had made them; all he could see when he thought of sex was Harry.

  Odd, since before the bit of his memories he'd gotten had returned, he had found others sexually attractive and not thought of Harry in that way at all. Was it the memories or the transformation that had made his mind focus only on Harry when it came to sex? It was probably both, plus the fact that Harry had always been important to him. He'd felt a pull toward him the first time he'd met him and had never wanted to be friends with anyone more, luckily, Harry had felt the same way.

  If he really analyzed his feelings from back then he had to admit that he had loved Harry unconditionally the second he had met him. He knew that if Harry had given him a chance to process his confession of love, he would have accepted it, because life without Harry was not an option. He loved Harry, all of him, in every way and nothing would ever change that.

  Grayson turned to his Mother who had spoken his name a few times and had finally smacked his arm.

  "Grayson Dean Phillips you best mind your Mother!" she hissed; Grayson turned to look at his Mom sheepishly.

  "Sorry Mom, lost in thought; I've been through a lot today," Grayson said, which caused Isabel to look at him up and down.

  "I can tell, especially that comment about Harry being your better half. When did this happen?" Isabel asked crossing her arms.

  Grayson looked at his Mother and smiled, hugged her and sighed.

  "Well I guess a long time ago but I just never realized it, but we met on the way to school today or was it yesterday. I'm not exactly sure, but well we're together now and it is not going to change, ever. I will explain in detail at home, first we need to go home though, ready?" Grayson asked.

  "Give me a second, go into the men's bathroom and wait for me, I'll be right in," Isabel said.

  Grayson nodded and did as his Mother ordered; after a minute Isabel walked in with her purse and a briefcase in her hand and locked the door. Checking under the stalls to make sure no one was in the bathroom she turned to Grayson.

  "So, let's get home then so you can tell me all about this emergency," Isabel said.

  Grayson smiled at her; she had no clue, he hoped she wouldn't be mad at him for not telling her right away. He hugged his Mother to him, holding her tight and transported them home.

  They popped directly into his room from where he had left and his Mother stared around in shock.

  "Jo; how?" Isabel whispered and stretched her hand out to Jo; Jo smiled widely and hugged Isabel tightly.

  "Hello Isabel, Gray and Harry are miracle workers, that's how; you should go to your room, Gray brought you something; Harry why don't you take Isabel's things?" Jo suggested.

  Harry nodded and stepped forward and Isabel gasped.

  "Harry! Good lord child, how could you have possibly gotten more beautiful? You're a Sentinel too; Gray you should have opened with that!" Isabel said, turning to Grayson and smacking him on the arm again; Grayson chuckled and shrugged.

  "He is gorgeous isn't he, he looks li
ke an angel; you should see him mad, he glows like a glow stick, but prettier," Grayson said laughing as Harry threw him a dirty look.

  "You really are gorgeous honey. WOW! Gray you better watch out, someone will definitely try to steal him from you," Isabel warned; Gray shrugged.

  "They can try all they want. No one is taking Harry from me, Harry would never go and I would never let him get away. He's mine," Grayson said possessively.

  Jo and Eric laughed and Matt whistled, Isabel turned to face her son, glancing at the other teenagers in Grayson's room curiously.

  "Grayson since when have you become so cocky and possessive?" Isabel asked her hands on her hips, Grayson smiled at his Mom.

  "I am not being cocky Mom; I won't deny the possessive part though; Mom do you know about the first and second Sentinels?" Grayson asked her.

  Isabel frowned at him and nodded; Grayson looked at Harry for a second and then took his shirt off. Harry did the same and came over to stand next to Grayson. Together they turned and showed her their tattoos; Isabel gasped and started shaking.

  "Grayson, oh god, you're; you're the; both of you?! Oh god, honey, that is so much responsibility, you'll be in so much danger. Do you know how much danger you'll be in?" Isabel asked frantically.

