‘Don’t touch that,’ he warned his inquisitive daughter, whether it was the spike on which the bills were impaled, or the precarious pile of oil cans in a corner.
The rafters were used as repositories for various bits of small equipment. Harry, a kindly, middle-aged chap who wore greasy overalls and a flat cap, was amazingly athletic. He climbed a swaying ladder to retrieve items and sometimes swung perilously by one hand or hooked his knees round a rafter to reach what he was after. Harry was a jolly bachelor, but he had a twinkle in his eye when ladies were around. He was light on his feet at the church social dances, so he was popular in the Paul Jones. He hadn’t married, he said, because, ‘Who would put up with all the dirty washing, and all the noise, oil spills and smells?’
Megan agreed that the smells in the general stores, from sacks of meal to jars of mint humbugs were nicer! Her favourite thing was watching Mattie press dollops of yellow ice cream into cones. She waited her turn, until the queue of kids was satisfied.
The hamlet was expanding all the time, with more folk settling and building there. It was fast becoming a small town, with a bandstand and a war memorial, in the form of a cross, dedicated to those who died in the Great War. Half a dozen men were honoured belatedly. The local newspaper opened a one-room office, with a barber’s shop above, and Harry’s nephew had smartened up an old property into a café, which was proving very popular.
There were no evergreens on the prairie, but plenty of deciduous trees, many of which reminded Mattie of home, like ash, box elder and willow. The willows, together with cottonwoods, were always near water. Mattie loved to watch the lofty silver-maple trees in her garden, planted by their predecessors, from her kitchen window, when she was standing at the sink. Silvery leaves shimmered, twirled and danced in the breeze, as if in time to the music from the wireless. Mattie thought that a wonderful invention!
There was one last foraging expedition to gather wild fruits that fall. Griff and Mattie hurried through their morning chores in order to keep their promise to Megan and Gretchen to take a picnic lunch up the hillside.
‘Why? Why’?’ Megan demanded to know, when she saw things that caught her imagination on their walk to Hickory Hill, known as Old Hick. She pointed out the rock piles which appeared to have been placed haphazardly on the outer edges of the fields.
‘Ask Dad,’ Mattie said, with a sigh.
Griff told his daughter. ‘I’m not sure if you can understand it yet, but you will, when you learn about it at school. There were ancient glaciers – I’ll show you a picture in a book when we get back home – and these great blocks of ice melted and the rocks were left. The settlers had to dig them out of the ground before they could plough it. That’s how they got piled up like this.’
Gretchen had been listening attentively too. ‘You know my friend Kjetl? Well, he was ploughing with the horses once on his dad’s farm and the plough hit a huge rock and he was thrown in the air, but somehow he landed back in the seat and not on the ground. Every bone in his body was jarred. His dad said the same thing had happened to him when he was a boy, so lightning does strike twice in the same place—’
‘You said it was the plough, not lightning!’ Megan interrupted.
‘Something I do know,’ Mattie said now. ‘The Indians found a lot of uses for these rocks before the settlers piled ’em up. They made hammers, axes, and ground seeds with the rocks. My friend Treesa, at Moose Jaw, told me that. When the Indians moved from place to place, before the pioneers came, they used the stones to hold down the edges of their tepees. I haven’t seen one yet, but they say there are circles of stones to show where they camped.’
They had arrived at the slopes. Nimble Megan ran ahead, pausing only to pluck a few currants still clinging to the shrubs, and eating them, because she couldn’t wait for Gretchen to come up with the basket.
‘Don’t touch that prickly cactus!’ Mattie called out in warning. She knew her daughter would find those smooth oval berries tempting now that they had turned from green to a ripe red.
‘You can eat ’em,’ Gretchen asserted, ‘but they’re all sticky jelly inside and full of seeds. Don’t worry, Missus, I heard Megan yelp when she got too near them spines….’
Megan knew better than to pick the little wild plums. The locals said they were poisonous, but Mattie suspected that they were tasteless, with tough skins like the ones back home. They weren’t worth canning. ‘Leave them for the wildlife,’ as Mattie said.
