Home > Other > PASSION'S VINTAGE: THE STAR > Page 7

by Morgan Hawke

  Conner nodded. "I'm sorry my dear, but you will have to stay with us for your own safety. You really don't have a choice if you want to keep your talent for writing intact."

  Bryn shook her head. Kidnapping? Rape? Drained? "Wait, I don't quite get it. What has all this got to do with my creativity?"

  Conner winced. "It's what we feed on. The blood is just a way to breech the body's defenses and a vehicle for tapping in. Even then, you have to be climaxing for a vampire to actually feed."

  "This is all so crazy." Bryn shook her head. "I have to sit down."

  Conner looked at Nick. "I realize that this is a bit much for you..."

  Bryn stared at her hands. "If you hadn't feed on me earlier, I would have thought you were out of your minds." She looked up. "I don't feel any different. You didn't take my talent before."

  Conner knelt before her. "Because we value your talents, so we only sipped. The small amount we took was replenished as soon as you slept."

  Nick stood at Conner's shoulder. "We don't want to hurt you. We care about you." He blushed. "Don't you like us?"

  Bryn bit her lip. "I adore you guys, but I don't want to lose my whole life."

  Conner smiled sadly. "I'm sorry, but your life was gone as soon as Boyd knew you existed." He turned and raised a brow at Nick. "And I strongly suspect that your agent has been trying to get you for Boyd for a while now."

  Bryn frowned. "Paula has been trying to get me to one convention or another for almost a year now."

  Conner shook his head. "My dear, only sheer luck kept you out of his hands all this time."

  Nick grinned viciously. "Boyd's going to shit in his jockeys as soon as he finds out that you're under our protection."

  Conner slanted a smile at Bryn. "You do accept our protection, don't you?"

  Bryn gave him a sad attempt at a smile. "I have to, don't I?"

  Conner patted her knee. "I'm afraid so."

  Nick nodded. "It'll be fun, you'll see. You get to travel with us when we go on location." He looked at Conner. "She's going to love your castle in Germany."

  Bryn's mouth fell open. "You have a castle?"

  Conner laughed. "Yes, and we'll be staying there in the summers." He stood up. "So, do I have your official agreement that you are under our joint protection?"

  Bryn took a deep breath and felt the proverbial noose tighten around her neck. She was watching her whole life disappear into their hands. She had no idea how the world had suddenly gone from being ordinary, if not boring, to vampires in Hollywood that were out to get her. She sniffed and wiped a hand across her cheek. Her hand came away wet. She nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

  Conner set his hand on her shoulder. "You have to say the words, Bryn. That you accept our protection."

  Bryn winced. "I... I accept your protection," she said in a soft voice.

  "Yes!" Nick punched the air. "Now lets get her shit, and get out'ta here." He strode for the suitcase. "I'm dying for a drink." He stabbed a finger at Conner. "And I'm having the scotch this time."

  Conner grinned. "All right, scotch it is." He looked at Bryn. "Now then, that's all taken care of. Why don't you take a shower while we take care of your hotel account, and put your suitcase in my SUV? There are some clothes on the desk. Once we return, we'll escort you to dinner."

  Bryn looked up sharply. "What about my car?"

  Conner smiled. "My security will be at the cabin tomorrow to take us all to the plane. I'll have one of them collect it from here, and have it shipped to my house in Colorado." He strode for the door.

  Nick turned to look at Bryn, her suitcase in his hand. "Don't leave this room." They closed the door behind them.

  Chapter Six

  ~ Tempest and Torment ~

  Bryn turned on the water in the tiny shower, struggling with this morning's revelations. "Damn it! How the hell did all this happen?" She sat on the side of the tub. "It all started when I got stuck in the snow..." That hadn't turned out so bad; Nick and Conner had been wonderful. But, then she'd left, and all hell seemed to break loose. Now, her entire view of what was real, and what was not, was good and screwed.

  She pulled off her shoes then her sadly abused stockings. First, the idiot TV star that reeked of a sewer, wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, then she had a fight with Paula, over the same damned TV actor. Then, Nick and Conner came out of nowhere... "Telling me that I'm in trouble, and they're here to rescue me," she muttered to the water. "Only now I'm going to live with them because I'm in danger from movie-star vampires who want to eat my talent, so I'm out of my own apartment with no chance of even seeing it again..." She stepped under the water, letting the spray hit her face and chest. "This is just too fucked up for words."