  "Harry, oh god Harry, what am I going to tell your Mother? She'll be heartbroken; after Kenneth and I told her about Frank being a Sentinel, she hoped you'd be normal. I wanted you both to be safe, I didn't want this life for you; I don't want to lose you both like we lost your fathers," Isabel said, sinking to the ground.

  Grayson sighed and Harry stretched out his hand.

  "Mom, we are safer than you think, and it's not like we chose this, it is just who we are. We are two parts of a whole; Harry is my other half, literally. Oh and Jo you were wrong, only Harry or I can dispel a Sentinel and not allow them to reincarnate. No one else has that power, not even Gaia; she did it on purpose; and I know why you had that tattoo now. You're the first of the seconds, the first one we made. You have a piece of each of us in you; I guess that's why I was a beacon to you. I wonder why you found me first and not Harry though?" Grayson contemplated.

  "That's not the point Gray, I don't want to lose you or Harry, I'm scared," Isabel said.

  Grayson lowered himself to the floor where his Mom was and hugged her to him gently.

  "Mom we are going to be fine, I promise; please trust in me, I know what I'm talking about. Now come on, I want to show you your present, it will make you feel better I promise," Grayson said lifting his Mother from under her armpits.

  She followed Grayson into her room then stopped short and stared at Kenneth Phillips as he sat on the bed reading through the book he had shown Grayson when he was little.

  For a moment, it looked like Grayson's Mom was going to pass out; the next it looked like she was going to bawl. Tears welled up in her eyes and her voice came out in a disbelieving whisper. Kenneth looked up, saw Isabel, and smiled at her happily.

  “Ken?" Her voice was barely audible.

  Ken nodded his head, and she lunged at him in relief and bewilderment. Grayson looked at Frank McDonnell as he watched his parent's reunion with longing; then Frank looked down sadly.

  Grayson felt, heard, and smelled Harry come up behind him and knew what he was looking at. Harry's Dad looked sad and forlorn, but how could they explain to Harry's Mom that her dead husband wasn't so dead?

  Grayson knew for a fact that Frank McDonnell had not known anything about being a Sentinel, but the man was undoubtedly a Sentinel. The change must have come when the drunk driver crashed into him that was the only explanation. Luckily, Harry's Mom knew but only after the fact. How Grayson's parents had found out was beyond him, that was a question he would have to ask later.

  Grayson looked down at Harry and hugged him tightly as he kissed the hollow of Harry's neck and drank in his scent. Relaxing, he wondered if Harry had called his Mother Leeann.

  "Harry did you call-" Grayson began to ask as the front door down stairs opened and slammed loudly.

  Grayson and Harry were instantly alert. Everyone was already there that would just walk through the front door. As Grayson turned to go, already with his hand on the hot metal-like handle of Nurushi, he heard Harry's Mom call out Harry's name frantically.

  "Harry?! Harry where are you?" Leeann called out as she ran up the stairs.

  Frank stiffened and stood up fearfully, he seemed indecisive about hiding so Grayson shook his head at him.

  "She deserves the truth Mr. McDonnell, it's only right," Grayson said.

  Harry nodded silently; Frank released a held breath and sighed then nodded and stood still, waiting for the inevitable. The tall, svelte, beautiful blonde form of Leeann, from whom Harry got his looks, barreled up the staircase and turned toward Grayson's room, but Harry called her from across the hall.

  "Mom, in here," Harry called out.

  Leeann turned and gasped as she saw them for the first time since the change. Both Harry and Grayson stood blocking the entrance to the Grayson's parent's room. Leeann gaped at the sight of them, looking from one to the other, and then back to Harry.

  "Harry?! What happened to both of you, why do you look so different?"

  Leeann walked up slowly to her son, first looking at him in awe and touching his face lovingly, and then she turned to Grayson and repeated the act. Grayson's parents must not have told her of the change that each Sentinel goes through.

  "Mom, I'll tell you about that later, but there is someone I need you to see first. Don't freak out ok? I promise I will tell you everything, just accept what you see as truth for now, ok? Promise me," Harry demanded of his Mother, to which she frowned but nodded.