They ate their cheese-and-pickle sandwiches and ginger cake and drank tea from the flask. Megan was reprimanded for throwing her crusts into the bushes. She had an answer, of course. ‘I’m feeding the wildlife, Mommy.’
While Mattie and Gretchen cleared up the remains of the picnic, Griff and Megan went exploring further up Old Hick.
‘When the snow comes,’ Griff told his daughter, ‘We’ll come up here with a sledge and slide down all the way to the bottom!’
‘Promise, Dad, promise!’
‘All right, I promise. But in return, you must help your mom fill the baskets, eh?’
He watched as she hurried ahead, to fulfil her part of the bargain. Megan will be five this Christmas, he thought, and it won’t seem long before she starts school, after that. Maybe I’ll never have a little son to work with me on the farm, but Bert was right, when he said Megan is a girl and a half! She takes after my lovely Mattie, of course….
Griff felt in his inside pocket for his sketchpad and charcoal. He was in the habit of ‘capturing the moment’ where his daughter was concerned. They had quite a gallery of sketches pinned to the living-room walls. Mattie had been inspired by these to write a diary of ‘the dairy on the prairie’ as she called it. ‘One day,’ she said, ‘we’ll put our pictures and prose together and make a book!’
Later, when they were in bed, and Megan was fast asleep, still with traces of purple from the squashed berries on her hands and round her mouth, for as Mattie said, ‘They are just like indelible ink! You need several good washes to remove them,’ Griff hugged Mattie close and whispered: ‘It was a good day, wasn’t it? One for the diary!’
‘Mmm,’ she agreed.
‘D’you ever regret coming here, Mattie?’
‘Never,’ she said firmly.
‘We haven’t been able to keep our promise to visit home. It’ll be nine years next spring since we left Southampton, after all.’
‘They understand, Griff. We can’t afford to take time off work.’
‘I know – but I don’t like not to keep my word.…’
‘You’re a very honourable person, Griff, and I love you for it,’ she said.
They always looked forward to the Christmas mail. There were birthday cards for Megan, of course, cards with warm greetings from family and friends, the ones from back home depicting snow scenes, not unlike here!
Mattie particularly enjoyed catching up with the once-a-year correspondents. This included Grace, with news of her family and recent changes in circumstances.
Dear Mattie and Griff,
Tommy graduated with honours from high school this summer. He applied, and was accepted by the Canadian Air Force. His ambition is to be a pilot. His father would have been so proud. The base is not too far from home, but he has not had a long leave yet.
Dear Mrs Mack has retired and I have at last regained my status as Housekeeper! I have staff under me now, and a good stipend.
These events have given me courage to sort out my marital arrangements. Edwin has moved into Tommy’s room, and Lydia is sharing with me.
She is nine years old now but I have refused to allow her to work towards her keep, as Tommy had to do. Lydia and her father get on well; he found it easier to be a father when she was no longer a baby.
You asked in your letter if I had seen Mungo lately. The answer is no. He wrote to Tommy to congratulate him on his success.…
Mattie sighed as she read the last paragraph of Grace’s letter. Such a pity, she thought,
that Grace and Mungo had met at the wrong time. Their attraction for each other had been immediate and strong, but they resisted temptation to take things further. Yet, life had obviously taken a positive turn and Grace and her family were doing well.
‘Good for Tommy,’ Griff said, when he heard about his ambitions.
The mail arrived at breakfast time. Mattie put the birthday cards and a couple of parcels addressed to Megan to one side. She must wait a few days! There was a letter from Sybil. Mattie handed it to Griff. ‘You open that one!’
Griff glanced at the content, showed surprise, then read aloud:
Dear Mattie and Griff,
I apologize for not being in touch lately, but as you will see from the following, I have been very preoccupied!
Since Rufus passed away I have been caring for my parents, both suffering from increasing bad health, with help from my faithful Hilda, without whom I could not have coped. I had to get a manager in to deal with the farm – I have no talent in that respect.