  The water was good and hot. Bryn lowered her head, letting it pound the back of her neck and run down her spine. Her skin shivered and her muscles relaxed. So, she thought to herself. I'm going to live with Conner and Nick in Colorado? And Conner has a castle in Germany? She turned around and let the water soak her hair. Maybe it won't be so bad. She smiled into the water. I won't have work to get in the way of my writing.

  Bryn was rinsing the soap from her hair when she heard the hotel room door open. That was fast...

  The bathroom door opened and Bryn stomach did a slow, lazy sickening turn. Something wasn't right...

  "Wet and naked... Perfect."

  That wasn't Nick or Conner's voice. Bryn dashed the water from her eyes and the shower curtain was shoved open.

  "Miss me?" Boyd Ransom grinned nastily. He was still in his immaculate suit.

  Bryn gasped. What the hell was he doing in here? How the hell had he gotten in here? "Get out!" She shouted, furious.

  "Good idea..." Boyd reached in, grabbed her wrist and pulled her from the shower. Bryn tripped on the slippery edge of the tub, falling to her knees on the bathroom floor.

  "Good place for you." He wrestled her arms behind her back.

  "Get off me!" Bryn felt hard metal close around her wrists then heard the distinctive ratchet of handcuffs closing. "What are you doing?"

  "I'm collecting my property. Open wide."

  Bryn felt her wet hair grabbed, and her head was pulled back. She gasped. Boyd shoved a bar made of hard plastic into her mouth stretching it wide open, then pulled a strap over her head. She tried to scream but the rubber bar in her mouth muffled the sound. Using his hand to pin her head to the floor, he tightened straps on the back of her neck, across her forehead, over the top of her head, under her jaw... There was a tiny snick that sounded suspiciously like a lock. She could just make out large metal rings on the sides of her mouth with a leather strap linked to the rings like reins.

  "Amazing what you can find in a fantasy convention. I found the handcuffs and the human pony bridle at a fetish table. The rubber bit makes a nice gag, don't you think?" He wrapped the reins around his fist, stood and towed Bryn to her feet by the bridle. He grinned and jerked her head up. "This bridle is a lot more convenient than a leash and less likely to cause accidental strangulation. I should have thought of one of these before." He grabbed her elbow and shoved her toward the wall, where he knotted the reins to the old-fashioned and really solid, ceramic towel rack.

  A towel was dropped over Bryn's head and she was scrubbed dry from her hair down. Her face was too close to the wall to see what he was doing. She felt his hands on her butt.

  "Looks like some one gave you one hell of a spanking. Mind telling me who?" He chuckled. "Oh, I'm sorry, your mouth is occupied at the moment." He left her tied in the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. "Lets finish off this little illusion, shall we? Can't have you walking through the halls stirring up the wrong kind of interest."

  Bryn panicked. If he intended to leave the room, Conner and Nick might not find her. She jerked back as hard as she could but her neck wasn't strong enough to pull the ceramic towel rack from the wall or break the harness around her head. She wasn't going to get the rubber gag out of her mouth without hands, and they were handcuffed at
the small of her back.

  Boyd walked back in with a handful of black latex and a horse crop in his fist. Bryn aimed and lashed out with her best sidekick. Boyd was thrown back hard against the sink. Asshole, she thought with bitter triumph. She raised her knee for another kick.

  He lunged at her, swinging the horse crop. "Bitch!"

  Bryn dodged, but the knotted reins pulled her up short. The whip caught her on the thigh. She gagged from the pain and nearly fell. It felt like he had cut her leg open to the bone; her entire leg ached. She could feel the long welt swelling up on her thigh.

  "I am not in the mood to put up with your shit. Don't try that again." He came forward and buckled a long black skirt around her hips. It consisted of a narrow panel in the front and a broader panel for the back. The latex fell to her ankles. "That takes care of your crotch. Let's see..." He rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a broad roll of sheet latex. "This should take care of your tits." He wrapped it around her chest, giving her nipple a vicious pinch while he was at it. He wound the plastic three times before he was satisfied then pulled out a switchblade.