  "Ok honey," Leeann said and waited patiently as Harry and Grayson stepped apart and allowed her to see Frank standing behind them.

  Leeann gasped and covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief.

  "Frank?!" her whisper was even quieter than Isabel's had been, and Frank just nodded.

  "Frank!" Leeann said and started to bawl like a little girl.

  Frank walked over to her and hugged her tightly, for a second she stiffened then she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly and clung to him as she cried harder into his chest.

  "Mr. McDonnell, why don't you follow me to the guest room down stairs? You can talk privately there," Grayson suggested.

  Frank nodded and Grayson, Harry, and Harry's parents walked down the stairs to the guest room. Grayson peaked in and found no one. Letting them in he told them that they could lock the door if they liked so that they would have more privacy. Grayson grinned to himself as he heard the door lock as they walked back upstairs.

  "We are going to have to send all the refugees home soon, and we have to figure out what to do about David. Shit, we need to tell my Mom and Dad about David first, but, I really want some alone time with you," Grayson said and smiled as Harry blushed profusely.

  The red blush that practically flew up his cheeks only made him look more beautiful and angelic.

  Chapter Eleven

  After about two hours, Harry, Jo, and Grayson had transported every one they rescued except their parents and David back to their own home after checking that their homes were safe. Grayson had set a protection on each Sentinel and their homes and family to make sure the leader of the fascist group couldn't just go back for them.

  Then Grayson and Harry told everyone what had happened to David and his wife to make sure they didn't flip out when they saw him there. Finally having some time to themselves after Jo went back to Grayson's room, Grayson grabbed the bottle of lube, which Matt had given Harry when they were trying to pull Jo out of limbo. He also grabbed a change of clothes for David who was roughly Grayson's old height of 6'1" or around there. On their way to the garage apartment, they stopped in at David's room and gave him a change of clothes.

  They let David know they had already let everyone know about his situation and if he was hungry or sleepy, he could help himself. David than
ked them profusely and said he would probably sleep since he hadn't done much of that. He looked worried though, Grayson could understand why, they still had his wife, and now there was no reason to keep her alive.

  After they spoke with David, Grayson led Harry to the guest apartment over the garage, but he noticed that Harry looked nervous which made Grayson confused. When they got there, Grayson turned to Harry after locking the front door of the apartment and looked him in the eyes.

  "Harry, are you ok? Why are you nervous?" Grayson asked quietly, caressing Harry's soft cheek gently.

  He loved his best friend and soul mate but if he was making him afraid, he would wait until Harry was ready for them to claim each other in their new form, although he hoped that it wouldn't take long. Harry shrugged and nodded at Grayson's question.

  "Yes I'm fine and I don't know why I'm nervous, but you've never looked at me with hunger like that before," Harry said looking down shyly; Grayson sighed.

  "Does that scare you?" Grayson asked quietly; he didn't want to scare Harry, ever. Harry shook his head.

  "No, just nervous, but all the need and anticipation is overwhelming my nervousness right now. Gray, please, make love to me?" Harry asked looking up into Grayson's eyes with raw emotion, knowing Grayson would never deny him anything when he asked like that.

  Grayson felt himself melt with that look and didn't waste any time. Wrapping his arms around the other half of his soul, and the most beautiful creature he would ever set his eyes on. He claimed Harry's soft full lips possessively, moaning, at the taste that was Harry. The kiss was hotter and more delicious than any other they'd had. Tongues warred for a minute as they developed a rhythm that they liked, sucking on tongues and nipping at lips. They moaned and touched, whipping each other into a frenzy that had only one outcome.

  They shed their clothes faster than humanly possible and Grayson picked Harry up and carried him to the bedroom with the large unused bed. Laying him down he gazed upon the man he'd loved for so long without even realizing it. Sighing, he bent down and kissed Harry again as he ran his big hands up Harry's soft skin, gently caressing up his thigh, stopping at his hip and sliding up Harry's flat hard stomach to bask in the taut muscles across the front of his better half, the love of his eternal soul.


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