I lost my father six weeks ago, and my mother only three weeks and two days later. As you may know, my parents were in their early forties when I was born, I am their only child, they were both over eighty, so it has not been such a shock as it was when Rufus died at just over the age of fifty.
I have already decided what to do. Money is no longer a worry. The farm will be sold, lock, stock and barrel. I have nothing to keep me here. I think of you as my family. If it can be arranged, I would like to join you in North Dakota, but only if that is what you want, too. There is the usual problem, in that I will need sponsors. Can I ask for your assistance in this respect?
As farm life has proved not to be the one for me, I would be looking to live in a nearby town, and would hope to be involved in a project dear to my heart, but also to see you often and I would be very willing to help in times of need.
I shall see that Hilda is set up for the rest of her life. She wishes to remain in England.
Please think this over carefully, and let me know what you decide. It would probably take several months to come about.
It would mean so much to me to be with you and to meet your lovely daughter.
May I wish you all a joyful Christmas, and Megan, a happy birthday.
With fondest love from Sybil.
‘Well, what do you think?’ Griff asked Mattie.
‘I think we should do all we can this end to make it possible. I know she says to think it over, but that’s my immediate reaction, and yours, I’m sure.’
‘Thank you,’ he said quietly. ‘Sybil, I always felt, was on my side when Rufus was being difficult. Minot would be the place for her. Shall I write and say yes?’
‘Tell her it will mean a lot to us, to have her around,’ Mattie said. She felt a familiar pang: if only Evie would come here too, wouldn’t that be wonderful?
There were no deliveries to make on Christmas Day, though the cows still had to be milked. No Bert to help out this year, as he had to work over the Christmas period, but would have two days off later to spend with his family. Gretchen and Kjetl had offered to help in the morning and evening. ‘We have our main celebration on Christmas Eve,’ Gretchen said.
She didn’t ask about Bert, and Mattie felt a little sad that her romantic notions regarding Gretchen and Bert had not come to anything. Maybe it was because Bert was not one for writing letters. But she also guessed that the Norwegians liked the thought of marrying one of their own. It strengthened the ties between them, working together for the common good. They were generous too with support for their neighbours.
The living-room floor was awash with Christmas and birthday wrappings as Megan tore her parcels open, sitting in her warm dressing-gown on the rug before the fire, on Christmas morning.
She was pleased with all her presents, even the white box containing a pair of new school shoes with stout soles and high, laced fronts. The shoes were put to one side, the box would shortly become a doll’s house at her mother’s suggestion. Transparent, coloured wrapping from toffees eaten before breakfast, and silver paper which had contained chocolate coins would make stained-glass windows and tiny cutlery. There was a little cardboard cut-out clown with paper-fastener joints and strings to manipulate to make him dance; Megan would colour the clown with her crayons later. She had a pile of books which would keep her happily absorbed all winter.
‘You are a very lucky girl,’ Mattie observed.
‘I know,’ Megan said happily.
The workers were almost blown through the door by the wind, in a flurry of snow. They had cold, red hands which they held out gratefully to the glowing fire.
‘My teeth are still chattering,’ Gretchen said ruefully.
Mattie had laid on a second breakfast for them, and when they warmed up they moved to the table where Griff carved thick slices of crumbed pink gammon, not the usual curls of ham that his wife and daughter preferred. Megan insisted that the boiled eggs should sit in the precious egg-cups decorated with brightly coloured cockerels which were the set her parents had brought from England.
‘The cockerels didn’t lay the eggs!’ she told them solemnly.
‘I somehow didn’t think they did,’ Kjetl said, equally straight-faced.
Mattie was not feeling too well; she had a thumping headache and a sore throat. She had dosed herself with hot lemon and honey and swallowed two aspirin first thing. She didn’t want to say anything and spoil their enjoyment of Christmas Day. They had attended church on Christmas Eve, and it was then that she had experienced the shivery aches and pains which usually meant she was developing a cold.
Griff glanced at her with concern, but knew she would be cross if he commented.
‘Well,’ Gretchen said, looking at Kjetl, ‘time for us to go home, I think.’
