The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 31

by The Sentinels- The First

  By the time they got home and put their things away, it was time to start working on lunch. They decided to make Philly cheese steak sandwiches with spicy potato wedges and onion rings; while they cooked, they all talked.

  "So Gray, what do you plan on doing about school?" Jo asked him curiously.

  He understood what she meant; how were they going to explain the changes they went through, and how were they going to balance the search for the Void and school? He'd already figured it out the first part out, they would take one week off and take a doctor's note to the school nurse to explain their growth spurt. Harry hadn't gotten taller, so he would be able to get away with it mostly, but Grayson was six inches taller. The second part shouldn't be that hard to deal with, they could time travel after all they just had to go back to the time when school started.

  "I'm going to wait a full week and then take a doctor's note explaining my sudden growth spurt, I figure that should explain most of this," Grayson said pointing at himself.

  Jo nodded and grinned at him then winked at Harry who had been looking at Grayson admiringly. "I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to the new Harry and Grayson; this is going to be so fun!" Jo exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands together.

  Sheila and Phoebe giggled at Jo's words, Grayson grinned and Harry smiled at Jo, while Matt and Eric snickered, mumbling that they were going to get raped by all the girls at the school.

  They joked all through lunch and while they cleaned up afterward, then Kenneth told them all, everyone that wanted to go fishing to get in the truck. Everyone wanted to go, so they all got into the trucks, and Kenneth led them to a large campground with cabins and a large lake which various people were sitting around peacefully. They rented a cabin for the night and a boat big enough for all of them to fit in and changed in the cabin they had rented.

  Kenneth had suggested they stay the night and enjoy the rest of the day on the lake and everyone had agreed. After they all changed, they all got onto the boat and went fishing, by the end of the night they caught enough fish that they could all eat.

  Then Grayson took Phoebe and himself home per Phoebes request; he'd discovered Phoebe was an avid fisher, she loved it and she was not only great at cleaning the fish but at cooking the fish as well. She'd asked Grayson to take her home for some cooking supplies, so he had; when they arrived, they grabbed a few seasonings and some extra items to eat with the fish. Phoebe suggested they grab stuff to sleep in and Grayson agreed, so they collected some clothes, pillows, and such; once they had everything they needed Grayson sent them back to the cabin on the lake.

  They all joined in on the cooking like they had with lunch and they soon had a feast, perfectly seasoned fish, baked potatoes, grilled onions, grilled carrots, and steamed rice and mixed vegetables that Jo had made in the microwave. After they finished eating, they all sat outside on the beach chairs and relaxed as the nice cool breeze caressed their heated skin, making everyone feel sleepy and tired; after a while, Kenneth and Isabel decided to go to bed, and the others soon followed.

  Before they fell asleep, Grayson mumbled to Harry as he cuddled up to him, "I'm happy you didn't just give up Harry, I can't imagine not having you by my side; thank you."

  "Me too," Harry whispered back then cuddled into Grayson's arms.

  Grayson kissed Harry back and as Harry closed his eyes and went to sleep, Grayson followed his example with the thought that he would deal with whatever came next tomorrow, for now he would enjoy Harry in his arms.


  Jo stretched and yawned widely; looking around she saw that her children were huddled close to the fire. The night before they'd had a pretty bad run in with some samurai for the Fujiwara family who were trying to attack the Takemura family and claim their lands as their own. It had been a gory fight and Matt had been hurt in the process and hadn't healed fast enough like normal; she'd needed to give him energy the old fashion way, in other words, sex. The energy that sex produced was very potent and thick, practically tangible, and it worked very quickly, therefore they'd had to work fast.

  Thank god her son Eric understood; sex was one of the best and quickest ways of transferring the vital energy that allowed them to live the way they did. Therefore, as the eldest and the one with the most energy to give, she could afford to give more of it to her family and still have the ability to fight properly. Her children were still fairly young and would have been rendered useless in a fight had they given Matt the energy required to heal properly

  Though to be honest it had been pretty damn fantastic; the kid had some serious skills, but making love to a boy that you've watched grow up, who was also your son's boyfriend was.... well, wrong, on so many levels, but it was either that or watch him die.