  Bryn flinched as he cut the plastic with the blade.

  "Learning respect I see. Good, you'll live longer." He unknotted the reins and wrapped them around his fist. "Time to go play." He grinned showing over-long canines. "I'm hungry."

  Bryn was hauled by the head from the bathroom into the bedroom then toward the door. She jerked to a halt. I can't leave! He pulled but she set her heels.

  Boyd's eyes narrowed. "Look, I have no problems dragging you across the floor you know." He raised the crop. "Or I can beat you." He swung.

  Bryn flinched, ducking away from the crop.

  Boyd opened the door. He used his foot to prop it open, and the crop to goad her out the door and into the hallway.

  Bryn fought like a madwoman, jerking back, kicking and shouting but the bit muffled her voice and mangled her pleas for help. No one understood her at all.

  Boyd laughed it off as curious onlookers watched. "Bad pony!" He swung the crop, catching her more than once on the thighs and waist. Slowly Bryn was bullied down the hall and into the elevator.

  Boyd shoved her face first, against the side of the elevator then pressed his full length along her back. He shoved the penthouse key into the panel. "I should have taken the time to dump a load of cum in you first." He whispered in her ear. "You would have been a whole lot more docile and obedient."

  Obedient my ass... Bryn tried to shove him off her.

  He grunted and pressed her harder against the elevator wall. "Now, I know Conner and Nick did not have this much trouble out of you."

  Bryn froze.

  "Oh yes," he said softly. "I smelled them all over your room. Of course Paula had no problems telling me who had walked off with you. She was nice enough to get me a key to your room too. As your agent, the front desk coughed it right up for her."

  Bryn blinked. Paula? Paula let him have the key to my room?

  The elevator rose, people got on, people got off... The numbers inched toward the penthouse floor.

  I have to get off this elevator! Bryn redoubled her efforts to push him off.

  "Why are you still fighting me? Not that I mind, your ass is rubbing against my dick and it's making me hard." He chuckled in her ear. "I can't wait to tell my brothers that we took another one of Conner's toys. Don't think that Conner will come for you, he left the last one with us." His fingers wormed their way under her skirt.

  Bryn stilled. Conner let him have the last one? She frowned. That didn't sound like him, it definitely didn't sound like something Nick would do. There had to be more to this story... Fingers burrowed into her and she gasped.

  "Wet pussy, my favorite."

  A hard shiver of erotic pleasure startled Bryn. She was still over-excited from the spanking and the sex that followed. The fact that they hadn't let her cum had only made it worse. Her body didn't care that a sadistic son of a bitch was stirring it, as long as it got what it wanted. His fingers flicked lightly on her clit and Bryn jolted with every touch. She closed her eyes, and tried not to moan. Her body wanted to cum very, very badly.

  Boyd sighed. "Now that's what I want to smell. Hot hungry pussy..." He chuckled. "And you smell good enough to eat."

  The door opened and Bryn was shoved out.

  "Privacy at last."

  She turned to see Boyd turn the key on the elevator. There was no way she was going to get back out without that key.

  "Lets get you situated." Boyd jerked on the reins and Bryn was pulled across the huge suite toward a metal frame that looked like a cut-off swing set, standing in front of the balcony windows. Two large comfortable chairs sat to either side of the frame, and a round table held all kinds of leather and wooden implements that Bryn did not want to examine closely.

  Boyd looped the reins around the bar over her head. "I probably need to dump two loads of cum in you before Conner and Nick's hold on you loosens enough to let me take command."

  What? Bryn stared at him in shock.

  Boyd raised a brow. "Oh, they didn't tell you?" He walked behind her and fiddled with the handcuffs. "Vampire cum acts like a drug. It makes you obedient to the vampire's control. I bet they told you not to leave the room, that's why you've been fighting so hard all this time. It's not really your fault. You're just operating under their compulsion."

