The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 20

by The Sentinels- The First

  At the end of the great room along the opposite wall a large metal box the size of three of the industrial sized refrigerators appeared. The metal looked odd, unlike anything Matt had ever seen, and there was a large circular glass ball in the middle that was roughly one third the size of the contraption. Matt did not interrupt Grayson seeing as he was still not done but he frowned at the unrecognizable box wondering just what the hell it was.

  When Grayson finally finished half an hour later, he had not only transported beds and bedding, an entire industrial sized kitchen, but also everything you would need in a room. From clothes and shoes, to a portable shower, toilet, mirrors, dressers, rugs for the cold floor, wash-basins for brushing one's teeth, lamps, even a small portable television and Blu-ray player to each room that had a bed. In the empty rooms that were not good enough for bedrooms, he transported tables, couches, and portable cupboards with plates, glasses, mugs, utensils, even napkins and everything to wash the things they would use.

  Grayson finally opened his eyes and looked around, smiling to himself.

  "Perfect," Grayson said, Matt looked at him with an odd expression.

  "What?" Grayson asked him cocking his head.

  "Well, isn't it sort of cruel to give them electrical stuff when they can't use it?" Matt asked, arching his eyebrow and looking a Grayson a bit as if he was a completely moron.

  Grayson let out a loud laugh that startled Matt and slapped his leg hard holding his side from laughing so hard. After about three minutes of laughing, Grayson wiped away tears of laughter breathing hard. Matt was looking at him as if he'd lost it with his arms crossed waiting for him to explain just what was so funny.

  "Yeah it is sort of cruel isn't it? Hahahaha! But then again I guess you wouldn't know about that big contraption against the wall would you?" Grayson asked Matt as he got up and walked over to it.

  "This, my dear Matt, is my better half's invention. This thing will run everything in this monstrous cave system in one go without ever running out, he invented it a long time ago. It runs on water and produces electricity without any assistance except that of the water. It is perfectly clean and safe and there will be no waste from it, and it is perfect for a situation like this," Grayson said smiling widely and proudly as he thought of Harry inventing it; Matt looked shocked and curious.

  "So it's like cold fusion?" Matt asked Grayson; Grayson smiled even wider and nodded.

  "Wow I never thought Harry was that smart; that's amazing," Matt said in awe. Grayson's smile widened even more.

  "I know," Grayson said quietly, the proud tone in his voice making it turn a little more deep and husky.

  "We better get back to them and let them know; oh I almost forgot food for now, we should probably get them some hot food for now. Even though everything is hooked up and ready to use if they want, who knows how long it's been since they last ate properly. You saw how bad the others that we rescued were. I don't know what would have been good though, what do you think?" Grayson asked him.

  Just then, there was the sound of walking and they turned toward the entrance to the large room where the sound had come from.

  Harry had walked in and stared in awe at everything that was in the great room and the bubble rooms visible from where he stood. Then he zeroed in on his invention and blushed profusely; Grayson smiled at him proudly.

  "Gray you transported a whole library and gym into the other two great rooms. Do you really think it's necessary to get so much?" Harry asked turning in a circle in astonishment, as he looked around, his mouth slightly agape.

  Grayson's face fell the slightest degree at Harry's questions but he said nothing, Matt noticed but said nothing. Just then, Jo walked in and gasped in astonishment as well.

  "Gray, this is amazing, very well done I couldn't have done better myself. You've thought of everything even how to keep them entertained until we can find a permanent place for each one of them. Though I don't know if they will want to leave once they see everything you've got them. This is simply fantastic handsome, I'm proud of you," Jo said.

  Grayson smiled at Jo and hugged her when she walked over to him. Harry looked a little abashed, and he walked over and hugged Grayson tightly.

  "Sorry if I sounded unappreciative or reprimanding that's not what I meant at all, it really is amazing. You really have thought of everything, you even got them electricity, I can't believe you remembered that thing; it will power this place forever though. You even thought of portable electric heaters; simply amazing Gray. It makes me sort of want to move in here now," Harry said kissing him and walking away as he continued to stare in awe. He kept peeking into every bubble room and smiling.