  Both Eric and she chose sex to losing Matt, and the energy transferred through their lovemaking had healed Matt very rapidly. She knew it wouldn't be the only time; they somehow managed to get into quite a few dangerous scuffles, no matter when or where they went. However, this time had been exceptionally brutal; she was relieved she'd been able to heal Matt. She was thankful that she had because they'd needed his sword in the fight that had ensued later that night.

  That giant of a rat bastard samurai Kushiro Tatsu had attacked seeing that there were children in the camp. She'd have to let the Takemura family know it was no longer safe enough to leave anyone unattended if they wished to survive. These men were becoming too bold in their attempts at the family's lives. All for a bit of land; although that particular bit of land was the second biggest in the area. To kill off an entire family simply for their land was just ridiculous, and yet the Fujiwara's saw no problem with it.

  All in all she would have preferred to end things quickly, but it was turning into too much of a bloodbath. The Takemura family had hired her to teach their son Ryosuke everything she knew about how to fight so that he may be able to defend his life better since he was their last remaining heir. The young kid had no idea how to fight properly. Jo had been able to knock him over with one move.

  Jo stood watching the sun rise over the mountains in the distance in awe. How beautiful everything seemed when the early light touched everything and set it aglow. The greens were brighter and the purples and pinks of the trees seemed to shimmer in the morning sun. The white of the snow on the ground that had fallen the night before coated everything making it look like a winter wonderland. The sunlight that hit the snow at an angle made the snow look like a field of gems sparkling in the early hues of the sun. Breathtaking was the only word for it.

  Jo thought of the wounded young man Ryosuke. He'd been injured the night before by one of the samurai's swords. The idiot had thought himself knowledgeable enough to fight against a fully-fledged samurai. The samurai in question was one of the best in the region. He'd lost a lot of blood and the only thing that had saved him had been Jo's blood. Phoebe, her daughter, had taped a line from Jo's vein to Ryosuke's and given him a transfusion after she'd patched him up. Jo had to hand it to Ryosuke though; the kid was stronger than she'd given him credit for. Not to bright, but brave he was.

  Jo heard someone clear their voice behind her and turned slowly to see Ryosuke sit up and look at her inquisitively. Jo nodded her head at him in greeting and turned back around to enjoy the glorious sunrise.

  “Josephine Winslow. How is it that I have survived? By rights I should have perished by daybreak,” Ryosuke asked her as he stood up and walked over to stand next to her completely healed. He assessed his body and realized as much. Her blood had done the trick. He'd healed as if he'd been one of them, a time traveler, or as she'd just found out a month ago, they were actually called Sentinels. Sentinels of what she could not say but she was going to find out more, one way or the other. So far they'd managed to hop through time at about 100 years at a time from her calculations.

  Jo shook her head to dispel her thoughts and turned to Ryosuke.

  “As I've told you before Takemura-san, my daughter is a doctor. She gave you medical
attention and then gave you some of my blood since you lost much yourself. It allowed you to heal quickly and accurately. You are lucky she knew how to do it or you would have perished as you say, by daybreak,” Jo said. Ryosuke nodded and spoke quietly.

  “Thank you Josephine I owe you and your daughter my life. I will honor that whatever that may entail,” Ryosuke promised. Jo smiled at him and nodded in acknowledgement.

  “We don't have much time to do what must be done my friend. Your family is no longer safe in their home alone. You must hire strong talented guards for their protection or they will perish faster than you can run back to save them. I was not hired to protect them, I was hired to train you so that you may learn to defend yourself, but if I am to teach you all I know, it will take longer than a lifetime; longer than a few in fact. And your family needs protection now. I and my family will help with their protection until they can hire the appropriate protection and if they like I will help in finding some if possible but I cannot remain too long. You must speak to your family immediately and make them aware of this fact. We do not have time to waste,” Jo said. Ryosuke nodded his bowed head.