‘Snowing quite hard now,’ Griff observed, peering out of the window. ‘Still, the worst hit is North Forks, I hear on the wireless.’
‘Snow – oh good!’ Megan wasn’t interested in a place she’d not heard of before. ‘Don’t forget your promise, Dad – to pull me on the new sledge to Old Hick, will you?’
‘Not today. You and Mommy must keep warm indoors. Thank you for your kind help this morning, Gretchen and Kjetl. Wish your families a good Christmas.’
‘You sure you can manage this afternoon by yourself?’ Kjetl asked diffidently.
‘Yes, don’t worry, but I will be glad to see you tomorrow.’
‘We can do the deliveries for you,’ Kjetl offered.
‘Oh, are you old enough to drive?’ Griff asked.
‘We have both been driving round the farm since we were ten years old,’ Gretchen put in. ‘But Kjetl is seventeen and he can officially drive now.’
‘We’ll see, it depends on the weather – we may have to pull the sled after all!’
‘We can do that!’ they chorused.
When they had gone, Griff said to Mattie: ‘Those Norwegian kids – they really thrive on hard work, don’t they?’
‘Did you know that Kjetl’s little brother catches gophers for bounty money?’
Before her dad could answer, Megan butted in, ‘Oh Dad, please can we catch gophers when we go to Old Hick, and buy lots of sweets with the money?’
‘The gophers have sharp teeth, they gnaw at trees and burrow down in the soil to eat the roots of crops, but you won’t have good teeth, if you eat any more toffee!’
By late afternoon Mattie was aware of a pain behind her ribs. She was sweating too, not just from the heat of the fire. Griff returned from the afternoon milking looking forward to turkey sandwiches and Christmas cake, having worked off the effects of a splendid dinner that only he could have done justice to. He found Mattie lying on the sofa with a cold flannel pressed to her brow, and Megan playing quietly with her dancing clown. No repast.
He tried a feeble joke. ‘Rather a repeat of five years ago, eh?’
Mattie struggled to sit up. ‘How can you say that!’ She wept. ‘At least I knew what was going o
n, then – and there was something good about to happen – Megan!’
‘Yes, me,’ Megan said uncertainly. It wasn’t like her mother to be ill.
‘You’re very hot,’ Griff told Mattie. ‘You do have a high temperature this time. You need to rest in bed. I’ll fill the stone hot-water bottle first.’
‘Can we play snap?’ Megan wheedled, showing her father her new cards.
‘Let me just make Mommy comfortable, first. Then we’ll have cake and mince pies and then we’ll play cards – is that a bargain?’
‘I think so.’ Megan wasn’t really sure what a bargain was.
‘You must be tired,’ poor Mattie said, as Griff slipped her nightdress over her head. She allowed him to help her into bed, to pile pillows behind her. She stretched her feet, clad in thick bedsocks, on to the warmth of the stone bed-warmer.
‘I’m all right,’ Griff insisted. He’d filled the water jug on the bedside table. ‘I’d better keep my promise to Megan. I’ll look in on you again soon….’
‘You’re so kind – I love you,’ she said faintly.
‘And I love you,’ he told her. She mustn’t know that he was worried sick about her. If things became worse, how could he go for the doctor, leave her and Megan?
By 8 p.m. when Megan was in bed, Mattie was worse. Every breath she took made her gasp with the searing pain in her chest. She clung desperately to Griff.
They didn’t hear the first knock on the door until it was loudly repeated. Griff disengaged himself gently and hurried to see who was calling.
Gretchen and her father stood there, muffled in heavy coats and scarves, stamping their feet to warm them. ‘Gretchen tell me your wife look not well. She ask me to bring her back to help you out,’ Mr Larsen said in his slow, accented English.
‘Thank God you’re here!’ Griff pulled them inside.
The visitors took one look at Mattie and acted swiftly.
‘I got my truck outside and snow chains if I need them. I go for the doctor,’ Mr Larsen decided. ‘Gretchen get steaming kettle in room to help her breathe.’
The Watercress Girls Page 16