  "I want to go back to the library but I think it's wise that we get home don't you? Jo? Oh, hey Gray I think we should probably get them some hot food. I asked everyone what they wanted, and they said pizza was good with them. Pizza seems the easiest solution and there are plenty of places that we can transport them from; don't you think?" Harry said still looking around the rooms curiously. Grayson nodded.

  "Pizza it is then," Grayson said and closed his eyes again. When he opened his eyes, each room had three hot extra-large pizzas in it.

  He and Matt walked back to the group of Sentinels stopping to pull Harry away from the large library. Once they were there Grayson announced that they should go and claim a room and that there was also food for everyone in each room. The ones that could not walk, he helped carry to a room as did Harry, Matt, Jo, and Sheila; though tiny, they were quite strong.

  Once they finished Grayson turned to the children who, Harry had singled out and told to wait in a group; they looked confused and a bit scared.

  "Hey guys, has anyone explained to you what we plan on doing with you?" Grayson asked.

  The youngest one, an angelic fairy-like little 6-year-old girl that was to tiny, looked up at him with big, sad, scared eyes. Grayson smiled at her kindly and knelt down to her level in the hopes of appearing less intimidating.

  "Hi precious, what's your name?" Grayson asked her; he knew her name, but he didn't want to scare her even more.

  "Pari; are you going to get rid of us?" Pari asked him, Grayson sighed sadly and shook his head.

  "No sweetie, we're going to take you home with us. I know you are all probably very hungry and tired but we just need to make sure everything is in order here and then we will get going ok? You look a little more sleepy than the rest. Would it be ok if I held you, or maybe you'd prefer if Harry carried you? I know Jo, Sheila, and Matt would love to hold you too, but I beat them to it. Shhhh, don't tell anyone I said this but I have a present for you when we get home ok?" Grayson said, whispering into her ear the last bit.

  He had a huge stuffed bear that he'd had since he was five years old. His Dad had won it for him one time when they went to a carnival with his Mom and Harry.

  Pari's eyes went wide when she heard what he said and she nodded in agreement, a small smile spreading across her lips as if in secret. She was so adorable! He held out his arms for her and she let him pick her up. He stood up and turned around only to find almost everyone was looking at him and Pari interacting. Most looked surprised and yet others looked a bit sad, but everyone looked happy to see that the large young Sentinel that had just saved them from their imprisonment or forced servitude had a soft side to him.

  Grayson blushed at the attention and cleared his throat.

  "Everyone, please choose a room, there are eight of these large rooms each with rooms for everyone. You will have to share for now, six to a room and two to a bed, but there is a bed for everyone. There's enough pizza for everyone in each room, once you've finished please use the trashcans that are in the kitchen section of this room and there is food for everyone to make later when you are hungry. I think you should all take turns making food so it doesn't get to be too much for one group of people. Also, there is running water, and we set up a portable toilet in each room which will have to be cleaned out but I think if it's done once a day i
t should be ok. Someone will be checking in with you once a day to make sure you are all doing ok until we can find a permanent place for each of you. There's clothes and a portable shower and heater in each room as well. The large contraption at the other end of the wall over there is how we will be getting electricity in here. If you have any problems with it let us know; do not touch it, Harry will have to fix it if it gets broken. If you need anything please do not hesitate to call to me," Grayson said taking a breath and looking around.

  One man close to him raised his hand, Grayson nodded and pointed at him. He felt funny taking charge like this, normally he tried to keep himself out of attentions way, now he was front and center. The man spoke loudly for everyone to hear but walked up to Grayson and stood by him.

  "Yes?" Grayson asked.

  "Will you be taking charge of the children and youngsters?" the Sentinel asked. Grayson recognized the man. Harold Cusar, one of the older Sentinels, though he looked no older than twenty-five, he was in fact 154 years old.