  “I understand Josephine. I will go now to inform them of this,” Ryosuke said bowing and turning to retrieve his sword and knapsack. Jo moved quickly grabbing Ryosuke's arm.

  “Do not go alone. Have you not heard a thing I've said? You are not safe alone. None of your family is. I will go with you but let me wake my family so that they can keep guard while we are gone,” Jo said and went to wake her children and Matt. They had learned to be light sleepers so her task was done quickly.

  “Sheila, Phoebe, Eric, Matt. Wake up.” Jo's voice whispered over her children. She spoke English to them, but quietly so that most in the camp would not be able to hear her. The language seemed to alert them faster than most other things because they were traveling through a country that did not speak a lick of English.

  All four of their heads popped up quickly, and they looked at Jo bleary-eyed. They were so tired. Jo sighed and smiled at them gently.

  “Sorry kids. I need to walk Ryosuke home. I need you up and alert. We're going to have to move soon. I can feel it in my bones. Anyway, up my loves. Oh and kids be on your guard, I have a bad feeling something big and bad is coming,” Jo said as she turned. If anyone knew and understood her words in English they did not let on that they did.

  Everyone they encountered was the same; they would always assume that they were all roughly the same age. But in fact she was their mother, all except for Matt. The time traveling had altered her physically, and she'd somehow reverted back to her 16-year-old self or somewhere around that age.

  All four of the kids got up and Mat decided to go with Jo as back up. Eric remained with his sisters as Jo, Matt, and Ryosuke set out to walk the mile back to the Takemura residence. What they found made all three of them vomit though nothing was in their stomach. Even with seeing all horrors they'd seen what they found at Ryosuke's home was heinous in its act.

  Bodies lay everywhere, or more like body parts. The two smallest children that had only been 2 and 3 years old were found in pieces and on the kitchen countertop. It looked like they were being readied to be made into a meal. Jo ran from the room and dry heaved outside. The smell of all that blood and bodily release was overwhelming. How could they do that to children? Even if they hadn't spared them, how could they be so brutal? Rage and unequivocal sadness warred within her. Why such an act? Children were sacred.

  Not one person survived. There was nothing but chunks of Ryosuke's family. How ghastly. Ryosuke looked about ready to pass out from the shock and Matt had a haunted look. Jo cried silently as she did the only thing she could think of.

  Pulling Ryosuke and Matt away from the house she said a prayer for all of them to their ancestors and asked their souls be spared. Lighting some kindling she threw a little oil onto the wooden floor of the house and threw the lit kindling. The oil caught fire and began to burn.

  “Forgive me. I hope this will save your eternal souls,” Jo's mumbled to the diseased inside the home. Ryosuke cried openly and Matt wrapped an arm around Ryosuke's shoulders and bowed his head. Whoever had done this had to pay for this atrocious act.

  “Takemura-san, Matt, we must hurry back. I do not think this was left like this to send us a message. I think it's a diversion. We must hurry, NOW!” Jo yelled and took off running. The more she thought about it the more it didn't make sense. It was overkill, all of it. What message would it send to massacre the small children in that way? Nothing will be spared? If nothing was spared that meant they had not spared the camp either but lain in wait until the house was found like that. It was a diversion. But why?

  They arrived in less than three minutes and Jo saw the reason for the diversion. Kushiro Tatsu, massive as can be, and five others almost as big as him stood in the center of their camp. Her children had their swords drawn and Eric was bleeding from the shoulder. Shelia had a bruise across the side of her face and neck and Phoebe had a bloody arm and leg. There were bodies strewed across the ground next to the fire, not moving. They appeared dead. Without thinking Jo turned to Matt.

  “Portal now! Get them out of here Matt; Ryosuke too. I'm right behind you!” Jo snapped. Her sword sang as she drew it, pointed it at Kushiro, and yelled his first name, disrespectfully.