  Bryn chewed on the bit. Was it true? Was she really under some kind of compulsion? She didn't think so, but she wasn't really sure. She couldn't think of any direct order from them that she had been forced to obey other than stay in the room, but she wouldn't have wanted to leave with this turd anyway... The handcuffs ratcheted free. She reached up to pull off the bridle but she couldn't figure out how to get it off, it had too many straps. The bar, and the knot to her reins, was just out of finger reach.

  Boyd grabbed her wrists and held them in one hand. "Nice try." He smiled and unwound a pair of manacles from the bar. "I'll let you loose as soon as I know I have total command over every thought in your head."

  Bryn fought, and struggled but he was too damned strong, and fast. In less than a minute he had her wrists buckled into leather cuffs that were chained to the bar over her head. She pulled with all her weight, but the frame didn't budge and her arms were spread too far apart to get her teeth on the manacle straps, even if she hadn't been wearing the rubber bit.

  She was well and truly caught. Damn it!

  Boyd walked around to the front and smiled at Bryn. He had taken off his jacket. He pulled out the switchblade and the blade snicked open. He stepped up close. "Hold very still, this is sharp." He slid the blade into the valley of her breasts. "Of course I don't mind a little blood." He pulled and the plastic wrapping her breasts slid free. He put the knife back in his pant's pocket.

  "Now, those are some really nice tits." He reached out and squeezed the soft globes. "Real too." His thumbs slid back and forth across the nipples until they swelled hard and firm. "Will you look at that? You're an easy touch." He slid an arm around her waist and jerked her up against his body. His ice-blue eyes stared into hers. "I bet I can make you cum in under a minute."

  Bryn trembled in his hold. This close, she could feel just how rancid he really was. She felt the scrape of sharp teeth on her throat.

  "I can't wait to take my first taste of your soul, Bryn Savage." His lips trailed down her throat. "I can smell just how good you're going to taste. There's so much potency in you that all five of us will be able to feed every fucking day for a week before we bleed your talent dry." Bryn shivered and he chuckled. "Oh, don't worry, as long as we leave a trace of your talent it'll come back." He stepped back and his fingers went to his shirt collar. "In a year, or two." He pulled his tie off then walked out of Bryn's eyesight. "Time to fuck, don't you think?"

  Bryn heard the jingle of a belt being opened. She pulled on her wrists. Damn it! Conner? Nick? Where the hell are you?

  Conner and Nick both looked up from the front desk then lo
oked at each other. "Did you hear that?" they both said at the same time.

  Conner tossed the pen down. "Shit. He's got her." They both ran for the main lobby elevator.

  "Sir? Your receipt!" the desk clerk called out. He looked down at the signature. "Oh my god!" he called over his fellow desk clerk. "Look at this! That really was..."

  The other desk clerk stared at the name on the credit card receipt. "Holy shit... Then that means the other guy was real too." They both stared after the two men fighting their way through the lobby crowd to get to the elevators.

  Boyd walked up behind Bryn and wrapped his arms around her. The heat of his cock pressed against the base of her spine. "Let's see how close I can get you to cumming before I can't take it anymore and have to shove my dick into you." He cupped her breast with one palm and rolled a nipple between his fingers.

  Bryn jolted as unwanted pleasure speared her core from her tormented nipple. What had Conner said? Something about, not being able to feed without her orgasm... She felt his other hand slide down her belly to slip between the plump lips of her pussy. His fingers gently explored the damp folds at the entrance to her body. She jerked her hips away but he held her tight against him.

  "Yes, that's it, fight it... Fight me," he whispered and caressed her throat with his lips. "Don't cum too soon. The longer you hold out, the more potent you'll be when I take you." His finger slid up into her.

  Bryn sucked air past the rubber bit, struggling to fight the rising tide of excitement. His fingers thrust within her, pushing her touch, by touch, closer to the explosive edge. He was good, too good. She wasn't sure she could hold out against his skill. If she didn't cum, he couldn't feed off her.

  He chuckled and curled his fingers stroking deep inside her. "Oh yes, I can feel you trembling. It won't be long now." He concentrated his efforts on her clit.

  Bryn moaned past the rubber bit and her body shuddered hard. It wanted to cum, she wanted to cum... No damn you, no! If she didn't cum, he couldn't feed off her. She brought up her knee fighting to keep from bucking against his hand in carnal greed. He pinched her nipple.


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