  "Yes Mr. Cusar, I will be taking them home. We need to make sure they are ok and I think it's wise to have them continue with school; plus, I think they would be much more vulnerable here because they have not changed yet. Is there a reason you asked?" Grayson asked curiously; Harold shook his head and smiled.

  "No, I was only concerned for their safety, as you say they are vulnerable since they have not changed yet. All of their parents were Sentinels so they will be strong ones but that monster has drained us all so much that it will take some time to recover properly. They are safer with the First and Second than with us, I believe. Thank you for rescuing us," Harold said. Grayson nodded but remained silent for a moment.

  "It was a joint effort but I am glad we were able to pull you out before you were all lost to us," Grayson said.

  Harold smiled at him and nodded patting his shoulder; the man stood no taller than 5'10" but he was built like a shit brick house, which was to be expected from a Sentinel. Even the woman Sentinels were built sturdy and strong, thankfully, they didn't look as bulky as the men did or they wouldn't be as attractive as they normally were. Most Sentinels were beautiful in one way or another, though most were not concerned with it because it was just how they were.

  "Harry, Jo, we need to get a move on, we still need to stop at Ryosuke's camp," Grayson said.

  Harry and Jo nodded and looked around. Matt and Sheila were talking to some Sentinels at the other end of the room and Gemma was standing next to the nine other children and youngsters. Odd but four of them would have to go to school with them and finish the year off at their school since their parents were dead. The two 19-year-olds and the 21-year-old he would have to find a way to enroll them in college or the university if they wanted. His Mother would not except that they just sit around and not go to school and put it to good use.

  "Matt, Sheila," Grayson called out.

  Both looked up and nodded when they saw that the others were ready, they finished quickly and walked over. Harry pet Pari's head and caressed her cheek as she slept against Grayson's shoulder smiling lovingly. She'd laid her tiny head on Grayson's shoulder and hadn't lasted long before she fell asleep. She was clinging so hard to him that he couldn't bring himself to give her to Harry, Jo, Sheila, or Matt.

  "Harry can you transport us to Ryosuke's camp, she's holding on so tight," Grayson said quietly; he could still transport them if he wanted, but it was easier to just ask Harry to do it. Harry nodded and smiled then looked at everyone.

  "Everyone please come closer, join hands, and hold still," Harry ordered.

  Everyone got closer and Matt held on to Grayson's hand that held Pari in place Jo grabbed onto his other hand, and the rest joined hands with Matt and Jo, and Sheila, Harry was in the middle.

  They arrived at Ryosuke's camp and were surrounded by Sentinels with swords again as they had been the first time. Once they saw whom it was they lowered their swords, and Grayson and the rest walked to the tent that Ryosuke had taken them to first.

  Nathan and Ki, Brandon and Blue, and Sven and Lox were at the table as Blue, Ki, and Lox ate from deep bowls. The Void had severely drained them of their energy, having more than the normal because they were hybrids.

  All three knew Harry and Grayson. Grayson knew that Hadox had explained things for the benefit of Nathan, Brandon, and Sven. Still, it had been quite a while since they had seen each other, almost as long as it had been in seeing Hadox. They were very strong fighters and to think they had been overpowered so easily gave Grayson and Harry an idea of how strong the Void really was; these were not men easily beaten.

  "Blue, Lox, Ki! It has truly been at least five millennia that we have seen each other, too long ago. I am glad you are safe now," Harry said smiling at the three hungry men.

  They all looked up at Harry and gave the group walking up to them a huge blinding smile. They had all liked Harry, and they had even propositioned Harry and Grayson, trying to convince them to participate in group sex when they had last seen them. It had not happened, but they had still kept hope alive in their hearts. Silly witches, they probably had a different outlook on mates now though.

  "Oh isn't she just precious, I never pegged you for the fatherly type at such a young age Alphatos, but she really is a beauty isn't she? She is such a tiny little thing, and that monster didn't even feed the children. We need to annihilate him Betatos, this can't continue, it is unacceptable," Lox said angrily. Lox was the one with the quickest temper, always eager for a fight.