  “Tatsu! You dare attack my family! Face me then!” Jo was seeing red, but she knew she had to keep her cool. This was not a man easily beaten. She doubted he was normal at all. But he had been the one that massacred those young children, she was positive of that.

  Kushiro smirked down at her, looking her up and down with disrespectful mirth, as he laughed loudly and threw his head back; as he did he bellowed out his raucous laughter making Jo even angrier.

  “Little girl, you think you are strong enough to fight me? The one next to you might have the strength. But you are nothing but a woman; you don't even come up to my shoulder. Be gone with you, woman. I am not in the temperament for a romp. Maybe later once I have ended you, then will I take your body in the carnal way,” Kushiro said. Jo almost lost it. But always the level headed one she knew that to fight this man now would mean separating herself from her family once again. That was unacceptable. Her fight with him would be a long one if she fought him. There was not time for that. All she'd wanted was the distraction to give her family and Ryosuke time to get away; even if she wanted so desperately to make him pay for his actions. Maybe another time would have her fight him and see him dead.

  Jo felt the telltale signs and sensations of a portal being open and without a second thought she turned toward the feeling and ran as fast as she could. The man was larger with faster legs but she was still faster than him. He saw her turn and run and started the chase himself. No query had ever escaped him and now not only one but six would boast they had escaped the great Kushiro Tatsu. Never would he allow that.

  Jo ran as if her life depended on it, which it did. She saw the portal open and Matt waiting for her Ryosuke was stepping through already and the others where gone already.

  “Go! Now Matt!” Jo yelled not slowing down. Matt obeyed and jumped into the light that was open. Just as Matt's foot disappeared into the light Jo jumped into the light, but something tugged on her from behind. Kushiro had grabbed onto her topcoat and was not letting her finish the transition into the light. She heard his voice in her ear. So close, to close.

  “I've got you now Sentinel,” Kushiro's voice hissed. Jo twisted, ripping the buttons on her topcoat and undershirt open and sliding out of them and thankfully getting away from Kushiro and into the light.

  But something was wrong. She was losing momentum. She wasn't moving as fast as she should. She wouldn't have enough energy to punch through to the other side at this rate. Why?

  This had never happened before. She was slowing down and there was nothing she could do about it. Thankfully the light had closed on Kushiro's side or the kids would not be able to get through to the other side. Jo tried lo
oking around, but all she saw was white gray mist swirling around her. Jo couldn't feel her body anymore. Something was very wrong. Was she dead? No, she didn't feel dead. She was in between time. That was the only explanation. How was she ever going to get out?

  She didn't know how much time had passed since it was not really something that passed or didn't in this space. But she knew that she'd been in this place for a very long time. She's lost hope a long time ago that she would ever get out of here. It was so lonely in this space. She couldn't' even sleep, it was only her mind in this place, only her thoughts to keep her company.

  After a long while a miracle happen. There was a warm light that appeared, and as it grew stronger she was able to move toward it. It was like a beacon, calling to her, just her. She moved as fast as her bodiless mind could, floating in the mist until she reached it and dove into it. Then the oddest thing happen; she landed on a hard wood floor hard.

  Where was she? When was she? There was a very young couple, both 19 years old, maybe 20 years old max, laying in a bed, making love. They appeared to be married if their rings were any indication. She knew she had landed hard so there was no way they would not have heard her, but they did not react to per presence. They did not see her. It remained this way for a while, 1 month passed. Then one night Jo heard the wife say to the husband that they were having a baby boy and she wanted to name him Grayson. The wife, Isabel, placed her hand on her stomach where the emitting pulsating light was warmest and Jo finally understood. Her beacon that had pulled her out of the mist had been this child, Grayson. He'd saved her. But why couldn't anyone see her?

  Well at least she wasn't in that sort of bodiless limbo anymore.


  To the reader

  I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my book and I hope you enjoyed it. Please forgive any errors as I am self-editing. This copy is the second edition and has been edited, changed, and added to. For those interested, I plan on writing three to four more books in the series.


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