  Ki placed his hand on Lox's wrist calmly and quietly, soothing his agitated brother.

  "Be calm Lox, you will wake the youngling, they are all exhausted. Though I am usually the levelheaded one, I have to agree with Lox this time around, Alphatos. This must stop, even shy Blue has said so; the Void must be stopped. Whatever you do to fight him, count us in; we will be standing right by your side when it finally comes to a fight," Ki said quietly.

  Ki was the soft-spoken one, but he was very passionate about all he did; his calm demeanor had deceived many into thinking he was weak and a pushover, he was neither. Blue looked up at Grayson and Harry and smiled kindly. He got up and walked over to Grayson and pet Pari on her tiny golden carrot colored head and leaned over and kissed her soft cheek.

  "I am inclined to speak out for once. He must be stopped Alphatos, Betatos he is not normal, he takes the souls of the Sentinels he has imprisoned once their energy has been depleted to the point just before the final death. He is strong, and I do not think he will be easily beaten, you will need all the help you can get," Blue said.

  Blue was normally the quiet shy type, he was most like Harry, peaceful, shy, and kind, but also like Harry, when angered he was not to be trifled with. The man, though he looked like he was no more than 19 years of age, was seriously powerful, just like his Mom.

  Hadox was born Fae, but she was born by a human Mother and fathered by the most powerful Fae that ever lived, the feared Hallix, King of the Fae. He fell in love with Hadox's Mother and made love to her. Nine months later Hadox, the most powerful witch that will ever live, was born. Blue was born from Hadox and Phalios, whom was also a half-Fae human, which although nowhere near as strong as Hadox, was no pushover either. This made Blue one powerful and scary being, however Harry was still scarier.

  However, even they would not tangle with Grayson when he was truly angry, because a truly mad Grayson was an explosive situation. He had not been truly angry when John had shot Harry; he had only been slightly enraged, thankfully.

  Grayson pet Blue's head in a soothing manner.

  "I understand Blue, when we face him, we will make sure you are all there to help," Grayson said.

  He had always thought the names Hadox had given her male children were slightly odd, but they had never felt the need to change or alter their names. Their names were the original names that Hadox had given them, and it made them extremely unique individuals.

  Blue nodded and kissed Pari again, then hugged Harry tigh
tly and walked back over to his bowl and sat down to finish eating. They had grown up around Harry and Grayson, which had made their sexual proposition even more awkward, but life around them had never been dull.

  "Well, we need to get going. We came by to check that everything was safe and secure and that all were on their way to a healthy recovery. We better go though, they all need to eat and rest," Grayson said.

  "Thank you for your help, this task would have been much harder to do without you. We will see you in a few days when we come back and check on everything," Harry said, Grayson nodded.

  Hadox walked in at that moment, saw Pari in Grayson's arms, and smiled.

  "She is just precious isn't she? Sad what the Void did to her parents, she's your responsibility now Grayson, Harry. She's yours as are the rest of these children, be good to them and raise them well," Hadox said kissing Pari's soft cheek as Blue had. Harry hugged her tightly and Jo, Sheila, and Matt copied her.

  "See you in a few days, Harry can you please take us home?" Grayson asked him.

  Harry nodded, and they walked back to the center of the camp before he transported all of them home.

  Four hours after leaving Grayson's house, all sixteen of them returned home safely. When they walked out of the formal dining room, Ken, Frank, Eric, Phoebe, David, and Isabel were all waiting, armed and ready for action. Leeann stood behind them holding a bat aloft, looking scared but determined. When they saw that it was only them and they were safe, they sheathed their weapons, and all except for David and Gemma stared in shock at them.

  The two other children, 8-year-old Xavier, and 10-year-old Redford, Red for short per his request, clung to Grayson's leg tightly, scared of the looks they were receiving. Why were they clinging to Grayson when Harry had been the one that spent the most time with them?


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